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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Saturday, June 19, 2004
Todays Hair Doo Dude is: Horo Horo
Anime: Shaman King
Dubbed name: Tray Racer
Okay, so, here we land on Horo Horo, my fave Shaman King character, and one of my fave anime and manga characters of all time! So, he's pretty special to me!
The thing about Horo Horo's hair puzzels me, cause its black below his head band, and blue above it! I mean, was this planned?
Horo Horo fasions a spiky look, just the radical type for an awsome snowboarder! If I were to guess, I would say Horo Horo uses Dippity Do Sports Gel! Thats the strongest stuff around!
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Friday, June 18, 2004
Sorry, someone got the wrong idea.
Nope, the wrong idea that was gotten, on the last post was that I had to chew the gum, but no, it was a jackass friend, who will do anything for a laugh!
Well, again with my lame excusses, I wasn't here yesterday like I promised for the Water park post. Well, I'll tell you all now!
So, I was smart this year, and loaded on the sunscreen, cause everytime anyone goes there, to that water park, they go in peach, come out red! I also wore a muscle shirt as to not burn my shoulders, learned my lesson!
So, it was a blast, and I rode every ride, but no fine detail, but I will say that everytime I went into the wave pool, I got a mouth full of water. The wave pool is awsome, it simulates the rough oceans. Huge waves and such. Also, on the lazy river, I pirated, and soaked peeps. The lazy river is a tube ride where you lay on a tube and just relax while a slow current takes you around a track. So, I went fast, and flooded tubes!
Well, anyways, after I came home, I got ready to umpier at 6:30pm, and I only got a hour at my house before leaving, and when I was leaving, our company was arriving from Ottawa, who were staying the night, but they also had a huge 30foot trailor to sleep in, there five of them.
So, I had a good ball game to ump, and when I got home, I played with my mom's cousin's 2 year old, and their 7 month old baby. It was awsome, and we played and all the adults and my big bro went to my grandparents house, and my lil bro and I stayed with the kids.
Well, my two dogs dumped their bowl of water, and carryied it through the house, and it was everywhere, and I put the puppy in his cage, and he wet himself, everywhere...... so the disaster happened, and I made my parents come home to help clean the mess. *sigh* So, you see why I wasn't on, and now, they went home at noon today, and I have alot of candy!
So, That was a long thing to tell, sorry bout that, well, later! I'm ganna come check out ur sites now! |
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
On hold, but not for long, the smart teen is here!!!
So, sorry I wasn't here, my prom was last night, and grade 8 dinner, and awards for grade 8's! So, I won 4 medals and six awards in total! Be proud, you all know a guinese! Also, I wore this wicked dragon wrap skirt, and afterwards went to the prom, and it was great!
Today, we were outside, doing whatever we wanted, for two periods, till resess, and then we had the grade 8 bar b que, and I was the only person to go to shop class, everyone else stayed outside, but after awhile, smiley_13 came to the shop to help me do some cutting, and stuff. Yeah, it was cool.
During lunch, I was playing truth, dare, dubble-drae, promise to repeat, and must. I seen people lick the pavement, rub a girls leg, and chew gum thats been under a desk! Nasty stuff!
So, after lunch, grade 8's (me) had their essemblies, and we presented more awards, to the peeps who weren't at the awards banquet the night before, then watched the slide show, and I was in it alot! (slidshow, its the pics that are taken throughout the school year, and we watch it every year! Very fun.)
So, that was today and yesterday, and then tomorrow, I'm going to the water theme park in town with my class, and might have an umpirering job that same night. Ummm... and I passed the year, and my report card is all A's and A+'s! YEAH!!!!
EDIT: Quebec chapters will continue Friday! |
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Monday, June 14, 2004
Okay, chapter 1, Wednesday.
The day started with us all arriving at the school to board the charter bus. There were 49 students, three teachers, and two chaperons. We boared and were off.
On the 8 hour drive up, on our awsome bus, reclining seats, tv monitors, and all kinds of cool things, we watched 3 movies, and made two stops.
When we arrived in Quebec City, we were blown away wiht the awsome trees over the streets, and beautiful streets! So, we went to our hotel, and meet our tour guide. Her nickname was Ves.
So, after dropping off all our things in the hotel rooms, and claiming our beds, we went to this old war tower, but I can't remember the name cause my mom threw out the paper with all the site names! Well, anyway, they treated us like British soilders, and while outside, we did an activity to see how hard it was to get arrows through tower loop holes, but we through tiny bean bags. The two ladies, being British captians we strict, and nasty - funny to the teachers, when they would laugh. So, there, we did exercises, learned how to load a musket, and had compitions with loading them, I did well with it, and we did other games, then seen what the punishments for bad soilders was. My team came in second with the activity scores, and the losing team had to be the teachers slaves for the rest of the trip to Quebec.
