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Monday, March 1, 2004
Yo peeps! Everytime I stood up yesterday, I thought I would barf, so I didn't update.
I'm great now, so, I'm here, and will be on later tonight to search some sites (morning here). Oh, and SomeGuy asked me what winter was like ending on this side of Canada, well, we still got ALL the snow, but its really sunny!
So, I be off now, ganna go find some more Koz piccys, and see if my pics are up! Oh, and team Canada beat team Quebec in the Scott Tournament of Hearts on Sunday! Sounds strange? Quebec is Canada? Well, Team Canada is really team Nova Scotia, and they won before (last year) so they become Team Canada for the year! (again) There. Later!
FAST FACT: When people say cheetas are the fasted animal, tell them their wrong! Fastest LAND animal! But there is a bird who is the fastest animal!!! Its true!
QUOTE: Guess what anime this is from, and who said it!
"Oh look, it dog boy, is he ganna fight me this time?"
 oooohhh..... Your boyfriend is Vegeta! Not a bad choise... He likes to kill allmost as much he Loves you!
Hwo is Your DBZ Boyfriend? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, February 28, 2004
I don't feel well!!!
I'm all stuffed up, and well, overall, not great!(stops to blow nose.. really!)
I submitted my piccys, and they should be up soon, and I'm working one a GT Goku, at the moment, but I messed up, now I gotta find my eraser... where could it be...hmmmm
Nothing much happening, bored, and stuff. Oh, accually, I just got 4 time keeping jobs like, 10 min. ago! Two tomorrow, and two championship games Wed.! Someone has confidence in me! Now, remember the buttons... that does this, and the warm up is this... yeah, I got it!
So, I'll be off now, gotta check my email! Later guys!
FAST FACT: Jetfire is done by the person who does Duo Maxwell, and Koga!
"Going to look for Pan? But shes in the ship!" |
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Friday, February 27, 2004
Trying to remember what colour I used yesterday!
Hi all! Yeah, I found out today, I could have MET Nickleback backstage! My dad's friend could have takin us but he didn't know til later... sucky... I wanted to meet them!
Well, I am curently scanning my piccys, I THINK I have three... maybe, not sure yet.... Oh... one isn't quite done, so two... almost, it is March break, so I'll finish the two... three I've started, and I am currently also, bleeding on my fingures, cause I bit a chunk out of lip... stupid, I know!
Oh, I finished watching Koz, and what a neat epi! Now I don't have to watch it tomorrow! Yeah!
Oh, and looking to my left, I see the new wallpapers feature! Cool. Going to look! Bye now!
FAST FACT: DBGT was made after DB, but before DBZ?! What up wit that?
QUOTE: My friend and I on the bus, talking bout the driver in a VERY perky mood!(for once)
Friend- "Maybe shes happy cause she did something bad?"
Me- "Like what?"
Friend- "Have you seen little Jimmy latly? No! She got him!"
Me- "Yeah, and look now, what shes eating!"
Friend- "They are Jimmy's fingures, but painted orange to look like carrot sticks!"
Me- "He didn't stand a chance!" |
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Just the coolest thing in the world!!!
I have a bad cold, but still I'm going to school today, to take my math test and help in the snow sculpturing contest, cause its also winter carnivel day!
That Nickleback concert was THE coolest thing I have EVER seen in my life! Totally amazing! They rocked that arena like hell! They had fire, and explosions, and they used them in awsome formations! Can't wait till they come back! They also started it with something like a helicopter search, the perpelor sounds, andthe search lights! They were awsome!
So, here its.....7:25am, and I wasn't here last night(again) cause I had a school dance! You guys are probably thinking... ezcuses excuses! Well, its been a busy week! Everything is true and the dance sucked anyway!
Got to go now, and today after school, I have nothing to do, so I PROMISE to come back and surf ur sites, and upload a few piccys! Later!
FAST FACT: The only way to kill a saiyan, is to chop their tail off! Why doesn't it work when you pull it off???
QUOTE: My friend and I said a great one yesterday, but I have no clue again... but I do have one (to lazy to get the Inuyahsa ones from bed room) Lets see...
Chad Kroeger, Nickleback
"Guys, look what time it is...see.. do you see what time it is? Its beer o'clock!"
That was funny! He showed everyone on stage a watch then saidthat then threw beer cups at people to catch... filled with beer! |
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Wednesday, February 25, 2004
It says it all! I'm going to the Nickleback concert tonight! So excited!!!1 WEEEEEEE!!!! Stupid locker, hasn't made its move yet....
Again, I played hockey today, that locker bite will never win me over! Wuhahahahaha! Even though it looks sick! Sliced the top front of my fingure good!
Yes, like I was told by lil psyco, its impossible to spin your right foot clockwise, and make a six with your right hand! I tried, very hard!
So, I can't really be on and looking at your sites today, as yesterday, I was at my grandparents after school, then came hame late, and did my homework, so I couldn't come on. Now, I must get off the net, cause its after school, and I'm not allowed on at this time! So, bye bye guys, talk to ya tomorrow!
FAST FACT: I had a great one, but forgot... thinking... sorry...
QUOTE: Me, when my locker bit me
"Ah damn, look what I go through to give people chocolate!"
