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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
lol, there was no fire in the pit, and because I praised the US, I would like it if you all cheered for Canada tonight! |
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Oh, my god!!!
I was like, wtf? I had.. let me count.... 6 gb entries! DUDE! I'm on a half hour morning mission here! lol.
Well, it being morning, and I told you all bout yesterday, oh wait, ..... my bros and I went outside, and practised jumping things... I mean, huge chairs, big bushes, and a fire pit, in my back yard, then we lined all the objects up, and did them all! ^^ I made it through our whole course.
Well, yeah, and the US beat Russia last night, and I'll say, I NEVER saw that coming! The US were 0-3, and the Russians... ummm.. weren't! So, BE HAPPY DAMNIT! lol.
Well, gotta jet, I'll be round after school, some more. |
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
School whoa!
Wow! What a wird place high school is! I only have five periods, and such. My teachers are cool, most of them, so far. Heres my sheduale for those who care.
1. Science
2. Music/Art (music one day, art the next, then music, and so on)
3. Math
4. S.S.
5. English
On tuesdays and thursdays, english and S.S. swich places, yeah, weird, I know!
So, I had a preety fun time! Alot of people talking, and boring me, but meh! UI have art tomorrow also, and onyl did work in S.S., which only took me a few min.
My best friend is in my class, and such, yup, I'm cool with my teachers so far, they sound like easy work people, adn my homeroom teacher, I nkow him from my trip to Quebec, he was a parent who came along! So, were good buds, as I would put it!
Yup, so, I'm good now, and all chilled! Walked to school with my big bro, asked him questions, and we talked bout funyy things. It was fun! ^_^ How bout everyone elses day? Tell me bout em is ya want! ^_^ Laterz! |
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Its umm.. 6:44am, and I'm on the comp. Yup, this is what I gotta wake up for in order to get to the comp before my lil bro and right to you guys. Such a dman hassle! Well, hope you appreiate it! loo.
Thanks to EVERYONE who comment yesterday, ur all very sweet people, for cheering me up, and telling me whats its like, something my big bro isn't good at explaining. So, thanks so much again guys, you don't know how happy I am about thjat, and especially KanuckGrl, for her time, to write that logn comment bout everything. Thanks so much dude!
Well, I must say, my mom is now trying to control everything now, she is trying to make us eat things we hate, oh yes, is she ever! And TRYING to control our comp time. doesn't work on me, cuse she wants us to do more homework, and blah blah balh, but everything she said we need to do, during school, I do, and then some, so, she can't bug me bout the comp, plyus, we all protested, and I think she gave up.
Not to mention, that all my mom and I did yesterday was fight, bout the comp, which she started, me not having a clue, my lil bro was there to, so, yeah, his whining, drove my mom angry! Then she srgued with me bout cutting my hair, butI only wanted my nanny to do it! (nanny=grandmother) So, my dad tok me to my nanny's to cut my hair. yup.
Then she gave me things I hate for supper, my bros got it to, but she put gravy on it all, and she knows I HATE gravy on my food! Oh, why me? Dinner has turned to hell!
Well, thats my morning post, hope its not to logn for you, sorry bout that. OPh, and I get to leave for school earlier, cause I walk, so, I think I can post every morning, so I can talk to more of you, then I will be on after school, to go to sites and so on. Catch ya'll after school guys and gals!
EDIT: I'm drawing Sasuke for SesshTaisho. |
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Monday, September 6, 2004
I'm so bored!
Okay, I'm bored out of my tree.... nothin to do here, but I shall draw a Yoh pic today, and maybe.. something else! *wink wink* I've only got a hour here also... damnit.....
So, tomorrow is my first day back to school, and my first day at high school. Eyh... I'm freaked bout it! I plan on goin somewhere today with my friends to like, end summer.
So, thast bout it, and sorry for the laste post, my bad, I slept to long.. hehehe... laterz all!
EDIT: shit.. what was I editing? OH! I am doing ONE request, and it ain't Faust! No freaky people, or Kenshin characters. Anything from Naruto would be great, I just need an idea. |
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
Its not my fault!!!!
Okay, REALLY SOORY for not being here this morning! DON'T HURT ME!
Okay, heres what happened, for me to not be on this mornin. Lats night my bros were fighting over useing the comp, so my dad just went in, and shut the whole thing down, and said none of us could use it till sometime after noon, when he said! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! So, he made us help him outside. Meh, here I am, 3:00pm. Stupid... so, sorry, for my idiot brothers!
Well, I got rid of my lilb ro, sent him off for awhile with his lil friend. I'm good! ^_^
Well, thats the only interesting things really... except I uploaded two pics I drew yesterday, yesterday. That sounds weird o.O Anyway, one of Asuma, from Naruto, and a Chester puic for XxLinkinParkxX.
