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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
Man, don't you just hate it when that happens? I do!
Yes, my breif absense was due to internet failur! Ummm.... stupid virus alert! Virus trying to hack me, it can't get in though! Since I can type through it, I should leave it and keep going, cause it comes every 20 seconds! Mehhh...
Yes, Thrusday, the day from hell! Everything crazy was on! I am going to brief you, cause it was like, totally nuts!
K, found a bird egg and brought it home, it was ganna get killed, and before you ask questions, we HAD to do it! teacher touched it first!
Played the best joke on peeps in my class, it rocked! Made them think we were having math during french!
Ummmmm.... and I can't remember the rest, it was all juicy, but here we are, Sunday, can't remember anymore! I have a four day weekend though! Friday off, and Monday!
Almost done this damned school year to! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, so because my internet sucks, I will have to catch up to whats been going on! and you can help by telling me! ^_^ Later dudes! Ohh... and new images soon!
EDIT: found a cool snake in my yard, lives in my garden, and we took pics of him, and he scared me to crap the first time I found him, just like last years snake scaring on me..... always on me.... sigh.... |
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Ha, what a stupid day! No, no reason at all, just .....never mind...
I have no clue what to tlak about! Had a normal day, messed around, annoyed people, that stuuf. Just one little thing to tell ya all!
Okay, sorry two, Calagary going for the finals tonight...!!!! Holy crap, I keep typing mistakes and correcting them! AHHHH!!!
Okay, yeah, I was asked by my science teacher to design a new Canadian Firefighters logo, for the Firefighters! Isn't that wicked!? I thought that was cool, I get to design something for Canada! I'll post it when Its done! Later, ganna go eat my hamburger.... yummy.... |
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Okay, yes, and IF you know me, Mondays are me not here days!
Yeah, basball mondays, fun fun! Got basball again thursady, this week, but its early, so I come!
Yes, first off, here! Go visit Cute Sesshomaru, at her new site, her other one currently isn't working. SesshTaisho. Thats her new name.
Ummm....lets see, french teacher spassed yesterday, hurt myself ALOT, got stabed with a bokuto (wooden sword) by big bro, now the good stuff!
My big bro rented 1080 Avalanch, the best GameCube game! I've wanted to play it for a LONG time now, and he finally rented it, and I've been playing non stop, except when I can't! Totally wicked! I like to use Kemen, he rocks!
Well, yeah, thats all, and if you've yet to check out my new art, its up, Naruto, been there awhile! Later dudes and dudettes! |
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
Really, I don't have a damn clue in the world.
First, I'm ganna tell you a little story, if you want to hurt urself laughing, skip down past where it says THE END!
K, so, I seen my lil bro and his friend (who was staying the night....again) at the bridge just up from my house, so I ran down a big hill, and juped onto the train tracks, and started walking along, towards the bridge. I proceeded to throw rocks at them, nearly hitting each time, and those idiots couldn't hit a thing cause I was too far back!
Well, eventually, I got under the bridge, and climbed up the side, without them knowing, and jumped on top and threw rocks at them. So, this thing went on for awhile, me chasing them, them hiding around the bridge. Well, eventually, I trapped them in the bushes, and had one down, so they gave up. Then they were hiding in the bridge.
Okay, the good part, they were laying inside a part on this small bridge, and a blue car came over slowly, and they hung out acting like zombies. Now, I was standing at the end of the bridge, so, I was fine. The guy in that blue car got off the bridge, pulled over and came walking up to me. He asked me what they were doing, and I told him they were trying to scare people, and I was ganna go get them off, and he said a bunch of stupid crap, then repeated himself, and said if they didn't get off he was ganna call the police on them.
Yes, so I got them off, and went home, very funny! THE END
K, good story! Now, what I don't have a clue about is this software I downloaded yesterday. DMZ, Duel Masters Zone. I make a deck, check, save it and that, check, andbattle online.....ummm.....yes, how? I know the process, but not what to and how to get anyone to abttle! I sent out a distress signal,. so, I'll get something soon!
Yes, thats all I gotta say, and I uploaded my Naruto pic yesterday, like I think I already said...mhh! Later! |
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Saturday, May 15, 2004
Yes, he's up...up...and away!
Okay, yes, finally got my Naruto fanart submitted, and requested to Adam some cool new art catagories, some, I have art for, but aren't there.
Anyways, my site is jumping back and forth from #9 th #10, its quite interesting!
Ummmm....I wanted to know, if anyone knew what happened to Cute Sesshomaru, she's disappeared!!!! Come back!!!
Well, thats all, and sorry my pic didn't work yesterday, I can't re-upload right now, so I'll try later! |
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Friday, May 14, 2004
WOW! Fredericton it awsome!
Yes, so, I didn't win anuthing at the math compitition, but I learned alot! I get my test results in a few weeks, and that, it was really fun there! We went out for pizza and everything! Then my teacher, who went with us, and another math teacher, there were 12 of us in all, she bought the grade 8's candy! I got Ice cream instead though! There were only four grade 8's, me one!
Yes, very cool indeed. Well, yup, thats all, and like I said before, I was ganna upload some pics from my dads digital camera, well I just did, so I'll post me!
