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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
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I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Title gone because of comments....
Oh, god, this is ganna be bad! Milky vs. GhostHero! Plus, throw me in there for helping GH, and asking Mikly a SIMPLE question! Most of you know what I eman, and everyone is taking sides! Don't know what I'm talking bout, I think you do. I've been reading all the comments on Milky, and GH's sites.
Okay, heres what happened. GH posted saying he couldn't do anything except post from his back room, and he couldn't email Adam. So, he thought that Milky MIGHT have gone into his file and done something. I STRESS THE WORD MIGHT!!!!! He NEVER accused her, like all Milky's friends are saying! He said it MIGHT be her. Anyway, me and a bunch of GH's friends email Adam for him. On the other hand, I went to Milky's page, and asked her if she infact DID do this. Me, NOT accusing her eaither, but I also added that if she didn't to disreguard the note, and I was writing this on behalf of GH, to ask.
So, Milky came back at me, starting the war! Swearing in all its glory, she went right after me. Pratically, rubbing my face in the dirt, as far as I'm concerned.
On Milky's site, she wrote a VERY mean post, accusing GH of accusing her! And, she and her lil friends went to GH's site, and started spamming him!
Now, might I ADD that spamming is now a no no, seeing its in the myO terms and conditions? And, you all know, I could report alot of people here? Yes, oh yes! I have ALL the proof! The comments I left and the comments Milky and her followers left!
I KNOW Milky will read this, and then some, and I warn you ALL, if I am spammed, Adama will be getting ANOTHER email from me, and this time, it won't be to help fix GhostHero's site!
EDIT: I just found out the #1 ranked myO user has over 11 000 visits, but he doesn't get much traffic AT ALL! Whats the dealwith that? |
Comments (6) |
Monday, August 23, 2004
Look what I have created!!!
I was bored, and was playing around with paint, and Adobe photo deluxe. Here is what I cam up with!

These are pics of:
Sonic & Knuckles, put together in paint, then converted to coloured pencil style.
Vegeta, converted to colour pencil style. |
Comments (5) |
What's wrong with me?
I keep sleeping to 9:30 on days that DBZ isn't on! MEh, its on tomorrow.
Well, yesterday was really fun! ^_^ My bir bro rented Conflict Desert Storm again (he and I have beaten it many times, but we LOVE the game SOOOO much!) So, we hadn't played it in awhile,so,that made for an interesting experiance lol. We almost got through the whole game in a few hours. My parents were gone, and my lil bro was gone swimming. So the house was quite for us to play! We were remembering old timesplaying that game, funny things that happened and such.
Then we got hungary, so we went downstairs to fidn something to eat right. Well, mom and dad were there, and all they did was pick at me, Cody, clean the rabbit cage (cleaned yesterday ERRRRR) Cody do this, Cody do that! ARRHHHHHH!!! It WASSSS quiet! God, parents are loud!
So, we played that, then my bro left with his friends at bout 5:30, and I used the comp for 2 hours, cause I had only been on for like, 20 min before.
Also, my bro, when out with his friends biking, was flying down ahill, and wasn't looking, and nailed his next year math teaher in the back of the legs./ She got a scrap on her knee, and landed in the grass, and my bro scarped EVERYTHING! And, bent the front wheel of hism bike in half! They took his bike to his friends house to getit fixed though! ^_^
So, I needed an interesting day after being bored a few days! I talk to ya'll later then! |
Comments (4) |
Sunday, August 22, 2004
I've got 20 min, and heres what I have to say... uhh... nothing really....
Nothing good happened yesterday, I put up my two site buttons, DBZ Zero, and Otaku Beyblader. Also, put my two fave sites up, SBRealm, and Suta-Raito.
I'm bored, I think I might buy some candy later, or go to town, I dunno whats going on today, but my family is all up at the same time! Weird no?
Okay, laterz now! |
Comments (6) |
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Whoa, did I ever get alot of comments yesterday!
