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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Monday, November 10, 2003
Yeah!!! No school!!!
Ha, no school for me tomorrow!! Enjoy your day everyone! Ah, the joys of teacher meetings. And I'm doing good in school, so I won't have to go to them!
Well, another good point of today, my older brother rented Beyblade V Force, and it is a wicked cool game! Its like, SO much better then the Sony one, and it has a lot more, and cooler characters to choose from! Its the whole package baby!!!
By the way, we have a winner for my contest! That's right, someone acculatly replied to the FAST FACT question, and got it right!! So, the winner is... Selena!!
Congrats Selena! Everyone go vist Selena's site! And, incase your reading this, Selena, you get to chose the next FAST FACT QUESTION for next Friday, and you can only claim your win if you give me a reply in the comment bar of this post, and you have only till Wednesday. So hurry!!
Hey, one more parting piece, I got this cool Gotenks toy at Walmart, I think I already told you all this so, I'm just ganna end this...
FAST FACT: There are two anime in which two different characters share a common name. The two are Medabots and Knights of the Zodiac. Can you guess which two characters they are? |
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Sunday, November 9, 2003
Man, I just drew this wicked pic og Yoh and Amidamaru from Shaman King, and it took me like three hours to do it, and its really good guys!! I also dug out an old pic I drew from the first season of Digimon. I uploaded those two and they should come any time now. Two of my other pics I posted last night are up too, so go and look!
I'm post-ponning that write up I was ganna post, but I'll do it soon! I promise.
Nothing much to say besides, I went Christmas shopping today and I got this cool little Gotanks toy at Walmart for myself. I take him everywhere because he's so cute!!
People need to answer this FAST FACT in order to be eligable to win the contest! If I have more then one winner, I will get people to vote for one winner. It will go that way untill one person has the most votes, and they will choose the next weekly FAST FACT, and the prize.
So here it is for the second time.
FAST FACT QUESTION: What anime bad guy has the name of a celestial sign in the sky?
Remember, enter for your chance to win! |
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Saturday, November 8, 2003
300 Visits and... NEW PICS!!!
Here's the scope: Total visits as of Nov. 8th, 2003, 3:22pm New Brunswick time: 309
Ranking as of this same day and time, and year: #94 YAHOO!!! Beyblader is moving on up!
My new pics have been scanned in and submitted, well accuatly, I'm submitting them as I type! I have 6 new ones, and they are the ones I'm putting in now. Sorry, the Shadow pic is still not done yet, but these 6 will keep you satisfied till then.
Hey, Inuyasha fans, did anyone notice that there were four episoids on last night? Yeah, on YTV, there were two at 11:00pm, and two at 2:00 pm, both on the same channel (I say "both on the same channel" because I have YTV east and west, and west, the shows that were on an earlier time on east are on later on west, ya follow?). Were they all the same, anyone?
Hey guys, I have some stuff written in a book, and tommorow I'm ganna post one, and no... I won't tell you what it is I'm posting, you'll just have to find out yourself!
I'm bored.
FAST FACT: Toady, I'm not ganna give you a fact, you have to give me the answere to it!
So, here is what I want to know! (By the way, I already know the answer)
What Anime bad guy has the name of a mythological beast? Send in your answers and the winner (if there is one) gets to choose the next FAST FACT question! |
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Friday, November 7, 2003
New Pics! More, more!!
Yeah, I have new pics! I just drew them today, and I'm ganna scan them in tommorow, so be on the look out, and I'll try to finish the Shadow pic for tomorrow too!
The coolest thing about school is when they TELL you to fight people! Yeah, this isn't just a dream, but a dream come true! Today (Friday) I was in a summo tornament! That Mag. campaigne, yeah, well, funny story, try and follow this one!
K, so, I sold five Mag. subscribtions, so I was automatically entered into the draw to win a five pound chocolate bar (didn't win it) and I was also entered into a draw to be in the school summo tornament. Well, 30 people, out of 90 got in, me being one of them. So, I beat my first round oppenent, and was beaten in the second round though (but the cheap guy elbowed me in the tummy, then through me).
So, we got to wear these neat summo Halloween costumes, and we were stuffed with pillows and padding.
It was really fun and a good experiance, seeing that its my last year at my school.
FAST FACT: Today is the tommorrow that we worried about yesterday.
Quite a thinker, eh? |
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Thursday, November 6, 2003
Good stuff!
Hey, I remembered that I forgot to tell everyone what the pic was, its of Shadow, from Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. Most people refer to him as Sonic's evil twin.
Kawaii has been sending me lots of fast facts, so thanks Kawaii!!:)
Well, my pic still isn't coloured yet, my grandparents where up and we were helping them find a house.
Gotta go now, I'll be back later today.
FAST FACT: Aligators carry their young in there mouth. Kawaii. |
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Tuesday, November 4, 2003
New Pics!
Well, I've draw a new pic for fan art, but it needs to be coloured to look good, and I'm not totally done doing that!
Well, my first day of timekeeping went considerably well! I get paid in two weeks, and hopefully will have more games to do soon!
Nothing much going on around and about, so I'm ganna wander off, but have no fear, I'll be back in a bit! Most people haven't updated yet, nor in a while! So I'm getting bored. Look for my fan art in a week at most! Later.
FAST FACT: Baby rattle snakes have no rattles when they are first born. |
Comments (4) |
Monday, November 3, 2003
Yeah boys and girls! I have to do my job today for the first time at the rink!!! Took them long enough to figure out that I am the right one for the job!:) Well, besides that, my day was crap!
First, I got yelled at in english, and got in trouble some more.
In math, we had to do work when the grade 7's were doing a binder check list, even though they didn't do work when we did ours! (I'm in a grade 7, 8 split, and I'm grade 8)
I felt sick cause of all the candy I ate.
I had to copy notes in music.... again! Then got in trouble for LAUGHING!!! I mean, come on, I'm not a mindless zombie here!
I almost had a heart attack when I thought I had lost my science lab report! Then I found it and almost forgot to pass it in!
So, things were pretty bad, and made me feel even sicker!
FAST FACT: Did you know that there are over 500 000 dust mites living in your bed? |
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Sunday, November 2, 2003
More quizzes(look at other posts further down:)
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Ooohhhh, quizzz!!
Well, my grades aren't really "slipping" but hey, its cool!
 Your Inuyasha! You are a punk, you like to pick fights and hate being in school, your grades are slipping but you don't care, you are having to much fun to actually do anything about it!
What Inuyasha Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Well, everyone, check out the battle over at Flava's. The Ultimate Anime Character Battle has begun, with Goku and Pran, so vote if you haven't!
Well, not much is going on and I'm totally bored!!! Oh, and I posted some music on my site, so please take a peak and listen in.
I will be changing the midi every week, to whatever anime I have on my mind, or feel like posting.
Please people, give me comments on weather or not I should change my picture!! I think I should, do you??
Well, I hope you enjoed yesterdays FAST FACT, cause I have many to post, and I will post one everyday I update!
FAST FACT: There are only 1000 Panda's remaining on earth, protected, in China, and about 9000 tiger's.
Yeah, so its a lame one, but important! If you have any better FAST FACTS, please tell me them, cause I'm sure you all have some good thins! |
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