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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
Member Since
Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Monday, August 2, 2004
Thanks guys!
Thank you all for the birthday greetings yesterday! I had a good day! Yup, no probs, no trouble! My dad suggested I get donuts instead of a cake (I LOVE donuts... more then VASH!!!) Yeah, great idea! I got lots of donuts, and ate a bunch! lol! It was great!
Than you VERY much blackmagiciangrl for the card! ^_^ Its awsome!
Oh, and some peeps think what my mom and dad were going on about wa a fight, no, he was trying to explain something, and she kept interuping, then dad would start laughing and try again! Its was hilarious! lol!
Well, I don't think I have much to say.... umm... today is New Brunswick day, stupid.... yeah.. okay, and neopet users who want to be in my DBZ guild, leave a comment bout it or neomail me! 01tyson! Laterz!
Comments (6) |
Sunday, August 1, 2004
I'm finally 15!!!!!
Yes, I', 15 now, YEAH!!! Yup.
Thanks for the happymbdays yesterday.
I don't really have anything to really say.... but a few funny things that happened yesterday. (this being an early morning post!)
Okay, the other day, my lil bro went to the movie store to rent Drver 2 for the Playstation. A van tried to run him off the road, he was on his bike, ad he dropped the game, and the van ran it over, so, busted! We took it back, and we know all the movie people REALLY well, and in the end, my pro only had to pay $10 for it! So, my point, my parents payed that $10, caquse my lil bro doesn't have any money.. currently! So, he had to work outside with my dad ALL DAY! ^_^ Then he went to his friends house... for the night... best bday gift he can give me!
My mom was going on bout her still super sorw arm after her surgery. My dad was trying to explain to her what exercises to do to make it better faster! She kept interupting him, and after bout 10 or 1 min., he finally got to say what he wanted WITHOUT interuptions! I was sitting there laughing!
Yup, that's all. damn keep hitting the wrong keys.... yeah. Laterz dudes!
 you are an enegetic fire.
what element are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, July 31, 2004
Yup, my b-day is tomorrow! I'll be 15! YEAH! I ahte being 14! It sucks!
Anyways, I got my b-day present from my parents. My roller blades. We had to go to the store today and size them. Yup, they be great! I also got an art portfolio from my grandparrents. She felt like giving it to me early! Nothing wrong with that! HAHAHAHAHA!
Umm....yeah... my grandmother, mom, and I went to a bunch of yardsales today, and I got another mini Stanley cup for my collection. I also got a hard cover National Geographic animal book, worth bout $30, for $1.00! Yeah, I'm good!
Then we went to Walmart, for kitty litter, and crap, and I got Pokemon the first movie and Titan A.E., two wicked cool movies I love, for $8.00! Yeah, they were on sale!
So, I had a good day, so far, it ain't over. PLUS my parents are listening to me, and making what I asked for to eat tonight, and tomorrow! HAHAHA! Haven't gotten in trouble yet eaither! Yeah,. its all good! So, I see you all tomorrow, laterz! |
Comments (7) |
Friday, July 30, 2004
No topic.... I think....
Hmm... what to say, I dunno! I won a Neopetz medal yesterday though! Yup, from Cellblock. Its cool! My userlookup is kickass!
Gaia won't let anyone post anything... typical... and annoying....
Uhh.. baseball practice was good last night, except they made me catch for a newbi pitcher, but she was pretty good! Yeah, ad my life long sighting was seen!!! My friend hit the coach with the ball! She was batting and nailed him in the anckle! I've been tring to do that forever!
Yup, and I watched DBZ again... I think my geting up at 8:00am is back on track! No more 3:00amer's! Nope, so, thats all I'm done, you can all continue with ur days, and do what ya want now, oh, and thanks for all the comments yesterday, and yes, the Vikings are a football team, the Raiders are the BEST!!!!
