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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
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Does it really matter?
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I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Friday, August 17, 2007
TIME: 12:14pm, Friday
I'm killing time today, waiting for tomorrow.
Nothing much to say.
Won the baseball game 17-10.
I scored once, yeah.
Gotta work today, be bored to death.
Watching MOD right now.
And that about it.
If you force your eyes open, your eyeballs can actually pop out of you head.
Its true.
CoDy |
Comments (2) |
Thursday, August 16, 2007
TIME: 10:32am, Thursday
I made a badass desktop wallpaper perfectly fit for my screen. Of course, I can't show you, because I'm going to use it as a theme.
Its really cool though.
I get to play baseball tonight.
A friend offered to do my shift tonight. She offered, I accepted. Its all good.
When my scheduling boss gets a hold of me after all this shit I'm doing.... hahaha fun times.
So, life is boring.
I'm watching the Colbert Report.
Its funny as always. Great show, that and the Daily Show with Jon Stuart.
My friend sent me these facts today, and here are two that stuck out:
"If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a
sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die."
">Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. "
I'm off.
CoDy |
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
TIME: 10:14am, Wednesday
Check out this shit!

Its the X-Bow, a motorcycle/car. Designed to give people without a motorcycle licence the experience of driving one. 1-60mph in 4 seconds. On sale 2008.
I obviously think its wicked.
What else is new in the world?
Work was boring as hell. Nothing new there.
I'm tired, again, not new.
Most of my limbs hurt. That's not cool.
And, I'm watching some show on Marilyn Manson. It makes me laugh because he be a foo.
Smart man, but says stupid things sometimes, that make him look ignorant and arrogant.
Plus he bought the bones of a young Chinese girl... yeah.
I drew a picture. Yeah.
I forgot to get images of the awesome Linkin Park case. Oops.
I listened to the cd front to back last night. On a disc man! WHOA! Without my ipod headphones! DOUBLE WHOA! Its so I could hear the song transitions. So badass.
Anywho, must depart.
Its cold outside... nooo....
CoDy |
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
TIME: 10:14am, Tuesday
I just read and heard the most amazing lines Mike Shinoda has ever written.
“These hands held high into a sky so blue
As the ocean opens up to swallow you.”
So, here’s the deal. I finally got my Limited Edition copy of Linkin Park: Minutes to Midnight. I’ll post some photos of this badass thing tomorrow, but I watched the DVD, totally dope, made me laugh a lot. I was sitting down, reading the notes that went with the lyrics on the book that came with this set, and I got to “Hands Held High”. A Mike song, 1 of 2 he has all to himself on the cd. So totally impressed by this. Its honestly one of the most amazing and influential songs ever produced by the band.
The lyrics just blew my mind.
So, I listened to the best of the songs while reading the notes, which really made them more important.
This whole thing just seems like it makes you feel.
“In Pieces” is so sick, I love it.
Anyway, got more pills for my cat Amy. Hopefully she won’t feel bad anymore with these. They are supposed to make everything better.
Yeah right.
The vet is such a rip off.
Oh, got one of The Used’s old cds, “In Love and Death”. It has most of my fave songs by the band on it. So, I had to get it.
And, lastly, “No Roads Left But One” should’ve made the LP album.
So insanely grand.
Mike sang a version, so did Chester.
Oh, and I forgot about a staff meeting at work.
Me = dead.
CoDy |
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Monday, August 13, 2007
TIME: 10:44am, Monday
First time I've gotten up all week that the internet has been working, and been fast.
So, I have to take my cat to the vet again in about an hour. She seems to be sick again, which sucks. Seems fine now, but looks are deceiving, and I'd rather be safe then sorry, especially dealing with my baby ^_^
Had that random baseball practise last night. It was good. We played this game in the outfield called 500, where catching fly balls gave you 100 points, and rolling balls were 50, things that bounced had different point values. Well, I kicked everyones asses. I ran for every freaking one, making things that were half the field away from me. On my last few points to reach 500, it went into full contact mode, and they were all trying to tackle me so I wouldn't get the ball.
Reason was "the newbie can't win!"
Still kicked their asses lol.
Not much to do about a lot now.
So, I'll be disappearing.
CoDy |
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Sunday, August 12, 2007
TIME: 1:33pm, Sunday
Finally, the internet works!
Internet isn't in my Mozilla dictionary ha.
