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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Ahhh... not smart...
Cody is owie prone I tell yas! yes, I drove the top of my fingure, and probably the bone, down! Basically, ball hit tip of indext fingure on everything hand, (right hand) and push nerves, bone, and everythiing down fingue shaft (or so I think)! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It still hurts, my figure has been numb since it happened last ngith, and if it touches anything, it hurts LIKE HELL!!!
Oh man, and I have that parent vs. our team baseball game tomorrow! whatamigannadowhatamigannadowhatamigannadowhatamigannadowhatamigannado!!!!????
Oh, and one thing,I'd like to talk bout (yesterday got unbored, real fast) Why do non anime fans make fun of us anime fans? At baseball, the girls make fun that I get up at 8:00am every morning to watch DBZ! But, no one makes fun of the ones who watch Sponge Bob! Why si that? They call them cartoons, and never listen to the facts, saying that they are not cartoons for kids who watch be it Sponge Bob! These anime are rated PG - 13 for gods sake! They involve massive hurting and killing (most of the time) Sometimes sexual relationships (not alot) and other evil bad swearing, other stuff lil kids don't watch!
So, if they make fun of me for watching something thats like an animated adult show, screw em I say! There are carttons for adults, arttons for teens (anime) and cartoons for kids! But these idiotsare saying that all cartoons are for kids. Okay, lets put a 6 year old in front of the tv to watch Lifes a Bitch, fro Comedy Network. Hey, its a cartoon, so its alright for them to watch it, so those girls say!
So, think bout that, and what non anime fans say bout you being an anime fan! |
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
bored... do de dum. de la de da!
Okay, bored as hell! Oh, and thanks for the concern yesterday! ^_^ I don'y consider them, ouchies, or boo boo's (heh, piggy) or anything else, cause they don't hurt! The only time one hurts, is when my damn puppy ketp ramming his face into my leg! I was ganna kick him to!
Oh, I was SOOOOOOOOOO bored yesterday! Nothing to do at all! I umped a game at 6:30, and we were atatcked my the evil flies of doom! AHHHHHHHHH!! Thats that!
Ummm......... nothing else! Chatted online, went to my anime sites, blah blah blah, tried to restock my damn neopets shop (whoa, sold FAST!!!)
So, I don't...... know..... I hope my bro left the gamecube when he went to his friends, I wanna play Sonic! ^_^ Laterz all! |
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Monday, August 16, 2004
Yeah, I know!
Yesterdays post... was weird, I posted it accidentlly many times! lol!
So, nothing going on, I just wanna tell you guys some ouchies!
Okay, yesterday, at baseball, I needed to slide under the pitcher, to score at home, so I did, and went a good two meters! ^_^ Yup, hurt like hell to, and come to find out, when I returned home, later, I had cut my leg twice when I slide, and there was dried blood on the inside of my pants! So much addrenaline, I never noticed!
Also, cut a gouge in my knee, and I don't even know how that happened! Got nailed in the same shin about fivetimes with the ball, oh, boy that a bad one!
yeah, I've really got nothing better to say, so, I'm ganna post a pic for everyone! ^_^ Laterz all!
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
Okay, guys, and gals, thanks so much for wishing me luck at my games! I'll get right to the point!
So, we did make it to the sami fianls! YES! We lost to a super elite team, so nothing wrong with that! ^_^
I finally got on base to! Yup, and with a vengence! Yup, scored a few runs, ladeda! HAHAHAH!
So, I'll be off now, to see everynes sites, and back to my normal days!
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Okay... heres what happened
Okay, 10 min. after I wrote that post yesterday saying I would go to ur sites now cause there were no games, I got a phone call to go BACK to grand bay, cause it stopped raining, and we went to play two games!
So, lost the first one, nearly had heat stroke it was so damn hot! Second game was at 6:00pm, and it was cool, and WE WON!!!!! 5-3! YEAH!
So, now I need to go back to grand bay, in bout 15 min. to pkay the team we just beat, again, in the quarter finals! If we beat em again, them we are in the semi's, against the team that beat us, but I think we have a good chance of winning that game!
So, possibley, at the latest I think, I will be back home by 5:00pm, so then I will be able to come to everyones sites! And, I'll post a cool pic, and tell ya what basically happened! So, laterz all! Oh, and thanks for coming to my site everyone, even though I'm not around! ^_^ I will, and I promise, just a busy time right now! |
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Saturday, August 14, 2004
Hi again! ^_^ The games were all rained otu! Boohya! Still went up, but now I'm back. Might have a game tonight, I dunno, but the games are now tomorrow! So, I'll be to ur sites now! |
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Okay, so, I need to leavefor grand bay in a few min. for my baseball provincials. I'm REALLY sorry I won't be able to make it to all ur sites, cause I'll be there all day. But, I'm sure you guys understand that! BUT if I have enough energy, and its not to late when I get home tonight, You might see me on ur comments! ^_^
So, laterz all, and wish me luck!
