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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
Member Since
Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Tuesday, August 10, 2004
I'm bad......
I broke a tiny lil sno globe in my room..... all over the wall..... yup...... there was something I was ganna say... but I forgot... laterz! |
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Hmm... funny!
Okay, this is a KFC commercial, a girl is walking down to road, and see's an orange leaf! She begins to scream in horror, cause it means summer is ending! Then theres a dude, and a orange leaf falls on his shoulder, and he yelps! ITS FUNNY!!!!!
Okay, yup, its early morning, just finished watched DBZ, Trunks VS. Goten! FUN! Yup, so, currently, nothing happening, but that chocolate poptart in my room sounds very appealing!
Oh, umped last night, it was a good game! Made, money, learned stuff, now I've got another teo hour parctise for baseball tonight at 6:30. Meh, at least I won't be bored! I just.... need something to do! I have two current pics, then Beyblade ones, requests, and one of the pics, I need a tin marker for, which mine died, and there are none where I live to buy.... crap... and then I've got a Battle Lupe, and I'll probably do that today.... yup.... maybe...
Okay, so, I gotta clean my rabbit cage, and other various things, like eating, and playing online... hehehehe... so laterz! |
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Monday, August 9, 2004
Okay, so my dad went this morning to work at the school, seing its his job... (community College, he's an instructure)
And my mom went to my grandparents to help them paint..... and I'm bored!
I just logged on here, and I'm ganna go play neopets.... yup, and again, do this for my friend! Vote for his site on this topsite! Oh, and hope you guys like the changes, the cool Sonic mp3, the 4000 hits pic, and so on! ^_^
EDIT: We all must help support, go to the site, read the latest post, its bad, really bad! |
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
Here, do something for me...
Yeah, I said when I have something new, I'll repost. The lower, just not much!
Anyways, I watched Deep Blue Sea, for the sixth time, a few min. ago, and my dad made new shelves for the bathroom, so I get all those cool snap together wood cabinites. They cool! ^_^
Okay, you guys gotta do this for me! My bud, Adeel, from, a place I work online, I'm staff, accually, needs you guys to vote for the site! Heres the link! You can see the site to, its awsome! Beyblade, Naruto, Sonic (I write Sonic) DBZ/GT, Yugioh, TONS of stuff!
Click here to vote!>
Okay, thanks! If you guys all do that, I'll show you my 4000 hit piccy! *gleams* hehheh, enjoy!
I'll put it in the intro! ^_^ |
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I indented my arm!
Ha, yup, with my braclet, when I slept on it! HAHAHAHAH! ^_^
Oh, nothing to say.... I watched The Replacments last night, very funny movie! ^_^ Um...... played Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, advancing my game... hehehehehe....... oh, and we went to my grandparents for dinner, and my big bro decided to stay the night, and that demon brother, left me with my lil bro, and we HATE each other! ERRRRRRRRRERRRRERRERRR!!!!!!!!
Thats all, laterz, if I do something fun, I'll be back! |
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
Weird... but true!
This morning I forgot it was the Yugioh marathon, and I still woke at 7:30 to watch DBGT, but it wasn't on, so I came here, for half an hour, checked ur sites.... forgot to update, but, Yugioh had started! Now, officailly, season two has been played and completed on Vortex, and YTV! Yup, oh and I had to go to a 10:00am baseball practise for two hours, but it was fun!
So, here are some Yugioh season three spoilers1 Not many, just a few! ^_^
Mai works for the dark side in the next seson!
The God cards are ALL stolen!!!
Yugi loses a duel which results in a friend losing a soul.
There is a card that can be activated for when the loser loses their soul!
Yup, I learned those while watching the epis of the marathon that I could!
So, I would also like to mention, our baseball team DOESN'T suck! We are very good, but its the GIRLS team frist year, and we have some players that need to learn their postitions better, seeing this is all something new! So, no, we are alwasy facing super powerful, and elite teams! So, no we don't suck!
Okay, I'm off, laterz! |
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Friday, August 6, 2004
Wasn't that funny?
Ahh.. see you all enjoyed that funny pic yesterday! Oh, I was checking out some public photobucket albums, looking for various anime pics, and came across that! Couldn't resist! HAHAHAHA!
