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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Sunday, April 4, 2004
Here is alot of quizzes for your veiwing pleasure, but before I sick them on you, here is an update!
Cody Banks 2 was a wicked movie, and I tricked my friends lil sister into giving me a dollar there! Heehee, then we played in the arcade, and I forgot to turn off my RUSH 2049 account and a kid started playing on MY file! He better be a good driver!
Anyways, my art is up, and very populair I must say! So, now I'll shut up, give you the quizzes, and play with my digi-vice!
Which Sonic Character
are you?

How much do you know about DBZ?
this quiz was made by What Soul Calibur 2 Character Are You? What Soul Calibur 2 Character Are You?
border="0" alt="I took Suta-Raito's Pokemon Quiz and I'm a Zigzagoon!"> |
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Saturday, April 3, 2004
Ahh, how the weak shall perish!
Thank you SG for your very interesting post. Quite a story, if you haven't read it yet, get to SomeGuys page, and read it all, like I did. Its long yes, but great!
Nothing much to say, just ganna see if my arts up, before I use the potty, then go off with my friends to watch a movie. Its about 12:30pm now, so mid afternoon, nothing to do.
Another great day of awsome cartoons on tv. Loved em all! Koz was very awsome as well, and from that, look soon for a pic of the metal knights! Later peepos! |
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Friday, April 2, 2004
Going to watch a movie
I really need to sleep! Well, ganna be a short post.
Tomorrow, I'm going to see Cody Banks 2 with my friend, after I watch an anime filed day.
So, I've noticed that not many of MY friends, which are mainly your friends too, aren't updating much! I would like to see you slackers update more more more! We all need to keep it all up before our lil community colapses! And does anyone know what happened to damntheprep and Flave? Damntheprep disappeared, and Flave says he's done.
K, I uploaded two pics. Look for um. later dudes and dudetts! |
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Thursday, April 1, 2004
April Fools!
Today is the special on words I hate, and April Fools day, my prake lovers heaven!
Okay, to start, words I HATE! We had se-ed today, and I laughed to death, even though I am mature, its very funny to hear your male teacher say penis! Shall we begin?
fallopian tubes
dick head
vagina (shudder)
Now I will stop, because I'm turning red, and ganna puck. Now you know, so shut them up, an I don't wanna start with more! These are funny words, but SICK!
Okay, April Fools, hoe yours was a blast like mine! Gotta few here for ya!
First, my mom set up this prank on me, with my grandmother involved, she tricked me into thinking she was pregnet, and I got really angry!
Another, I taped the handle down on the little handle extension thingy on my sink, and blasted my brother when he washed his bowl out.
I stuck cloths pegs in my moms shoes.
My freinds and I told my english teacher his fly was down, and sent the class into an uproar (it really wasn't).
We told a T.A. that is my friend, that there was a bug in her hair, and she screamed.
We told my art teacher her door was unlocked and kids were inside. She frecked out and took off, but we caught her, and told her is was a joke, and she laughed, but almost fainted.
One more, I put a baby's book on my friends desk, and told everyone he reads baby books, and embarassed him, but he wanted to read it!
Oh, andwe invited this guy working at our school with my homeroom teacher to come to sex-ed with us, (my friend thinks he is gay and is checking him out, so he's scared of him) and this was all to scare my friend, cause we were talking bout gays!
Funny as hell day. Enjoy! These are from the best!!!!!! |
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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
I WAS playing Soul Calibur 2, with my big bro and his friend, it was fun, then nothing when I stopped playing!
School was interesting today. We told a cool grade 12 who is doing job experiance at my school that my friend thinks he's gay, when he does, but it was really funny how it all went down, but its also a VERY long tale! So, I won't say more!
My bus driver also went off her "happy pills" today, and that was a bad scene! All the teachers were just plain acting weird! Stange I could even say.
Anyways, I was ganna upload my new cute pic, but I don't feel like it, even though it takes like, 30 seconds! Who cares, you can wait! Gotta blast! Later dudes!
ME: Hey mom, watch this, Amy(cat)(cat meows and looks sweetly at me)
MOM: Okay, Amy(cat ignors her)
ME: Amature! Amy(cat looks at me again and meows sweetly)
MOM: Traitor!
 you are a red dragon. You live in riches and wealth. You know how much treasure you have and if one pieve is missing, you'll know.
Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Just checking some Digimon sites... awsome!