(My dad says chocolate is bad for me cause I get it on EVERYTHING!!!! I always make a mess with it, but this time, it made a mess of me! Incase I never said before, I was getting chocolate to sell out of my locker. |
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Monday, February 23, 2004
Well, what was funny was school!(for once...) I had grade level esemblies, and grade 8's had them first period, but I'm in a 7-8 split, so we could decide to go second or first! Well, we went fist, and in second period, my teacher found out we were trying to go twice, and she fowled our plans. But she wanted to go to, and I said it was only a half hour. We went, but the principal wouldn't let us go twice! Damn!
Anyways, I sliced two fingures on my locker, I say it bit me! That hurt like hell, and on my left hand(not writing hand, thank god!)so, it was at lunch, and I played vollyball then ball hockey(goaltender)like, right afetr it happened! Me such a tropper!
Hope you all like my new music, my new art is up, and I finished my Seiya pic, I'll scan it tomorrow! One peice of bad news, I can't get off "evil bus" they said they can't! My ass they can't!
FAST FACT:*trys to lick elbow* Ha! How many of you tried that? Funny! Well heres a great one! You can't drown a fish!
Read that in the back of a book! Someone else wrote it of course!
QUOTE: My friend, today
"So, to play two player you need three game boys?"
"No, two"
"but you said one person can use the controller?!"
"Are we talking about the same game?"
Quiz fun! Just right! He rocks!
 Who's Your DBZ Guy?
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Sunday, February 22, 2004
Funny thing...
Its really cool! My big bro rented DBZ Budikai, for gamecube, and its so totally cool! I beat story mode in one hour! Who rocks??? Yeah, its such a great game, and super fun! Now I think I'll buy DBZ Tetsigu! Looks cool too!
I seen that Spirited Away movie at my friends house, and is that ever twisted! Man, super weird! Same goes for Castle in the Sky!
Well, thats my uneventful day, nothing much, but I did upload my two piccys, I again, never lokked to see if they are up! Opps! I also started my Koz(Knights of the Zodiac REAL abriviation) drawing, and it looks great for my first time. Ganna finish it when I'm done checking out ur site to! Later.
FAST FACT: Funny one! It is impossible to lick your elbow. 50% of the people who read this will try it!
QUOTE: Yeah SomeGuy, I loved those pics that Shippo did too! And heres a quote from that epi!
Kagoma, Inuyahsa
"Ahh, Shippo, did you show these to anyone?"
"Yeah, all the villagers! They thought they were really good!" |
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Saturday, February 21, 2004
I uploaded two piccys. Wait for them! One is old, the other new. Enjoy! Now I must get more Knights of the Zodaic pics before my dadkicks me off! I think I will work on some more Pokemon pics, seeing everyone loves them! Later.
Visits: 1854
Yes! |
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Wondering where I was... sorry...
Well, sorry for not being here two days, I gotta catch up now... and I was ganna work on my web site.. damn....
Well, heres the scoop, two days ago... no excuse^_^ hee hee... ummm yeah... yesterday, I went to a friends birthday party, and got home at 10:00pm, so my dad made me go to bed... but I was watching Inuyasha! Hee hee.... hee!
Yeah, yesterday I bought a Gmae Boy Advance with Zelda game for only $50 bucks!!!! Awsome ah! Its a sweet deal, now I'm selling my Game Boy color and roller skates and old ball hockey goalie gear! To buy more games of course.... I'm first ganna trade my Zelda game to my big bros Zelda loving friends! First come first serve... I want Pokemon... Yeah!
So, Specking of Pokemon, today, Master Quest ended, I think... cause Ash got his new cloths... and Broke and Misty left... so I guess its over!
Well, I think I must be off now... I'm downloading Knights of the Zodiac piccys! I love that show! Oh, and to rub stuff in, I had Thursday a snow day! Then Friday, I only had two classes and school was delayed, the rest of the day was just fun stuff! Halifax got 95cm of snow, and I'm getting a storm of 30 tonight! Haha! Canada rules!!!!
FAST FACT: Knights of the Zodiac is really called Saint Sayia, and any fans know that...
QUOTE: Ash, Pokemon
"I mean... I want to say..."
"What is it?"
"You came back!!!" |
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Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Yes, the bus has a bathroom!
Well, like someguy said, I had a better day today, not so boring! Very far from it accualty!
After filing a complaint on my bus driver for touching my bro and pushing him, I seen the vice principal (me friends with her! very long story^_^) I'll write more on this subject tomorrow, but she was talking with the bus driver, and the driver was LYING!!!
That just one thing! A girl I know, who is always getting suspended, was in the bathroom, and I went in, not knowing anything of the subject, she was crying, and VERY angry! My other friend who was with her told me she had just gotten suspended again, and if she got it again, she wold be expeld(can't spell)! This was the frist big event, the second was the bus driver thiny^_^
Well next, which was when I was going home, with my mom, not on evil bus drivers bus!#_# My friend came up to me and told me that two girls I know had just been taken out of the school and to a foster home!!!!! Talk about a shock!!!! Never thought a thing bout them, then this!!! Scary!!!!
The above is all completely true!!!! I swear on my fave teddy bear! This all happened today, starting at lunch. Scary day, then I fell asleep in S.S.!
FAST FACT: Digimon will possibly never air again! Season four may have been their last season!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
QUOTE: Davis, Digimon
" Well, if we're going, them lets go already!!!" |
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