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Friday, September 23, 2005
Good News ^_^
TIME WRITTEN: 7:24am, Friday
MOOD: happy
Um, ysterday was filled with some good news, my brother getting a job! Within about 30 seconds... haha. Its at the grocery store down the street from my house. I applyed to, cause they need a girl.
Ah.... French class wasn't fun yesterday at all, like it usually is. It seems the rude, nosey girls are getting to me.... and I'm not the person to take trash talk lightly. Let me tell ya kk?
I was talking to my friends, and the teacher about a funny thing my other friend had done, and we were all laughing, then Jasmin, miss 'I'm queen of the world' just yells out, "Cody, shut up and stop talking" The room fell completely silent and it continues like this:
me "Mind your business."
her "No, shut up, I hate the sound of your voice!"
me "Oh, I'm very sorry Jasmine, I forgot, I'm not allowed to talk on your earth!"
Convo ended right there. She never replyed. I think I made my point.... and the techer didn't care. Was that not ridiculas and so out of place? I was fucking talking with MY friends, and the teacher! She has no right to inturupt me in a conversation that did not include her, nor have anything to do with her! ARG! She pisses me off so BAD!!!!!!
Besides that... Seadogs play the Mooseheads again tonight. And my Colorado avalance kept most of my fave players, but lost some key ones. Forsberg, Kariya (TRAITOR!!!) and some more. Meh.
Have a great day everyone, sorry I rambled on so long, later. |
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 7:16am, Thursday
MOOD: bubbly
I can believe for the past week I hadn't watched Bleach epi 49! I swore I had! I am now though.
Anyway, LOST last night! Holy shit was that ever awesome! I don't wanna ruin it for anybody though.... *wimpers*
........::SPOILER WARNING::........
Its so freaky that that guy Jack met back when he was a doc was inside the hatch! Its like he had been living there for years! Haha, I guess his race around the world was cut short! And the hatch saying quartine from the inside, maybe so he'd stay in the hatch!
........::SPOILER END::..........
Um, anyway.... I finally started watching Fruits Basket again. Yeah.... I sucked it up and downloaded the crappy quality one, but in japanese... I hate the english version, and I refuse to watch it.
Nothing much else I wanna say I don't think. Here's a piccy for you all, and I"m ganna start a new drawing today. ^_^ Have a great one everybody! Later.

I haven't posted a Beyblade picture in god knows how long! |
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Advent Children
TIME WRITTEN: 7:21am, Wednesday
MOOD: happy
PLAYING: Ready Steady Go - FMA
I Saw it! I watched Final Fantasy Adevnt Children yesterday! My god, it is such a spectacular movie! I'm ganna burn a dvd copy of it, that can play on the PS2.
Let me see, the story is magnificent, the sernory is lush, and beautifully created. The characters, oh, man, they are so awesome! The fight secenes are freaking out of this world! I can't stop thinking about it ^_^
Um, besides that, LOST PREMIERS! 10pm tonight! YES!!!!!!! Oh, and I beat that hard level I was stuck on in Front Mission 4 ^_^
I'll be off now to watch more FMA. Seeya later all, and have a great day!

Talk about comic relief! Reno and Rude, haha, these to are SO funny in the movie! |
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 7:12am, Tuesday
MOOD: tired
Again, I' watching FMA on my comp. Um, yesterday was a good day ^_^ I had my school pics taken, and this time, they were good! heeh.
Anyway, last night, I went to my grandparents, my whole family did, to see my aunt, uncle, and cousin from nova scotia, on my dads side. We were there for like 2 hours! But my big bro brought the gamecube, and we played Soul Calibur 2 and Smash Bros. Melee.
Oh! My big brother got me back my Front Mission 4 data after school1 hehe. He did it in 1 hour 43min. Took me like, 4 and a half!
Well, I'm ganna get back to my anime. LOST priemiers tomorrow! YEAH! You'd all better watch it! Have a great day everyone, later.
Cody facts: My fave non anime shows are reality, and drama. I love to watch Lost, Prison Break, the Amazing Race, Survivor, and the Contender. |
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Monday, September 19, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 7:02am, Monday
MOOD: awake
I'm in the middle of watching FMA 19, so I'll make this quick.
Um, yesterday was fun ^_^ I finally started my own game in Front Mission 4, played for around 5 hours, and did alright, until I got stuck. But then, unfortunatly, my big brother saved over my file with his, accidentally. Geez... now I gotta redo it all today....
Um, today is school picture day for me... aye. I hate having my picture taken. Alot of people say they don't look good in pics, well I REALLY don't!
I'm ganna work on my story today in BBT class. I haven't shown it to anyone but Dan, so I'll right a prologe and show you all.
