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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
Member Since
Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Remember that pic I showed you all yesterday, yeah, if you don't know what I mean, then scrool down a wee bit to the alst post and look at it. GO! Well, I wrote that! Yes, I found out soeones photobucket account by accident! Yup. I won't say who, duh, but, my friend and I were looking at pics, LP pics, and we said, "I wonder if I can guess this dudes password" and the first thing I typed in, Shinoda, was it! So, I wrote that and put it on there photobucket as a warning, cause if I can guess their password in one guess, then anyone can!
So, that as really amusing, and my friend and I were laughing our asses off!
Umm.. baseball game today, gotta tell hockey coach I'm no longer trying out... umm... hmm... hopefully I will get my math test back soon. Going to the science lab again today to do a wicked cool experiment! It hall be fun, playing with posinious and corrisive materials! *evil grine* I like it! j/k
Anyway, pic was uploaded yesterday, and I got my happy SJ yesterday to, I just never told you all then, and I think I have TONS of pics to draw now! I can't ait another month for the next one! I wanna know what happens in One Piece! Thats all I read lol.
Anyway, you'll probably see another one or two sweet pics today, so, laterz all! (sorry its long) |
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Ah, what stress releif!
I don't think I mentioned it earlier, but last night, I was sick to my stomach, majorly, about the hockey thing. I won't say why, I just was. And this morning, I wanted to cry. Anyway, I don't wanna do it anymore, so, I gotta go tell the teacher dude at my school I don't wanna try out anymore. Man, Joe will be asking me questions bout it now. Damn. Well, after I said to myself I was just ganna quit, I felt really releive, like you wouldn't BELEIVE!
So, I had my HUGE math test today, easy as pie1 Got my SJ, and I am soooo in a One Piece mood ^_^ Can't stop drawing it either. MEh, can't complain I love it!
Also, my baseball team ade the playoffs! Yeah! So, we gotta play a game tomorrow in Sussex. Great ^_^ I'm ganna go get that pic and scan it, cause everyone wants to see it.
AND, last thing, the results to the art contest should be in the next few days ^_~
BIG EDIT!!!: Um, I borrowed Tsubra (sp?) from a friend, she let me read it, then borrow it. Anyway, its amazing! I love "Mr. Black" lol. Thats waht they call him. Hes the best dudes! Anyway, I'm lending her my ZOIDS manga tomorrow in return. later.
Have any of you seen this on Photobucket? please reply.
EDIT AGAIN: I just have to much to say damnit! Well, I was lookign in a dictionary, and, well, my friend and I found out a Demon is a guenis, and such, so, I said to my friend "look, see, we are demons!" HAHAHA! yeah... |
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5099, what a funny number,never thought I'd see that!
Thats my visits total. Wierd no?
Anyway, oh, I really think, that my school should put me in some enriched program or something. I have aced (meaning, got 100%) on every single test we have taken. I dunno bout anyone else, but thats me. Man, that has never happened before! I know when I get my english test back, it'll be some sick horrible mark, but a pass, but, I naturally suck at english. Always that way.
Enough of my stupid rambling! Umm... I drew a picture yesterday in the hall at noon. Its a marine from One Piece, he is funny ^_^ I'll upload him soon.
Dumb de dum. Lost our ball game last night, with a vengence! Yup, I don't know the score, but during the game, it rained whenever our team was on the feild, not theres, poured even, then stopped, we only got one run in I think, meh. Who cares, it was a bad day, we swithced pitchers 6 times!!! lol
One last thing. Remember that time I said I was maybe ganna play goalie or backup for my high school. Well, funny thing. There is a meeting for the girls hockey tomorrow. I need to give the coach $20 and everyone else does as well, so we can use the ice. Then, I need a pair of hockey pants, and a throat guard for TOMORROW! The coach called me at 5 to 10 last night to tell me too. Asshole.... well, thats gotta be gotten, but I dunno where from! I also don't think we can get it. Damnit... screwed.
Sorry for the long post, my ramblings. ARG, I should have written this last night.. -_- meh, can'tbe bothered.
ARG! here is the link for the art site, a clickable will not work, cause myO keeps messing it up. |
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Monday, October 4, 2004
And the next train just crashed in Cody town...
Yeah, #19, wtf? Meh, at least I'm not the only stone sinking.
Umm... my dickwad lil bro stole the comp again this morning.... oh, how I hope mom will soon buy him a crappy lil computer like he wants! *sighs*
ANYWAY, I went to Matt's house yesterday (Smiley) And we played SSX3, and I broke soooo many records! Its one of the games I got with the ps2. Its almost as good ad 1080, but it has some better parts and such ^_^ Overall, I'm extremely pleased!
So, thats bout it, I had tyo do a stupid lab report, and a dumb wierd art drawing for today, but meh, they got done.... somehow.... anyway, I shall be off, oh, and glad everyone liked the "first post" idea, we shall HOLD AN EVENT! MUHAHAHAHHAAHHA!
EDIT: The link for Sessh's art contest. Go here to see the pics, I just kinda threw this site together.. sort of...
Sessh's art contest |
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
Retro Cody ^_^
This is my very first post. I'm bored, so I went looking back in time. Its pretty gay, I know. Yeah, and I noticed, that half the people on my guestbooks very first page, I'm still friends with! Okay, so, heres my very first post.
SUBJECT: Wow! Pokemon
Ohhh yeah! Who is stouped to check out the new season of Pokemon? I know I am! Season six. How does that sound, OLD! And finally, Ash changes cloths, and that anoying Misty is outta there!! No but seriously now, I can't believe the amout of new Pokemon that the creatures are spitting out. I mean 500! That's just to many names and stats to take in at once! But it is good that Pokemon is hitting the top of the charts again, just like when it was first introduced in Canada and the US. (I'm Canadian and that's why I put Canada first, no disreaspect to Americans) It's like a Pokemon fans paridise, with all the new games, Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Saphire, Pokemon Pinball-Ruby & Saphire, the new Pokemon TCG cards-Ex Ruby & Saphire, and all those movies! Like how many are there now, five, six maybe?(Mewtwo vs. Mew, 2000, Spell of the Unknown, 4 Ever, and soon to come, Pokemon Heroes, starring Latios & Latias) Well, this is the sad, but expected end of my very first(but not last) Pokemon rant. If you have any Pokemon questions or anything about the anime and cartoon titles I carry, don't hasitate to e-mail me at Gotta blast!
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It had no paragraphs or anything. Ammusing ain't it? I think everyone should post a replay of there very first post. If you will, tell me, and I'll make it a big event! ^_^
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Wheres my bed?
I wanna go to sleep again... I think.. oh, I dunno what I wanna do right now. The music in my headphones is to loud, and it keeps playing Sum 41, STOP IT!
Okay, well, glad everyone liked those pics, they were pretty awesome I think ^_^ And, we got that PS2 last night. Of course, since its a CHristmas present, we can't play it till then, meh. But my dad said today, we can play with it, to make sure everything works. Cool. My bros are playing now, but I only wanna play SSX3! Hehehe!
Umm... yeah, thats all I guess, I'm wearing the same cloths are yesterday casue I fell asleep in them, and have no energy to change yet. Meh..... *head hits table* ow, now I have a headache! I want some chocolate, and I'm hungary.. meh. later all. |
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
I am bored out of my freaking tree! ARG! Anywayyy.. my new piccy is up, Zoro, gott love em. Well, seeing I'm bored, here is a list of MY bishis!
Rononoa Zoro
Horo Horo
Duke Devlin
I think thats all. Some are more loved then others, like Vegeta, and Zoro, blah blah blah,here are some pics. Enjoy ^_^ (wait for them to load, its way worth it!)

