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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
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Does it really matter?
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I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
Oh hell ya!
Not totally like me, the short fuse, and mostly angry thing is pretty much dead on! Ummmm... lets see, yesterday I got mad cause Adobe wouldn't work on my comp and I screamed at my lil bro! REALLY loud! PLEASE READ LOWER POST!
 You are Black.
Boasting of Power and mystery, you make for an interesting person. But careful, you may scare off any potential freinds with your short fuse.
What Color Best Represents Your Personality? brought to you by Quizilla
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What a weird thing to happen!
My comp is weird... it had issues last night. Now, this is what happened!
I was making greeting cards for myO, and right after I finished one, the comp started being weird when I typed. In order to type in lower case, I needed to have cpas on, and in upper case, caps off! Also, I couldn't shift anything, nope, no commas, numbers, periods, nothing! So, I got ticked off, and went to submit my greeting! When ever I went on myO, it changed the page, but I finally got into the greetings, submitted it, and turned the comp off, to work out its.... probablem!
So, yeah. It's ganna rain for the next five days now! I might not ump tonight if it rains hard. And I found out that next Firday that 7 people are coming over! All from Nova Scotia! We have my idiot younger cousin, his mom and dad, my papa, his daughters, and papa's sister. Then my mom's parents who live here, might come over to! Oh boy, this will be interesting!
My big bro is getting Tales of Syphonia today... hopefully, if his order is in, he is SOOOOOOO stoked for it! He went to bed early last night to get the day over with! Knowing this, and something totally off that subject, I want a Nintendo Gameboy DS! They are sooo kickass! And I'm ganna save my money to buy one, and the new DBZ supersonic warriors, and the DS DBZ game! YEAH! |
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Mmmmm money!
Okay, this is really funny. My avi on Gaia, is a male avi, cause I HATE female anime characters, so I wanted a male one, cause they are cooler, and I'm a tomboy, and I like the cloths! Anyway, I work at the green dragon, and my big bro went there! AHHH!!! He was like, hi, I'm Ness, my sister works here, she's Tyson1! They were all like, we thought Tyson was a guy! Then they were like, are YOU a guy?
So, my point in telling you this, on Gaia they think cause ur avis a girl, you are to, ur avis a guy, you are to! Thats not true, and on that game, you can accually go and get a gender changed, any time you want! So, its just a picture!
Yup, thats that! ^_^ HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, and I had Baseball practise yesterday, and coach said we sucked! And we did, no one wanted to do anything, and I was catcher at the plate, and they wouldn't even throw the ball to ME!! I was a good catcher though^_^ Then right after that, I made money umpierering a game, and Thursday, I'm skipping the Baseball practise to ump another game at 6:30, I mean, ball, or money? Not a tough choice! Then I got another game next Tuesday, at 8:00 right again after ball! *sigh*, I'm done, now you can leave! ^_^ |
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
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Heh heh heh, we got worms!
My big bro rented Worms 3D! Really fun game! We were playing last nigh, me and my bros. Yeah, a time no one was on the comp! ^_^
Anyway, I'll tell you some things that happened, seeing they were funny!
First we played a three game match, big bro one one, then I one, but it took hell to do it, and that was only my second game playing to! ^_^ My big bro had 1 worm left, and everytime I would cream him, and think he was off the edge, he would land on something to save his life! (off the edge meaning into the water, where you die!) So, I guess that was payback, cause he kept airstriking me, but my worms never died from that! ^_^
Well, I dunno who won the next game, cause I left. But then I went back later, and we played one, where we all decided to tunnel bases intro mountains, then rage war! So, I didn't want to tunnel, so I built me base right on the water, behind a big mountain! Sure, since its one person does something at a time on the screen they seen my base, but who cares, it was safe and perfect! My lil bro tunneled right into water, and drown 3 of his five worms before even finishing his base! So, when it would have come time to rage war, he'd have no worms to fight! My big bro blew 1 of his up, by accident duh, and another when my lil bro handed me the controller, he moved the joystick, and one more of my big bros worms drown! So, I had all mine, and my big bro restartedas a klling game again!
Well, the next game, we used a custom built level, and everything was floating in the sky! Here is what happened, and this is a real life fight!
My big bro was on the top floating peice of land to start, and I had 2 worms right below him, and big bro started first, so he shot at them, and luckily, they both survived! So, on my turn, I airstriked him, and killed his worm, up on top, and almost destroyed the land on top! That made big bro mad, cause he thought the high land was gone, but when I showed him it wasn't, him and lil bro were spending their turns trying to get to it on jetpacks, but the game wouldn't allow them to! So, they got made at me, when on my turn, I killed them! Which is the object of the game! They said they were trying to get to the top land! And then they said not to do that, and we fought, and I said what was I supposed to do, try and get up like them and die doing it? (they died whenever they tried!) So, then hey teamed up against me, and it all came down to me on a plot of land in the sky, with water all around, and my lil bro with one worm, on hi turn!
