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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
I just woke up, whats the deal?
Meh......I just woke up, but I didn't on my alarm clock today! I mean, usually I would, setting it for 7:30am, just so I don't waste the day.....but when it went off this morning, I woke up, looked at the clock, say..."meh" and went back to my nice sleep! Why am I telling you this? There IS no point! Meh...
Well, nothing to now, in the morning, but net surf, like every summer morning! I realized that I'm the only of the three kids in my family to brush their, I dunno bout my big bro, but my lil bro refuses to brush his teeth!!!!
Oh! The exciting bit here! My big bro borrowed his friends XBOX, and Ninja Gaiden (LOVE IT), some other two games.... and HALO!!!!!! I was playing with him, and we kick ass! I can fit that damn truck through ANYTHING!!! But, I can also get the Ghost stuck anywhere! Together, we kick total ass!!!! Play that game if you haven't!
Oh, and my big bro also sold two GCN games he doesn't want to his friends bro for $75 dollars, so he's ganna buy a cool new game! ^_^ I say let him buy the games! I'll buy 1080!!!!! Laterz all! |
Comments (6) |
Saturday, June 26, 2004
Lots of comments yesterday!
Well, because I got 12 comments on that small post, I'm ganna do what demonsprite does, and answer them from here, MY site!
cardcaptorryoko: Hope ur strenght in numbers works! Well, the movie is rated R cause theres alot of blood and killing!
Moldy: Yeah,my downloads are slow and crappy too!
Demon Fox: I wouldn't know, have seen LOTR 3.
Noshi17: Mine takes hours to download, and I've ALWAYS wanted to be a samurai!!!
Nitz: Good, never give up! I look forward to ur new art, and I never knew bout the American and Japanese spelling of Vegeta!
Dark Phoenix: Coll, I'm a member of THAT!
Demonsprite: Yeah, that movie looks weird!
Anime Dragon: Yeah, dude the movie rocks! Laterz *hugs back*
KanuckGrrl: You just put it into the green circle, and click! Then it turns dark green. Whats its name? (ur sk)
MillenniumChaos: The end is great!
Kelsey05: Not a movie, a music video, dbz and naruto!
masterman: I also have it on DVD, 2-disc special edition! Bought it myself *hmhf!*
Well, thats all of thems! Now I forgot what I was ganna say, meh! Oh, and my printer works now, so I can draw more and new DBZ pics! HAHAHA Vegetto! Laterz!
Yeah! Remembered, thanks modify post thing!
Yesterday night, at 800pm, I was supposed to ump two games till 1100pm, so, it was starting to rain, and we were a little past half way through the first game, and it rained like HELL!!! Then it would stop then rian like HELL! well, this kept happening, and such, and then it rained twice as hard as ever before, and me and the other ump, (Stacy) ran to each other, said seya, and ran away! Funny eh?! I was SOAKED!!!!
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Friday, June 25, 2004
What a long movie!
The Last Samurai is a longggggg movie! over 2 hours and I've only watched half, cause my mom wanted the tv. *pooy*
Well, I'm just being bored here. I downloaded a dbz music video, and a naruto one too. Both from SSJ4 Beybladers Realm. Cool site! I can't download while I'm on Otaku because it slows down alot!
Alos, I was on the Zone live chat yesterday,got some cool chip, and now my online robot buddy (Site Kick) has a ninja costume, to go with all his other parts! If you want a site kick, sorry, you HAVE to be a Canadian resident, and sign up on YTV! Later all! |
Comments (10) |
Thursday, June 24, 2004
La de da de da de da.....
My my, what a beautiful, cloudy ugly day! *sigh* I have dreams of Last Samurai! la de da de da de da..... well, I have nothing to do, and I will watch my new dvd today, sometime, play some more 1080, and maye draw Goku from DB, but there is still one problem...
My stupid printer is out of ink or something, so I can't print ANY new pics to draw, and I only have a few that I printed awhile ago. *sucks* Now that makes me super bored! All I can do is wait for Shonen Jump to come, so I can draw and read! Later all. |
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
On this dingy dark day of Wednesday, a beam of light has shone on me from the heavens! Okay, so I'm overexagerating it, but I GOT THE LAST SAMURAI DVD!
Remember how I was super ticked the other day about it being gone? Well, my parents without me knowing, went to rent some movies to watch, and my mom saw it on the shelf, and picked it up for me!
The funny thing bout all this is that she was the one who said all along I shouldn't buy it, well, she bout it for me, and I have to pay her back, but I still have my money for it in my room!
