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Saturday, September 3, 2005
Top of the mornin to ya'll!
TIME WRITTEN: 7:43am, Saturday
MOOD: very happy
PLAYING: Just One - Hoobastank
Well, today is September 1st. This is an important day! Well, yeah, its the day of the Rolling Stones concert here in NB, but more importantly, its the day all my friends and I are getting together all day! ^_^
I'll be gone at 12pm, so I'll visit all the morning updaters, unsure if I'll be back later tonight. I doubt it.
Well, I've been instantly hooked to FMA and Fruits Basket! I finally found more places to get FB again. muhahaha! I have to watch right now:
FMA epi 6-8
Fruits Basket epi 9-10
Scryed epi 2-3
Samurai Champloo epi 3-16
I haven't watched all my Champloo, I'm burning it ^_^ Well, besides that, I got my new SJ yesterday! Its a good one. Had a premiere chapter of Death Note manga, which is freaky, but really cool!
I'm ganna upload my Renji sketch. I inked him yesterday night. Scratch that, dad lost the UBS cable again! *sigh* Final epi of Shaman King airs today at 10:30am people! Have a great day everyone, later! |
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Friday, September 2, 2005
This is good!
TIME WRITTEN: 8:14am, Friday
MOOD: happy
PLAYING: Just One - Hoobastank
Thats a good song by the way! Really cool! Um, lots of great stuff going down. I got something to show Linkin Park fans, of rap fans, or Mike Shinoda fans lol.
Um, yeah, this is a Fort Minor in concert video taken in Brazil. This shows off some of Mike's tunes from his new album, and I'm not a big rap fan, but this stuff is good! Heres the link to the site, scroll down in the news section to find the video link.
Um, payment for my Renji plushie goes through today ^_^ YEAH! And I drew my own original art of Renji yesterday night. Its a rough sketch, but its neat.... and yes.... you heard right, its original! lol
My friends and I are having an end of summer get together this Saturday, we are going to one of my fave resturants for lunch, to Firefly Forest for some race car fun, and driving range, then to my friends for supper ^_^ Fun-ness!
I'll let ya all go now. You've been reading long enough. Accually, I'm right into FMA! What a great anime that really is! Fruits Basket and Samurai Champloo still won't download..... well, seeya everyone! Have a great day ^_^ |
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 10:27am, Thursday
MOOD: meh
PLAYING: Breakthrough - Eyeshield 21
*sigh* I can't seem to find music for Eyeshield 21 anywhere! I only got the opening and ending themes....
Anyway, yesterday was pretty good. We FINALLY got food in the house. Yeah! I got me lots of gatorade to.... then drank it lol.
Um, I noticed this the other day, Shonen Jump magazine, although I love it to death, pisses me off! Out of 26 issues I have, about 18 have Yugi on the cover. Thats so annoying! I HATE YGO! Its so damn irritating, how every issue has that ugly kid on it. I'm sick of it!
And I'm also sick of my grandmother talking to me like I'm a mindless moron. Thats annoying to! She doesn't even think before she speaks.
I started watching FMA yesterday to, in Japanese. Its a good anime1 Very funny ^_^ And the fruits basket downloads won't work on reality lapse! *dies*
Have a great day everyone, later.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 7:09am, Wednesday
MOOD: tired/kinda happy
PLAYING: nothing
Well, the exibition was a blast yesterday! I had alot of fun on all the rides. I won a big fluffy Frog toy. Its cute! I might take a pic and show you. I won one for my friend to, but he payed for the game lol.
I lost my Linkin Park hat on a ride, as did some other guy. His hat landed in my seat on the ride, and mine flew off, but the guy whos hat I had grabbed mine for me. I thought he was stealing it though! I nearly had a heart attack! lol
Well, I'm going to get grocergys now with my mom. She needs to have xrays on her back to. So I'm off now. Have a great day everyone, later. |
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 8:29am, Tuesday
MOOD: depressed
PLAYING: Pieces - Hoobastank
Well, I just finally got my Gan Ning theme back to normal. I was so un busy thinking about stupid things, that I forgot, yesterday was my myO anniversery.... 3 years.... thats a long time, alot of my life..... but its been worth every second, and to spend it with great friends like all of you, its been a pleasure ^_^
Anyway, I guess I can try and make this my anniversery post then.... or my "special day" seeing I'm going to the exibition in a bit! YEAH! By the way, thats the annual amusment park that comes to town.
