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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Kinda late....
TIME WRITTEN: 11:06am, Wednesday
MOOD: very pleased!
PLAYING: Something Beautiful - Cauterize
Well, yesterday was an amazing day! I recieved my manga I bought on ebay, all 4, new. My manga collection now consists of:
-Shonen Jump completion vol. 1&2
-Viz Sneak Peek vol. 1&2
-Inuyasha vol. 1
-One Piece vol. 1
-Gundam Seed Astray R vol. 1
-Shaman King vol. 1-2
-Knights of the Zodiac vol. 1-3&7
-Zoids vol. 1-5
I'm also waiting for Gundam Seed vol. 1-2 to arrive ^_^
Well, yesterday I almost chocked to death on my breath twice when I seen something I have wanted to bad since my eyes first saw it.... a 10" Renji figure. Heres the pic.

Isn't it beautiful? It costs $72 Canadian dollars..... I want to so bad.... and I have the money.... but laptop.... *wimpers* And I found this Zolo one I want very bad to!

This one costs about $54 dollars. 10" tall. I want them both.... so BADDDDD! I also saw a uber cute Renji plushie, another smaller Zolo, which is amazing, and I'm ganna buy cause its cheap.
Oh man, Ebay was just great to me yesterday with those models! I'm ganna find a way to make money, fast, and buy them all! My collection will include my fave anime characters if it kill me!
Speaking of that, if you have read this far, I am getting an application for a rink attendant today. I hope I get the job, cause then I can buy all the models ^_^ Anyway, have a great day everyone, later! |
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Arg, what a wacked day!
TIME WRITTEN: 8:24am, Tuesday
MOOD: moderate
PLAYING: same as yesterday
Is it just me, or was that my same update time and kelly clarkson is playing again! lol Anyway, yesterday was a train wreck.... yeah, lemme explain this.
My mom had MAJOR mood swings, although she denies it. We went to the mall to get chocolate and stuff for supper in the morning. She was fine and fun. Then she got cooking, and demanding. Next, she was still demanding, but loud, and somewhat angry. Then she got in an arguement with me, and dug herself a hole of lies! I was right, and she wouldn't admit it, she just kept changing her story.
Anyway, it drove me, my lil bro, and my dad all nuts, but I was the first one to snap and just poured it out. Then I couldn't stop laughing! (that was the sugar, I ate alot of junk food yesterday!)
Ah, also went to my friends house. We went walking and such, I got frogs with here lil sister, which was fun ^_^ Then get home, and my big bro who had been in his rp on Gaia ALL DAY wouldn't let me use to comp to visit sites!
This is the summer time, all day to use it, wait til school, I'll be screwed! Anyway, this is long. I'm ganna watch Bleach and visit everyone I missed yesterday. Later. |
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Aw, to bad...
TIME WRITTEN: 8:23am, Monday
MOOD: happy
PLAYING: Behind Those Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson
Well, I survived the weekend of reffing soccer, with a cold a chest pains. Yeahness....
Anyway, The Saint John Seadogs lost thier away game 3-6 vs the Bathurst Titan... I guess you could call it a rematch! lol. But I see a schedual here on the desk that my dad printed.... with highlighted games! I think he wants to go lol ^_^
Well.... besides that stuff, yesterday was so boring! Arg.... I can't seem to finish my picture, cause the eyes are driving me nuts on it......... yeah........ I wanna draw Linkin Park again ^_^
I'm going on ebay to look at stuff, seeya all later, and have a great day.
Here's the Seadog crest.

