Birthday 1989-08-01 Gender
Female Location NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler. Member Since 2003-08-29 Occupation Slave to "The Man" Real Name Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
Achievements won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance. Anime Fan Since Does it really matter? Favorite Anime Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus Goals I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim. Hobbies Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design Talents Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography beyblader
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I wear baggy pants. Its cause I'm cool and refuse to conform to the current styles and trends of the general public.
Had to be political. There. I posted that as a comment last night. Anyway, the internet has a way of dragging you into doing unnecessary things all the time. I got into reading things online again. I read so many funny things from different bands and celebs. I was inspired to draw Joel Madden too, cause he’s awesome, and post a new Top 3! Its been awhile, I know. This is the result of a completely wasted day talking to Matt on msn.
Top 3 Celebrity Relationships I Liked (til they ended)
I was truly sad about the Joel and Hilary breakup. That makes me a sad person that I would care right? JT..... bad boy. The last ones a joke amongst MCR fans....
Tomorrow will be the opposite of that. I know too much about these topics. WAY to much. Its all good and funny. I don’t really care about the Hollywood bullshit, its just kind of fed to me through the music channels I watch. Entertainment news, yeah.
I must draw all weekend. AND, I get to time keep for a High School boys hockey game.... fuck yes. This would mean I have done everything that’s worth doing in the time keeping world. I am a god at my job. Hey, I’m #2 timekeeper eh. I’m serious.
CS, I was serious about the pictures, and I found your response hysterical. Oh, and Fruit Loops are available for purchase on ebay for the people in the UK. Yes, I looked.
Oh yes, the video is now the river. It'll go along with my new theme. Um, not really GO ALONG, but it'll be the video for it. Was that any surprise?
Check please
EDIT: Whoa, I just fucking one a Fall Out Boy contest!
I have come to a conclusion that might startle you.... we’re treading on thin ice with this one. Paris Hilton only made music videos to be able to publicly broadcast soft-core porn. *shock*
I did play Guitar Hero! Huzzah! I got something done I said I would. Only played a little. I need to adjust my hands again to constant playtime. Medium gets tough as you go on, but I’m like, the “Monkey Wrench” god. Foo Fighters forever.
Last day of Fruit Loop art, and I picked my theme, based on the fact that I can use Photoshop to help with it. Good for me, I know. I’m not completely retarded with it.
Now, I encourage you to do the following.... send me a kickass picture of cereal art. Not drawn, but photographed. Do it, but don’t get it online.... when you search for Fruit Loops, you get bad things. Hm, anyone surprised? Didn’t think so. OH! On that topic, never search for Mega Man either, yeah, just don’t.
I wasted time watching the Brit Awards 2007 last night. I hate British music. I believe that they define the genre of “sensitive rock”. The Killers performed. Not bad, Brandon sounded good, but perform he did not. He’s boring to watch. Also, I believe The Killers have no faith in their newer singles, considering they played “When You Were Young” and not “Bones” or their newest, which I can’t remember. Something shitty. Oh, and the host was hilarious, Russel Crow, a British comedian. Ah, good times watching the British be foolish, play shitty music, and all try and look like the Beatles and sound like The Fray.
It snowed. All across Canada and the US was a major blizzard, apparently. We got some snow, then it ice rained for a lonnnngggg time. It hurt too. I was attacked by it when I went outside Considering the time of this post, its obvious school was cancelled. I dunno why, maybe cause every things frozen....
Anyway, I have some artwork to do, and some Guitar Hero to play.
Lost was.... very strange. I also watched some more American Idol. My favourite made it through, which made me happy. I guess it’ll be a good show this year, and worth watching. Blake is the dude I’m rooting for, if you know who that is. The beatbox guy.
The power went off SO many times last night. I had to set me cellphone to wake me up, cause my clock kept going out. Annoying as hell.
The Canadian government is fucking with everyone. Every other party wants, and has passed this awesome bill to make Canada meet the Kyoto proto call on global warming. So, our all mighty leaders decide its shit, just cause their number one enemy drew it up, and implemented it. Its so stupid, and its bullshit. That fucking Prime Minister election better happen after March 1st.... the Conservatives are like Bush, they are doing nothing for us, and screwing us over more and more with world relations.
That’s my rant of the month on politics.
Had a fun time doing lights for tech yesterday when we had a quest theatre company in to perform. I did it all on my own, and feel intrusted now with some responsibility. I’m sure it’s the doing of our chief.... almighty chief. He likes me.
