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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
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Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Thursday, March 25, 2004
Hey, cool, I'm bored! But not for long!
Yo peeps! Had some rich fun today after school, with my friend smiley13. I went to his house after school, and we were making the teachers at my school nick names. Man are some of them funny, like my S.S. and P.D. teacher Mr. Marshal, he is now...... there are three for him. 1) Grapes 2) The Incredible Bulk 3) Woley Manmoth. Man, if you knew the people, these would be hilarious to you!
So, like I said, I'm bored right now, but at 9:00, I'm going to watch Colorado Avalanche kick some Red Wings ass! Yeah, and its 8:38 now, so not much time.
My cousin wrote me back too, she got engaged yesterday, to my awsome friend Marc, who we became friends when she introduced me to him, 10 min. after we met, Marc invited me to come to an arcade with him and my cousin. Coll. And, they like in there 20's in case you think something is weird!
Well, I did cure my artists block too. I drew Davis and Veemon from Digimon 2, and I'm shading it at school. Then there is Vincent, and Gotenks. Quite a bit to look for when they are done! Many more to! Oh, and yes that Daisuke pic is up. Happy votings!
FAST FACT: The earth spins on an axis that is slightly tiled. Stupid FAST FACT, I know!
QUOTE: 8 Crazy Nights, Davey
"Smell ya later poopsicle!" |
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Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Ha ha, teacher going down!
Heehee, teacher ganna lose this fight! My mom assesd my P.D,(personal developement) work and said shes ganna make him change the mark, or go to the school board! I win, die!
Don't know if my piccy is up, didn't look, I will after this though. So, I'm ganna check out ur sites, then buzz round, doing nothing, like today, I only finished my shop project, a birdhouse. Nothing much! So, later dudes!
FAST FACT: From, Nehszriah
March 23, in 1775, was when Patrick Henry made his famous "Liberty or Death" speech.
QUOTE: Had, then forgot, but, damn, I gotta watch my taped Inuyasha epis! Damn, Surviver is on tonight! Double damn!!! |
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Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Jump for joy!
Why won't they all shut up??? I gots a headach, and they keep being loud, dei family! Me HATE asperin, so I'll put up with it!
Oh, the jump for joy, right! Here it is, the moment of truth, I scanned and am uploading my Daisuke pic! Amazing ain't it! I finally did it, and only because I wanted to use the net, and my mom wouldn't get off the phone, and I was bored.
Well, all that happened was this, went snowboarding, beautiful day for it! Warm, and not so windy, beautiful! Went out in a vest, never thought that from a Canadian did ya! And, remember when I ranted bout the evil bus driver, well, cover your ears.... is what I WOULD have said yesterday, but I didn't come on, and I will tell you why.
I got my report card yesterday. Scary, I know! I was worried bout S.S. teacher, and english. Not bad on them two, but my S.S. teacher, who is also my P.D. teach, gave me a 75 in P.D.! Cover your ears is because I would have spazed on here like I did with the bus thing, and like I did when I came home! Shit, forgot I was supposed to bring home that P.D. work that is wicked, and was given bad grades! Well, incase you care, all but english and P.D. marks were above 90%, and three 100%. But, now I'm pissed, and come friday, I will have a new mark! HEEHEEHEE! Mommy ganna kill him!
Also, stupid Quebes trip, they making us do to much stuff at once, turtles, attack!!!!!
FAST FACT: A great lil one! From my agenda. In 1989, a oil tanker in Alaska, spilt 10 million gallons of oil into the sea, and sadly killed most of the wild life. The reason you ask??? The captin was drunk. Disgusting!
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Sunday, March 21, 2004
 ure a Krillan kitty! Krillan kitties are frum Dragon Ball/DBZ/DBGT! Krillan kitties are vry confident and are relly happy most of the time. they get serious evry once inna while but when they not watch out. they think theyre hot stuff but deep down they know theyre just as normal as ne1 else (minus the powers that iz). they used to be deceatful, mistrusting, and thought he culd nvr make friends. Goku kitties broke the ice then! now they are the family cats. they make good friends over all. Just like u!
!Which kitty frum anime shows are u?~7~! brought to you by Quizilla
I went to push delete, and couldn't find the button. This is because I haven't been on my home comp since last week!
Anyways, here is a mamorial to my hampster Troy. His life. He was accualy born in my house, from my lil bros hampster. He was all white, the only pure white hampster of the 8 babies. Thats why I picked him! He was blind, had no eyes, and was deft. Troy, my hampster, outlived all the others, and died the night my uncle came up.
Well, now that that is done, my mom said she would take me to geta new hampster, so I look forward to that, but Troy, is very special, and I will never have one like him, EVER!
So, artists block still in great effect, and nothing to do, but I did help my parents renovate my lil bros room. Looking cool too! I have to design a musical instrument for my french class, the most diffucult task ever etemped for a project! I went to the woods, cut down a tree with a damn HANDSAW!!!! Then I hauled it through the woods back to my house, over my football feild size yard! Damn, talk about hard! Its still winter here to, and we had a big snow storm today! HEEHEE! cool!
Well, I be off now to do stuff on my freewebs site, if you wanna visit it, the address is:
Its awsome for a first start! Later dudes! |
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Friday, March 19, 2004
Bored to death...
Yo peeps..... I'm the most bores person right now! I have nothing to do, so I'll look at some sites! But I can tell ya what went on yeterday when my Uncle came up!
We talked bout stuff, school, stuff, and had supper at my grandparrents, we had turkey, and stuff, and I had three peices of cake, and tons of cookies! Heehee, an excuse to eat them! The I went home, and we showed my uncle our house, cause he was never there before. But my hampster died. *sob* |
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
Top of the morning to ya!
Happy St. Patty's day to ya'll! Soryy, me forgot to write that to ya all yesterday!
Anyways, these school posts will never end! I use to comp at lunch, so I might as well come here! Well, still no uploaded pic, to lazy to log on after school! Anyways, today, my Uncle from Nova Scotia(where I used to live) is coming to visit, and I'm having dinner at my grandmothers, then he is coming to my house to see it.
So..... my grandparents have no comp, so I have no online chance today, although I have no homework, so I might get on! Yes, maybe!!!
Peace out all! |
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Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Another school post
Sup guys and gals! Back again from the school house! Nothing going on... taking quizzes, playing Soul Caliber 2 with my bro, and doing my french project yesterday, and the project was why I didn't come on after school yesterday.
Believe it or not, but I spent 4 and a half hours on it! Its amazing, and I didn't mind doing it, cause its an to print in color my fave anime piccys! Ha, good mark sailing!!!!
Specking of marks, I got a 98 overall in math (not report cards yet, but she told me) The onlu subjects that worry me are english and S.S. Evil they are! So, I be back tonight, and ganna check your sites, so everyone better start updating, cause most of my friends are slacking off No names to mention for the protection of these peeps! Later dudes! |
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Tuesday, March 16, 2004
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Yo, back again... from school...
Yes, I'm back, and from school, because my stupid lil bro hogged the comp for another day, and I couldn't even do my french project!
Well, with the lack of comp use, I went outside to sword battle with my big bro, and we broke two swords! Ha, I won!
Anyways, because I can't get on at home, until I can, we shant see the Daisuke pic, but when I do (force brother off today!!!!) You'll see it, its really cool! Til then, latter dudes!
P.S.- 2200 visits!
FAST FACT: Soul Caliber 2 is the best voted game of 2003 to Anime Insider.
Quote: My bro is a comp hog! |
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Sunday, March 14, 2004
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