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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
Hyperness isn't gone yet... and won't be for AWHILE!!!
HAHAHAH! CANADA RULES! (the following is in no offence to ANYONE)
CANADA WHOOPED THE US! HAHAH! Yup, World Cup of Hockey, we rule baby! Oh yeah, now they are ganna whoop Solvakia tonight! I am hyper cause of that yup yup!
So, here are some thigns I need to say, for my actions when I am around world cup hockey, with Canada.
The US are like a pack of evil Vegeta's, because they are only there to hit, and be evil as far as I'm concerned after watching their play after years. Also, I am like a SUPER evil Vegeta when watching US and Canada, cause I get mad of the damn US CHEATERS!!!!
Also, pics there, go vote if ya want. Also, drew two original characters.... still worried bout posting them... I don't want them stolen..... meh.... I'll think bout it.... yup, laterz all!
EDIT: Because of hyperness, I've been doing 150 situps in 4 1/2 min everynight. |
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Still hyper....
Whoa, that was some really hyper stuff last night... yeah.... and I even ate my supper like a bloody rocket to!
Hmm.... what else happened yesterday... well, I told you all bout my shopping, and getting my awsome baseball stlye Team Canada hockey jersey, and my shoes, sport shoes, cool! Hmmm..... and LP winning.... now what?
Oh, sorry I didn't get to a few sites yesterday, and I tried to upload my new pic, but I couldn't get on myO. What was up with that?
Well, upload pic time, then to ur sites, see ya'll later!
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Monday, August 30, 2004
My mom is listening to retro music.... I'm scared.....
Sup everyone. Sorry I'm late, I'll be on later though, I'm watching the VMA's. Okay, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LINKIM PARK WON THE VEIWERS CHOICE AWARD! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yellowcard won the MTV 2 Award, ah yeah dudes! ^_^
I'm so happy I could shit right now! I was watching the VMA's through a teape, cause I taped em, right, and right when LP won, they tape messed up, and stopped taping, so I had to wait an hour to watch it on the staillite again. Shit.
Ah man, its sweet though. Good Charloote and LP were tied at 30% each of the votes, then we won! AH YEAH!
Also, got a cool Team Canada hockey baseball shirt, yeah, a baseball shirt, but for team Canada, $32 bucks it cost ME!!! Got my new kicks to, sweetness!
Okay, so, I'll be back to check some more sites later, cause I'm still watching the rest of the VMA's and THANK YOU for the peeps who voted for my beloved Linkin Park!!!! |
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
Funny, very funny
Well, my last post, I ended up getting alot of interesting comments bout my new shows.
Okay, I know bout all the shows anyway, I already did my homework bout them. AND ITS GUNDAM SD!!!! Not Gundam Seed, or SD Gundam.
Next, I happen to adore Gundam SD, its awsome! I've read up on it for awhile now. I know alot of crap bout it.
Well, I think thats it, oh and I have the foxbox, so, I get all those shows you were talking bout to. And.... yeah.... Code Lyocos, its awsome, I read bout it, so I don't really care if its french anime. Meh, its not IN french. And, none of these shows start until Sept. 11th.
So, nothin much happened yesterday, my lil bro has been at my grandparents for the past three days, staying the night, so nice! ^_^ I love him being gone!
Umm.... tomorrow, I'm getting my new shoes, and my mom said I can probably go see the yugioh movie. And on the topic of movies, I know bout the Inuyasha movie as well. Yes.
So, I'm done, laterz all! Be to ur sites soon.
My big bro and I gave my cat a red mohawk with hair gel! ^_^
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
These are the new shows, I think they are all anime, that are ganna be on Staurdays, all starting this fall! I GET GUNDAM SD!!!!
- Danny Phantom
- Xiaolin Showdown
- Code Lyoko
- Gundam SD
Beyblade season 3 starts this fall to, and another sneak peek on monday! YEAHHHH!!!
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HAHAHAHHA! (insert subject)
Oh, damn, I am bored! I sat around watching MTV all day! Yup, but thats cause I woke up late, at 11:30! My stupid rabbit is runniong around his cage crazy, and I can't let him out cause he crapped all over himself!