This is really funny, please read! ^_^
What time are you starting this?: | 9:48am | Name?: | Cody | Nicknames?: | beyblader, codmister, your highness | Date of birth?: | Aug. 1st, 1989 | Sex?: | Hell no! Oh, female! | Height?: | bout 5'5 | Eye color?: | BLUE BABY!!! | Where were you born?: | In a hospital! Hahaha! Nova Scotai, best place on earth! | Number of candles on your last birthday cake?: | Dunno | Pets?: | 4ctas 2dogs 1bunny 1fish | Hair color?: | brown | Piercings?: | 2 hoops, smaller then a dime, on my right ear, one on my left | Town you live in?: | Hampton, New Brunswick... clean, safe, place! | Favorite foods?: | CHOCOLATER!... uhh... pizza, with just cheese, french fries, CHICKEN!!!!XD | Ever been to Africa?: | nope | Been toilet papering?: | what? | Love someone so much it made you cry?: | my mom yeah! | Been in a car accident?: | dunno.. cant' remember....o.O | Croutons or bacon bits?: | neither! YUCK! | Favorite day of the week?: | Saturday | Favorite resturant?: | Taco Bell | Favorite flower?: | Rose | Favorite sport to watch?: | HOCKEY!! YEAH BABY! | Favorite drink?: | Water | Favorite ice cream flavor?: | CHOCOLATE!!! | Warner Bros. or Disney?: | both | Favorite fast food restuarant?: | Burger King | Carpet color in your bedroom?: | I have hard wood floor.... | How many times did you fail your driver's test?: | I'm only two days away from beign 15!!! | Whom did you get your last email from?: | Anglefish720 | Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?: | TOYS 'R' US! | What do you do most often when you are bored?: | Draw | Most annoying thing to say to me?: | Does this look in fected? Does this look infected? Does..... | Bedtime?: | Whenever I want! | Favorite TV show?: | Umm... DBZ! | Last person you went out to dinner with?:: | My parents! | Been out of country?: | nope | Believe in magick?: | nope | Ford or Chevy?: | Chevy, cause of the Colorado, and Avalanche! | What are you listening to right now?: | Linkin Park: Breaking the Habit, my fave song! | Have you ever failed a grade?: | NO! Never plan to! Never failed ANYTHING!!! | If you have, what grade did you fail?: | .................... | Do you have a crush on someone?: | Colin Ferral! | Do you have a bf/gf?: | nope... don't care! | If so, what is their name?: | I SAID NOOOOOOOO!!! | How long have you been together?: | NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! | What are you wearing right now?: | A white Canada games t shirt, my fave Okland Raiders hat, my blue painters pants, white and grey socks, and my underwear! This is my fave clothing combo! | Would you have sex before marriage?: | nope | Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: | nope | Are you a virgin?: | yes! | Do you smoke?: | nope.. never plan to! | Do you drink?: | nope never plan to! | Are you ghetto?: | semi ghetto! | Are you a player?: | nope | What are your favorite colors?: | Yellow, bule, red | What is your favorite animal?: | polar bear! | Do you have any birthmarks?: | , lots, main one: a small very small mole on my right indew fingur! | Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: | no, but I kick ass! I did get into a fight in the girls locker room! Draw! | Who do you talk to most on the phone?: | My best friends Matt | Have you ever been slapped?: | probably! Uh.. YES! | Do you get online a lot?: | HELL YEAH! Everyday! | Are you shy or outgoing?: | neither! | Do you shower?: | yes! | Do you hate school?: | no... well... a little... | Do you have a social life?: | yes! | How easily do you trust people?: | I gotta get to know em! Not like I'd tell em my locker combo! | Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: | HELL YEAH! | Would you ever sky dive?: | YEAH!!! | Do you like to dance?: | YEAH!! I ghetto dance! HAHAHAHAHA! | Have you ever been out of state?: | I live in Canada fuck nuts! | Do you like to travel?: | yes | Have you ever been expelled from school?: | nope... I'm an award winner! | Have you ever been suspended from school?: | nope.. almost, but they would never suspend me! I'm a smart dude! | Do you want to get out of your hometown?: | not really at the moment! | Are you spoiled?: | nope, I have to buy most "extras" I want on my own! | Are you a brat?: | nope | Have you ever been dumped?: | nope | Have you ever gotten high?: | nope, never plan to! | Do you like snapple?: | what? | Do you drink a lot of water?: | YES! Bout... tons of gallons a day! | What toothpaste do you use?: | I use Colagte cavity protectiopn, gell ONLY!! Oh, Breaking the habit is on again! ^_^ | Do you have a cell phone?: | nope | Do you have a curfew?: | not really... sort of.. but I don't go out late! | Who do you look up to?: | PATRICK ROY!! My hero! | Are you a role model?: | probably, for lots of lil kids! | Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?: | nope... I've been to Upper Clements Park. | What name brand do you wear the most?: | dunno | What kind of jewelry do you wear?: | earings, two