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Tuesday, February 17, 2004
More clearing up....
Okay, more to clear up... my trip is June 9th- June 12th. Long ways from now! I'm going with 49 other kids, and some teachers and adults, but only grade 8's can go, and we had to put our names into a draw if we were interested. I was chosing something like 19th, but yeah, I got in!!!^_^
So, now ya know! I think we are sight seeing, let me read this paper.... we do lots of stuff, like a 4 day school feild trip, right in the middle of the week! The charter bus has a sound system, and tvs and such.
I'm ganna go now, nothing much happened today, just my friend broke up with her boyfriend, and I spied on my friends friends while they were frenching, and I was only doing that cause it annoyed them! So, you see, the day in the life of my super lame school! Acculatly that was a pretty interesting day... if... no....I won't get into that...
FAST FACT: Horo Horo's sister is the voice of Misty from Pokemon.
QUOTE: I'm bored.... |
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Monday, February 16, 2004
To setle some things.
Okay, so in my last post, some thenigs weren't very clear.
Just to touch up on some things... I LOVE lepracons, and I rock at the accent! Hee hee! I have many more Medabot FAST FACTS so, I will do more sometimes, cause I got a request. I think thats it.....
Well, today, an hour ago, I had another Quebec trip meeting, and we are getting so ever closer to the trip^_^ Excited I am!!! Only 49 of the "good students"
going, fun!
Nothing much today, just drawing and reading. One thing acually, I got great applause from my tiny class when I spiked the volly ball in gym today to score points for my team, twice! Everyone cheared very loudly! They were nice, so I don't blame them!
FAST FACT: In Medabots, the second season, Koji, Victor, and Rintaro never return, or at lest not yet...
QUOTE: Arika, Medabots
"Look! An old man alien!" |
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Sunday, February 15, 2004
Running out of titles....
I really very bored. But that cause I just got up. Well, I was acculatly writing an email to my friends. And so, Happy late V-Day everyone! I know I haven't been looking up your site, and I'm very sorry. I was supposed to be, but got sidetracked^_^
Well, I'm on now to do just that. Afterwords, I must type up my Japanese culter project:( I wanna draw!!!! Specking of drawing, I think my new piccy is up. I forgot to look, oh well^_^
With closing, watch out, I'm coming!!!
FAST FACT: Ikki's voice changes in season 2 of Medabots, and he becomes more dumb and babyish, instead of a smart elick!
QUOTE:Specking of Medabots... Medabee!!
"Arika will believe anything! (Irish accent)
Hey, looky Arika, I'm a lepracon, follow me to me pot of gold!"
Laughed my head off when I heard that on!HAHAHAHAHA! |
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Friday, February 13, 2004
Like my quizzes?
Sorry for adding so much today... please also read my lower post... its very informing... yeah....
Anyways, I took the Soul Caliber quiz... finally I must say! I got my fave character, so I guess its very accurate. My other fave is Yusung! He rocks! I also took snow fox's test, and got pickachu, as in a lower post. My fave Smash bros. character.
I'm ganna leave it at that guys. So check them other posts out for me, and there will be some other art out soon. I finished one pic, too lazy to scan, and am allmost done two more. Then I be getting doing on two request piccys!^_^ |
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I didn't... do it!
Well, if you are wondering, I didn't chose to not write yesterday. My cute/evil cat chewed through the internet hook up wire! I'm at school now, but my dad is ganna fix it when he gets home. So, you might see me later tonight, if not, you know the reason now^_^
I also finished a new piccy. It took only two days this time! Its a really cool Shaman King one. I stayed up all last night to finish it, even though I had a test today. Hope you like it^_^(not submitted yet, neither is another pic, Davis, I'm at school, remember?)
So, I guess I'll be off now, since I can print things now, thanks to my presios note from teacher! HAHAHAHA!!!
FAST FACT: The guy who does the voice for Koga, from Inuyasha, also does Duo Maxwell, from Gundam Wing.
