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Monday, October 3, 2005
I don't know why the smiley is laughing...
TIME WRITTEN: 7:39am, Monday
MOOD: Yeah its Monday!
PLAYING: nothing
Not something you'd usually hear... from anybody! Yeah for Monday ^_^ I like Mondays now because Prision Break is on! That show is second only to Lost, maybe even better then Lost!
Another great show, The War at Home. My god that's funny! Its more realistic then any other sitcom on tv. I like that, instead of cheesy things that would never happen.
My parents returned from Nova Scotia yesterday to. Hehe. And brought me a chocolate covered fortune cookie! Yeah!
I can't think of much else.... ummm... yeah. New piccy might be up tomorrow... if I can draw it for my art assignment that is. Kk, have a great day everyone! Later.
This is godly! The ipod Nano, I'm buying one soon ^_^
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
God damn alarm clock my ass!
TIME WRITTEN: 10:43am, Sunday
MOOD: pissed
PLAYING: Running Away - Hoobastank
Man, things are being retarded. My stupid alarm clock was supposed to go off at 7:30am, but didn't! I woke up at 10:30, an hour before work!
I tryed to buy a hoobastank ringtone for mycellphone to, but ya gotta be a genise to know how to use the freaking phone browser!
But, I did buy Megaman 64 off ebay ^_^ MY big brother and I shopped on ebay for video games, dvds, and gundam models for 3 hours lol. The fucking guy screwed me over on shipping though after I bought it!
Meh, anyway, sorry I didn't get to people sites in a few days. Yesterday was really crazy, I'm just to lazy to tell about it. I'll visit sites now, watch some anime, then eat some pizza. K, have a great day people! Later. |
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
Blaga.. agaga....
TIME WRITTEN: 9:13am, Saturday
MOOD: meh
PLAYING: nothing
Ah, this sucks, dead smake in the middle of the day.... I gotta go to work. Then to my grandmothers for supper at 5pm, and off to a time keepers clinic at 6pm. This sucks!
But, I do get to watch the second CG animated "Dragons" movie! The first was awesome! Thats on at 8pm.
Well, as for amy friends birthday party. I forgot to mention that yesterday. She's turning 16 soon, and her party was yesterday. Haha, it was very amusing to say the least! I got a jester hat anyway lol.
Ahh... finally got some more Eyeshield 21. Its been 2 months since they subbed more. Morons. Meh. I'm ganna go watch Beyblade. I'll be back later to read posts tonight and such.
Have a great day everyone, later!

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Friday, September 30, 2005
That was sudden!
TIME WRITTEN: 7:30am, Friday
MOOD: refreashed
PLAYING: Breakthrough - Eyeshield 21
Well, yeah, its kinda sudden eh ^_^ I decided to change my theme to s-CRY-ed last night. I was reall sick of the Gan Ning one. It overstayed its welcome.
But, just to let you all know, this isn't the super big theme I was planning. I can't show that one until SessLover18 does some codes for me.
Anyway, I finished that retarded art project. yup. Took me like, 4 freaking hours last night! Its tiring... but now I can draw what I want ^_^ I did this awesome monkey smoking a cigar in chalk yesterday in art class. I'll get a pic sometime to show you. That'd be... after my parents get back from the wedding.
THats right. Today my parents and shrimp brother are going to NovaScotia til Sunday for another one of my cousins weddings. I don't get to go, but meh. They'll have the camera anyway.
Well, as for right now, my theme shifting isn't quite done. I'm still editing the images, and I need an avatar. So, keep it cool peeps ^_~ Have a great day! |
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 7:30am, Thursday
MOOD: extremely tired
PLAYING: Reckless Fire - s-CRY-ed
I am sooooooooooooooooo tired. I could seriously fall asleep as I type. Its not work that made me so tired either. It was being half awake ALL night... working in my sleep! Yeah, some stupid sleepwalking thing I guess.
Heres how this went. I kept having problems with products, and calling the supervisor to check it out. My cat was the customer everytime, my remote was the computer. You can laugh now.