bracletts, hockey necklace | What do you want pierced?: | nothing | Do you like takin pictures?: | yeah! | Do you like gettin your picture taken?: | nope | Do you have a tan?: | sort of... semi tan | Do you get annoyed easily?: | YES! I have a short fuse! | Have you ever started a rumor?: | nope | Do you have your own phone or phone line?: | nope, don't need one! | Do you have your own pool?: | nope, soon! | Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: | I'm a girl! | Do you have any siblings?: | yes | Have you ever been played?: | nope | Have you ever played anyone?: | nope | Do you get along with your parents?: | yes | How do you vent your anger?: | drawing, and express it on the net, with friends | Have you ever ran away?: | nope... wait.. sort of | Have you ever been fired from a job?: | nope | Do you even have a job?: | yes | Do you daydream a lot?: | nope | Do you have a lot of ex's?: | none | Do you run your mouth?: | yes | What do you want a tattoo of?: | the code of the Samurai!!! | What do you have a tattoo of?: | nothing | What does your ex bf/gf look like?: | I DON"T HAVE ONE!!! | What does your most recent crush look like?: | Not telling! | Whats her/his name?: | not telling | Have you ever been bitched out?: | what? | Are you rude?: | no | What was the last compliment you recieved?: | "Cody, you made the right call!" | Do you like getting dirty?: | not really, but its fun! ^_^ | Are you flexiable?: | sort of... | What is your heritage?: | This might take awhile! | What is your lucky number?: | 12 | What does your hair look like right now?: | I dunno, its under my hat! I know though, its just been washed, and dry, so... yeah | Could you ever be a vegetarian?: | tried, I don't LOVE meat! | Describe your looks?: | ???? I'm cool! | If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: | RED! | Would you ever date someone younger than you?: | sure, why not? | Would you ever date someone older than you?: | sure, why not? | When was the last time you were drunk?: | never | How many rings until you answer the phone?: | two, thats when caller ID kicks in! | Have you ever been skinny dipping?: | nope | If yes, when was the last time?: | never | When was the last time you went on a date?: | never, I don't like to date! | Do you look more like your mother or father?: | my father | Do you cry a lot?: | yeah | Do you ever cry to get your way?: | nope | What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: | i dunno! | Are you the romantic type?: | nope | Have you ever been chased by cops?: | nope | What do you like most about your body?: | What kind of a question is that? | What do you like least about your body?: | FUCK OFF! | When did you have your first crush?: | grade 1.. I think | When was the last time you threw up?: | dunno | In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: | brunettes | Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly?: | nope | What about cleavage?: | gay! | Is your best friend a virgin?: | most likly! He's only 13! | Have you ever fucked someone up?: | no! Asshole! | Have you ever been fucked up?: | no, asshole! | What theme does your room have?: | hockey and anime | What size show do you wear?: | what? You mean shoe? 5. | What is your screen name on AIM?: | bolshack_dragon6 | How are you feeling right now?: | ready to kill you! Fucking pervert! | When was the last time you were at a party?: | dunno | Have you ever given a lapdance?: | to a teady bear, as a dare! | Have you ever recieved one?: | nope | Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: | yeah! | What is one of your bad qualilties?: | short fuse | What is one of your good qualilties?: | smart | Would you marry for money?: | nope | What do you drive?: | when I CAN drive, it'll be a Hummer 2 | Are you more of a mommys or daddys child?: | mommys child, and daddys child! | So?: | what? | Well?: | soon? | When was the last time you cried in school?: | when I thought I be suspended... but I didn't cry outloud, to myself.... | Would you ever hook up with the same sex?: | nope | What kind of music do you like?: | Linkin Park | Would you ever bungee jump?: | yeah! | What is your worst fear?: | losing my parents | Would you ever join the army?: | nope | Do you like cows?: | yeah... | If you were to die today, what would you do?: | the same old things! | If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it b?: | i dunno! | Do you like to party?: | not really... | Hearts or broken hearts?: | dunno | Moons or stars?: | stars | Coke or pepsi?: | COKE! | Favorite scent?: | stawberry | Favorite band?: | Linkin Park | Would you ever dye your hair red?: | yes! | How many languages can you speak?: | 3 | What time are you finishing this?: | 10:16am |
Long Survey About Yourself brought to you by BZOINK! |
Comments (8) |
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Okay, I was sitting at the comp last night, wearing a Okland Raiders hat (afve team) and drinking pop from a Vikings glass!