Matt, and CAsurfboy, ur in charge at the guild!
EDIT: Its raining here, and even if it rains in grand bay, I still need to be there, the whole team does, cause they will just delay the game a few hours...-_-', yea, so, late! |
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Friday, August 13, 2004
Oh, this sucks shit! I can't go see the yugioh movie today, cause both my parents are STILL up helping my grandparents with the siding for their house! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH THAT MAKES CODY MADDDDDDDD!!!
Also, not going shopping, and no games to ump! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
I'm sooo angry right now, very pissed!
Thats bout all the crap I gotta say, and practice was awsome last night! I really think we can win a few games at provincials tomorrow!^_^ Oh, yeah, we were cruisin! So, I'm off now, laetrz dudes, and dudettes! |
Comments (9) |
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Thats funny! ^_^
Okay, Someguy, your comment made me laugh, I've got a 21 year old man bowing down to my bravery! lol. Yup, goalie is great fun! I play in ball hockey, and I'm ALWAYS the only girl on my team, so the guys give me shit for playing goal!
Meh, one thing I need to know, who was it on myO that told me Kakashi dies in Naruto???!!! WHO WHO!!??
Okay, Chad, I added you to my buddie list on MSN last night, and you were on when I was on, but you never replied to my messages! So, whats the deal dude?
Last night, baseball practise was great! One of the other coaches told me to zip my lips, and shut up, cause we got in an argument, cause he kept blaming things on me, and I accually played better! Yup, everytime someone drooped a ball, in this cool relay thing we did, he blamed me! Most of it wasn't even my fault! Meh, I might be in the paper though! A paper dude came by, and he was taking pics of me and my group for the lil relay thing, and took our names and stuff! ^_^ *goes and buys todays paper... no, steals grandparents*
So, thats bout it, and I have a mini practise for fun today, around noon, and a real practise with the coach and everyone tonight! Laterz all! |
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Soem things I need to touch on.....
Okay, a few things, that... piss me off, and I just got to say through excitment before I explode!
First, this... girl named crazykuro keeps PMing me, saying I called her fat, and is being just plain weird! Its ticking me off!
Next, ....... SOOOOOOOOOO Happy! One of the things I've always wanted to do was play goalie, in ice hockey! Well, last night after baseball practise, the coach of the high school team, high school I'm ganna start goiong to this year, asked my dad bout me, and sports, and my dad told him I loved playing goalie for hockey, but I wasn't a strong skater! Yup, all right! So, the coach, his name Joe, I know him, and his daughter, he ofered me to play goalie for the Hampton Huskies! (high school team) so, my dad said we didn't have any goalie gear, and that gear is like, thousands of dollars, an we couldn't afford something like that, but Joe said he had TONS of gear for me to use!
So, I get to try out for the team! When my mom came home and I told her it all, she was all like "but we can't get you gear!" My dad explained the rest, and she was still off it. If I get on the team its about $300 to join or something, and I KNOW she'll never go on that to play bloody hockey, but to fulfill something I've never been able to do,........ I need my dad's help to break her! Man, she's easy to break though!
Okay, next, baseball practise! This is a dandy! ^_^ Okay, the main thing, the coach and me fought it out, him trying to break me to do something someway, but I was to stubburn, and wouldn't and he got really ticked, and just pushed until he KNEW I wasn't ganna let up! HAHAHAH! It was funny! Can't break me dude! Yeah, then I was catching fly balls, right, and I have grown up, doing it with my dad, and he always tought me to use whatever hands you need, two or one, and I like one, so, Stacey, the hitter, told me to use two hands to catch, and I didn't want to! I kept using one, and she kept hitting them to me! But.... I LOVE catching fly balls! ITS SOOO FUN! So, yeah, eventful! Plus, we got hats with out names on em! ^_^
Next, and last, Iraq. It pisses me off! I'm so sick of hearing that shit on my news time at 11:00pm. I want real fucking news, not what the god damned Americans and Canadians are doing to make hell worse! Its been going on so damn long, and it pisses me off! I don't want to here bout it anymore! I want them to evacuate all the civilions, and bomb the fucking country!
Okay, I'm done, if you read ALL of this, say so. You will win a chocolate bunny!
PS. I'm going to see the yugioh movie Friday, on its premier! |
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