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Wow, I'm really getting into it! ^_^
Yeah, Gundam SEED and SD Gundam, I can't even wait anymore to watch them. I watched SEED last nigth, and just finished watching SD. I'm totally addicted to those shows, and SEED is amazing!
Anyway, peeps who want to send in a pic for SesshTaisho's fanart contest, can still send them in.
The rules are that they must be of an already existing anime, and please email them to, thats my email, and I'll put them on the site, which I will give you a link to later. Be sure to put your name on it to, so it can be identifyed. Sessh and I are doing the voting, and this is Sessh's contest, so, she can tell you the prize if you win.
Now, heres another LP pic, and I made something cool from LP last night, and I'll post it up later today. Also, I need to resubmit the two pics I submitted last time, because you can see the other pics in my sketch book behind them, so, yeah, later, and another one is coming today. Laters all.

I dunno if I posted this before, but meh.
EDIT: I forgot to mention the eruption of Mt. Saint Helens yesterday. Here in Canada they called it "when a volcano burps" which I thought was pretty funny. Just a bunc of smoke and rock, but its feared to MAYBE erupt soon, but they highly doubt it will compare to the 80's eruption. |
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Friday, October 1, 2004
Meh, I lost the student coucil election. Meh. I tell ya though, 7/8 of the peeps in the theatre at the presentation, at noon, were french kids (when I say this I mean, french emersion, I call then french kids, or frenchies)So, really, the three of us english kids, had ZERO chance of winning right there! Meh. I don't care, and yesy, two frenchies won it. Meh again.
I'm making a cool LP banner today to. It'll be cool ^_^ Also, someone sent me two pics to make them CME Inc. banners, but I lost the email address for that person, so, could they please email me again?
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What a messed day
Yeah, yesterday, my comp mesed me right up! It took nearly an hour for onewingedangle and I (we were chatting) to figure out how to make a browser window open for me. Eventually, He said, I could get on through my docs, and it worked. Now, I'm glad it did, becaise a browser window STILL will not open. Meh, at least I can get on ^_^
Anyway, because of that, I never saw everyones sites, but I will try this morning, but I can't get everyone though, so please bare with.
Also, won or ball game last night 14 - 12. It was awesome, we were leading 10 - 0 after 2 innings ^_^
Anyway, also got over 5000 hits. It was 5009 last night, I dunno what it is this morning. Speech is today, thanks everyone for wishing me luck. Hope I win ^_^

EDIT: One thing I lost throught the comp probs, is that lil bar on the bottom showing loading times, and urls and what not. Meh. |
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