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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
Yeah, water park fun!
TIME WRITTEN: 9:27am, Thursday
MOOD: tired
PLAYING: nothing
Well, magic mountain was fun ^_^ My mom and I had a blast the most out of anyone I think! We went down the biggest slide, Kamakazi, and all the others ^_^ I also got a new beach necklace, and a fleece Canada sweater .
Ah, well, today we are ganna go climb a mountain nearby here. Frost mountain. Tis fun, I've done it before.
Oh, posted my new Ren art! Heres the link.
So, uh, check that out, cause its cool ^_^ And I will be editing my site theme today. So, anything weird you see going on is editing lol. Have a great day everyone, later!
EDIT: my themes done ^_^ I think this is way better then all the others I've done in the past ^_^ It took alot of work to. Well, enjoy! |
Comments (22) |
Wednesday, August 3, 2005
I don't know what smiley to use....
TIME WRITTEN: 7:36am, Wednesday
MOOD: happy
PLAYING: D-Tecnolife - UVERworld
Well, lots of stuff to say. Mainly, going to Magic Mountain today, leaveing this morning. Its a big water park in New Brunswick.
You all hear about the New Frace flight struck by lightning at Pearson airport in Toronto yesterday? Wow, that was something else! No deaths, 14 minor injuries! I couldn't believe it!
Last thing, I was planing out my new theme last night as I slept... yes, as I slept. Its ganna knock your socks off ^_^ Soon my little ones, soon! Oh, and sorry for not uploading that Ren pic! I forgot all about it, today, for sure! Have a great day everyone, later! |
Comments (19) |
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
I'm 16 now ^_^
TIME WRITTEN: 10:11am, Tuesday
MOOD: tired/happy
PLAYING: nothing yet
Well, I'm 16 now, and soon to be legal to drive! Woot! lol Had a fun party, yup yup ^_^ 10 friends showed up! Whoa! But it rained.... meh, we did stuff inside. We watched Team America: World Police, which was the dirtiest movie I have ever watched in my life, played Roulette and stuff.... yeah, fun ^_^
Ah, anyway, I got lots of money for presents, Inuyasha vol. 1 manga from a friend, thick gold chain from my mom and a gold braclet from my bros. Yeahness stuff! Anyway, today is the first day I am able to visit your sites! Sorry for not before, I couldn't. But if something big happened and you want me to know, I'll read your older posts ^_^ Onto the Saturday story!
Alright, so Saturday is the day of the wedding, 3:30pm is the wedding time. Marc and I took off right in the morning to get some lunch at McD's. When we came back, we hooked up a timer plug system, to plug in coffee makers for the BBQ after the wedding.
After that was done, which was weird cause we didn't know how to operate the timer, Marc, Jay (Marc's best friend and best man at the wedding), and I set up some balloons outside, did the deck up, and the tables. Marc and I went inside to pack the drinks in coolers. Lots of Coke and pop, and beer, water. Yeah, the beer didn't last 10min by the way lol. I was the drink re-stocker at the party ^_^
Ah, after everything was set up, my uncle and I set up sings along the road to help people get to my Aunt's house, where the wedding was being held, in her beautiful garden. Then I went to my Aunts, and we all got ready for the wedding.
That sucked..... I have to wear and skirt and all, but it didn't take long, yatta yatta, its a wedding, nuff said lol.
We had the party back at Lauren and Marc's house, which was a good time, then went to the fire hall for the dance, which was hilarious! I hung outside for a bit to, with my cousins ^_^
Anyway, nothing much on Sunday, so I won't even bother with it tomorrow, cause we left in the morning, meh. Again, its was WAY freaking more fun then I let on when writing lol. Oh well ^_^
Thanks for the birthday wishes to everyone ^_^ Here is a card Inukid sent me.
And bebopinutrigun188 sent me ^_^

Have a great day everyone, later!
Comments (19) |
Monday, August 1, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 11:56am, Monday
MOOD: happy
NOW PLAYING: Same Direction - Hoobastank
Yeah, today is my birthday ^_^ I'm 16! WOOT! The sucky thing, is its raining, and if it doesn't stop... all the stuff we were ganna do outside at my party is messed... meh.
Well, now I guess I can tell ya what I did on Friday, when I got to Nova Scotia. But first, here is a key.
Lauren - my cousin
Marc - her husband
My cousin and Marc just got married, thats the wedding I went to.
Basically, went to my grandfathers, we talked for about a half hour, my lil brother and my dad were there to. Then my dad drove me to my cousins, the one getting married. I was staying there, sleeping there ^_^ Marc and I took off, cause some girl were "decorating". We went to the mall!
Ha, Marc and I just went around to stores and such, and he bought me two Gundam games, Gundam: Encounters in Space, which I love, and Battle Assult 3: Featuring Gundam Seed. That was awesome! We then went to a big arcade in the mall, and we blew probably $40 just playing a basketball shooting game lol. He won everytime but once ^_^
After wasting like.... 3 or 4 hours there, we went back to Marc and Lauren's house.... where Lauren's evil grandmother had made her cry, and then all the girls were crying... no one knew why either lol. So, I don't even remember what we did then.... blowing up helium balloons, yeah....