![]() |
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You know how they say all good things must come to an end?
Yes, bad day yesterday, unlike the other day, not THAT bad though!
Well, it was great at school, really great accuality! Just...after school....and thats why I didn't update, ticked, and was watching hockey!
Well, yeah, came home, my mom was twisting ALL my words I said bout something she asked me. Tick tock...
Mom wouldn't let the crap go, and kept asking me to do things she KNEW I hated! Tick tock, tick tock.....
Little brother SPASSED out when we were sword battling outside...I had the nerve to cream him then,.....but would've been busted....Tick tock tick tock tick tock.........BOOM!!!!
es, then I ame in calmly, sat down, watched tv, then my bro came in rying, like the baby he is, and fighting the whole way, I wanted nothing to do with it!
Anyways, its horrible here! I swear! That lil punk I call my lil bro, he's psyco!
Well, I go to Fredericton today, half way across the province, Thats awsome! During school too!
Also, lil bro says he's also trying out for the track and feild team like me, and when I asked him which events he said all of them, then I laughed! Cause thats impossible, cause the gym teacher makes you try them all at least once, and then has noon hour tryouts, but that dumn kid will never go! HAHAHAHAHA! Let alone MAKE an event! I'm going triple and high jump! |
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Well, this is the greatest thing that could happen at school, to think!
Hhahaha! Aced my S.S. test! YES!!! Oh ya, 100%, on S.S., impresive! But, my gay friend failed! HAHAHAHAHAHA! He got 9/24! 34% HAHAHAHAHAHA
Well, I joined my friends band today, in the morning, at class, he told everyone he was having a concert June 18, and needed management. So, I'm a bouncer, and partly management, cause my gay friend,(I don't mean gay as in GAY gay, just retaredly idiot!) can't screw his head on right and get the job done! I might be playing the bongos too!
Yes, that was good, then my big bro, Matt (Smiley_13) were attacking my lil bro and his friend, Nick (Matt's lil bro). Yeah, they locked themselves in the shed, and we got them out after bout half an hour, I pryed the window open!^_^ Yes, then we tortured them, but they locked us out of the house, but we got in, and cleaned up! Got them with the hose though!^_^
Well, yes, that was my day, and I've decided to upload my Naruto pic when I finish my newest one, Kai and Tyson! Later dudes! |
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Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Yo guys, yes, you probably know why I wasn't on!
Yes, again, I had baseball, no updates, and also had to finish my french, seeing it was due today, I presented it to, fun! I lost the barn roof in the rain, but my good friend got it for me!^_^
Yeah, next week I have two baseball practices, monday, and thursday. Yes, fun! I love it all! *sigh* although, I have to only read my SJ and Anime insider at school, cause I have to do an Umpiers exam at home, taking it slowly, and read a rule book for it to, but, all my noon hours are eaten up, cause I'm preparing for the math compitition friday, which will be wicked!
So, yes, if I'm not on, you know why, but as long as there is life in me, I will come!!!!!!!^_^
Also, drew a cool Naruto pic, not sized or scanned, but I'll get to that, and Cute Sesshomaru, I'm SOOOOOO sorry I haven't done your pic, I can't print off the pic, and I can only draw at school, the one I had went sick, and I would NEVER upload it, and threw it out! I PROMISE I will do it when ever possible! |
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Sunday, May 9, 2004
Yeah! What a delightful surprise to get something you never thought of!
Well, I'll lay it on ya, okay, I was at the "dollar store"(store that sells candy, toys and crap) with my dad, buying candy! So, we were getting plastic animals I needed for my french project, and when my dad went up to pay for the candy, and animals, and get a hilium ballon my lil bro wanted him to get, for mothers day, I was standing in the toy isle.
Now what do I see but new Beyblade stuff! They haven't sold Beyblade stuff there in awhile. And, most of the time its knockoffs (fake crap). So, there was this big Beyblade kit with a lancher and like 4 Blades, and there was a pic on the side. Funny thing now. They took all of Tyson's body, and pasted Kai's hair on his head! I laughed to death and went to show my dad.
Of course, he doesn't know Beyblade characters, and there was another Beyblade thing there, an official battle dome, so I showed him the two characters from it Tyson and Kai, and he got it yes, he understood. Then, I looked at the battle dome, and thought, I need one! It was Japanese, so I couldn't read it, but offical! had the Bladebreakers on it. So, I bought it, and when I got home came the surprise.
Inside where two Beyblade blade vuilding kits! I built them, and told my dad I never knew it came with blades! It was only three dollars, and yeah! I can't read Japanese! Quite a great surprise!
Now, something funny bout the box, on the bottom, was four battle stages, things to do for a tournament I guess, can't read Japanese! Stage 1-2 had Dranzer and Dragoon pics, then stage three had a Ru- Kikaze from Yu-Gi-Oh! Stage four had a Saberleomon from Digimon! I was suspisious! But it was funny! To show my dad this, I needed another comparision, so I got my foil Saverleomon card, from my Digimon deack, and showed him and he laughed his head off!
Through all this, my bros where at their friends house, and me and my dad watched Red Water, and ate Jello! Hope you read this, its great! |
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