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Tuesday, January 27, 2004

   Quick right...

Um, I still don't have a re-sizing program, so no, I still can't upload my pics, and there building up on me!!!

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Well, I WAS a bit bored, so I used the net. Now, or .... no, I did have TONS of stuff to do, and I have five projects all due this week! I finished one today, but still many more to deal with!

Well, hows everyone doing today? Hope ur all feeling great and having a better none filled project week then me. The teachers must think 8th graders are super humans! My s.s. teacher gave us three assignments and they were all assigned Monday and due like this:

Tues. Alien investigation on the human race.
Wed. Two HARD questions!!! Damb them!!!
Thurs. Calage, double!

So, as you can see, he wants to kill us! Although I have most of them done, 2 of 3 is pretty good!

Health, this is fun, I have to do a project on Nicotine and alcohol with my friend for Thurs.

Science, I have to do another investigation project with a kid in my class who fails most things he does. Well, I told him today to bug my friend while I write the project, so I hope he won't want to help, which he probably won't cause he doesn't like to do anything!

Well, that was alot to handle. Question before I part: How come when you try to type 2 letters at once like "as" and you push both letters at the total exact time, the wrong letter comes first? Like "sa"?

FAST FACT: Submitted.
Marmalade ia one malocule from becomeing plastic.

QUOTE: Hercule, DBZ
"Look, his hair is changing colours again!"

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Monday, January 26, 2004

   Did my music project!

Man! That was fun project! Funny as heck!

We had to do a project on one of the first 4 or 5 Hip Hop artists. My group did Kool Herc, and made a video project, like everyone else. I was hillarius.

Well, I'm making my new site on freewebs.com, so I'll be off now, but I'm still ganna see ur pages, now!

FAST FACT: nothing.

QUOTE: Gary, Pokemon
" Good job Ashy boy, looks like you HAVE learned something!"

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Sunday, January 25, 2004

   Me on yahoo messenger!

If you gots Yahoo messenger, tell me sometime, then I can talk with ya.

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Saturday, January 24, 2004


What a very boring day! Nothing to do! *sigh* I was a super bored person today, and everyone in my house was doing something but me, and they took all the fun stuff to do and were doing none fun stuff with them!

Okay, I'm not bored NOW, but I was, I just watched Freddy vs. Jason, and it was the most not scary horror movie I ever watched! But it was still cool! Now I'm ganna TRY and remember something I was ganna tell you guys, but I'll get there, so till then, .....just remembered... so now I will be off to your sites for fun loving none bordom!!!

FAST FACT: Cheeta's can run up to 65mph, which most people say it the fastest an animal can run, but it itself can accually run faster!

QUOTE: Some REALLY funny Pokemon quote, but I TOTALLY forgot it!

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Friday, January 23, 2004

   Hello Hello!

Me very ANGRY! Well first, I did get a great mark on my S.S. test 86% YES! But no it is time for a VERY serious rant that is BAD!

Today, I took my goalie gear on the bus, which I have done before to take it to school, but when some kid wanted to sit with me and I told them the seat was to ful with my bag and the kid said okay and left, the EVIL bus driver spassed out and TRIED to yell at me.

So, yeah, I knew I was right, plus the kid didn't want to sit there anyway. But, when I got on the bus after school, with out my gear mind you, she GRABBED my arm and asked me, " Did the principal talk to you today?" I mean, she told the principal on me for not being ABLE to let a kid sit with me, when if I didn't have the bag, I would've, but no. So I said no and she made me sit up front.

So, Monday, or Tuesday morning, me and some other kids are ganna go right up to the principal and tell him what she's been doing. I mean, you can't grab a kid by the arm, let alone touch them! She called my lil' bro "blondy with the glasses" which is name calling, so we could possibly get her suspended or evwen fired, cause she is REALLY EVIL, and I'm REALLY not just saying that guys!

Hope you agree with me, and I hope I can get some justice here, So, till later, later guys, me gots to go to a meeting now.

FAST FACT: In the year 2036, the worlds population will be way over 1 Trillion!!!

QUOTE: Me, today on bus
" There's no room in this seat, my stuff is to big" Busdriver " Well I'll make it fit!"

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Thursday, January 22, 2004

   Happy New Year!!!!

