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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Technology can be fun ^_^
TIME WRITTEN: 9:46am, Sunday
MOOD: awake
PLAYING: Live and Learn - SA2
My past few days have consisted of playing video games, using the computer, and watching tv. Yeah... why am I wasting my last few weeks of summer on this? Cause Chris is here, and that all he does....
I played my big bro and his best friend last night at Battle Assult 3. I use Andrew's LaGoue, and I beat them both, 8 times in a row! Haha! They ended my streak by using Providence Gundam the cheapest in the game! I'm proud to say, I kicked thier asses with ANDREW! HAHAHAH!
Ah, anyway, main thing here, if you wanna be a staff member on Otaku Beyblader, here are posititions for you to consider.
-Info Writer (2 or 3 people)
-Graphic Designer
If your interested, PM me here on myO. Alright, have a great day everyone, ganna watch some Samurai Champloo now. Peace out! |
Comments (10) |
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Lots of stuff!
TIME WRITTEN: 10:12am, Saturday
MOOD: sleepy
PLAYING: Running Away - Hoobastank
Ah, lots to say today, but I'm ganna shorten it up and post some quizzes ^_^
First. I got choosen to be a mod for theOtaku. Yeahness! Tough stuff, and lots I gotta do!
Watched alot of anime yesterday. Thanks for Sesslover18's site, I got this link to an anime download site, and I got epi 9&10 of Naruto, 1-3 of Samurai Champloo, and watched Samurai 7 epi 1. Samurai Champloo is an amazing anime. To bad its only 26 epis long. Its so awesome! You Americans are lucky ^_^
Anyway, this site has all kinds of direct downloads and torrents of lisensed and unlisensed anime, for free. Here the link.
Reality Lapse
Direct downloads are really fast to. Half hour an epi usually.
-I'm staff on sesslover18's site now
-Final 2 epis of Gundam Seed next week
-gotta babysite a shitload the rest of the week
-almost have enough money for a laptop
-I'm looking for staff members on my website. If you are interested, visit Otaku Beyblader of PM me.
Quiz time ^_^

What Samurai Champloo Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
 Take The quiz yourself
Comments (11) |
Friday, August 12, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 8:06am, Friday
MOOD: tired
PLAYING: nothing
Had to get up early again to babysit Chris. Man, I hate waking early! It makes the day longer... ah well, makes me rich to.
Yesterday was so boring. I did nothig but play Gundam: Encounters in Space and watch tv.... there was nothing to do! I gotta draw or something.... make life interesting.... that and watch the new Bleach epi 44 today ^_^
Anyway, hope everyone has a great day! Later.
EDIT AT 1:16pm: I got excepted as a mod for theO. Man, it looks tough! |
Comments (18) |
Thursday, August 11, 2005
I haven't used that smiley in awhile.....
TIME WRITTEN: 8:05am, Thursday
MOOD: annoyed
PLAYING: that sunshine lollypop song.... in my head....
Arg, Chris stayed the damn night! (10 year old kid) Like, they came and took my lil bro to a movie, Chris and his mom, then came back here! Thats annoying. Chris is so boring! He plays boring games, does nothing but play games to.
*sigh* anyway. I'm TRYING to find the Beyblade Fierce Battle dvd, and the Inuyasha movie dvds, but everywhere I look its pretty expensive.... this could take awhile.....
Ya know, I'm bored outta my tree, I did nothing but watch taped anime yesterday, Shaman King is getting great! And the only Zolo epi was cool, really wicked ^_^ (one piece)
Now I'm off. Have a great day everyone, seeya later. |
Comments (16) |
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 12:06pm, Wednesday
MOOD: happy
PLAYING: Connected - Hoobastank
Umm... sorry for the REALLY late post. MY big bro has been hogging the comp all morning.
Anyway, I was asked to ref a provincil soccer tornement the weekend of August 20-21. MAN! Thats a shit load of game and money! muhahah! I'm getting more details later, but this is ganna be a first for me. Yeah!
Downloading some tunes, yup yup. Fun. Beat all the bonus crap in Def Jam yesterday. My character kicks ass ^_^
Nothing much else to say. Gotta babysit that 10 year old again the end of the week.... meh, more money towards my laptop ^_^ Have a great day everyone, later! |
Comments (12) |
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
You got owned
TIME WRITTEN: 11:20am, Tuesday
MOOD: groogy
PLAYING: nothing
Haha! I wooped Def Jam yesterday! Beat it in a few hours of continous play ^_^ Yeah!
Got a sweet ass battle scarred gundam figure yesterday! Burning Gundam, from G Gundam. Man is it ever kickass cool to. Heres a pic.