Also, my mom quite smoking today! |
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I got more to the list!
Yes, more main characters that like to eat, from onewingedangle
Miaka: Fushigi Yuugi
Naruto: Naruto
Lina: Slayers
I forgot about Naruto, and I have never seen these other anime. If anyones got more send them in k?!
Well, my big bro did a smart thing yesterday, he rented 1080 Avalanche again! *smiles and hugs big bro* I love that game. I was in my room reading something, and I heard the song chock, my fave song from the game, and I walked in his room and was like, "you said you didn't download chock!"
Him: "I didn't, its 1080!"
Me: "Ohhh! I wanna play!"
Or something like that!
Well, yeah, thats about it, and in baseball, they are making us practise the old stuff, like we are training for little league. Also, when we practised bunting, I was the only one at first who could hit the ball. The rest sucked asically! I am a pro! *pridful smile*
One more thing, I have another stupid practise tomorrow, so I can't watch the Beyblade G Revolution preveiw, or the making of the third season, the whole thing is called Rip-O-Lution, and I will tape it....muuhahahahahaha! |
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Why do I do this... right... instaed of the day to be wasted?!
Yes, Its summer, that means getting up every morning to watch Dragon Ball and DBZ, which I love, and during the school year, I can only watch Dragon Ball, cause DBZ is on when I have to go to school, but, next year, I can walk to the high school, cause its like, just down a hill by my house (no more pycso bus driver) and I can watch some of DBZ!
I fell special!
Well, this is something I was thinking about last night. The main characters of most anime love to eat! Out of the ones I could think about last night, here are some that follow that theroy.
DBZ: Goku
Digimon 02: Davis
Pokemon: Ash
Trigun: Vash
Shaman King: Yoh
DB: Goku
DBGT: Goku
Beyblade: Tyson
Medabots: Ikki
Thats about I all I thought about last night, so yeah!
Well, I', lazy, and I have two DBZ pics, I finished like two days ago, and haven't uploaded, but, cause I'm a special person, and my art goes up as soon as I submit it, I'll do that today..... yup.....and also find new DBZ pics to draw, and two Shaman King ones, that are cute, and bye now! |
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Monday, June 21, 2004
This is... wrong!
Well, what ticks me off is this. I finaly was able to go to the video store, Five Sons, near where I live, and buy the brand new, $15.00 Last Samurai DVD, which there were three copies of before, and they were all gone when I got there!
Now, that just whomps! I had the doh, just not the weather to go down, and when my dad drove me, its gone. Disgusting. And I was really ticked for awhile, but now I'm soooo bored, it don't matter anymore! I'll get one eventually!

PS: I'm going through my DBZ phase! So, everything is ganna be DBZ! |
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My eyes aren't fully open.... are they?
Happy summer everyone! Ahhh... that warm brezze, and my damn cloudy skies! Stupid weather!
Well, nothing to say, but this. Don't you think its stupid that people who aren't members of myO can't veiw our sites or fanart? Sure, they shouldn't be able to comment as a non member, but they should be able to look and read!
Whatever, I am ranting. Later dude, and dudettes! I'll be back later, to veiw more sites when they update. And, if anyone has a YTV sitekick, tell me ur name, I wanna see it! |
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
I'm starting to forget all this, so, excuss me if its all blury... in my head meaning! ^_^
Well, That morning, we went to this wicked cafe, called, in english, the flying pig. We had hot chocolate from a bowl, and a croissant, and some weird pastery with chocolate inside! That was delisious!
After that, we toured Quebec City, and seen all the populair sites, not with detail, I don't wanna waste time.
We were then released into old Quebec, to do what we wanted, unsuperzised, for two hours. I visited every shop there, and I have to say, I have never seen soooo many people in one place at a time! There were about 7 other charter buses! All the resturants were packed all the time, except a brief moment when my friends and I slipped in! I didn't buy anything, cause things were MEGA expensive!
We then took a bike ride, that was 2 hours along the Riviere St-Charles. That was great, and a kid biked into a wall!^_^
We then went back to our hotel, for only about ten minutes, and then were off to the Sugar shack!
The Sugar Shack was strange, peeps were singing, and playing instruments, and we ate all kinds of food, and I made an enemy with the idiot behind me! Some kids from our school went up to play instruments, and everyone erupted! So, then we danced, the macarina, whatever its spelling may be, and the chicken dance, then ate maple syrup taffy!
That was all for that day, as we went to the hotel and slept, but again, my room mates annoyed me, and kept us all up for a looonnnngggg time! |
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