Hey all! Did you guys know its the Chinese New Year? Well, it is, and its the year of the monkey. And no, I didn't get this from anyones page, I heard it on the radio last night and this morning! ^_^

Well, at least I passed my English test, got me a 80% which is super bad for me! Damb. My lamo S.S. teacher gave us his test today, but the room was so cold there was LOTS of ice on the blind. He said that in doing the questions I didn't read them right. That to me sounds VERY bad!!! *scared for failing mark*

Well, I drew an awsome Inuyasha pic today in art class for a project, yes, I get to draw anime in almost every art project I do! I so love picking my own subject! On a map we just finished, I did a Pokemon theme, and EVERYONE loves it! Even that kid I know who does drugs, but is always nice to me said it was totally cool and the best one today!:) Me happy! Its displayed on the wall and got me an A+, as ALWAYS!!!

So, I gots to go finish my Hikaru No Go piccy, then buy dvd's, and check ur sites, all in a days work I guess. OH!!! I ALMOST forgot. Two things:
1. I scored a hat trick in ringet today playing with some kids from school.! Yeah me! (hat trick- 3 goals)
2. I might get to go see a Nickleback concert with my dad sometime in Febuary, in St.John.! Yes, my second fave band, next to Linkin Park.

FAST FACT: Health class tells all! Marayhna has twice as much tar in it as does tobaco.

QUOTE: Gary, Pokemon
" How many badges do YOU have Ash? Thats right, losers don't GET badges!"
Something like that I think. EVIL Gary!

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Wednesday, January 21, 2004

   I hate english tests!

English is hard! Sure my teacher teaches the stuff, but he doesn;t explain it well, leading to a test that is hard to understand. Which equals today!

Yes, ever since, "The Big Hill" conquring, I'm looking forward to the next big hill, Erbs hill they call it. HUGE!!!!

Yesterday I did up my desk top, with my cool dinosaur pointer, and my OWN background, and all that lovly stuff! Good times. Ah, no I must me making my way around to your sites before I go watch American Idol. I may be Canadian, but Canadian Idol SUCKS!!!

FAST FACT: In Japan, the fave movie from America taken over there was Monsters Inc.

QUOTE: Some girl out of my Anime Insider.
" Do you feel a draft, or is it just me? Its just me isn't it!

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Tuesday, January 20, 2004

   Me successful!!!

Ha! I have concured the hill! I made it down, "THe Big Hill" on my snowboard, and without falling or hurting myself! HAHAHAHA!!!

Plenty of stuff has happened while I was gone. And yes, xp is great! Godd virus! Now, do not return! For one bit of good stuff that was from today..... I PASSED!
My english assessment. Worst test... EVER! Other good stuff, that happened about last week, I won thrid prize in an INTERNATIONAL bionicle contest. Like I tell everyone, Bionicle loves me! Every Bionicle contest I've ever entered, I've one something, one being a complete Bionicle set. (Me BIG fan)!!!

So, hope your lives are great and flurishing like a rose! Have a nice day peeps! OH! My dad said he MIGHT have found a good photo imaging program for me to use, but if it doesn't do the job, he says he'll buy me a good one^_^

FAST FACT: Ever played EARTH 2150? If ya have, a code for LOTS of money is i_love_this_game, after you type in i_wanna_cheat. Cool!

QUOTE: Me, today
" Ah! That stupid rock! it went right up my ass!"
(when I went over a BIG rock on a crazy carpet)

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Monday, January 19, 2004

   Back AGAIN!!!

Well, big story, after telling you I'd be back soon, its later okay!

My comp had a virus, from who knows where, and we had to get it fixed, and the net wouldn't load on cause of it. So, it fixed now, and we got Windows XP! Yeah! I'm back though, and we had to delete my photo imaginh program, and we had no disk for it, so I gots to wait for my dad to load a new one before my new piccys can appear!

Ha! Now that thats out of my system, I hope you guys didn't think I left! I'd NEVER do that! I wanna know whats been happening around here! Fill me in guys! But, I only gots about 15 minuits, so I gotta fly and check ur sites! Later all!

FAST FACT: Heard one yesterday... what was it now... AH! Some funny lady on the radio said the super bowl was on next week, when its not! HAHAHAHAHA!

QUOTE: Naruto, after Sasukes death
" I'm ganna kill you!"

P.S. I has THREE snow days in a row! Ha! Five day weekend!

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