I think thats about it for me now. I gotta finish FMA and wash my hair. Lotsa time ^_^ Have a great day everyone, later! |
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 7:54am, Sunday
MOOD: fine
PLAYING: Reckless Fire - s-CRY-ed
Ah, I don't really have much to tell ya all today... I went to my friends house, played some video games, and watched a movie called "It Could Happen to You" which was really good!
Um, so I decided to tell you all a lil bit about me! What I dunno.... why... who cares!
As for my appearance, I'm 5'6", 110lbs. dark brown hair, blue/green eyes. My fave food is chicken, and I have an addiction to chocolate.
Haha, I'll leave it hanging there ^_^ I'll tell ya some more about me tomorrow! Hope everyone liked the pics yesterday to. Have a great day, seeya!
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 7:47am, Saturday
MOOD: fine
PLAYING: nothing
Well, first off, yes I uploaded the pics. I'll give you links to em in a second. Main thing I wanna say..... OUR REF FUCKING SICKED!
This referres to the hockey game last night. The Seadogs home opener. The fucking ref was SO totally one sided! He called penalties on us for nothing, and none on them! It was a rediculas, one-sided game, but we played well reguardless, only losing 2-3
I got a towel and a flexable frisbee there to! I caught the frisbee when people on the ice threw em to the crowd.
Um, the Terry Fox walk.... it was such a HOT day, and everyone was dying of heat! Oh well, no math period! lol. It was fun on the way up to the ceramony though.
Heres the piccys. Sorry it took me so long, my word on uploading things isn't very good....
Enjoy em ^_^
OH! About Naruto which premiered in Canada last night on Bionix, I liked it for the most part. I don't care what people say about Naruto's voice either, I liked it alot better then that annoying squeeky voice he has in the Japanese one! Not as much blodd though in this version... thats retarded..... and it annoys me whenever they say Naruto, cause they draw it out! Meh, its cool ^_^
Ganna go watch some anime after this. Some B'Daman, Beyblade, Avatar, which is a funny show! And Zatch Bell! haha. Have a great day everyone, later! |
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Friday, September 16, 2005
LOTS of stuff!
TIME WRITTEN: 6:58am, Friday
MOOD: happy
PLAYING: Reckless Fire - s-CRY-ed
Well, so much is going down today! I'm just ganna list it off later... but Survivor premiered last night! Its a really bad start for one team, but Bobby Jone and Stephanie are back on a team each!
Um, today:
-Seadogs game
-Terry Fox run after an early lunch
-upload pics
-No english! muhahah!
-No math!
Well... so it isn't that much, meh. Oh, and I can't watch anymore beautiful dubbed s-CRY-ed.... the site I got it from had 12 epis.... and I have to wait for when and if they get me more! I love the series so much1 I hope Kimishima didn't really die!
Well, have a great day everyone. Later.
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 6:51am, Thursday
MOOD: disbelief
PLAYING: Remember me - Hoobastank
I'm in disbelief because Rex lost Canadian idol! Mellissa beat him.... and I don't understand how that could happen... but it did.... only Canadians would know what I'm talking about I bet lol ^_^
Oh, every school in Canada is going to do some big Terry Fox thing, where we all walk for donations to the Canadian cancer society. My school is walking across town. They say it could be the single biggest event in Canadian history. Every student in Canada, walking at the same time. Whoa... this goes down tomorrow.
Seadogs game tomorrow night to! Hehe, I keep saying that ^_^ Lost premier in 6 days! My satalite won't be hooked up then though, cause our roof is getting re-done.... How sick eh! I can still watch Lost though.... I better! Oh, and I ate pixy sticks in french lol.
Ganna upload both my Ed and Renji pics tonight, cause I got my sketch book back. Yeahness! Its been awhile for Renji! lol
I've been writing to long. Have a great day alright everyone? Seeya.
QUESTION: whats your fave non anime tv show?
ANSWER: Lost |
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
The moon is god's thumbnail, NOT CHEESE!
TIME WRITTEN: 7:15am, Wednesday
MOOD: tired
PLAYING: Melissa - FMA
Um... man, was I ever tired today and yesterday for some reason! I accually fell asleep in frecnh after lunch yesterday! lol. I was so bored, I was done my work 30 min before all the others!
The Canadian Idol season finale, with the results is tonight. I hope Rex wins! I bet he will, he is amazing! He sings Rock, and is so good at it!
Speaking of music, a math class across from mine was playing Linkin Park's Meteora album yesterday lol.
OOOOOHHHHH! My dad got tickets for the Seadogs home opener! HEHEHHEHE! Friday ^_^ Can't wait!
Well, see ya later everyone... erm... talk to ya later I mean Whatever. Have a great day. |
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