Isn't it cool? There are a bunch more I wanna get, so I'm ganna look for em online today/ Oh, and its only 4.5" tall, but so cool! I can pose it, and it has lots of different parts to change ^_^ SO HAPPY! YEAH!
Ah, other then that..... I'm trying to atlk my dad into going to the Saint John Seadogs preseason game. They are our new QMJHL hockey team ^_^ Wicked cool! Anyway, have a great day everyone, later! |
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Monday, August 8, 2005
Def Jam
TIME WRITTEN: 8:59am, Monday
MOOD: headache
PLAYING: Don't Stay - LP
Aha, been playing some Def Jam: Fight for NY. Such an addicting game. Something about kicking peoples faces in just makes the blood flow. Oh, and I was cheating on Lil' Kim with Carmen Electra. hahhaha!
FINALLY going to town TODAY. My mom kept saying "oh, I don't feel like it today, lets go tomorrow" every damn time. Pissin me off! But ah, oh well. Now, I got some things to check out.
Ummm.... anyone know anything about King of Bandit Jing? Well, I found this kickass figure of the main characters. Check it out.

Some sweet ^_^ I'd like to buy it! Anyway, have a great day everyone, later! |
Comments (19) |
Sunday, August 7, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 11:19am, Sunday
MOOD: happy
PLAYING: Behind Those Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson
If you want, please vote Beyblader in Sesslover18's contest. Thanks if you already have, you can vote once a day.
5 new wallpapers uploaded yesterday! Go check out my album to take a peek. All Gundam Seed.
Well, I did take those pics I promised yesterday ^_^ I'll post them in a second.
Oh, and I went to a friends house unexpectidly last night, so I didn't get to everyones siteas, but I got to most ^_^ Here are the piccys from Anime Insider issue 23.
This is a cool one from Full Metal Alchemist season 2 article.

And this, my fave, was the "Last Man Standing" battle between Kira and Shinji. Kira won by the way.

Haha, there is a big two page spread of Classifieds for anime characters, and this was one I liked.

If you can't read it, it says "Earth Needs You" "See the world. Learn Valuable skills. Pilot mobile suits. Pay for your college tuition. Fight for your planet and your people." "Join the Earth Alliance"
Thats was funny. There were many more as well ^_^ Anyway, here's a parting shot, not in the mag though. Have a great day everyone, later!

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Saturday, August 6, 2005
Awww.... tiring....
TIME WRITTEN: 10:03am, Saturday
MOOD: tired
PLAYING: Over My Head - Lit
Aw, Linkin Park lost the battle yesterday to My Chemical Romance for the VMA's. THat means they don't get a viewer's choice nomination. Meh.
I bought two new manga off ebay. Gundam Seed vol. 1 & 2. I'm happy about that, cause I've been looking for them forever!
My mom, nanny and I went to Sussex yesterday to go shopping. It turned out good cause I FINALLY got an Anime Insider mag, which the drug store where I buy Shonen Jump stopped selling. I'll post some of the awesome pictures in it tomorrow, some nice stuff is in there! I also got a Sonic the Hedgehog comic lol.
Nothing much else to say. Gundam Seed was kickass. 3 epis left, Naruto airs on September 9th in Canada, one day earlier then America (MUHAHAHHA) and I got Bleach 43. Alright, have a great day everyone, later!
EDIT: I've subbmitted a bunch of Gundam Seed wallpapers. Check em out here ^_^
Beyblader's Wallpapers |
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Friday, August 5, 2005
New theme
TIME WRITTEN: 8:39am, Friday
MOOD: antsy
PLAYING: Faint - Linkin Park
Hey! How ya like my new Gan Ning theme eh? I really love how this is looking. And for you, there is a little bit of the legend of Gan Ning after each post ^_^
If you can, please vote for me in Sesslover18's contest. I'm up for best theme and best fanart.
I wanna say sorry to you all for not visiting sites last night. You wouldn't believe the night I had....
Well, climbing frost mountain was fun. My big bro and I made our own path down..... that is, down the sheer rock face of the mountain, thats right, a cliff lol. It was fun ^_^ My dad also took Kevin and the kids (my dad's best friend from Nova Scotia is Kevin. He has been up all week) site seeing, with me, and it was really boring....
I had a soccer game at 7:30pm. That game didn't end until 9:00pm. And what next? Both of my parents forgot about me. Yeah, no one was there to pick me up. So I started walking home, which is about a 40min walk, in the dark. Luckily, some people I know saw me and drove me home 20min into my walk. I was pissed at the rents!
But anyway, thats my day. Annoying, I know. Going into town with my mom today. She is FINALLY taking me to see the swords... yes ^_^ Have a great day everyone, later!
Oh yeah, if you wanna help Linkin Park get into the veiwers choice nominations, vote for them in the VMA's.
If your a My Chemical Romance fan... don't.... cause that's thier competitor lol. |
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