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Wednesday, November 19, 2003
New piccys!!
This was some cool thing on Nitz's page, I took it and got this with my user anme Beyblader:
Then I put in my real name, Cody, and got this:
Funny how that works out! Save the world, destroy it!
Now let's get the real post!
Yo peoples!! I take it you all in school! Yeah, good stuff for me! Parent teacher meetings, all day long! No school for the Beyblader! Ye haw!!!!
Just to let you all know, today I scanned my pics, three to be exact. I was to tired yesterday to do it, so the long wait is over.
I'll talk more when you all are home.
FAST FACT:Anime is originally called Japanimation. |
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Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Pro! I'm the ruler!!!
Just cause this is here, don't mean you shouldn't check the post below!!! This just for fun!
 You are ProtoMan, also known as Blues. You have lots of Stregnth(mental or physical) but don't rely too much on it, because you have skill to back it up. You follow your own path, much to the anger of those who believe they control you. You are dark and mysterious sometimes, but you generally help the good.
Which MegaMan character are you?(Now with pictures and desciptions) brought to you by Quizilla
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Good Day
Yeah, I had a good day! I had Art first period, to take over science, just cause we missed so much classes! Then I went to see Canadian music star Terry Kelly, then I was tired, and couldn't do my S.S. work.
My S.S. teacher is the same guy who gave me a low mark for particing to much. That would make him my P.D. teacher. Yeah, so, he gave me a c on a graph just cause I didn't do a bar graph!! So what, who cares as long as its done!! I think I'm slipping!!!! I hope not. But I never get a c!! Damb teacher, BURN OUT!!!!!!!!
I've been getting lots of FAST FACTS, so thanks, it seems like an endless supply!
FAST FACT: A tigers skin is also striped, not just its fur. |
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Monday, November 17, 2003
I was really bored today, but I found some cool stuff to do. Yeah, and I got my report card today, and it was REALLY good, except for the PD teacher that gave me a bad mark for participating to much!! I mean, is that stupid or what?
I was out trifiling with my big bro, and he jabbed my hard in the side with his sword, and I fell on my knees in pain, then I waited a min. and jumped him, slashing his neck and ending the battle! I don't know why I'm telling you this, it was just fun!!!
I get to take of Science and stuff to first, make up for lots of missed art classes, then I'm ganna go see Terry Kelly with my art teacher. Only SPECIAL grade 8's get to go! I'm SPECIAL!!!
Nothing else much, just drew a few more Yoh pics, thats all! Oh, and.... EDMONTIN ESKIMOS WON THE GREY CUP< YEEEHHHHH HAAAWWWW!!!! GO ESKIS!!!!!!!!!!!
FAST FACT: The sun is an ever going explosion, and if the gravity were to give then we wouldn't be here!!! |
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Net Sufen
Well, I'm at school here, and most of my friends are playing mini- clips. I hate the site, I think its annoying and dumb!
Well, I have nothing going on, but I will scan the pic of Tyson today, when I get home. Sorry for not doing it earlier. I also have a new drawing of Yoh, this time, without Amidamaru. And don't forget my Shadow pic! Oh, I just remembered, I have a pic of Amidamaru, in spirit flame mode, he's all alone!
FAST FACT: Another from Kawaii- A black hole is so strong, nothing can escape its grip, not even light. (I spruced it up a bit:) |
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Sunday, November 16, 2003
The Early Bird!
Good morning everybody!! Such a nice sunny day, with crisp air and light winds. I can see this is going no where.
Well peoples, today is another boring day, so I'm ganna talk later when there is something good to say. Sorry, no FAST FACT this morning, I'll give you all one later. |
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Saturday, November 15, 2003
Hey neat, I have a cool pic of Tyson from Beyblade, I just drew it today! And I have 399 visits, and am rated #72. So thank you all for visiting my site often, I am very proud to have such good friends! |
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Insanely Bored!!!! Ha ha ha!!
Bored, bored,bored!! Huh.... nothing to do... so bored!
I uploaded some new pics this morning, and I have some more on they way if any of these get on. I hope they do!
I was wondering, does anyone know where I can find a download- able version of the english Shaman King theme? I've looked everywhere and still no luck in finding it. I'm ganna give up soon. Please help me!!!
FAST FACT: Zeo from Beyblade is a cyborg!!! If you live in Canada, and haven't seen the whole second season, watch the easons last episoid on Monday!! Its ganna be good!!! |
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Friday, November 14, 2003
Hiya guys!!
Ahhh, its good to be back from my short leave, I had some stuff to clear up, ya know, birthday party, grandparents, stuff!
Well, I'm ganna try and check up on all the happenens, so bare with me guys, I've only got like, and hour or less, or, I'm in trouble!!
FAST FACT: I would hereby like to thank everyone who has been submitting FAST FACTS! I am truely greatful!
A mole can dig a 300ft tunnel in one night. |
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Tuesday, November 11, 2003
I'm tired, if this post ends suddenly, then..................
Okay, I'm up now! Well, I've been playing Beyblade V Force ALL day, and my eyes are going to burn out of their sockets!!! Its just such a fun game!!
Nothing really much to write, but I have posted a poem that I wrote in the introduction slot. Check it out, its sounds wierd, but trust me, its supposed to be that way!
Selena has once again guessed the FAST FACT answer, it was indeed Ikki Tenriou and Ikki the Phoinxe.
FAST FACT: It is estimated that you will spend 1576 hours dancing in your life time. |
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