So, yesterday when I went to town with dad, I bought a new computer desk, which I'm using now. Its awesome, and my speakers are in perfect spots for music. My older brother got one too, and we had to go back and get my little brother one. Mom and I beat my dad in the assembly race lol
I also bought one of these tiny memory sticks. Its about 2mm thick, 1cm wide, and 2cm long. 1gb of storage. Very cool, and handy.
Went to the driving range with my little brother yesterday afternoon. That was fun. Generally had a good day altogether. I was so restless and bored. I mowed the lawn without being asked, and sat, listening to Linkin Park on the front porch for an hour.
Tiger-Cats played too.
They barely lost, 19-17.
So this morning, worked, had Subway, now I'm here. I just found out there is a baseball practise this evening I didn't know of. Goody. And a game tomorrow.
Now I'm going to take my brother to his friends house, and further discuss the tattoo day my friend Matt and cousins ex-husband Marc are having the end of August.
CoDy |
Comments (2) |
Saturday, August 11, 2007
TIME: 7:04am, Saturday
Going to do some stuff with my dad this morning. 7am is too early for anything though...
Last night was interesting.
Mom and dad decided to go into town to walk the boardwalk, and lets just say it was an adventure.
My little brother and I went, we ate and stuff, and after we journeyed all along the river and ports and stuff, we were watching karaoke at the outdoor concert/dining/festival area, which is a wicked place, and this totally drunk bum-like guy came over to ask for a light of his cigarette. Mom gave him a new cigarette, cause his was crushed. I though the guy was going to fall into my dad giving him the light. He was way beyond plastered, and it was hilarious my dad's reaction to him talking and stuff. Once he left, and when we were leaving, my mom walked over to him and gave him two more cigarettes. Right before we got back to are car, we turned around, and he was collapsed in the street, with a bunch of people crowded around, calling ambulances.
So, quite interesting.
I got a new hamper. Cause I'm cool like that.
And the Colbert Report wasn't on, which made me sad.
Now I'm sleepy.
Seeya later
CoDy |
Comments (2) |
Friday, August 10, 2007
TIME: 1:09pm, Friday
Yes, I posted clementines.
Its sad many of you don’t know about them.
My friend Matt and I had a chat on MSN last night about piercings and tattoos. I’m ganna get that Linkin Park one and he’s getting his lip pierced, which I insist is emo. I was pestering him, saying he’d pussy out, and his rebuttal was:
“Okay, you’re scared of spiders, so shut up haha.”
He’s so ganna pussy out. Anyway, this is going down before the Billy Talent concert, which is September 7th. So, I’m hoping, 2 weeks before then. Sweet.
Enough of that.
Once again, I almost died of boredom at work. I wrote my own coded shopping list to pass time. It was funny, getting my co-worker to try and figure it out. The manager picked it up and was all “wtf...”
My friend also bought mt a chocolate bar.
Did more work on the video.
I think I should reveal a bit about it.
I used a My Chemical Romance video and a Tupelo Honey song.
Guess away kiddies.
CoDy |
Comments (3) |
Thursday, August 9, 2007
TIME: 10:12am, Thursday
My cat is retarded.
I let her in my room this morning because I was watching tv. She proceeded to jump up on my bed, with me in it, and pee on my douvey. Like, what the hell! She was looking at me when I did it!
Ah, I had a swell day yesterday. Baseball was good for me. Not so good for the girl who got smoked in the face when the ball rebounded off her bat.
I started a video because I was bored. Its so elegant and ambitious. Yes, elegant. Makes me really excited when I get a badass scene. Almost as excited as the Ti-Cats scoring a touch down. But that's insane excitement. So, its epic, let's say that. I think everyone will love it. No details yet tough. Haha. Its ot the 300 one.
I'm off to exist, go and murder my cat in her hiding place (which I found this morning, hahaha).
Oh yeah:
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007
TIME: 9:18am, Wednesday
A Clementine is a small orange. It has more flavour and is generally a better thing.
Time to test out the legs today. Se how bad I can fuck em up again ^_^ That means, ball practise this morning. Goodie.... yeah.
Finally got around to reading Linkin Park's Meteora book. Its so good. Really funny too. One of the best parts was the Halo tournaments.
Not much to tell you all today. Ah, I watched 300 again yesterday with my little brother. I have planned on making a wicked video with it. I'm going to use Pillar's "Frontline" song, because the lyrics seem to match the action. I dunno if Gerard Butler's aggression can all fit into one video though lol.
Anyway, peace people.
CoDy |
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