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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Saturday, May 8, 2004
Wow, I want you dudes to check this out!
Okay, first, I want everyone to go and see cute sesshomaru's new art, Its totally awsome!
I watched all my new anime, and I must say, the season fanilly of Medabots was TOTALLY wicked cool! man, it was great, and if you can watch it!
One last thing, my lil bros friend came over last night to saty over, yes, and they first were under my bros bed, together, and when they came down, my lil bro wasn't wearing a shirt, and he told my dad it was hot upstairs, and I persisted to laugh my heart out! Then they were both upstairs, in his room, and they both had no shirts, and my bros friend was saying and these are the exact words! "No, Chad, stop it *giggle*, don't! let go!" "you can't make me stop, and you'll never get me to let go!"
I again burst out laughing, and me and my big bro attacked them! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!^_^! Had to tell you that! It was just soooo funny! |
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Friday, May 7, 2004
Man, what an interesting thing!
Okay, so, I've been online chatting all day, off and on, and its fun!
I role played as vegeta too. Had quite an epic movie ending! Awsome! Very!
Well, gto, still chatting, ganna see ur sites and stuff! also, we just bought a digital camara, and with it, I'll take some pics and post them... I could do it before, but with my web cam, which sucks! whatever, later! |
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I'm talking to a bunch of yahoos online!
These people have NO sense of direction! !!!!!!
Well, I am up early, have a day off, big huge teacher meetings around New Brunswick! HAHAHA! I got to watch DBZ this morning! Its was when cell ate 17. Boring, I seen it before, but I never get to watch it causse its on when I go to school! Oh well.
Thats all for now, I might update again later! |
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Thursday, May 6, 2004
Hehe, well, from bad to good, then back again, I'd say this day is meant for the blacklist!
Well, day is sick, but lets satrt with yesterdays amazing Yu-Gi-Oh play!
Okay, so basically, I built up two red eyes, with a Lord of D and flute of summoning dragons, so, I set up a bunch of magic and trap cards to destroy my big bros magic and traps, so he couldn't stop me big attack, he had five monsters, one with 4500 attack. Umm... I played lord of d, then activated the flute, and destroyed his magic and traps, put on my red eyes, powered one up to 5100 attack with three awsome magic and traps, ones that draw power, and then destroyed his 4500 monster, and picked his monsters off slowly, I didn't finish the duel, had to slepp, but you see, wicked attack!
Well, today now, the day was pretty good to start, watched a few movies, had some fun, but at the end, I got stuck with a tv, wheeling it around, couldn't get it in the class room its supposed to go to cause the teacher was gone, and kids were packing to go home. So, she came by, be accident, so I got rid of the tv, and by this point, I was really pissed! Totally! I got on my bus, barely, turned my cd player up LOAD, then went home, did everything fats, then stage two!
Stupid lil bro can't duel without crying, so gave me a headache! But, I got my new Anime Insider, with 15 DBGT cards inside, and my new SJ! YEAH! What Sonic Hero Are You? |
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Man, this is useless, but interesting!
Since I have NOTHING interesting to say today, besides I'm going to get my SJ and AI mags, and took two tests and a math seminare, here is my two stoyies!
First, while driving to the high school, as our first stop to let the peeps off the bus in the morning, I looked at the grass, and it was SOOOO green, and this early in the season, man, I thought, they sure do keep it nice even during winter, interesting....
Yeah, and after school, coming home, my stop, just before we got to my stop really, there was a car in the road, driving right down the middle, and the bus swerved to avoid it, and freaked the driver to hell! Funny though! Driver from hell was telling everyone she was "the boss" today, and parents, nor the school can tell her what to do on HER bus, man was it funny!!
Well, ganna go, check some sites and art, I'll be having a few Knuckles pics up soon, two I believe, and that won't take long, so I guess I should work on my freach project! Later!!!^_^
Haha! Isn't that funny?!
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Man, it that people love treatining me? I think so, cause it was pick on Cody day!
Yes, interesting, pick on Cody day! (Cody = my reall name!)Well, threatened by the science teacher for a first time referal, yeah right! By the sub. english teacher, yes, he's STILL here, but I would have deserved his detention, I and another in my class, toumented him for his Red Wings lossing! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Anyways, our class T.A. came back from her California vac. and brough the whole class sand, and that was SOOOOOO nice, for her to take vaction time to do that, and seashells!
So, I LOVE the newest part of Otaku V.2, the pull down comments, wicked! Loads really fast for that now. The fanart redirector thing, better then a huge list, I have 72 drawings!!! (70 now, submitted two yesterday) Those features are awsome! Well, gotta go, laterz!
I love Knuckles, he is sooo cool! Same with Shadow and Sonic!
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Monday, May 3, 2004
Little time, but lots to do... hmmmm..... plab time wisely tomorrow!
Well, I have to eat in about ten or less min. so this will be short and sweet, plus I gotta see ur pages, and have boseball later tonight, so I can't get on when I come home, to late!
Well, I blackmailed my friend today, to make her tell me something, and am ganna get a new S.S. book from my friend to make up for the lost one! She's got three!
I was so hyper right now, I have two new images scanned, just for you, sorry for being late on one! They might be up tonight, or tomorrow, and I can't log into my email cause I forgot my new password! (new account, for websites)
Well, thats about all the good things that happened today, and I "trained" for the math compition next friday. So, gotta go! |
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Sunday, May 2, 2004
This is from a really awsome site!
Okay, there is a cool beyblade site I found, it has really wicked pics! I don't know the URL, so I'll tell you how to find it. Go to images, then search chibi Beyblade, and pic the one with a pic of Tala. There are lots there!
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Post for the day, and alot of sleepy eyes!
Yup, got up at 7:00am to watch KOZ. Totally worth it! Shiru lost his eye sight, the mystery of the steel knihgts was revealed! Way cool!
Well, Toronto plays today at 4:00pm, my dad's ganna watch it, so I won't have the tv, but I'll probably watch it to! My stupid little brother is at my grandparents, and my bir bro rented Harvest Moon for GameCube.
So, everything is good, ganna look for cool pics, later dudes!
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Saturday, May 1, 2004
3002 and still cool!
Yo, thanks for all the hits, 3002, yeah!
Oh yeah, Calgary won against the Wings! Hey, don't worry bout my team Colorado not winning, Wings fans should worry bout their team losing to my Canadian pals!
Well, I spent the morning watching anime, then was at my grandparents for a few hours, eating candy, playing with the neighbors dog, and putting up a cloths line! I was another beautiful day here! To bad, nothing to do!
Nothing now, although, after watching Transfomers Energon, I REALLY want to draw kicker, and am ganna see If Adam or James can put a Duel Masters, and Transformers section in the fanart gallery!
Oh god, Colorado and the Sharks are in overtime, Colorado loses, my team is out of the playoffs! I HATE overtime! Umm.... listening to Digimon music is making me want to draw! Hey, Cute Sesshomaru, could you try and find me some Kicker images from Energon? If you find any, just post them in a comment, or give me a website (since your a good image finder^_^)
Gotta go now, find images! COLORADO JUST ENDED THE GAME!!!!! WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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