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Saturday, December 27, 2003
Yo All
Well, heres the story on missing you yesterday. I went to my nanny and papas house last night with my brother, and it was around 5 when we left, and I update at like 9:00, so, we spent the night, and watched X2! What a totally awsome movie! I'm ganna buy it for DVD!
So, I hear everyone had a great Christmas, and someone I know hit the Shaman King jack pot, not saying any names! Although its great! I want some Shaman King!!!! Yeah, and so, nothings really happening, just playing with my BIONICLES and watching DVD's. Oh, and I proved to my big bros best friend that I'm so totally better then him at Soul Caliber 2! I kicked his butt twice!
FAST FACT: Almost every star in the ski is part of a constlation.
QUOTE: Inuyasha
" Kagoma, take your clothes off." |
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Thursday, December 25, 2003
Christmas Day!!!
Dudes! I had an awsome Christmas! Hope you all did too! First off, I really want to know what you guys got! Just for your info, I got a wicked cool snowboard, a lot of Bionicles, like the one I wanted, Makuta! Lots of other stuff, its all good!
I wasn't here yesterday cause of our family party! Lots of peeps showed up, and we got more presents! I got to open my Gundam SD model kit early, and my big bro and I put it together! It is so small and cool! I just LOVE it!
So, I hope you all have a great day, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Turkey is GOOD!!!
FAST FACT: Online shopping is INSURCURE!!!!
QUOTE: Davis, Digimon
"Ah, come on Kari" |
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Tuesday, December 23, 2003
1000 Visits!
The big 1000! I hit the jackpot! 1000! Yeah! Thanks to all those nice peeps out there who visit my site! |
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Merry Christmas!
Yo! Merry Christmas all! Yeah one quick mentionable, Rhitorica, the Kai pic is drawn and I'm just touching it up!:)
So, how was your day everyone? I didn't come back yesterday cause I felt a bit sick. All better now. Just nedded to sleep on it. I basicly spent the whole day in town with my mom and grandmother. It was fun, and I bought a dream catcher!
In my SI For Kids mag., it had this cool premier issue of Teen Titans comic. It has wicked cool pics in it, and I drew one, but I'm adding to it, so I'll post it later, maybe after Christmas.
My mom is having a party tomorrow, and our family friends and my grandparents are coming. It'll be fun. Thats alot of what we did today, got stuff for the party. Maybe it will tire me out so I'm not up all night excited about Christmas! Man, thats the worst part! Waiting.
So, I'm ganna surf some sites around here, so later!
FAST FACT: There wasn't one yesterday, so anyway... 14.6 pounds of air presses down on every squar inch of your body. Ha, once again, S.S. does come in handy!
QUOTE: Okay, so not really anime, probably the farthes thing from it, its a hockey quote I read in SI For Kids today.
" Where's the puck? Cover it!" Marty Turco, Dallas Stars. |
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Monday, December 22, 2003
Starting BAD!
Not been a good day this morning! My brother chipped my tooth, and its pointy! My mom is in town and my dad is at work, so no one is sround to do anything! Wahhhh! That itty bitty peice is important! It now shall never taste the sweet taste of mouth watering chocolate again! *tooth chip crying*
In other morning news, my art ratings are going up! Thats right! The Jumping Goku, who peeps tell me don't like that much cause its to dark. (I get that alot from that pic) Yes, all are rising, and my rants are no more... for now. So, thank you and keep up the good work:)
It was snowing this morning, and NOTHING happened, until that tooth thing. Yeah, so, the reason that happened was, my brother and I were trying to hit each other with elastics, STUPID TO BEGIN WITH!!! And, he locked me in his room (outside door lock on it). Then he opened the door and came in, and I fired on him, then turned around. He shot me and I jumped him. I had him down, then he kicked me, and I fell into the door frame, and my tooth hit another tooth, and thats all!
So, you can see, we are such good friends! Not usually, we were just play fighting. But, thats what happens! Oh well, so, I'll be back later! Til then, enjoy a quiz!
Ray is a get guy he's cute nice cute kind cute did i mechen cute!!!!!!!!!!
Who Is Your Beyblad Boyfriend brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, December 21, 2003
What up all?!
Hey cool, I seen Seabiscuit today! It is really a great movie! I also got two beanie babies for $1.90! Crazy you say. No. The video store sells them for three dollars, that is crazy! I had a gift certifict, and it adds up.
Haha! My brother lost his money today! He was wining and stuff, then I found it on the floor. I told him if he stopped being mean to the dog(which he is always mean to anyway) I would give it back. That didn't work, my mom made me give it to him, and for what? Not even a thank you for finding it!!! Death to him!