“Bring in the first Cuban child! Walt Disney must FEED!”
Fuck that’s funny. And damn I’m tired, but that’s nothing new. If I had a mood tag under time, it would always say “tired”. That brings me to what I told my dad yesterday, that I’m the 7 hour wonder. Booyah.
So.... stuff. I love my dog tag. Did I mention how awesomely amazing it is? Well, it is. Can you believe Coral didn’t spellcheck “awesomely”? Wow, I didn’t add that to the dictionary, so its really a word.
Slow day for discussing things, I know. Honestly, normal day. Nothing new. Watched House, it was funnier more so then controversial or nerve racking. Watch American Idol too, for the first time this season. I hate auditions. The only good part is the nitty gritty. There is one cool person. I won’t watch it if that person doesn’t make it to the finals.
Fruit Loop Art
Um, the avatar voting will take place starting Monday. I also have three theme ideas. Gotta get er done!
For starters, I finally received my custom dog tag. Its bananas. I’ll get a picture soon, but its probably impossible to capture its awesome-ness. I also got “Dane Cook: Retaliation” in the mail. Its fucking hilarious.
So, my day was going pretty well yesterday until I came home. Mom was bummed, and well.... home when she should have been at work. So, with her being like that, I didn’t wanna be around her, cause I knew she was ganna put out my candle with her weary words.
The story behind this problem is simple: her best friend is dying of cancer, she doesn’t feel smart at her job, and her mother is showing signs of alsimers(sp?). So yeah, not cool. Oh, and I dissed her spaghetti sauce.
We know have the highs and lows of that day. Lets move on. The new Justin Timberlake video: insane. Its like, 9 minutes long, but totally awesome, and, um, passionate. Sam Bayer, the guy who did “Welcome to the Black Parade” and “Famous Last Words” by MCR directed it. Its actually a mini movie. Very cool. Here it is for you.
After all this, I will say one thing about the Grammy’s that I forgot to post yesterday: they sucked, they have always sucked, and they always will suck.
Fruit Loop art!
“Can’t sleep.... clowns will eat me”
I fucking love that.....
Karma. I must have a been a prick this past week. For starters, I had to work all weekend. That was a kick in the ass. Second, the manager I hate the most was supervising all three weekend shifts I did, Friday to Sunday. Third, it was fucking beautiful out ALL weekend. Karma..... such a bitch.
But that’s done.
I put up the avatar Para made cause she bitched at me. And for the record, I worked hard on my Sam Fisher avi too! It deserves the spot as much as the lovable B-Bear. I shall call him that now. Haha.
Thus, commences two new features on this page, just for shits and giggles. First one is the voting on my new avatar, considering I can’t choose. It will be displayed until I decide on a new theme, and change it. The nominees will be up tomorrow morning, so check back.
Second feature..... Fruit Loop art. Yeah. I have been having this conversation about cereal in the PM’s for awhile now, and decided it was time to share my findings. Apparently, Fruit Loops are the favourite cereal among adults, and thus, the idiots take pictures of them. I know..... strange. But its cool too, so, each day this week will be a new picture.
The sweets inside their little rings your taste-buds do entice
To start the day with them as breakfast makes the day quite nice
*posted early cause... well, read the second paragraph*
You know there is something wrong with the Canadian population when "Cinderella III" is the top DVD in the country. I’m serious.
I just finished watching Fall Out Boy perform live at the Roxy, only, I watched the live broadcast, as it happened, on AOL Music. It was so cool. Made my night.... er, morning, rather, considering I had to stay up til 12am to catch it. If you want to check it out, and watch it anytime you want, here is the link: Fall Out Boy Live
Lets see, highlights.... they dedicated a very fitting song to Panic! At the Disco, and that would be "I’d rather be a widow then a divorcee". Pete also trashed a mic after it broke during the last song. So, good times had by all.
Bout time Para made my avatar! Very pretty-ful of course. Check it out.
How do you "forget" to tell someone you bought an Xbox 360? Lets consult my older brother on this one. He bought a 360 and DOA4 yesterday I believe it was and just, ya know, forgot to tell me about it. He saw me after work and everything. Strange child. Oh well, I can buy "Gears of War" now. Haha. Yes.
Oh, and Guitar Hero 2, just so that I can download "Dead!" by MCR, which is only on the 360 version.