Ahh... so bored... Oh, and I own an apology to Smitten Kitten for using her name as an example to show the stupidity of the ranking system. My apologies.
One last thing. I'm starting an evil fan club, dedicated to evil anime characters. I HAD the name as Evil Anime, but it needs a change. I wanted to ask for what you all think it should be named. I need a name for it, and no, you cannot join yet, but you will be able to join when name banner is up! ^_^
Thanks guys and gals! Later now! |
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Hey, thanks peeps!
Thanks for ur comments guys and gals. Ur right, I shouldn't get so worked up bout it.
Oh, and here are ur cookies, from the other day, everyone wanted cookies! ^_^
As I'm writing this, I am eating chocolate, so the following is weird, and you shouldn't ever have to hear things like this!
Yesterday, Smiley 13 and I splite a box of 6 donuts right, and I ate three consecutive chocolate donuts, thats alot! o.O I was so good! ^_^ Also, while at Tim Hortens (donut place) we were sitting by a window, and there was a black fly HUMPING another black fly! If you ever see this, you'd be surprised, my dad didn't even think they could do that!
Anyway, there were alot more flies, and they were all doing each other! Plus, the damn place was full of old people! Everyone in there except me and Smiley were old! Scary.
Also, my cats were play fighting, which was funny, and another was trying to dig through tile! HAHAHA thats some good stuff! ^_^
Well, heres some more cookies for listening, and later.
EDIT: I won 2nd place in SesshTaisho's contest to, GO VEGETA! I didn't know till right now! |
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
ITS STUPID! There is SERIOUSLY something wrong with this place! Anyone visit the members list latly, well I did, when I came on this morning to see my rank 17!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ALL ABOUT!!??? So, I went to see it. Smitten kitten, the passer of me. SHE GETS ZERO COMMENTS PEOPLE!!! She has under 4000 visits, I have over 4000 visits! I really think that this LIST is fucked up! I mean, I'm more populair, but she passed me! this is a fucking error that pisses me off!
I dunno, and that #1 ranked twit, he says he has over 11 000 hits, but he doesn't get a single comment. I KNOW these peopel are just visiting there own sites to get their rank up, and I think that Adam, and the other admins should make it so the owner of the site can't get a visit count for visiting their own freaking site!
Its so gay, and I'm about to explode! It may not sound like much, but for us people who work hard on our sites to get way up there in those first page ranks, its really depressing! I really don't like where its going, seeing people who get no comments, and no visitors, and no friends, up in the top ten, its bullshit.
I'm done, and if I come back, I'll tell you what happened yesterday, that was fun and interesting, but thank fucking happy myO for you not getting to hear bout it! |
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
I have nothing to do, ad alot of chocolate in my system!
Yes, very much chocolate! I've been eating it since 10 pm last night, to 12 pm!
Meh. My fingure nailed are weird on my left hand! o.O long, short, long, short, long! o.O
I dunno what to say really, spent bout 8 hours online yesterday, sorting everything out and all. *sighs* Well, I think its all over, I hope, and peeps, check out GH's page for what REALLY happened. I PMed him last night to tell him what was happening, and he wrote that right after.
Soooooo, my hands are cold, and I am ganna go eat something, with a mountain of sugar on whatever the hell it is! |
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Well, this is a bit weird now.....
Okay, it seems everyone who commented today on my site, took the post I made to wrong way. I was merely meaning to state to situation, and yes, I did get a little out of hand, but here is something you ALL need to hear!
I NEVER once accused Milky, or GH of accusing anyone! Thats what I'm saying! I never meant to flame, annoying, or accuse Milky, and if she took the very firast comment I gave to her the wrong way, then I can't do anything about that! The time when she replyed, I retaliated! She spammed me today as well, but Milky, what I want you to understand, is that, I do not have a problem with you, or anyone on this site, but you had no right to go after me, as I had no real right to ask you what I did! We are BOTH in the wrong, some more then others.
I take SG and Shanny's advice, and I'm ganna drop this, seeing its not me, who did it. It all started whit GH's post, which said what it shouldn't have, but there is no reason it should have ending in rude comments, flamming, and spamming.
I'm not ganna say anymore, and I'm waiting for your response now! |
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