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Saturday, February 7, 2004
Its alive!!!
I have done it! I can now upload my piccys and you can see my newest materpeices!!! I will upload them all today, so be on the look out, there are.... 5! More to come, I have three on the go currently! HAHAHA! Oh, and new piccy for entrance, bye bye Gundam!

Find out what anime series you belong in. |
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Friday, February 6, 2004
You don't know how tired I am!
I will not sleep, but......zzzzzzzzz..... Wait, must not sleep!!!
I went skiing with my school, a trip you must say! Very fun indeed, me and my friends out on the slopes all day! Beautiful weather, so nice, just the right temperature, and a sunny day. Its always nice when I go skiing. But hurtful. I hit a BIG bump, then loose snow and going VERY fast, fell face first into the snow, roled over my helmit, then smushed my hands with my skis.
A very unfortunate accident, but whatever, I'm here right? Yeah, my stupid friend laughed at me when I was obviously in serious pain from smushing my fingers, but my other friend who was with me helped me up!^_^ I good now^_^!!!
Okay, so that was really fun, but I was so tired from racing in teams with all my friends, I had a 40min. nap on the school bus. Now I thought I wouldn't be tired, but here I am, sleeping as I type. I wish my brother had of gotten off earlier, I want to sleep, but had to tell you all of my day! SEE THE SACRIFISES I MAKE FOR ALL OF YOU??? well, later, must sleep now.
FAST FACT: When you wipe out while skiing on purpose, or know that you are gonna fall, it doesn't hurt, but an unexpected fall hurts ALOT!!!
QUOTE: I have one more Shaman King quote, but I first want to share this one.
From Winni the Pooh, a commercial!
That Rabbit guy: "Oh no, its one of these!"
Tigger: "Gasp, one of those!!!"
Pigglet: "Oh my, one of them!"
Pooh: "But... what is it?"
As I say, Pooh always ruines things!!! They were having fun! |
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Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Sup all!?
I'm bored! I can't wait till I can upload my piccys! Owwwww.... I will scan them tomorrow, and see what my dad can dig up, k?!
Well, nothing much going down, I just checking out some gb signings, and incase anyone doesn't know, Nitz is now Noweum. Don't ask y, but if Nitz, (I will still call him that) is reading this, why did ya change your name?
Well, gotta go, later!
FAST FACT: Ladybugs are predators and feed mostly on aphids and on other soft bodied insects. Canables!!!!!
QUOTE: Anna, Shaman King, I love this one^_^
"Well, since your all lying down, you might as well take a break... okay, breaks over!" |
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Tuesday, February 3, 2004
I came and they conquered!
I know my title sounds weird, but its two parts. First, I played Hockey and volleyball yesterday in gym, and two, THE PATRIOTS WIN!!!
Yes, I played, and it was easy, even with a broken toe! I also went snowboarding yesterday and today! Ha, nothing will stop me!
Anyone who watched the Super Bowl must have seen the half time show. Funny it was! That so called "mess up" which it wasn't. That Janet and Justin thing was so fake, and set up!
Well, before my dad kicks me off, I better go see all your sites, so later, and hope you had a great day!
FAST FACT: Tom Brady (New England Patriots) has won two Super Bowls in his three years in the NFL.
QUOTE: Horo Horo, Shaman King
" This tea... is good..." |
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Sunday, February 1, 2004
Ouch, that hurt!!!
Dude, I totally messed up, and so close to going skiing, its ganna hurt skiing Friday now): Well, I broke my toe. Thats what happened. I was running through my house, trying do get my neck strangle hands ready to do just that to my brother, when I ran into a door going to my parents room. Since I always hit my foot on doors, I thought it was just sore then better, like always. Nope.
This time I broke it, it swelled up that night, and now I can't really walk on it. Stupid me, stupid brother, STUPID DOOR!!!
Well, thats about all thats happened. Nothing much else. Just really waiting for the Super Bowl to start. I'll tell you all who wins [patriots] tomorrow. Later.
FAST FACT: There is another Pokemon movie coming soon everybody, read Nintendo Power No. 117
QUOTE: Horo Horo, Shaman King
"If thats not why I'm here, what do you mean? Why do you think I'm here?" |
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Saturday, January 31, 2004
Which one?
Please read lower post, this is just an add on. Who will win, Patriots, or Panthers? I say Patriots, but I want ur opinions! |
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I got something new!
Oh, looky here, I gots a new thing! Me get my brand new snowboard helmet, with "sport gogles!" Yes, my daddy take me to town to buy it!!! He he, now my plans to become world... no, I'm specking out loud again... you didn't hear anything, got it?!
Ha! My brother keeps telling the world how he got money from a lady today. Well, I could have STOLEN HUNDRESDSSSSSSS of dollars today! Wanna know how? Well, quite simple! I went to use a bank machin right after a lady had, and she hadn't finished banking, or really, hadn't pushed the button to indicate that she had, and she left without her card! So I was there and the computer read "do you want to do other banking?
I pushed no, and her card came popping out, then I told my dad, and ran out to give it to her, and she was already running back to get it from me.
So, you see how I could have easily recieved hundreds of dollars just like that, but I'm such a good little christian, that I didn't, and I don't brag about that like my lil bro does about getting a tiny "$8.50." Loser!
FAST FACT: Jackie Chan played a small role in a Bruce Lee movie once.
QUOTE: I got a bunch off Shaman King today, so you'll be hearing them for awhile!
Anna, Shaman King
"As soon as I stop looking, you stop working, you slacker!" (speaking to Horo Horo) |
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Friday, January 30, 2004
Quick post here, I'm working on that quiz you can see in the Beyblade Blog, but curently, I'm trying to figure how the heck I can put in results, so bare with me and if ya now anything, please tell me!!!! |
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Thursday, January 29, 2004
Hey guys!
Yeah, I wasn't able to come back on yesterday, and maybe not again tonight cause my mom is waiting for more calls.
Well, I learned some awsome stuff in school today, about Naruto! You can learn some of it too over the next few days in my FAST FACT section.
Ah, my mom is ganna make me eat some sick stuff! Ewww!!! I don't wanna! Help!!!!
FAST FACT: Naruto has become to most populair mangaka ever made!
QUOTE: Pikachu, Pokemon
"Pik, pika pika chu, pik pika chaaaaaa!!" |
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Wednesday, January 28, 2004
I Promise!
Well, maybe... I might be back later tonight to ckeack out ur sites, but now my mom is waiting for a call to see if her friend is getting surgery... so, later! |
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