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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
Forgot to post!
Okay, when Iwas on before, earlier, I forgot to post, now I have no time.
Things that happened, went on Gaia alot yesterday, and went to Baseball practice. The coach tried to kill us with his work out, and such. Then when we were batting, and he pitched to me, I hit the ball at him.! ^_^ Me evil!
Well, thats all, and my cousin is coming up later, so I probably won't be back! Laterz! |
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004
Lots to do, but no one knows that!
Oh, gleeful times, my lil bro is grounded, for how long I do not know, but he isn't allowed on the comp! Muhahahahaha!
I have tons to do on Gaia, and please tell me ur name and stuff! I wanna make friends, and you can also join my guild! Its Anime Masters!
Ummmm... the only thing that was really fun yesterday, was me and my big bro doing Gaia stuff, and having a super pillow fight! When he got tired, I creamed him good in the head! ^_^
The best thing that me and my bog bro are doing with Gaia online, is we ARE NOT telling my lil bro, cause when we found Neo Petz many moons ago, he found out bout it, and hogged the comp. He WILL do that with Gaia, so, he knows NOTHING! HAHAHAHAHA!
Laterz! |
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Monday, July 5, 2004
Whoa dudes, Gaia is awsome! I never knew! I just got my account, and so did my big bro, after me of course! What are ur user names? Mines tyson1, laterz!
Please read lower post! |
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Whoa, why is the house rumbling? Oh, thats my moms foot massager!
Holly crap... on another page I have open, my SK just scared the shit out of me, I just heard all these squeeks, and such. Whao...
So, nothing much up, welps... nope. One little thing though, then some sports news that rocks my socks!
Last night, a fellow ump, called and wanted to know if I wanted a drive to that nights game. I frecked out, what damn game???!!! I wasn't enformed of this, so we made calls, no one was anywhere, but it was okay, cause now I was ganna.... Holy crap, my RABBIT JUST JUMPED OUT OF HIS CAGE BY HIMSELF!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH.... EVERYTHING IS GOING CRAZY TODAY!!!!! As I was saying, I was allowed to do the game for someone else, and did. Meh.
Now, check all this out.
Greece won the world cup of soccer, I wanted them to win, and predicted it to!
Canadian Steven Ames won his first PGA event.
My Hamilton Tiger Cats of the CFL (Canadian Football League) Kicked Calgary's ass!
I think some Canadian guy from Calgary won at Wimboldon.
Spiderman 2 is about to shatter the record for most money made when a movie comes out on a Wednesday, over a 100 million currently!
Thats about it, laterz all! Freaky rabbit..... |
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Sunday, July 4, 2004
Dude, I swear, I updated yesterday!
Meh, I KNOW I updated yesterday, but my post ain't there, and now, I don't even remember what I wrote!
Meh, wel, my big bro got to see Spiderman 2, with his friend, but I never knew, so I couldn't go! Also, I beat the Spiderman 2 game! HAHAHAHAHA! Accually, my big bro had to beat Doc Oc at the end, cause I was ganna beat the crap out of the tv!
Well, thats about it, and yeah, I have four new images, but I'm way to lazy to upload em, and scan em. Ya know why? Cause I don't like to go all the way upstairs to get my drawings, and I live in a big house, so it might take a minute! Well, happy Independance day to all Americans! |
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Friday, July 2, 2004
Booya, what a Canada day!
Well, let me tell you, this was the best Canada day ever!
First, I got this cool cake, well, I mean, it was yummy! I had icing and inch thick!
That night, we had my grandparents and my moms friend over for supper, and such, then I played some more Spiderman 2.
My dad, lilbro and I then went to see Crush in concert! It was at the Market Square in town. My dad didn't think we could get close to the stage, oh and its an outdoor concert, it was a free Canada day thing, so, I told my dad I was pro at these monervering things, so I got us RIGHT in front of the stage! It was wicked, and we were standing right beside the speckers!
After the Crush concert (Crush: Canada's #1 band!), we were supposed to watch the wicked fireworks show, cause in town, they are alot better then in my little town, where I live I mean, but alot of fog roled in, and we could see absolutly nothing!
Also, this really drunk idiot, rushed the stage, swore into a mic, then the band threw him off the stage, but he fell off to! I was funny, besides that he kneed me in the head!
So, today, is weird. There are sever thunder storm warnings around everywhere, where I live and in town, and this really huge thunder struck, like, banging and the house was shacking, then rain all at once came pouring down! Messed up!
Well, that's my best Canada day ever, but I wish I could have stayed for the autograph session! Meh, laterz dudes!
Edit: I re-submitted the Gohan pic. Please, it you voted, you can vote again! |
Comments (9) |
Thursday, July 1, 2004
Well, sure, everyone makes mistakes!