I have to finish that stupid art project today. Its the last day for that. It'll get done... it better! I need some down time... and sugar... now!
Don't be surprised if my comment to you guys is random.... I don't have the time k? Have a great day anyway everyone. Later.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
This sucks....
TIME WRITTEN: 7:24am, Wednesday
MOOD: meh
PLAYING: nothing
I have to much stuff on my hands lately. I have to finish this HUGE art project that I don't even wanna do for friday. I work again tonight to.
Last night was my first full shift. I only really messed up once ^_^ As the manager said, thats my first 'big mistake' which is good for a noob ^_^
The Amazing Race: Family Edition premiered yesterday, and that was interesting lol. each team is made of 4 members of s family. Haha.
I'll be visiting more sites now. Thats what I do... visit in the morning when I can't at night, so never fear! Hehe. It's all good today ^_~
Have a great one, later all! |
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 7:27am, Tuesday
MOOD: annoyed
PLAYING: nothing
Its my little brothers birthday today. He's 14 finally lol.
Work was fun yesterday ^_^ I'm really getting the hang of my job! I work again tonight til 9pm I think.
Myo is still being retarded, my whole comp sometimes. myO won't load sites at night, so I have been visiting in the mornings. Meh, I'll find some way to fix this.
OHHHHH! If you can, watch Final Fantasy VII: Last Order! Its so awesome! Its an anime retelling of the events that occured at Tifa's village when Seppi lost it. And it also tells how Cloud and Zack escaped Hojo and SOLDIER. Zack is so awesome in it! WATCH IT!!!!
I gotta go, have a great day everyone, later ^_^
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Monday, September 26, 2005
What is up lately?
TIME WRITTEN: 7:13am, Monday
MOOD: headache
PLAYING: nothing
What the hell has been wrong with myO? I can't visit anyone at night! Its retarded.... anyone else having that problem lately?
Working on the roof was fun. My big brother and I did the demolition, and my dad and I put down weather strips and stuff. Mind you, this was all done on a tiny roof in the front of my house.
I was so pissed at the computer yesterday, and my mom, I almost snapped.... so close. Thats when myO and other sites wouldn't work! Al these retared program's... arg! I just manually shut down the cpmputetr and watched FMA when it re-booted. Unfortunatly, it was the episode where Mae Huges dies... that sucked!
Anyway, I need to go.... and eat or something. I dunno. I'm ganna visit some people now. kk? Have a great day everyone, later. |
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
grass... arg!
TIME WRITTEN: 11:08am, Sunday
MOOD: meh
PLAYING: Ready Steady Go - FMA
Ah... sorry for my uber late post, and not visiting anyone last night. Here's my dets. for yesterday.
10am, went to work to be trained, I stayed for two hours, accually DOING the cash! eek! lol. I gotta do more training Monday and Tuesday, then my first shift is Wednesday.
Problem with Wednesday was that it is the orientation meeting for Future to Discover, a program I was chosen for, and I can't go.... meh.
Last night I watched "Monster in Law" with my mom, and its hilarious! After that I tried to visit, but myO wouldn't load! It was so retarded and annoying....
I won a Linkin Park weld logo beanie on ebay yesterday ^_^ I'll show a pic tomorrow or something I guess. Right now I gotta go help strip our roof, its being re-done today. Have a great day everyone, see ya. |
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 8:05am, Saturday
MOOD: very happy
PLAYING: nothing
I GOT A JOB! YEAH! Remember be saying how I applyed at the grocery store cause they need a door, well now they got me! ^_^ Al' right!
I gotta go for training on that at 10am for an hour. Cashier.
Um, anyway, I got Bleach 50, ganna watch it today ^_^ Yes! Can't wait hehe. And I watched the season premier of Nip/Tuck last night. Man, that show got WAY dirtier then it was! I dunno how thats legal on television... but meh. Its a good drama show... just extremely perverted.
School was school, meh. I got an English assignment due Monday, gotta type that up, Art project due Friday, French project due wednesday. Hehe.... Anyway, have a great day everyone... Later! |
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