So, after that we went to the Huron village, and learned about their culture and traditions, then ate at their resturant. I hated the soup, seasame seed soup, yuck! I also hated the lasanga and corn, but loved the cake for desert! So, after dinner, we watched their traditional dances, and stories. That was awsome,. and I got to dance with them! After all that, we went to the hotel, and slept, but before we slept, my room had problems! One of my room mates was crazy, and was disgusting, in words, and actions. We were also getting calls from other rooms at 12:00pm, so, the next day, we took all the phones out, but thats tomorrows story!
So, for more awsome Quebec chapters, tune in tomorrow, to hear the good, and evil (evil being that same one room mate!) |
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Saturday, June 12, 2004
WOW! What a blast!
First, I am super happy to be back on, and I missed you guys! Yeah, I had the best time in Quebec, and it is the most beautiful place I have EVER been1 8 hours for the mfancy motor coach ride was wicked to! I'm ganna have a section called QUEBEC CHAPTERS, for the four days I was there, and tell you what went on, cause to write it all in one post..... well..... that would be HUGE!
So, I will be back tomorrow, don't know when, but I will, cause Its late now, and I just got back, and talked bout my trip already! So, later! |
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
Til next time! Fare the well!
Well, I'm off tomorrow morning, 8:00am sharp! So, this is my last post til I return!
Today was awsome, cause I went to the primary school for their fun day, to help out, and I was paired up with the (adult) neighbor! Yeha, we spent the whole morning, until lunch doing little kid things! It was great!
After lunch, we had a sex-ed hing, and some really expressive lady talked to us bout protection, and what not, gross beyond belief!!!! She had a practice model for how to use a comdem *gulps*
Well, so, I'll see you all later,ummmmmm..... sunday, and it sucks, Calgary lost game 7, and the cup, but I knew they would lose, though I wanted them to win, it was because of game 6, and yeah.... that bites! Later all! |
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Monday, June 7, 2004
Sorry, my brother is crazy!
Can I be blamed for my lil bro being on the comp ALLLLLL day Sunday? Welll... heck no! So, there is my ever so good reason for missing you guys!
Well, Sunday, the fun day, and the missed day for hair doo dudes, which will come today, yeah, read and enjoy!
First, I went to the EPR fleemarket, that is at the local horse race track every Sunday, and found my brand new Dragon skirts for the Awards dinner, and boat cruise I get to take at night on my trip to Quebec! So, there was soooo many anime cards, no manga *crys*, and SWORDS!!! This is where I wanted to spend that $30!!!! But nope, there were ninja swords, and fire sword like swords, and HEAVEN!!!
So, got all my stuff for my Quebec trip, which is this Wed. Thats why I WILL NOT BE HERE for four days! So, FUN TIME!!!!
Well, that was my awsome day, and here is the newest, with a cool new format typing, HAIR DOO DUDE!
Name: Vegeta
Anime: DBZ/GT
Hair colour: black, and whe SS, blond, Bebi Vegeta has white hair.
Personality: evil, angry, grouchy, leader, powerful
Vegeta is the unique character of the DBZ/GT bunch. He has a short temper for stupidy, like me and, a wicked straight up hair cut! This is one dude you don't wanna pic a fight with, because Vegeta is one of the strongest saiyans on the earth! The son of King Vegeta, and related to Goku even, in saiyan blood, Vegeta is my fave DBZ/GT character, and he's a badass kicker!
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Saturday, June 5, 2004
My god, the nastiest night, and the most challeneging of tests!
*sigh* Umpiering is hard! I made a few mistakes on my first two games, but for the most part it was good, plus now I gots $30 for comic books!
Well, yesterday, with my umpiering, my day was full, cause I went to my friends house after school, then came home, changed, then umpiered till 11:00pm.
Sooooo..... this morning I watched all kinds of anime, and they changed the line up so there are two epis of yugioh, and two back to back epis of Pokemon! Wicked! And, my bros pics and my newest, not ganna say more, will be up soon, and I'll post the new hair doo dude tomorrow, and cook up a few more goodies, for when I go away for those four days! Later! |
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Friday, June 4, 2004
Sorry for not updating... I was...tired!
Well, not tired today! Not much to say, I'm at school, and such!
Hey, I aced my mentle math test yesterday, I think.... It was very easy! Yeah, simple stuff, and my testing is all done now! ^_^ *smiles*
So, today so far, I've watched osmosis Jones, and performed a play in english! Easy goings, and I soooo can't wait till next week.
So, thats all, I'll be on after school, and I might upload my bro's pics and mine! Later dudes! |
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Wednesday, June 2, 2004
I will call him squishy, and he will be mine. He will be my squishy!
Yes, I almost didn't come on cause I'm tired.... *yawns* I mean, I was drawing, and I fell asleep!
Well, my big bro drew two pics he wants me to upload for him, so, I'll do that tomorrow, and theyare really good! From PSO (Phantasy Star Online)
Well, math went well, I had about 40min. left over,and I finished my Graphic Novel, and am ganna go buy another Sunday in town, when I go with my mom, and such, so, yeah, I wanted Bleach, but they don't have it, and said on the phone they could order it for me! And I reserved my SJ, yesh, I do that every month! They like me there! Later now, I'm....gannnaaaaa......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........zzzz....... |
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