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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Haha, Edward!
TIME WRITTEN: 6:46am, Tuesday
MOOD: fine
PLAYING: Ready, Steady, Go - FMA
Ummm.... I drew that new Ed picture! I haven't coloured it, and I dunoo if I'm ganna, but its inked and cool ^_^ I won't be able to upload it until I get my sketchbook back from my art teacher, as I'm using it for an assignment. Soooo... probably tomorrow, and Renji to, finally lol.
September 16th - Seadogs home opener
September 21st - LOST season premier
September 27th - Little brothers birthday
November 22nd - Mike Shinoda's album comes out, Fort Minor
Hehe ^_^ The 21st and 22nd are ganna be awesome! I con't freaking WAIT for Lost! And the Frt Minor album... arg..... can't stand that long wait! I'm ganna try and get it the first day of release!
Well, have a great day everyone, sunny and bright or cloudy and rainy. Later! |
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Monday, September 12, 2005
I have no title! haha
TIME WRITTEN: 7:17am, Monday
MOOD: meh
PLAYING: Reckless Fire - s-Cry-ed
Ah.... I dunno what to say.... um, I got the Scryed theme, yeahness! Thats Reckless Fire, its pretty cool.
Um... I did watch the Beyblade movie, which was accually very cool! I loved the animation! Its awesome! I also watched the movie Drumline the other day. Thats a great movie to ^_^
Ah, Zatch Bell! What a funny anime! I thought that'd be retarded, cause of how it looked, but thats great! I like that alot ^_^ GTS: Stand Alone Complex... thats pretty.... odd..... good animation and all.... it really reminds me of Which Hunter Robin, which is back on Bionix by the way!
Well, I am ganna draw a picture of Ed from FMA, probably as my art drawing assignment due tomorrow... I'll upload it when I'm done to. Have a great day everyone, later! |
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 9:55am, Sunday
MOOD: headache
PLAYING: nothing
Ah, well, didn't visit again last nope, nope, I was out all day. My plans were put for for yesterday.
The reason for all this? Well, a person I know, from within my family.... some how, she took me to a race for the Atlantic Open Wheel, a racing division here in New Brunswick. We were gone all day, and watch 15 races. I liked down in the pit area, it was cool down there, plus, I'm related to a driver... yatta yatta, its a big family deal thing! I don't know lol.
Um, other news, my mom is trying to pull another one of those "you get the compter for a hour" shit. She doesn't even use the computer, yet she tries to tell us WHEN we can! Yeah fucking right! We have our own rules and time sets, and we don't need fucker her to come in a change things!
Yard sale went well for me. Yup, I don't give a shit, I'm pissed off now. I started to watch the Beyblade movie this morning, missed the premiere of D.I.C.E. and YGO GX. I din't watch any of the new anime, so I can't tell ya what I think about it, thats for later to.
I'll visit everyone I've missed the past 2 days right now. So, seeya, and have a great day.
Today is 9/11 remember that. Visit SessLover18's site for a video dedicated to 9/11. |
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
Don't have time....
TIME WRITTEN: 8:09am, Saturday
MOOD: rushed
PLAYING: nothing
Okay, so, Seadogs game was wicked, Seadogs won. My dad made us leave 2 min before it was over, to beat traffic, and the game became tied after we left, and there was a shootout! I TOLD HIM THAT WAS GANNA HAPPEN!
Ah, anyway, we are like, doing a yardsale right now, cause my mom wanted to sell stuff. I can make alot of money off this I think ^_^ hehe.
Nothing much else to say.... sorry, I keep forgetting to upload the Renji pic! I shall.... soon... and I'm ganna watch my beyblade movie today to. Oh, and a bunch of new anime premiered yesterday night, and this morning... I gotta watch all the stuff I taped to.... I'll tell you what premiered and I saw, and my opinion tomorrow.
Later all, have a great and sunny day! |
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Friday, September 9, 2005
Yes! Scoreeeee!
TIME WRITTEN: 7:12am, Friday
MOOD: very happy
PLAYING: nothing
Well, today is a good day for many reasons! Lets start off with hockey.
My dad won tickets for the Seadogs second last exabition game! Yeah! Thats tonight.
All of the new anime, except Naruto is premiering tonight on Bionix in Canada. Gotta tape all that, since I won't be around. But, 1 hour season premier of Inuyahsa!