Yup, sorry bout this, the three pics I uploaded yesterday (3 DBZ) one I accidentally put it in as Dragon Knight, seeing its so close, I will reenter it, and delete that one! ^_^
I was thinking of not coming on today, seeing its Canada day and all. Nothing special though. So, nothing much to do.
I have three new pics to upload, Horo Horo and two more DBZ kitties. I'm working on a Marik pic fro SesshTaishi too!
So, that's about it, oh, and my big bro rented Spiderman 2, and the graphics are awsome! You can do and go anywhere you want in the game! And my bro's and I were ganna go see Spiderman 2 n its premier yesterday, but my mom wouldn't drive us! Meh, laterz all! |
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Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Damn, I hate stupid pop ups!
I have adware on my comp, woop d doo!
Well, lets see, yesterday, Ididn't do much, in fact I can't even remember what I did during mid day........hmmmm....this is weird....... I read AI.... Oh, I drew last night to, for the first time in awhile! And I FINALLY uploaded those DBZ pics, the ones I promised like, a week ago! Well, theres three now anyways!
So, I'm just in a drawing mood, and such, basically drawing anime kitties.
And, if anyone is wondering where our dear SesshTaishi is, she is unable to access her account currently! Don't worry, her and I talk everyday, she's not dead! Laterz all! |
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Halo, see it?
Hahaha! Thats just a play on words, and that smily. I was playing HALO this morning, and beat a few levels, but then just saved it cause I couldn't get any further!
Well, yesterday, my friend agaian, my lil bro and I went to town again, and we messed around, then bought my Anime Insider. We also had a squirtgun fight at my house, me and my friend vs. my lil bro, and my big bros friend came over, but then left, and my big bro went to his friends house, and thats why I was allowed to play HALO!
Last night, I was on the first level, playing in the dark, and I scared myself!
Also, before sun down, my lil bro, my dad, and I went swimming, and I bought a raft thing to lay on, and my bro already had one, and he went to a island in the middel of this lake, but I was cold, so I went back to shore, not ganna give much details, just that the water was like the Atlantic Ocean!
So, yup, another full day, looks like summer is getting exciting for me finally!
 Which Wolf's Rain Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Did you all know that everyone in Wolf's Rain die's, except Kaiba? |
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Monday, June 28, 2004
That smiley says what I need to do to my eyes! Wake em up!!!!!
Ohh, damn, why do I always hit enter after typing my subject? AHHHH!
Well, yesterday was really fun! After I updated here, and finished playing around with my sk and chips, my friend called, and I was expecting him to cause of last night... meh, just some calling error thing. So, anyways he wanted to know if I wanted to go down to the mall with him, or wherever to check out the Joey yugioh deck his friend gave him, which he was ganna give me! I said I had no bike! Cause I don't!
Smart me, went upstairs asked to use my big bro's and he said yes, I was in bussiness! So now I was able to go down! Anyways, we messed around with yugioh cards, bought lots of candy, and such, then went to my house to play with the sk's.
Seeing he is me "lucky person" meaning whenever he's around, I have great luck, like winning contests, getting things I've wanted, yeah, I was getting and looking for a chip in the sk dump called Kabuto, never told him that, but when ever I would find one, it would be taken already but not this time! I finally got it! I was also looking for buny ears, and found two but couldn't get them, right after he had finished saying, "wouldn't it be funny if you found bunny ears!"
So, it was fun, and be made a deal with my mom that if we went back to the mall on our bikes to get her salad and hog dog buns, that my friend could stay for supper! Ohh, and am I good!
So, right when we went outside, it started to rain lightly, but we went anyways, racing the rain to the mall, and we won! But, once we got all the stuff, it was POURING over the mall!!! So, at one time, like for a few minutes, it stopped, so we took off, and my house is just up over a hill from the mal, so no biggy! We again raced the rain, coming back our way! We never once got wet, and made it back to my house, where it then started to pour, and the salad peeps gave my mom the wrong salad!^_^
And the story continues! After supper, we both built my new yugioh deck, and such, did odd little things. Then my lil bro was in my room, and we were all taslking about funny things, mainly about THAT, we are not a cult! Then we decided to beat him up, so my dad came upstairs and told us to take it outside, in the nice wet grass! HAHAHAHAHEHEHEHE! So, we did that, then invited my big bro out to do that also! It was hilarious, cause he's so weak when we all team up!
After that, my big bro didn't know the shed key was in the shed, and he locked the door. My friends bike was in there to! So, we had to break into our own shed, and we ripped through the lock! Funny eh?! After that he had to go home. But today, we are going down to the drug store to buy the new anime insider!
Sorry its sooo long, it was a fun and HUGE day! At least I broke it up! |
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