Man, these Digimon sites I'm checking out are super wicked. I mean awsome!!!! Never seen any like the two I'm on!!! Heehee!
Anyways, I presented my instrument today, everyone loved it causeI played the Simpons theme. Of course! I was interesting when another teacher came in and only wanted to hear my instrument. Anyways, I'm getting it back soon, so I'll take some snap shots of it, andput them up. Okay?! Great!
Well, besides being totally back in my drawing grove, nothing is up, been doing some cute pics, then some more, and more, so expect some every few days for awhile, till I get busted again. Bye! |
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Monday, March 29, 2004
What have I become?
Batman, what? Oh well, better try it I guess, searching for a pic as we speck! Never mind this. Talking to myself!
anyways, two of my new pics are up, and I am totally disgusted that no one likes my Pikachu 2 artwork! Get bent I say!
Something horrible happened today at school. My friend(girl) dared my other friend (girl) to kiss me, and she did! On the cheek, but I kicked her, and dropped her pencil case into the garbage! Funny, hilarious!!!! My Project was due today to, but I never got to present it today, we ran out of time. Its awsome though, I'll get a pic of it up, when I get it back! Look forward to it guys! Well, gotta blast, doing a few art pics, some Digimon, from my latest Pokemon and Digimon art craze, bye!
FAST FACT: The badn AC DC is from Australie, super aussies!!!
QUOTE: Me, today at school
"I though teachers were supposed to help a kid in need?" (being attacked by friends trying to hug me!)
Teacher: "Ahhh, if you were in any real DANGER, I would, but your fine!"
Me: "What are you talking about, their ganna kill me!" |
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
Bored, but active... how is that possible?
Yo, wassup peeps? I have drawn and submitted some cool pics for ya all, two or three, something like that! Man, I thought it was like 6:00pm, but its only 1:41pm. sick, I'm bored of it all! Anyways, when my dad is done what hes doing, I'm ganna finish my french project, my musical instrument, made of a tree I chopped down. Almost done accually! Later dudes! |
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Saturday, March 27, 2004
Yo, what up in the hood?
Sup all! Hey, Whats going down with yall? Well, I was watching all my fave anime this morning, and came up with this. Duel Masters premiers April 17th, and sometime in the morning. That same day I have a yardsall thing that I CAN"T miss, because its to raise me spending money for my Quebec trip. So that sucks, but...... my mom says I can tape ALL my morning shows! Oh yes, double tasking!
Another thing, Sonic X Season Finaly, amazing!!!!!^_^ Chris got taken to Mobius with Sonic and the gangh, along with Chris' friends too! Totally amazing epi thought!
They also introduced Hao, Yoh's brother in Shaman King, just a glimps, but I know who he is, very well! Its wasawsome as well!
Koz, awsome epi! Seiya found out his teacher is his sister, but neither of them knew it! A morning of good epis! Other shows with awsome epis were Medabots, and definatly DBGT, and DB. So, it was great, oh, and broke came back on Pokemon advance, that was wicked! I missed him soooo much! I like it when he is just there, to keep those idiots May and Max quite!
Well, gotta blast, later dudes!
QUOTE: Sessohomuru, Inuyasha
"Well, it looks like your sword has gotten heaiver!"
Inuyasha, Inuyahsha
"Its gotten alot heavier you jackass!" |
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Friday, March 26, 2004
Warning, this post may have many spelling mistakes!
I am the happiest kid in the world!!!!!!!!!!!! Duel Masters is coming to YTV, my catoon channel!!!!!!!!!!! April 17th boys and girls, and I had to tell you all, because ever since I seen Shobu on the cover or my Anime Insider, I had to watch it, but now I NEED m,oney to but those cards! Every kid at school will have them too!
Another SUPER exciting thing that happened. Read your Nintendo power mags peeps! Nintendo is coming out with tv game cartriges! I can watch Pokemon on my Game Boy Advance! Super cool! I am so stoped to see these upcoming things, they come in May, and boy am I buying them!!!!!
So, I told my dad about Duel Masters, to releive the stress of someone hearing me out! Now I'm typing fast and beating the buttons, and then I'm ganna call my friends, and tell the Canadian world!!!!!!!!!!! I must leave you all now, before I breck my keyboard!
Also, modifying this, I watched G Revolution today, the first time ever broadcasted over here! You guys won't see it for awhile now, unless your Canadian that is! Its is mega wicked, and so many awsome things have happened, just tonight! Meaning RIGHT NOW!!!!! Bye! |
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