I don’t want to hear about the AnimeFF scandal anymore. I wish everyone would shut up about it on myO and only discuss it on theO. Look, I’m doing it right now. Retarded, I know. Had to throw in something negative to end this, sorry. Hey, it could have been longer, be thankful I didn't write everything I planed!
Reality tv. There are all these people who bag on it. For me, I watch these ones that have been going forever: the founders of the reality tv genre if you will. That’s Survivor and The Amazing Race. I love it. So don’t be hatin’.
People wanted to see the picture I’m drawing. I can’t show you, because its at school, but here is the image I am drawing, and it looks identical to this. I can show you when I get it done, and back, which could be a few months from now.
Click the link. I’m almost in prize range! Hey, if someone wants to be really cool, they can send it to people on their friends list for me. PM me if you’d like to help. I’d love you for it.
YES! I own ass, for sure. Like I said before “The River” by Good Charlotte is so fucking amazing, but I couldn’t get it anywhere, but because I’m so good at hunting shit that is impossible to find down, I got the cd rip of the song, AND the music video last night. I am so pleased with myself. Speaking of the video, its on tv right now.
Remember when we used to post how many page hits we had a gbook signatures? That was cute wasn’t it? Maybe your new and you don’t remember.
Survivor.... awesome. What else need I say?
CS - its Windows Media 11. No longer beta. Can't access help. There are no menus like "file" and such. And you can still rip the same way.
I found a use for my shitty Modern History book: a drum pad. It was a wicked rebound with my sticks, and the binder makes a nice symbol sound to accompany it. The text book is useless anyway. I learn nothing, and its so dry, and political, and WAY overly religious. Pisses me off.
I’m pleased that Good Charlotte will soon make a triumphant return to our lives. That video the other day was Joel, the singer, from Good Charlotte. I watched their new music video yesterday. It owned.
The uber awesome art teacher at the school (not mine, but mine is good too, he does sculptures) complimented my huge drawing of Bob Bryar yesterday. I liked that, because to get a compliment from him means a LOT. Another teacher also complimented it. I have no idea why all these other teachers are in the art room..... hmmm.....
My desktop is messed up.... my media icons are all changed now. Read the blue text for my rant on why, and my recent software updates from hell. Most people won’t care, that’s why its at the end.
I enjoyed the Fall Out Boy cd. Yes, there are a lot of cool songs. The first half of it kinda sucks though. Most of those songs are shit, but the other half is really awesome, and reminiscent of the previous album.
For those asking, the banner is for a contest, and thanks to every who is clicking.
I almost had a frustration breakdown yesterday. A lot of stuff needed doing, mostly on the computer side of things. The updates of software were driving me nuts, but was supposedly necessary. People were talking on msn, I was trying to watch something on tv, eat supper, keep my cat from eating my work shirt cause it smelled like cantaloupe, and clean up her puke all over my room afterwards. A co-worker kept calling me, trying to switch a work shift too, then send me to have my head chopped off by telling the boss I need to change shifts, right after I requested time off. After all that, I said something about the War Amps, and my parents are like “well what if you were in an accident and lost an arm....” and I just flipped on them. I was in that mind set of “just leave me the fuck alone. I don’t care about the War Amps, I want to think of what I need to do.” That was my frustration.
So now, everything feels alright. Lost was surprising, and cool. The end sucked, so I hope the next episode isn’t lame like it looks to be. Survivor starts today. Super excited. I think I need a day of just reading shit online or something. No ebay, updates, news, email, nothing, just reading stuff I wanted to read. That will be today if I have no homework or anything. Sounds good.....
Let us discuss Internet Explorer (IE) 7. What a fucked up piece of shit it is. Its so glitchy its disgusting. For starters, forget the idea of ever having your address bar below the menu bar. Rearranging them is out of the questions. Next, it doesn’t fit the screen, so its hard to click drop down menus and such in the toolbars. Third, the background of the browser is messed up, and is transparent when it shouldn’t be.
What good could come from this monster of a failure? Well, there is this thing called full screen view. Its awesome, and displays pages properly (for once). Bad thing, you can’t access your task bar.
The only good of all this is that I don’t even use IE. I upgraded because my computer asked me too. I’ll stay with my baby, FireFox. I love you FireFox. ^_^
Oh, and also, I updated Windows Media Player. That’s really trippy looking. The bad thing is that I can’t use my skins, or I haven’t found out how to yet, and it changed all my media icons to ugly things I can’t easily identify. Regardless, its cool. I don’t use it though. I’m an iTunes whore. I love you iTunes. ^_^