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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
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Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004
YES! I did it, and conquered the world!
HAHAHAHAHA! I found my lost pencile case! it was in my homeroom! Someone stole the drawing penciles that were in it! Mhh... getting new ones!
Math assessments tomorrow, and Thursday! Yeah! they are a great time waster, seeing they are SOOOOOO easy for me!
Almost done my Shaman King GN, its awsome! I have never read the first chapters of Shaman King before! And my new Shonen Jump isn't in yet! I'm worried!
Ummm..... nothing else.... except thast in gym class, all my shi tappa (henchmen) were pulling me around on mats from the mat room, and we beat everyone up, and tired my friend up, then locked him in the mat room! Well, thats it, later!
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Monday, May 31, 2004
Am I just lose it then never find it prone?
Yes, after that mishap with my losing the S.S. book, I lost my entire pencile case, with my awsome calculator, drawing penciles, adn colouring stuff, plus lots of other things! I never find things I lose! *sigh* so ANNOYING!
Got my Shaman King GF today finally, its been awhile! They are soooo little! hehehehehe! Well, one more thing to say before I get to the newest hair do dude! In S.S. we were talking about politics, and cabinates appointed, and I dared my friend to ask if the cabinets had socks, and he did, and everyone laughed, and now I own him a chocolate milk!
Hair Do Dude #2: Ren (Shaman King)
Ren is Yoh biggest opponent in Shaman King, and he also has the biggest hair! He ALSO has the biggest badass attitude!
Ren, alos know as Len, has a wickedly slicked spike on the back of his head, and he has brown hair, although, in some pictures, he may have blue hair, but its usually brown! The rest of his head is mainly flat, except for his turbo spike!
Ren's spirit is Bason, the anicent warrior, who is a whopping size, and soon becomes friends with Yoh, and Amidamaru.
Well, here is Ren, the Spiked hair Shaman!
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Sunday, May 30, 2004
WOW! Who herd the latest theO news???
Whoa, dude, thats sick, Adam says that the former top two artists were plagerists! I will never and have never been a plagerist, but if I'm ever accused, I will kick that persons ass! I take it a serious threat to be called a plagerist! My lil bro plagerised my art at school! Bastard!
Well, I didn't get to umpier tonight, the game was cancelled, but I still got payed my $15, for doing nothing! Got two games Friday, cool! So... those will become my first games!!!!
Well, later peeps! Oh, and yes I found the next hair character, not telling though! I spent the whole day playing custom robo with my big bro! my robo kicks ass! |
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Yes, I'm soooo bored! Hey, and the Custom Robo test drive!
Yup, nothing to do, I'm sooo very bored! I might upload new pics to my other site.
Well, my bro rented Custom Robo a few dasy ago,and I just played it yesterday and this morning. Its a really fun game, and very annoying! The main thing is how you get to choose colours for your Robo, then bombs, main weapon, pods, and speciality legs. Its a fun game overall!
Yeah, thats about it, later dudes and dudettes! |
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Saturday, May 29, 2004
Sorry I wasn't here.... stuff...
Yeah, I had to do some umpirering work, learning the stuff bout it, and got my first game Sunday at 6:30pm, so, you'll know!
Ummm..... I started a cool new pic, and Its almost done. And about Brolly, he is the second gym leader ash faces, so, I don't know why I can't find him, on google, or yahoo!
Hmmm,... that puppy I call lusifer, he is evil! I was watching anime this morning, everybody else wasting the day sleeping, and he justkept jumping on the couch, and attack me, and such...... evil....... Later! |
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Thursday, May 27, 2004
I'm ganna blow, and some news I forgot yesterday, how, I dunno!
Yes, my brother and his friend are driving me nuts and I will soon be DRIVING my fist down his throat!
Yes, I do not know HOW I could forget to tell you all this yesterday, but, my mom bought a new puppy yesterday! He's a border colie, just like my other dog, who's 4, and his name is Jake, and this puppy is called Jasper, my mom, yeah, weird names!
Well, I was asked what I do with all my cards. Well, I make wicked decks, and cream peeps, and mainly store them perfectly, so they will be worth alot soon!
Hey, and I also have a demo deck of Dragon Ball GT crads, that I got in my Anime Insider.
Well, gotta go, later dudes! Oh, and if ANYONE can get me a pic of Brolly from Pokemon, that would be a big help, if you find one, just put it into a comment. Thanks! |
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Answering a question, and here to tell a REALLY sick story!
K, I got a question, how many Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards I have. Well, Yu-Gi-Oh, I haven't been able to collect many, so.... about 20 or 30. Pokemon, well now, over 500! I gots alot of them! My fave card game! One Duel Masters card, so far..... about 200 Digimon cards, and the ultimate, unbeatable deck! (never challenge me to Pokemon or Digimon, my decks are ULTIMATE!)
So, yeah, lots of other cards, and two huge accomplishments, almost collected the ENTIRE set of Pokemon trading cards (the ones you DON'T battle with), and have completed the Pokemon puzzle, and never met anyone who has completed the puzzle!
Okay, yeah, sick story, kid roller skating today at lunch, he fell, and his pants were down all the way, and my friends and I were grossed out, and we sat in the road gagging!
So, glad you all liked my Hair thing, fun isn't it! I got a Yugi request, and if you got any requests, send them in peeps, although I might not be able to them at the time, they will be done soon, I gots alot of ideas! Later peeps!
P.S. uploaded two Yu-Gi-Oh pics, cool to! Check em! |
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Thank you all for your help!
Yes, thanks, and special thanks to cardcaptorryoko, who gave me the HUGE info on Wolf's Rain, yes, the reason being I wanna draw some of them! Found out bout Hige last night, and knew bout Kiba, but now I know alot! ^_^ They don't air it in Canada, where I live anyways!
Well, now for the new project, yes, ummm.... here it is!
Yes, each week, or so, I will feature a different anime or mange character who are super weird hair! This week, as the first, Tristen Taylor! The super hair that looks like a hat!
Pic to follow.

Tristen is Yugi, Joey, and Taia's best friend. He used to pick on Yugi, but then soon after Yugi took a few blows for Tristen and Joey, the three became best buds!
So, the low down on Tristen hair. I think the dude must use super glue and slicker, cause that due is hat like! Tristens hair is two different shades of dark brown, and ends in a cone.
I wonder how I could do that!?....
So, later, maybe another this week, whenever, there will be another character! Look for it! |
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Monday, May 24, 2004
Quick question, also read lower post for a cool short story!
Who are the characters of Wolf's Rain? Anyone, please, never seen it, but wanna know, and pics if you can! Later! |
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Yes, a got a comment yesterday froem littlenaru, and it was neat, bout pytons! well, let me tell ya a story!
Hehehe, my story! littlenaru, you'll love this, and hate me!
Yes, I met a pyton! Uh huh! Yup, and an anaconda, they were both wrapped around my neck, and I kissed them! And I also kissed a baby aligator! uh huh, and awsome reptiles!
Yup, so the thing was, there was this reptile man, he loved reptiles, and brought them to my school once, when I was like... grade two or one, whatever, yeah, and we played with the HUGE snakes and reptiles! It was totally awsome!
Ummmmmm..... nothing going on today! Nope, nor yesterday, found myself really walking in circles! Lots of stuff to draw, but totally not in a drawing mood! Also so many incomplete pics! Ahhhh..... I love have this day off! HAHAAHAHAHAHHA! Later peeps!
P.S. starting a cool new project here on myO, check it out, tomorrow! |
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