Pretty boring day besides that. I made money doing three second things for my mom though. heehee! Money is good! I also started a Kai pic today. If it gets bad ratings, then death to all! I will NEVER submit another pic again. EVER!!! Now I am starting to get pissed cause the ratings mean ALOT to me, and I am feeling like deleting them! Yes, I'm in that kind of mood. Like I said though, the ratings mean alot of things to me. They kind of show me how good a drawer I am. Besidea parents who say its great no matter what it looks like. Thats great, but,... never mind, these useless rants that only get through to regulars here are hopeless.
Well, tomorrows another day, so later dudes!
FAST FACT: Wasps and hornets don't sting, they bite.
QUOTE: Zeo, Beyblade(in a Beyblade quote mood lately:)
"I will get all your bitbeasts Tyson" |
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Saturday, December 20, 2003
Its cold outside!
I was sliding outsider today, and it was cold! I also fell in a muddy ditch! That was also cold! Stupid sled, it wouldn't stop! Not my fault it got muddy. Heehee:) acually it is:)
Well, I wanted to say, it isn't the bad ratings that get me mad on pics, its how people vote bad if they don't like the character or anime. Damb them. If ya don't like it don't vote! Peeps don't get it!
Well, I'm ganna surf around and look at sites now, so later. Oh, and NEVER try to snow board down a ice-snow hill on a crazy carpet^-^ Trust me, it isn't comfy!
FAST FACT: I don't know if I said this one already but, did you know rain falls at 8mph.
QUOTE: Tyson, Beyblade
"Don't worry Rei, I'm sure Driger will come back someday!" |
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Friday, December 19, 2003
Something good!
I know there are other posts lower, but hear this. This is a list of pics I think of mine that suck and about others, only ones getting bad ratings.
Manta 2, horrible!
Amidamaru 2, WONDERFUL! One great pic!
Shamans Forever, I love it! Took me forever to draw, and I'm very attached!
Rei, the first one, not Ultimate Rei, the REI pic, it TOTALLY SUCKS!!!
Ozuma, ROCKS! I love this pic!Yoh and Anna, yes I know the Anna part sucks, but Yoh is awsome!
I hate how the Shaman King pics are rated bad, but this may help, later. |
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Sorry to say this again but...
I'M FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!! MAN, WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?! I do the best work possible, and take SOOOOOOOOO much time to draw those pictures, and all I get is a cold sholder! Okay, I know you all have voted on like my Shaman King pics, which are getting HORRIBLE ratings, and REALLY pissing me off now, but can ya try and tell some friends maybe?! It would help to get better ratings, and would make me feel better, and make me stop these rants! I CAN'T STAND WHOEVER IS VOTING BAD!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH! Death to them! Someone must REALLY hate me! Sorry for all this guys. |
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AHHHHHH! I'm scared. My rank keeps going up and up with every few minutes! Help! No, I'm just kidding. But that is really cool! I also get a new friend everyday too. Ha, that cool to!
Well, I would like to send out a special thank you to all you guys who are voting with me. On the pics and that. Its great to have peeps around that are NICE! Not like at school! Ha, no more school! I'm free! Yeah! And I got a comment saying not to stop submitting pics. Do not worry, I never will. I plan on being here for a LONG time, and I hope all of you will to. It brings me to tears thinking that some of you may not stay forever.
Man, I have a KILLER story for you all! It happened in gym class today. I'll make this short cause the events were REALLY streched.
Okay, most of the class was building a house out of big mats. I have this little light inside that turns on when I see a mat house! I HAVE to destroy it! Well, I was being me and attacking the house, you know, raming it, and pushing it in, but not knocking it down. Finally, just before the end of class, I tore a peice of the roof off, and my friends inside kicked it in. My other friend who was always trying to stop me from destroying it said I was the one who caved it in. But, of course I wasn't. My friends who did cave it wouldn't fess up to my other friend. So, I was blamed. Being blamed is no big deal, cause my gym teaher, who is REALLY nice to me said, and watched me tackle it, before its destruction. So, I didn't care, and neither did anyone else, except my friend. So, I went outside with some other friends at lunch, and were sliding on ice. My friend who was blaming me came along and said I won. I was the winner of the fight, and he was wrong. Releif, cause I wasn't ganna give in.
So that was the interesting thing that went down today. Lots of other stuff happened, but that was the BIG thing.
FAST FACT: Santa DID, repeat DID exist. He was like a spirit dude, and then died, a long long long long time ago.
QUOTE: This one comes from cardcaptorryoko
Gale,Brian's Song
"Well you deserved it,singing that stupid fight song." |
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