Oh, damn, there was something I forgot to say yesterday, but I can't remember what it was... meh.... I'm ganna give you all my DBZ Zero site button. Its just a starting webby site, but there are some things you can do on it! And, updates! Yup.
Next time I'm mad, I just gotta make another webbys ite! No, two is more then enough! lol.
Oh, whats not fair, is my big bro was at his friends house, and his friends brother had just bought the final 4 epis of DBGT, I've never seen em, neither has bro, but he got to watch the finally of DBGT!!! NOT FAIR! Meh, FINALLY my DBGT is playing epis beyond when baby is first revealed. Yup, I watched this morning! But, I forgot to tape DBZ last night, and Inuysha.. damnit..... meh. Outa here, laterz dude, and dudettes! |
Comments (5) |
Friday, August 20, 2004
Sorry for making three posts, I HAVE TO TELL YOU ALL!
YEAH! I just saw my first ever epi of YYH! I bought a GamePro mag today, and on the bonus CD was the battle between Jin, and Yusuke. I foudn I've been pronouncing a few names wrong, but, man, it rocked! Americans are soooo lucky!
Oh, thanks for ur support with me being down. felt alot better after reading ur comments. And, afew of those things are cleared up. I also decided to make a Anglefire website. Screw the 20MB crap! I just upload pics on photobucket, and then use HTML! HAHAHAH! I've only used 1% of my 20MB! HAHAHAH! Its a DBZ site, called DBZ Zero. I tried making it on geocities, but the sever was screwed, but now, its easy on anglefire, and it all works! And, Ic an link the pages, unlike on freewebs! I'm REALLY happy now, so, I am ganna eat cookies! |
Comments (8) |
Can you do this for me?
Do you guys and gals think you could read my post on Otaku Beyblader for today? Its bout whats going on right now, and I didn't want to put it here..... plus, it concerns the future of that site. heres the link, and also, rea the lower post, its bout my game yesterday.
Otaku Beyblader, scrool down on home page for the post |
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YEAH!!! Us lil girls team beat the team made up of our parents! YEAH!!!! The score was 18-12 for us! BOOYA! WE ROCK DUDE! Oh, and we got a special sports bag, made for us, given by Source For Sports! They so nice! ^_^
I didn't have to throw much (thank GOD!!) meh, I did well though! I got on base 3 for 4 at bats. And home once... or qwas it twice.... dunno..... but it was to rub our win in my dads face, who said he would show my team how to play baseball! lol!!!!!!
Ah, its all good, all good! Something that was really funny last night, my mom came home from work, and she brought this big bread thing... and usually my mom buys this special... ment to be hard crap... but my lil bro poked it, and it was soft, and then me, my bros, and dad ate half of it! THE THING WAS HUGE!!!!
Not much else happened.... my fingure fells so much better, and I can use it for a few things now YEAH! Okay, I got a meeting to jet to on Neopets! Laterz all!
Comments (3) |
Thursday, August 19, 2004
And the critics say.... shes insane!
I had this really weird dream, a few min ago. Me and my friends got shrunk, and were in a grocery store, eating tiny tiny pizzas, and other tiny people food, and cooking them on a car! Weird no?
Okay, the Canada two pair mens rowing team was disqualified for crossing into another rowing teams lane, and they came in second to! Damnit, meh.
I shall attempt to draw today. Yes, I don't care bout this gay fingure! I SHALL DRAW! Hope you guys all seen my piccy yesterday, its called Tyson1 if you haven't.
Okay, fun baseball game later tonight, ahhh.... ganna throw the ball with only four fingures! lol. Ummm.... my friend came over yesterday, and we spied on my lil bro and his friend, and we had to follow them about 20 min down train tracks! Then, we found a toad, couldn't catch it, and a dead, and majorly decaing animal, with no head!
Okay, I'm out, see ya'll later!
Comments (10) |
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
That hurt fingure from lower post, I can't draw now!!!!!!!!!! I can't hold the pencil right! I did post a new pic though, one I needed a certin marker for to finish, and I got it! |
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