EDIT: Damnit... the airing of Naruto in Canada has changed from Sept. 9th to Sept. 16th. Thats stupid!
Canadians, here are the anime we are getting this fall, all airing in September. Check out for more info.
Final 2 Episodes of the season will air B2B on September 2nd @10pm. New season begins September 9th @9pm.
InuYasha II: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass movie premieres on August 26th @9pm.
Pokemon Chronicles
Zatch Bell
Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone complex
Mew Mew Power
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX |
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
We are at war!
TIME WRITTEN: 10:51am, Sunday
MOOD: annoyed
PLAYING: evil star wars theme (in my head)
Well well, little prick brother wants to play now ^_^ There is this time of day, night time, 8pm on, that ONLY my big bro and I use the comp. Simple as that. Retard blittle brother knows that, and made a big deal last night about using it at 9pm, when I already was!
So, needless to say, I devised a plan to piss my dad off, so that if I couldn't have it, neither could he ^_^ These are the rules of war my friends!
Ah well, he's pulling this "1 hour usages" for a few days. haha, won't last long. And now everyone knows why I want my own laptop! Exactly ^_^
Anyway, I have another soccer game to ref today at 12pm. Yesterdays three went well. All one sided games.
Sorry, didn't get you all those pictures, cause of the fucktard. Didn't get to all the sites either, same reason. I'll go visit everyone I missed right now ^_^ Have a great day everyone, later. |
Comments (11) |
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Very pleased
TIME WRITTEN: 10:25am, Saturday
MOOD: tired
PLAYING: Crawling in the Dark - Hoobastank
Alright, 4 main things happened yesterday, all explaining how I wasn't able to visit sites. Alright, here we go!
-went school shopping
-got ear pierced
-went to Seadogs hockey game
-watched final two epis of Gundam Seed
Alright, explainations!
School shopping. Got some supplies, yatta yatta, bought me three new shirts, pants, and shoes. Oh, yeah. Lots of And 1 basketball gear ^_^
Oh, and about my grandma, she isn't evil or mean, she just is annoying when we are shopping, she's always like a kid in a candy store, showing us lame things, and embarrassing us. She is also my mom's parrot, and repeats everything she says to us, thinking we are mindless apes and can't hear.....
Got my ear pierced in the mall while shopping. Yeah, redid an old one that grew over. My big bro got three in a row on the same ear, and he jumped, and whined after everyone, not me! lol
Yeah, talked my dad into taking me to the Saint John Seadogs first pre-season hockey game. The Seadogs are our new QMJHL team. They totally owned the Bathurst Titan! 7-2 for us ^_^ Most amazing game I've ever seen to, we dominated the ice, three fights, and kicked the jackass of the Titan's ASS! HAHAH! We are going next weekend to ^_^
Ah, and Gundam Seed two epi finalle. Man, everyone dies! I cried when Mwu died... that was really sad.... and all the M1's got owned, the earth pilots, owned, the Zaft leaders, the earth leader, LT. Bagerile! Man, it was a sad two epis, but so great as well ^_^
Anyway, all this stuff happened consecutivly... and grocery shopping is in there to... lol. So I wasn't home for very long at all. It was a fun day for me! Now I gotta ref 3 back to back to back soccer games, starting at 2:30. I hope it doesn't rain! Have a great day everyone. I got pics for next post, later!
EDIT: I got over 1,000 downloads on my wallpapers, and am ranked #19 on myO! yeahness ^_^ |
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Friday, August 19, 2005
He won... geez....
TIME WRITTEN: 7:18am, Friday
MOOD: happy, talkitive
PLAYING: nothing
I need to brush my teeth....
Anyway, my brother won the Front Mission 4 gam on ebay. He stayed up all night, til 2:30am, cause thats when it ended. He got into a bidding war, and something that should have been $5, became $27.50. I have to pay for it with my paypal.... he's adding to my bank account later! arg... lol But it was my idea, I'm just glad he is happy ^_^
Ah, anyway, my mom gave me a scare yesterday,. She slipped on water, and hurt her back. But she's fine now ^_^
Well, we are going to town now to get clothing and such, that is good! My grandmother is coming to (WHY GOD!) and I can see it now.... she is evil!
Anyway, have a great day everyone, later! |
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hey, yo!
TIME WRITTEN: 11:10am, Thursday
MOOD: annoyed/happy
PLAYING: Pieces - Hoobastank
Alright, sorry for my uber late post, I slept really late, and then went to the mall with my parents this morning.
Anyway, I can finally get my soccer reffing schedual for the provincual tornament today. Stupid fucktards, wouldn't give me a god damned schedual! How can I do my job then! AHHHHHRG!
Sorry bout that, it has been pisses me off all week. Anyway, yesterday was really fun ^_^ A bunch of friends and I went to Firefly Forest, a recreational golf place in my town. We played mini golf, and shoot balls at the driving range. Also ate supper there, it was alot of fun! I won out of my team in mini golf, but tied with my other friend lol.
Well, probably going to a pool party at my friends house today to. All the same group as yesterdy ^_^
Well, gotta go find my soccer schedual. Going shopping for cloths and such tomorrow. Might get my laptop really soon, cause of a deal I worked out with my parents ^_^ Anyway, seeya later, and have a great day!