You'll all be happy to know, I am in my Beyblade peek! I dunno how long it'll last, but its there, when I found some awsome pics of Rei, and such, all grev tournament pics! Yup, so coooool!
Oh, we lost last night...... 25-8! HAHAHAH! We sucked shit, but its only the second game we have EVER played. Its a new league, gotta get some more experiance! Yeah, now a week before provincials, we have practise Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday! All two hour practises! *sigh* meh!
Okay, so my parts done, laterz all! ^_^
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Thursday, August 5, 2004
Soo... sunny!
Yeah, its been sunny for like, the past four days! Whats weird bout this you ask? Its supposed to rain, and be cloudy, but, no! ^_^
Meh, its all good. Got a baseball game tonight..... the only thing that worries me: what postion in the infeild will I pay?? I also play catcher still, but I dunno where in the infeild I'll be.... which is a bad thing to not know!
Ummmm.... hmmm..... I was talking to my big bro last night, demon lil bro was at my grandparents for the night. We talked about things like, my lil bro's horrible drawing (SUCKS SHIT!!!) and what he thinks bout it, which isreally annoying, and big bro agrees. Basically talked bout how annoying lil bro is altogether! Its weird, big bro never tells me these thing, until lil bro is gone, and so are the parents! Meh, then we talked bout comics, and what I pay for mine! Crazy shit!
Well, yeah, nothing much, most of what I did yesterday, I wrote yesterday! So, until later... or tomorrow... later... laterz!!!
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004
Uhh... wrong idea....
Uhh... yeah... the DBZ thing yesterday, every comment reguarded it!
First, WE DO have DBGT, the epis the Americans call "the lost episoids" The Americans haven't seen em, but Canadians only see them so far! Its annoying, cause we get to Baby, then restart!
I'm sure that DBZ has gone through the whole serius once, but its on during school, so I can't see, but, I can now, and finally, its epis I haven't seen yet. So, yeah, we can watch, DB, DBZ, AND DBGT!
Oh, that commerical the other day, its like what a teenager WOULDN'T do! He was like "Mowing the lawn is blowing my mind!!!" It's great! HAHAHAHA
Umm... I got two postions to play in baseball now, the coach loved how I played the infeild last week, for a practise, when Iwas only put there to fill space, so, I now play catcher, and some infeild postition, I dunno what...
Thats all, gotta go, working on a sonic thing.... one last thing though.
GOtta tell you bout the way I work when I draw. If I watch a wicked cool epi of say... Digimon, I get in a super mood to draw Digimon, it'll last a few days, then gone! Well, I have 2 Beyblade requests, and am currently not in a Beyblade mood! If I get a great Beyblattle chance with Smiley_13, then maybe I can do them.... but at least I'm not behind! So, my bad, its my fault, I'll get em done soon!
EDIT: Just bought an issue of Wizards Duel Masters, with 6 WICKED pinups! I REALLY advise anime cards players to get it! IT ROCKS!!! Its got, yugioh, pokemon, duel masters, digimon, inuysha, everything card games! |
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Hey, did you all see this?
Damn, what was it?..... it was a new comercial, I can't remember for what, but it was HILARIOUS! You'll know when you see, you'll laugh ur head off!
Okay, nothing important... hmm... yes, I umped a game last night.... yup, it was a good game! No probs, and my calls were great!
Baseball practise tonight... coach ganna pic at peeps, probably me for laughing when he got hit! ^_^ Meh, he pics on me ALOT!!!
Dudes, dudettes, I'm now announcing something HUGE in the world of Cody (me). This is big, and probably the first time its ever been said!
My fave anime, is Dragon Ball Z!
My fave character.... Vegetto, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Goku, Piccolo. (can't chose with them!).
Yes, I have finally decided on my fave anime! And its DBZ. I am really hoping they pull through and DO make those new epis of DBZ they have been talking about! I have never seen most of the shows beyond the Cell games, util now. They always restart after it! Anyway, its great, the tournement is coming up, and Goten just gave away his secret that Chi Chi was training him, and he's a super saiyan! Its great, and funny! Goten is SOOOOOOOOO cute! Like a chibi Goku! HAHAHAHA!
I'm ganna fly to ur sites now, laterz! |
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