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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
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Does it really matter?
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I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Thursday, July 22, 2004
Whoa holy crap! (not holy of course)
Hay, its wicked! Did you guys see the new feature? PM's!!!! YEAH! I love them! That will be soooo great! Now not everyone will hear serect messages! *very happy*
Yup, thats all. I was online ALL night! From around 4:00 when I got home, to 10:00! Yup, there was nothing better to do!
So, nothing to say, but you can bet ur booties I'll be back later! ^_^ Just, we finally get our first baseball game today! Yeah, it'll be fun, even if we lose! |
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Okay, yeah, I've been in town all dad, with my mom and dad, and we went to the comic store! ^_^ Oh yeah baby, they had soooo many comics! Only a few Manga at the time, but... I got the original ZOIDS manga! Four volumes! 2,3,4,5! Booyah! See, I read up about the ZPOIDS manga, the one with Van (super cool) and his lil Zoid, Zeke, and its a wicked manga, so I was ganna order it from, but it was there, and I love it! I need to buy more volumes now, hopefully they will have more in next time I'm there! And, I can get the first volume off the net! Yes! Super happy Cody! Laterz! |
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Just a quick post!
Whoa, surprise, I don't have a wallop of stuff to yap bout today! ^_^ Yeah me! So, I'll just mention last night a bit.
At baseball practise, there were only 8 of my team members there! Whoa! Talk about commitment! HAHAHA! The funny thing is, that we played our best! Even though it was a practise, the coach said it was our best yet!
After I umped a game. Nothing exciting really... wait.. yeah, a girl almost ran into me, and some girl almost through a ball at me, but she let it fall, and I had to jump over it! Thats it for that!
This friday, when all my family is coming up, which I mentioned before, we are having a bon fire, and... now I'm umpiereing three games that night! Heheheheh! Funny eh? Yeah, at the game last night, Marc asked me if I could do them, and hey, money or stupid lame bon fire? Yeah, you guessed it!
Welps, thats all now, Later all! I can now be found on Gaia... til I leave! |
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Okay, before that, nothign really amazing happened yesterday.. but I found another cupcake! XD Yeah, and I have baseball practise tonight, then I'm umping another game, and I'll have $90 at my disposial! AND my mom is taking me to town tomorrow to buy comics! YEAH!
Okay, here we go!
Name: Jessy
Anime: Pokemon
Partner: James and Meowth
Hair colour: Red
Whoa, Jessy is a weird one! Her hair is totally messed as far as I'm concerned! Jessy styles a slik long red doo, which she is obbsessed with! So, what can we say about her? Just listen!
Jessy is the "pretty girl" of Team Rocket. She loves her hair and her style. She has her soft moments, but she is also evil to the bone! Unlike James though, she will never stopat what she is trying to accomplish!
So, I guess this makes Jessy unstoppable right? Ahh.. not! She is easily defeated because she gets angry very easily! Now, how bout her hair gel!
Remember Yugi? Well, yeah, I think they use the same gel! I've never seen Jessy apply anything to her long red, so maybe its completely natural? What do you all think?
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Monday, July 19, 2004
I seen a silowet of one of my cats last night..... boy is he fat!
Okay, last night, I couldn't sleep, so I thought, for a LONG time! Here are some things I came up with!
Before that though, I wanted to say, of the two games I had yesterday. The first one was great and fun, cause it was with the RCMP team, and some funny other team. We played tag.... with the baseball! XD Heh, the other team was the same one from Friday, ya know, fat mean lady, yeah. They take the game to serousily, so its never fun with them! Yeah, thats all!
Okay, so, with all my money, ya know, thinking ahead to my DS, and games, then I thought, maybe I should just keep saving, so I have lots of money... then... buy a new snowboard! ^_^
Now, this is from inspirition from SomeGuy, ya know, the posts bout important things, that get to ur head, and make ya think? Yeah, so SomeGuy, your words sink in my head, now its my turn! Oh, and if you don't care bout this "pretty girl investigation, skip the star stuff! (***)
I thought about... the "pretty girls"! Yea, like, what they do, why and whatever else! I was talking to one the other day... uhh... Friday at baseball. Here are some things she said and did.
She ALWAYS does that like head thing, ya know, when they move their head, left, then twist right, and then let again? Yea, that, and she did it alot, and used those expressive hand gestures! Weird! Like, poking out with her finger, and wide hand at the face thing... you've all seen this! Now, things she was like saying, about some guy she met online, and them, in real life, cause they live in the same place basicall, and them breaking up and such, and her getting old and not pretty, and her and bitchy friends of hers, and tank tops, and high school teachers... and I was like.... yeah...uhhuh!
So, why do they do this? Ya know, I have NO clue, cause I'm not a pretty girl! I think its our messed generation! Gotta be cool, but in their sense of dressing sluty, so I call it, and having boy friends, of peeps you don't even like, just to say you have one! Its sickening! AND... they always care about what others think about them.
One more thing, that happened between me and a pretty girl/bitch. I told some little kid something, and it had NOTHING to do with her, and she asked me what I said to the kid, and I told her it was none of her bussiness, and she started swearing at me, and telling me I had to tell her, so I walked away, and she kept on swearing!