Um, if anyone saw last night, I was uploading my new theme, and come to find out, myO doesn't support a certain blogging code! I was extremely pissed off, being that I work hard all day on a new type of graphic I have never made before. Jigglyness was kind, and is helping me, but the codes still won't work. MyO sucks ass for not supoorting all coding types!
Well, this is long, and I still have more work to do figuring out this problem. Have a great day everyone, and let me just say, my new theme is ganna blow you all away ^_^ Later.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, I watched epi 1 of Fruits Basket which I downloaded, and I'm instantly hooked ^_^ What an amazing anime! lol |
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Monday, August 29, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 8:19am, Monday
MOOD: tired
PLAYING: It Doesn't Matter - SA2
Well, finally, an early post ^_^
Um.... how's everyone? I'm good. Only one awake, sitting here drinking a coke. I think I drank WAY to much coke yesterday at my friends bon fire lol. It was funny!
All I can think about lately is my Renji plushie.... I want it! Oh, and I found out Maxi and my fave character, Yunsung are in Soul Calibur 3 ^_^ Yes! They finally released the names! So all my faves are in the new one.
I'm so bored, and I did nothing but play anti-Grav and go to my friends yesterday. Well, I'm ganna work on my new theme, and finish up a quiz. You all have a great day, and I seeya later! |
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 9:36am, Sunday
MOOD: tired
PLAYING: Running Away - Hoobastank
Well.... yesterday was interesting.... I didn't get to see the Seadogs play though...
See, my mom, dad, grandmother and I went to some of the yardsales for the townwide yardsale. I bought Anti-Grav for ps2, which is awesome and fun!
I also had to ref two back to back soccer games in Sussex, in the extreme heat. God... that was SOOOOOO hot!
Then my parents finally said, "yeah, we aren't going to the seadogs game anymore" I was like, why the hell didn't you tell me earlier?!?! I was a bit pissed.... But instead I went to my friends house, and we watched The Ring Two, which was weird and lame.
Thats my day... yatta yatta. I gotta download Bleach and start making my new theme ^_^ Seeya everyone, have a great day!
EDIT: If you get a PM with the subject "Eh? Canada" don't open it. Its some retards idea of a joke, being a racist bastard and making fun on Canada. |
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 10:40am, Saturday
MOOD: pleased
PLAYING: nothing
Well, sorry for the late post again. I was up early, but I went to the town wide yardsales around my town. I bought the eyetoy game Anti-Grav ^_^ I haven't played it yet though. For $15. Sweet.
Sorry I didn't get to sites last night. I was at my friends house til 12am. Yeah, we had alot of fun last night ^_^
Ah, reffing two soccer games this afternoon.... and I'll get to sites after that, then I'm off to a Seadogs hockey game!
I'm making this short, cause people hate long posts.... my current amount of comments is reflacting that... anyway, have a great day, later! |
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Friday, August 26, 2005
Very pleased, yes!
TIME WRITTEN: 9:51am, Friday
MOOD: very pleased
PLAYING: Pieces - Hoobastank
I'm extremely happy, cause I bought the Renji plushie yesterday ^_^ YEAH! It cost me $27 Canadian dollars. I want to get the Ichigo one now to, cause he's only $17 dollars!
Anyway, got one of my best friends emails today. I didn't know she had one, and she just found out she has a 10 year old sister!
Anyway, upcoming things:
-changing my site theme on August 30th
-myO anniversery August 30th, my third year here!
-My friend and I are going to the local fair, the exibition next tuesday ^_^
-Seadogs game tomorrow night, I'll be there!
-Beat Sonic Adventure 2 Batlle on all three team modes ^_^ YESSSS!!!
Thats about it for today. If anyone would like for me to find them an anime plushie, just ask, cause I'll do it for ya! Here's the Renji one I bought again, later all.
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 11:28am, Thursday
MOOD: happy
PLAYING: City Escape - SA2
Well, yesterday was pretty good ^_^ I drew a new piccy, and its uploaded. Heres a link for you lazy people. lol You'll love this pic to!
Enjoy ^_^
Um, I found a cheap Renji plushie, and I'm ganna buy it ^_^ Its only ganna cost me $25 Canadian dollars, and I can buy it right now. Yeah! Here's the pic of the Renji plush. I'm a Renji obsessor by the way ^_^

Isn't it cute? Oh, and all those Hiei fans, I found a $10 Hiei plushie yesterday ^_^ If your interested, pm me. Its not on ebay.
Oh, I was just playing Kill Switch, thats a fun game! I'm ganna play it when I'm done here... and my big brother unlocked tag team mode in Battle Assult 3. Thats fun ^_^ Thats about it for me... have a great day everyone, later! |
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