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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Guys, read the last poost if ya want, but I'm back, thanks to the best comp dude around, onewingedangle! It you weren't around then, he saved my site beofre, I almost delelted it, cause the intro got taken over. But, I'm back, uploaded two pics, and another coming tomorrow. Laterz all! |
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This is Smiley, posting for beyblader. She is getting me to write this because she cannot open a browser window at all. She said shes tried everything, and she'll try again later, so, she can't go to your sites right now, but don't worry, cause she will come when ever it starts working again, oh, and she said she won her ball game 14 - 12. |
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HAHA! Stupid lil bro, beat that!
I got up before my lil bro. HAHAH! He can't steal the comp now! AHAHHAHA sucker.
Anyway, thanks for your support yesterday. That was really nice, oh, and to answer a question, I only need to present my speech to the grade 9's, and they are the only ones allowed to vote to.
Umm... my rank dropped to 17 this morning, but I really don't care. But I am almost at 5000 visits! Thats alot!! o.O I'm at 4994, so, today I will probably break the barier.
Gotta an away ball game today, somewhere in town. So... I won't be back till round 8:00 or 9:00pm. And, um, I'll try and scan those pics today, cause I bet you are curius to see, especially since I told XxLinkinParkxX I had 2 specil LP one for him ^_^ Gotta jet, later.
EDIT: WHOA! I just seen theOtaku Re-Defined! HOLY SHIT! I nearly chocked to death when I saw it! Check it out!!!!!
EDIT 2: When you post comments anywhere, it says "fatal error", but, it still posts your comment, so don't freak out, like Chickenburger did. lol. ^_^ |
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry. Yeah, sorry again. Iwasn't on this morning, meh, what can ya do. My lil bro got to the comp first. Meh.
Anyway, We won our baseball game ^_^ Yup. It was GREAT! We won 17 - 15, and had three five run innings in a row. YEAH! I got home 2-2 yup, go me, and made a wicked ass catch!
Now, I wrote my student council speech today, right now accually, just finished, and I gotta do a lab report soon, umm... tomorrow sounds good ^_^ Anyway, the election for the grade 9 candidates is Friday. Yuppers.
No time to scan pics, sorry, soon though, I will be to sites now ^_^ |
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Linkin Park says it all...
I swear, its like that! I had the worlds WORST day!
Heres the shortest version, with zero details.
School: Put up my posters, peeps ripped some done. Very depressing.
After school: Rained.. meh, but I ahd a yummy chicken burger ^_^
Baseball: THIS IS SICK DUDES! The ump, I SWEAR was paid to screw with me. He is SUPPOSED to be my friend, but NOOO!!! He called me out TWICE on plays where I was as safe as a church on bases! My god, BURN MARK BURN!!! Then, they fucked with us when we wanted to call the game cause it was really dark, and the time limit was up to play. Remember yesterday, how the other team called it to win? We tried, and SHOULD have been allowed, but the other ump is ALWAYS mean to our team and said we had to play. He is ALWAYS like that, I'm not just saying it cause I'm angry either. Anyway, coach got thrown, and we lost cause of the god damned umps.
Home: Easyily described... hell! Parents threatening to disconnect internet for good and forever, cause they say we fight to much, when we never did anything. Stupid. I cried, and won them over. es, being a whiner is good most times! Little brother is ganna get his head through the wall soon to, by me.
Anyway, sorry its long, I ahve alot of anger right now, and needed a good rant. Come on peeps, I KNOW your alive! Send me some feedback ^_~

Fear me
EDIT: Scanning art pics tomorrow, I got a 10/0 on the newest to. ^_^ |
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My bad, sort of.
Yeah, really sorry, I wasn't online after school at any time. That sucked. Now, I hope this doesn't effect anything. Here, I'll even tel ya why, which is basically my day ^_^
When I got home, I left half an hour later for my softball game. It was a great game, we played an undefeated team! We WOULD have won, but we exceed our time limit to play, and lost my two. (only two hour max playing time, stupid rule, we would have whooped them good, because the inning before, we rocked!)
Next, I came home, mom was in a bad mood, I dunno why, and she was being bossy, annoying, and then made sick weird potatoes, and this weird turnup and carrot thing. I didn't wanna eat either, but I couldn't get away with that, so I ate the potatoes, and whatever else we had for supper.
Then, during supper, a fight broke out between me and her, and yeah, I didn't wanna talk to her, a vise versa. So, when I was in my room, and finished my homework, I wrote her a letter, then went down stairs and gave it to her.