Enjoy! I'm coming to
EDIT: Everyone is telling me that 2 hours is nothin for drawing a pic, and how theirs take longer. Well, this is a VERY simple drawing, an original character of mine, so, I might show you what I mean sometime, but its easy.
EDIT's EDIT: To everyone who posted a comment on my Asuma pic, I replied on the comments box, to all ur questions! |
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
ARG! never never never NOOOO!!
DBGT WASN'T ON! NOOOOOOO! Its always on at 8:00am, but it wasn't! Damnit...
Well, yesterday was a blast! ^_^ I had alot of fun, basically doing nothing. I'll try and make this short, cause I'm very hyper again!
Okay, firstly, I had was bored my first time on the comp cause no one was there nor on.... that was the very boring part. So, I got off, and watched tv with my mom for two hours, accually laughing a Live with Regis and Kelly as they nominated themselves for awards. lol. And the ever gay show, Maury, which my mom now calls "pick a dick" cause its always bout who's my babys dady shit.
Anyway, I was then playing my my over excited dog, and he nailed me with his front teeth right in my forehead, so that was over quick. Then I went to my room to draw another of my characters.
Now, that took nearly TWO HOURS! I couldn't get a damn pose! I wasted alot of paper on him to! lol. I finally got one, then went downstairs, and my momwas going to work, and she made me hang out laundry that wasn't even mine! Damnit, BUT my lil bro also went to get dropped off at my grandparents house... hold on.. listen FOR THE NIGHT! WOOT!!!!!!
Yeah, so, then it was fun time! I used the comp, after nearly getting stung by alot of bees by the cloths line, cause my lil bro was yelling obut them, and made em mad. That comp time, people were on somewhat. But, then, skip ahead, my dad I and were watching Team USA vs. Slovakia. I was cheering for the underdog in the game... but they were both underdogs, being 0-2 in the tournement.
Then, I got on the comp again, GOOD PART!!!
LOTS of people were on, so, I was chatting with babypetsarekool, bout really funny sayings and what not, we were both very hyper people! ^_^ Then my big bro and I wereplaying with coosters making them soft, cause they are leather, and he stole mine, so, I accually dove on him where hwe was on the couch, and bent his thumb back and made him throw it, then he tried to get it, but I did first. My dad was watching amusingly from the couch, and if was a funn fight, but very funny.
So, then I stayed up all night watching 20/20, and then reading my Shonen Jump til 1:30 in the morning. lol.
Okay, thats my day. Its not everyday I write along thing like this, so, you know it'll be pretty good! Whoever reads it all gets cupcakes and donuts!

theOtaku.com: What Tales of Symphonia Character Are You? |
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Friday, September 3, 2004
check it
I put up three new banners for the CME Inc. I'd really appreate it if you all could check em otu and give me some feedback, even banners you wanna see made.
Also, check out XxLinkinParkxX's page, for a very cool interveiw the LP did. Interesting, especially for Americans! later all. |
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Wait... what was I ganna talk about?
Damnit.. I forgot.... meh.
I updated the CME Inc. site, so go check that out if ur a member, or ya wanna become one, PM me.
I got a bunch of mp3's last night. HAHAHAHAH! Mine, all mine! I was downloaden a few right? And it kept cutting a full minute off the end! It pissed me off!
Also, I put Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue the mp3 up in my intro. You all will LOVE that song. Accually, I'm listening to it right now! As I writing or course. Trust me, its awsome, just click the button, cause yes it works, and yes its good!
So.. hmmm..... I decided to draw a Chaester pic from Breaking the Habit for XxLinkinParkxX. Yup. It'll be awsome! ^_^ Expect it soon... and also, I drew a new character for my lil set. He is HOT!! I swear he rocks! You all will probably never get to see my characters though... cause... just cause! -_-'
So, I think I'm done here.... ummm..... yup..... laterz!
EDIT: Got my SJ yesterday.. it was in early! But my Anime Insider STILL isn't in!!!! |
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
Whoa.... my bad!!!
Okay, here are some things I need to clear up, because SOME people didn't read the last post right!
Another, is that I wasn't insulting the US, like some poeple thought, and I wrote that in the beginning of my post, that its not to offend anyone, esspecially my friends, which I feel bad that they were offended. I know alot of Americans come here, but I was just happy that Canada won, thats why I wrote that, and NOT in the sense that I was insulting Americans in gererel, just that team, because of their horroble play, and how they were being rough for the sake of injuring in that game.
So, yeah, thats my cleared up stuff. Anyways, Color Me Evil Inc. is my fanlub, and the link is going up for the webby for membership bannaers, and a whole lot more! Thats bout it... and I still don't know if I wanna upload my orignal characters yet...
Also, I again say I'm sorry if anyone was offended by my unintentionl post yesterday, but I must say, it had lil saying that it wasn't against Americans.
EDIT: Canada beat Slovakia 5 - 1 last ngith! KICKASS! |
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