QUOTE: nothing, I have them at home, written down. Sorry^_^ |
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Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Its saved!!!
Ha, thanks to onewingedangle, my site is saved! You are a great friend! Thank you so much for all your help!
Now, back to the rest of today. Well, my "awsome pic" is up, my friend told me, then I drew another, its a Shaman King one. With pics from the manga, its really cool! Not done yet, but I still have a few to upload. I only scanned one of them, but lets not chitty chat about this crap. I'm bored of it!
I hope everyone is having a good day, My good day started second last period when my friends were bickering over a french project we were doing, and me and my partner were finished. It was so funny to watch!^_^ Friends they call themselves! HA! Enimes I say! I was drawing that Shaman King pic during all this mind you! But that doesn't mean I wasn't listening!
So, last period, I was in the libaray, again, doing my Japanese culture project, printing manga and anime pics, all for it, and samurai!!! Awsome, who thought S.S. would be fun for once? Well, it was! Thats when I seen my site back to normal. It made me ever so happy, that when I got on the bus I turned my Linkin Park music on my diskman up REALLY high! Yeah for me!
FAST FACT: This is from a friend. Ants a very healty, and great for the body, so eat an ant, like half the world is doing! I changed some words.
"So, are we ganna fight, or just stand here?"
 Destruction. Yes, you're my kind of person. The world is ending huh? That's it, time for some FU@KING FUN! MAN THE GIANT ROBOTS! LETS SEE THE HORIZON BURN, BURN, BURN!
How would you survive the end of the world? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, February 10, 2004
No!!!! Good has gone bad! I almost had a heart attack when I came to my page to check comments. No offence onewingedangle. It scared me! onewingedangle has been helping me put pictures on my quiz, and the quiz still doesn't work, but I don't know how it looks like it does right now, and I don't know if it was something she did, or the network.
Its just sooooooo messed up, and my heart rate must return to its normal beating now.... getting better.....
I hope I can fix this problem, cause I don't want to have to make a new site. Someone help! Oh, and I tried taking it out through my edit preferences thing, but it is now the complete intro! There is nothing else there! Scary!
Anyways, for other shrot news, I have uploaded my "amazing pic" today, and one more. So be on the look out!
No fast facts or quotes. Must cry in sadness at page! |
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Monday, February 9, 2004
New feature!
Adam did another new feature, its greetings, under fan art! I'm looking at it now! Wonder what it is!!!hmmmmmm.... its cool, you can submit greeting cards! Neat!
I had a TON of math homework to do. 8 questions, but they were LONG ones. 10 questions in each one questions. Whooo, I'm confussing myself!
Nothing much to report, I was bored all day. Absolutly nothing to do. Boring. All I really did was colour one of my pics that I know fans will LOOOOOOVVVVEEEE!!! its awsome, but I shall not tell what it is, you will have to come back to see!Heehee!
FAST FACT: I got nothing!
QUOTE: Manta, Shaman King (no dub comments please)
"Why do you always throw the short guy?" |
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Sunday, February 8, 2004
Coming soon...
Yes, my piccys are all up, and I curse the living demon who has voted badly on my Takato and Gilomon piccy! I spent weeks on that pic!! Die you demons!!!!!
Specking of demons... I haven't watched that taped Inuyasha I taped on Friday! Hmmmmmm.... later.
So, if anyone is watching the NHL All Star game... ohhh.... it JUST ended! The stupid east won.... again. I wanted the west to win! Oh well, the NHL young stars west team won yesterday! Hee hee! We win atr least one! Hee hee!!!
Thats enough. My newest of the three piccys is almost done. It is so CCCOOOOOOLLL!!! I love it! Never mind, I'm getting ahead of myself. Later all!
FAST FACT: There have been 54 NHL All Star games.
QUOTE: I love this one, its awsome!
Yoh, Shaman King, specking to Horo Horo.
"Yeah, well once I beat you in the Shaman fight, you'll be on my cheering squad, and your first cheer will be, 6,5,4,3, Yoh really beat up on me!" |
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