After about... umm... I dunno, an hour or hour and a half, we had a lil "talk" downstairs to discuss some stuff, like things I wrote in the letter (what annoyings me, what I think of differenet people, what I ahte etc. Nothing bad)
Then we got it all worked out, and I went on my way. And here I am! Tried printing posters for my student Council thing, printer messed up, dad fixed it, I now have cute posters! ^_^ lol.
So, sites I missed yesterday, sorry. I can't go to them. If you want, you can tell me what they were about, if you wanna. I have another softball game after school again, but this time, I shall return! lol. |
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Monday, September 27, 2004
Here be the bits and peices ^_^
Here are some bits and peices from yesterdays post. The reason I am re-posting them is because only only person read them, and there are answers to question you all asked yesterday. Anyway, here it goes:
"To answer a few questions. First, the LPU you pay $25 dollars when you join, and then you have a 1 year member ship. Anyway, yeah.
Also, I play softball, yeah, I ketp forgetting to say that I think ^_^
Next, the time keeping meeting went well. Yup, only ended up being an hour long, so I had to wait for my dad. Then the umpier meeting was fun. I talked to my friend Stacy (shes 21) whos also an ump, thats how I met her. Shes really cool. Anyway, she was telling me bout tournamants I can go to at my age and everything, and shes ganna help me out alot ^_^ Shes so awesome.
Well.... I beleive thats all.. oh, and I've been playing Megeman Command Mission for the gamecube, my big bro rented it, and its kickass dude! He says he's ganna buy it to. One last thing, I came up with an idea for my bros and I to put all the money my grandfather sends my mopm each year to buy us Chrsitmas presents, and buy a PS2. So, today, my mom found an add for a brand new PS2 with five games, only one I hate, and a crap load of other things for $275, and shes getting it for us Saturday! ^_^ Its sweet! Catch ya'll later now!"
Okay, so yeah. Thats the post.. and, nothign else beyond that happened. So, I shall be around to site. Oh, and eysterday, the pics weren't working, cause Photobucket was really acting up, but its fine now.
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
To answer and ask.
To answer a few questions. First, the LPU you pay $25 dollars when you join, and then you have a 1 year member ship. Anyway, yeah.
Also, I play softball, yeah, I ketp forgetting to say that I think ^_^
Umm.. my question to you all is, do the pics show up for everyone? Cause two don't work all of a sudden for me...
Next, the time keeping meeting went well. Yup, only ended up being an hour long, so I had to wait for my dad. Then the umpier meeting was fun. I talked to my friend Stacy (shes 21) whos also an ump, thats how I met her. Shes really cool. Anyway, she was telling me bout tournamants I can go to at my age and everything, and shes ganna help me out alot ^_^ Shes so awesome.
Well.... I beleive thats all.. oh, and I've been playing Megeman Command Mission for the gamecube, my big bro rented it, and its kickass dude! He says he's ganna buy it to. One last thing, I came up with an idea for my bros and I to put all the money my grandfather sends my mopm each year to buy us Chrsitmas presents, and buy a PS2. So, today, my mom found an add for a brand new PS2 with five games, only one I hate, and a crap load of other things for $275, and shes getting it for us Saturday! ^_^ Its sweet! Catch ya'll later now!
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Hehe, Cody very tired...
Yes, I woke at 10:00am. Accually, I twisted and turned for the last.. hmm.... three hours, slightly awake. Meh. I've been busy, so I'm tired.
So, thanks for ur congrates everyone, and I'll try my hardest on the next four straight game... thats ganna be a killer!
Umm.. oh yeah! My wnter job shall be kicking in soon, cause I have a time keepers clinic to learn the new clock today, thats at 12:00-1:30, and also, I have an umpieres meeting at a local resturant called Holly's, just down the road, at the mall from me. Its all payed for, whatever ewe eat. lol. I love that lil bit ^_^
And.... hmmm..... I think... if my parentsgive me allowance again this winter, and I have enough money to buy my SJ and Anime Insider's, then I'm ganna join the LPU (Linkin Park Underground) It costs $25, but you get alot of stuff every year, like posters, special cds, tshirts. Its really cool.
Anyway, I'm done, oh, and SoulStealer likes to use alot of "wells" lol. I thought that was really funny dude ^_^
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
YEAH! We own our game agian! Go us! I made a deal with everyone that if we win two in a row, we all wear our jerseys to school Monday, so, YEAH! ALSO, got softball on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday... -_- yeah...
OH and I'm running for grade nine student council postittion. There are two spots. I have NO clue what I'm doing yet, and my speech is goning on Friday!
Yeah, and I got like, 6 chocolate bars today ^_^ 5 Kit Kats, and an Areo. GO me! ALSO, my lil bros friend is over for his birthday. Its accually Smiley's lil bro. Those two are evil together.. *sighs*
So... Thats about it... I think... yup.... |
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