So, lets look at me.... how I compar to a "pretty girl". Nothing close! I wear baggy cloths, carpenters pants, and such, cargos, baggy of course! My motto, if they don't touch the floor, their to short! I wear sport shoes, boys shoes really! I wear sport t-shirts, exco and such types. I like white. Sweaters are the same, sport. I wear hats, and like Linkin Park. I care NOTHING of what other people think about me. I'm only bitchy to my brother, but he deserves it! So thats what I have to say, bout that!
Here are some funny thing I though bout. About me, and my Family!
My mom says I shouldn't show my cousin thta THAT slogan... cause he's an elf! ^_^
I almost fell off my bed last night.
I sleep with a TY Beani buddy called Bambo! He's big!
I have a double bed... half is occupied with giant bears, TY, and a hugh snake.
I have a Sonic teddy... dressed like a rock star.
I ate four cupcakes in a row last night... not smart.
My big bros cat is fat!
I rabbit is perverted!
I don't think my lil bro sleeps with any cloths on! Maybe boxers... I dunno.... it scares me!
I had a fight on Gaia with Americans.... I won!
Weirdest LP song.... Breaking the Habit... my fave! ^_^
These are a product of thinking endlessly for hours at night in the heat! More when this happens again! Likly to be soon! Hair Doo Dude will now be tomorrow!
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Sunday, July 18, 2004
Whoa, he must like me or something!
Marc, gave me two more games to umpiere today, 5:30pm and 7:00pm! Heh, he had a cancellation! I'll have $85 at the end of today! Whoa dudes, thats alot!
Anyways, yesterday was really fun! I worked on my secret project, ST, you know, but don't say what it is! Its coming along great to! ^_^ Its a pic I think you all will love alot!
I got to stay up late last night to, cause my mom keeping me up the night/morning before, so I got to watch the amazing race again. It was great accually!
One last thing, I entered this wicked contest for Custom Robo. Its one from my big bros Nintendo Power. You can win a Custom Robo model of ur robo, worth
$5 000.00! I wanna win really bad now! I think my dude has a good shot! Seeing all his peices are worked together to make my battle plan perfect and foolproof!
Yeash, thats all, and another Hair Doo Dude, coming tomorrow!

My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while adults might just accept that, I know something's gotta change. And it's gonna change, just as soon as I become an adult and get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, July 17, 2004
I'll tell you what pissed me off!
K, last night, was interesting. I don't want this to take forever, so I'll mega summerize!
The first of the three games I was ganna ump, was a forfit, the other team never showed up, so the team that was there had a scumish, and they forsed me to play! I was fun though, I was three for three at bat! ^_^
Next game, at 8:00pm. The main thing, I called some old ladies husband out at second. I swear he was out, and she started to argue with me bout it, and she was only a spectatour! Anyway, I ignored her, and she then said really low, but I could still her "they shouldn't have kids as umpieres!" I swear, that Super short fuse I've got almost popped out and I was ready to bash her fucking face in! Sorry for my language, but I wanted to kill her! She wined bout that all night!
After that game, the next one was cancelled, I dunno why, but it was. I still got paid for all three though, but I have to get my money for the first game Tuesday.
Anyway, when I got home, my parents went out, and brought soem friends back at 3:30am!!!! My mom woke me up to, to meet hetr friend! Death!
Yeah, thats all I have to say now, and its supposed to rain here, but its sunny and hot as hell! |
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Friday, July 16, 2004
This is twisted!
I am umping... again tonight. Yup, I was asked to do games at 630, 800, and 930, all on the pm, tonight. Yup, I've only ever done two games in a row, but three, my feet shall die! Meh, $45 to my GBDS sounds good! ^_^
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Couldn't resist! PLEASE READ LOWER POST!
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Okay, what I WAS talking bout!
When I mentioned the Game boy, it was bout the brand new, never out yet Game boy DS, with dual flat screens, lower touch tone screen, disk games, built in mic, wireless internet! Its wicked! Ha, and moldy, ur crazy with that PSP, its got nothing on DS, yeah, it can play music and movies, but the DS and GBA can play movies, and tv epis! The PSP also costs over $400! DS isn't like that, and I'm a Nintendo game lover anyway!
So, yeah, after my comp's... issues the other day, we just shut it down, rebouted it, and it was fine! ^_^ so it was just a normal day!
Weird things: My parents were gone most of the day, doing random things in town, and going to my grandparents! I made myself cupcakes! Heres how that went, I got stressed out, and cried! Yup, I cried! It pissed me off mega much! Then I figured something out, and was happy, and now have lots of heavy chocolate cupcakes with white frosting! Since it was my parents materials, they get half, but cause I made them, did the dishes that I made, and cleaned up everything, I get the other half! Mmmmmm 8 cupckaes... all mine!
So, yeah, thats all, and my big bro got his game yesterday, e was like sitting getting mad waiting for it, and when it was finally in, where he ordered it, he got on his bike, and was down and back in no more then 5 min! Thats amazing! Me flying to and back would take maybe ten min! Anyways, he kloves itand has been playing it since!
Okay, one last thing, the game I umped last night! This won't take long. I was supposed to ump a game at 630, but they had to forfit, cause itscoed, and you need three gils to play, and one team only had two. So, yeah, I still get paid! But, also at 630, I had my baseball, and I ended up getting to go cause I didn't ump! So, then I got a drive back to the ball fe3ild after my baseball, to where my dad was, playing, and I got icecream! ^_^ tahts all! Really funny night!
Sorry tis so long, lots happened, even more to ell you all, but I want you guys to read this, so, I'll go now! ^_^ |
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