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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Last day for him!
TIME WRITTEN: 8:12am, Wednesday
MOOD: nervous
PLAYING: nothing
Umm... yeah, its the alst day for Chris here at my house. Then he goes back to Nova Scotia with his dad.
I'm nerbous because I'm supposed to do a provincile tornament for soccer this weekend, reffing, not playing, but I can't been called with any instructions or a scheduel! I'm uneasy until I know exactly what I'm ganna do.
Anyway, drawing Andrew Bartfeldt is incredible hard! I was wondering why I haven't drawn any Gundam Seed characters.... and.... thats why! They are just.... hard!
-did my first mod work yesterday, which was fun ^_^
-going clothing shopping Friday
-won the Beyblader: Fierce Battle movie on ebay
-big bro lost his auction for Front Mission 4, with 3 min left, but we are bidding on a cheaper copy ^_^
-I'm cleaning up my friends list today.
Anyway, heres an award Sesslover18 sent me yesterday, and metal-inuyasha sent me. And with it, I say, have a great day everyone, thanks Sess, later.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 8:13am, Tuesday
MOOD: happy
PLAYING: City Escape - SA2
Well, lets see, yesterday was a pretty fun day, let me list the dets my peeps!
- built a Gundam out of my lego BIONICLE pieces
- got my 12 dvd, 2 boxsets of Gundam Seed, in Japanese and subbed
- gundam seed has AMAZING subs!
- watched more Naruto with my big bro
- have $300 in my bank right now
- close to winning an auction for Front Mission 4 for my big bro.
- kicked ass in Battle Assult 3 again
- turning my choa in SA2 into a Shadow chao.
I think thats good enough..... oh, and for my 10,000 hits, I'm drawing a picture of my fave anime character. I should say one of my faves.... it'll be awesome ^_^
Andd......... thats it for now... I'm watching some Samurai Champloo dvds and Beyblade G Rev dvds on ebay... ganna try and win em ^_^ No, I don't own them yet! Have a great day everyone, later!
OHHHHH! Happy anniversery Sesslover18!!! |
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Thats huge dude!
TIME WRITTEN: 10:48am, Monday
MOOD: extremely happy
PLAYING: Escape - Hoobastank
I'm very very happy, I exceeded 10,000 hits alst night! Thanks to all of you! You guys rock, from Pex, my first visitor, to all my current regulars!

Oh, I updated with some new wallpapers. Gundam Seed, check em out if ya can!
Ah, anyway, I keep waking up late.... which sucks... cause I feel like I'm wasting the day. Ah well. The only way to stop that is put my clock on the other side of the room, so I don't keep hitting snooze. Meh.
Hoping my Gundam Seed anime arrives today! If it does, you won't hear much out of me except how good it looks uncut! lol That or some of my manga.... I'm not bored, hell no, I have more things to read then I know what to do with, and they all need immediate reading.... I just want them in my possession ^_^
Anyway, I've talked to much. I hope everyone has a great day, seeya!
EDIT: I'm a little pissed off.... yeah, my Gundam dvd boxset came... the second half! The first boxset hasn't arrived yet! Here comes a complaint letter!
EDIT 2: The other boxset was in the mail ^_^ I'm ganna go watch Gundam Seed in all its uncut Japanese glory! |
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