Anyway, at about, 7pm or sometime, we went to Marc's dad's house for a rehearsal party. That was long, and boring, but a lil fun, cause there was lots of food. After that, we went back to Marc and Lauren's again, and Lauren, and my two aunts made up some flowers or something, while I was watching Gundam Seed and Inuyasha downstairs muahhaah! After that, Marc and I went for a lil midnight shopping, at yes, midnight lol. It was fun ^_^
Thats Friday. That was a very fun day, although it may not sound like it. Marc and I are like 2 peas in a pod, and we get along great, so everything we do is fun ^_^ Anyway, sorry that like, uber long, meh, heres a cookie if you read this far ^_^ Have a great day, later all! |
Comments (16) |
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Yo all! Back at home ^_^ Its like, almost 5pm, so I won't bother writing of my trip. I will tomorrow though!
I have some piccys my dad took, I gotta see what they are so I can upload some.... yeah.... I was just playing one of my new Gundam games, Encounters in Space, so fun!
Well, talk to everyone tomorrow. We are having a party tonight... geez... more freaking parties! *sigh* Have a great day, later ^_^ |
Comments (4) |
good morning
Hey all, snow fox here. Seems like beyblader's having a good time... we're all awaiting her return! Hope she has a safe trip home... thanks for reading, have a great day ^_^.
snow fox out.
Comments (8) |
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Hey everyone, its Beyblader! Yup, I'm at my cousins house, nothing to do, and they are all..... somewhere lol.
I got lots of great stuff to say for when I get back ^_^ Yup yup! And for starters, Marc (cousin's soon to be husband, in a few hours) bought me two new Gundam video games! Yeah!
Anyway, catch ya'll tomorrow when I go home.... more parties lol. Have a great day, later!
Hey, snow fox here. Heh, it seems that beyblader was able to post after all! Well, I made a promise, so I'm here anyway. See ya soon beyblader!
snow fox out.
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Later all!
TIME WRITTEN: 7:21am, Friday
MOOD: happy
PLAYING: Faint - Linkin Park
Well, I'm off this morning ^_^ Yup, dunno when, just waiting around for my dad to say the word I guess.
BIG BIG NEWS! My quiz got excepted and is now my theO! Its called "What Kon Are You?" I'm so happy it got posted, and everyone who took it liked it so far! Heres the link ^_^
Kon Quz
I hope you all like it ^_^ Its something specail to me, being my first quiz and all! I have another up my sleeve as well....
Oh, sorry I didn't update the Ren picture yesterday like I promised. I finished it late at night is all, so I couldn't. Sorry, something for when I get back ^_^
I now hand this over to Snow Fox! See ya later everyone, and if you see me commenting on your sites, thats cause I hijacked my cousins comp. lol. Have a great weekend, later! |
Comments (12) |
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Almost time!
TIME WRITTEN: 10:45am, Thursday
MOOD: meh
PLAYING: Place For My Head - Linkin Park
Well, I got the manga thing straightened out. See, manga shipping is a bit more then comics, I didn't know, but we fixed it I guess ^_^
Todays my last day at home until I go down to Nova Scotia for my cousins wedding. Thanks everyone for offering to help, thank you VERY much ^_^ Snow Fox replyed first, so she gets the job ^_^
Ah, oh, I'm ganna upload a new piccy to when I'm done here. I drew another Yoh picture yesterday, and I just finished the first inking of a new Ren picture, I like it ^_^ The Ren picture will also be online sometime today, so look for it ^_~
Thats about it.... Gundam X finished downloading finally.... yup.... I'll post tomorrow morning before I go, and come back with fun stories for you all! Have a great day everyone, later!
EDIT: I re-submitted my Horo Horo picture, because the quality was narly, and I submitted that Yoh picture. Here are the links to both.
Horo Horo
So there ya go, and Ren will be up later today ^_^ Enjoy! |
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Yeah, manga manga!
TIME WRITTEN: 11:06am, Wednesday
MOOD: confused
PLAYING: Something Beautiful - Cauterize
Yeah, I bought 4 new manga books off ebay yesterday! All of them cost me about $1 ^_^ I got:
Gundam Seed Astray vol. 1
Shaman King vol. 2
One Piece vol. 1
Knights of the Zodiac vol. 7
Yeah! I'm confused because of the invoice I just got from the petrson I bought from. Saying I need to pay another $9 in shipping, when I don't..... tis odd, yes, but, I'm ignoring it. I emailed them about it.
Ah, yesterday was such a BORING day! I sat and watched my big bro play Front Mission 4 most of the day. Its amusing lol. And I read my Knights of the Zodiac vol. 2 manga. I would like to say how I do not like reading manga on the comp... its boring I find, I like the real item.
Hm, Gundam X epi 1, which has been downloading on and off for about 3 or 4 days now is finally almost done. I'm pissed at it, taking this long. I could have been downloading Bleach! It better be damn good.....
Oh, and any Shaman King artists out there, powerblader is having a SK art contest. PM her to enter!
I think I've yapped enough I'll be off, oh, but first, bout my big edit yesterday, yeah, I was on the ytv sitre after getting a newsletter, and found out Canada will get Naruto, Ghost in the Shell, D.I.C.E, YGO GX, the second Inuyasha movie, and a shitload of other anime, but these are the only ones I care about ^_^ I was so damn happy to hear all this! Have a great day all, later!
I need someone to post on my site for July 30th and 31st while I am in Nova Scotia. Just to keep the site active, if you could do that for me, leave a comment of PM me ^_^ |
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