Heh, I'm in a great mood today! Maybe its cause I woke at 8:00 to watch DBZ, then went back to sleep for once! Meh, anyways, its all good!
Thanks for cheering me up yesterday to guys! That was great! ^_^ Oh, and I forgot to mention, Band of Brothers is a war show, we got the whole collection, 10 hours and 6 dvds!
So, I got a NEW Neopets account, cause I can'tremember my old one, meh. My name there is 01tyson, if anyone else has an account. And I am kicking ass with it, had it a few hours, and made a bounch of NP! So yeah!
Okay, I'm gone now, yeah, laterz!

This is my hand created sheil for my userlookup on Neopets. The sheild design is from, but its MY creation! Please don't steal it! ^_^
My japanese name is n Saruwatari (monkey on a crossing bridge) Asuka (fragrance of the bright day). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator. |
Comments (11) |
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Thanks for ur help guys and gals! ^_^
Hey, thanks for the help with the HTML and such. I'm not ganan do anything today bout my site, cause I'm pissed at alot of things! One being my moms puppy jumped on my rabbit, and keeps hurting him! The other day, the stupid dog cut my rabbits foot! He bleed alot to! I am ganna break his neack soon... I hate him!
My lil bro is just... pissing me off! Being himself!
Yeah, so, I'll just hang round myO for a bit and such. Yesterday wasn't much, had baseball practice, boring, got maybe a game today, if it doesn't rain again, yeah, and my dad bought the Band of Brothers DVD box collection, at a great price!
So, yeah, I'll be of now, laterz!
EDIT: I have to go to baseball.. ahh.. RIGHT NOW! So, sorry, I only got down to the N's on my friends list, I see the rest tonight, or tomorrow!
EDIT: I'm back, baseball is cancelled, wet feild. I'm going to ur sites, and am in a WONDERFUL mood right now! I'm ganna draw a pic, then get to a Zeo request! |
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
I typed a post yesterday, but it didn't post.....hmmmmmmmmmmm....... Meh, but I was on, and went to everyones sites... yup.
Okay, now.... yeah. So, yesterday, I started my GeoCities site, and such, tring to work through the HTML that I have never built a site from before. So, I'm asking for anyone who can help me with HTML. Just leave a comment, or email me.
Oh, yeah, those epis of DBZ where Gohan first goes to high school, wicked! And Vegeta is mean to Gohan now, and his voice is gay! AND Gohan's voice is the same now as Kickers from Transformers Energon!
I think I'm done, and Gaia is being sick! |
Comments (10) |
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Oh yeah, just bored!
My cat won't let me type.. shes licking my arm!
Meh, oh, just woke up, not many peeps have updated, so I gotta come baqck later when more do! Lala, hope you all liked those pics!
Oh, and I thought I would mention something bout ALL my cousins!
Okay, I only have ONE thats younger then me, thats the lil elf. The rest arein their 20's, or getting there. So, everyone of them is way older then me, except the lil elf! Yup.
So, thats it, and I am now putting up awards that sites can win on my Otaku Beyblader site. The link is above! Laterz! |
Comments (8) |
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Fast post.. I don't wanna be online!
Yeah, I feel like sleeping! Anyways, heres a breifing on last night.
Okay, both games I umped last night went well, the second game, both teams were drinking... yeah.
Got home, yeah, bon fire was still going, and I avoided my elf cousin. They weren't at my house when I left! YES!!! My uncle is okay... but his wife.. and elf cousin... nooo.....
Thats it.. oh, and the relatives stole my bed and such, so I slept on the downstairs couch, and my big bro slept on the floor in the same room, and we talked bout his funny friends til 3:30am!
Thats it now, and I submitted my two new pics last night, including the "secret project" which is titled.... Link Fight! Check em out if ya all want! Laterz! |
Comments (5) |
Friday, July 23, 2004
Just a quick post!
Well, I'm almost done all my ZOIDS manga. One more to go! I haven't been reading it no stop eaither, thats why! Also, finished two pics. The "secret project" and my freehand Goku! I'll upload them today.
So, later I got two games to ump. Yeah, more money! I just put $20 in my bank account. Oh, and we lost our game last night, like 20 to 6! Heh, I was catcher all but one inning! I got creamed in the arm and hand by one of my pitchers, and another of my pitchers dislocated my thumb! She then dislocated hers! Yeah, thats all.
So, laterz all! |
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