So, my lil bro is stupid beyond belief! He flew up to me, then circled around me, and almost drowned doing that, cause he's stupid! He then finally hit me off into the water to my grave. No biggy, cause he SHOULD have won the game, but after you attack or kill someone, you can move ur worm away from the battle, and he was stupid, and jumped his worm off the egde into the water, thinking he'd finally won, but he didn't cause the game ain't over till he stops moving!
So, thats the game for one day, its one hell of an adventure! |
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Monday, July 12, 2004
I shall slit his throat and hang him!
Lil bro ganna die! HAHAHAHAHA!!! He comes into the comp room k, and he's like, I'm using the comp at 12:30, and I just got on at 11:30, and we get in a arrguement, then he almost cries, and runs off, and whins to mom. What a wuss!
Anyways, I played yugioh with my big bro last night, the duel went forever, and again, I pulled off one of those diabolical sceems that only I could think up! He won by alot, but with one move, I wiped out most of his monsters, and ripped alot of lifepoints out of him, which he then doubled!
So, thats not much, but its what happened! I'm also redoing my my freewebs site, mega time! I have new images, and animations, but currently, I'm only half done. Adding info soon to! ^_^ So thats all, laterz! |
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Sunday, July 11, 2004
Vefore I do the Hair Doo Dude for today, I want to say a few things about yesterday!
After telling my lilbro not to sign up for Gaia, cause he wouldn'tlike it, but he would be stupid on it and such, just really good reasons, he did, to get other peeps avatars pics to animate! I went into this HUGE fit, and screamed and yelled at my parents about it. And when I do this I always get in trouble and lose..... and.... this time I WON! Yup, he's ganna delete the account, and I think he was ganna before anyway! I never got in any trouble! HAHAHAHA!
Okay, todays HAIR DOO DUDE is:
Name: Yugi
Anime: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Gender: Male
Hair color: Black, purple, yellow
Okay, Yugi is a special case here, now his hair has got ot be the strabgest I've EVER seen!
Yugi's interesting hair style is spikey like a purple explosion, then what seems to be steaked in is a black over layer. Then there are many yellow strands going every which way as bangs, and some added color to the purple and black!
Yugi's glue.... I mean gel... no thats right glue, has to be super strong! To keep his hair in that form. But, lets look back on some chapters in the manga.
When Yugi goes swimming with Anzu (Tea), his hair never even flops down on him when wet!
From the anime, when he sleeps in Duelest Kingdon, then wakes up, his hair is still in perfect place!
Well, thats all for today guys and gals, hope you can solve the mystery of Yugi's wild hair, until next time,send in your suggestions, for next weeks HAIR DOO DUDE!
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Saturday, July 10, 2004
Good as an angle!
I even drew you all ANOTHER pic! Yup, Its a Horo Horo one!
I've noticed I never do my Hair Doo Dudes anymore! Well, I'm ganna get oneof them up tomorrow! And I hope you all liked the Joey pic! I drew that yesterday, and the HH, not up yet, yesterday! ^_^
Well, othing exciting to report, but there were some wicked Thunder and lightning! I ,ogged of the comp last night, and no more then a minute later, the power went out! Freaky! The lightning and thunder went for a while, and it poured like hell, and damn, the sky was dark!
Meh, thats about it, and I can't remember anything else!
Message to Nitz:
Tough, I knew you wouldn't join if I were Vegeta! And don't call me unworthy, I have loved Vegeta since the second he appeared on tv for the first time! He is my fave anime character, and I live by his words! So don't you call me a mimic and unworthy! |
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Friday, July 9, 2004
My dad kicked em off the comp yesterday cause I said I didn't care about which bowl I use for cereal! Stupid, then I was against him on something, same result!
Well, still, lots to do, and I was done anyways! Hmm!!! My mom s surgery was good, she accualty came home happy,then the freezing wore off!
I had baseball to, and it was a practise, but on Thursdays, we put our training into action! Anyone who faces us, is ganna cry!
Thats about it! ANow I will leave you all with a quote from Naruto!
Naruto: I can hear the wanting to kill me already! |
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
I had sooo much fun with my cousin!
Yup, my cousin and her fiance Marc came up from NS. Me and Marc are good buds too! ^_^ As I am with my cousin, I'm on Gaia, so I'll make this short.
Mainly, my dad and I and them, went to the tatoo place and we got Marc a Japanese symbol that says Honor, and my Cousin, Lauran a Japanese symbol that says Love! They're cool, and when I'm 18, like my mom always says, I'll get the code of the samurai, and then Marc will get Warrior!
Also, we went swimming! And though their dog Resse to swim! Then they had to go home. Also, I taught them how to read manga and such, and all about anime, and showed them mt pics! All in all it was great!
Today, my mom has surgery on here wrist, so yeah. Laterz! |
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