Um... that french teacher, she's cool now! I don't hate her anymore. Our class has a mix of french imersion and english kids, and the french kids, as I called them (they aren't really "french") annoy the teacher to death, and never stop talking, but I do my work, then she comes over, and we just like, go over it, and she asks quesions and stuff. Its cool ^_^
She's not bitchy or nothing! Yeah, but anyway, easy math test today after lunch. Yuuuupppp..... can't wait for art....! Have a great day everyone, later! |
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
Rabked 18 now! yeah ^_^
TIME WRITTEN: 7:19am, Thursday
MOOD: nervous
PLAYING: nothing
Um, this is retarded, just on episode 14, Fruits Basket changed to the dubbed version! It is so stupid sounding, and not funny in the least! I'm ganna have to watch the crappy version then...
Ahhhh... math is kinda weird... the teacher is hilarious and all, but he doesn't really give a lesson, just random questions! Its kinda hard to accomplish things like that.
And my computer is being so fucking gay! It won't download anything! It keeps cancelling most downloads to. Its getting on my nerves now, and I might kill it if this happens again.
Have a great day everyone, seeya.
I love this show dubbed! Its great ^_^
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Why do I always feel hungary after eating an english muffin?
MOOD: normal
PLAYING: nothing
Um, I'm right in the middle of watching s-Cry-ed on my computer,so I'll make this quick.
School was good and fine. So far, I like all my teachers, except french. Shes a stuck of bitch who thinks she's all that and a bag of candy. The rest are great.
I know most of them to.... and my friends are in some of my classes ^_^ Yeahness. I get to read manga during our 25 min reading period the school decided to do. muhaha!
Oh, my Beyblader: Fierce Battle dvd arrived yesterday! haha, I haven't watched it though..... yet.
My dad found his UBA cable for the camera yesterday to, so I'll upload my picture I drew tonight.
I'm done. Have a great day everyone. Later. |
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Ah, school....
TIME WITTEN: 7:12am, Tuesday
MOOD: hungary
PLAYING: FMA Ending theme - FMA
I finally found the FMA opening and ending themes 1! I like em ^_^
Anyway, first day of school in a little less then an hour. I'm interested in seeing some friends that I had two years ago! Fun ^_^
Um, yesterday wasn't really exciting or great. Another one of those "Cody gets blamed for everything" day. Kinda anyway.... I watched Prison Break though. Thats a good show if you've ever seen it! Its on Fox.
Have some piccys ^_^

Bah, anyway, have a great day everyone! I'll visit some sites now, and watch FMA. Later. |
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Monday, September 5, 2005
That smiley is irrelivent lol
TIME WRITTEN: 8:01am, Monday
MOOD: sleepy/happy
PLAYING: Faint - Linkin Park
Um, tomorrow is my first day back to school. I bet it'll be fun. Less anime watching, but oh well ^_^
I'll start my post here thanking Sesslover18 for helping me so much for my next theme ^_^ I'll have it up soon, and it may not work properly on mozilla browsers... may...
Um, I listened two the two pre-released tunes by Mike Shinoda, as part of Fort Minor. They are excellent! Both were done with the band Styles of Beyond, who are excellent. Fort Minor is being released November 22, and I'm ganna buy it ^_^
Ganna burn some anime, watch it and make graphics now. Seeya later all! |
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
Morning peoples!
TIME WRITTEN: 8:00am, Sunday
MOOD: tired
PLAYING: Number 1 - Bleach
Ah, well yesterday was fun ^_^ Yeah, I visited everyone who updated in the morning by the way.
Anyway, we had lunch at the Kozy Korner, a nice resturant in my town. We then walked an hour and a freaking half acrss town to FireFly Forest. We played at the driving range, and then with the RC cars. The RC cars were alot of fun! I was the best driver, oh yeah! Seriously!!!
Back to my friends house, all 9 of us! lol. We played Texas Hold Em, which two people played for like, 3-4 hours, I got tired of it after awhile. We had pizza for supper. Then a few of us played a card game called spoons downstairs, that was awesome1 I won to ^_^ We then watched Sahara, which was a good movie, I liked it! While I was out, my parents rented Hostage, so I gotta watch that before it goes back.
Anyway, thats my day. Interesting indeed! Watched a bunch of anime before I left to. I should accually get to watching that final SHaman King epi I taped to ^_^ Have a great day everyone! Later.

Resident Evil: Survival Horror
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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