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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 8:17am, Tuesday
MOOD: annoyed
PLAYING: Over My Head - Lit
Ah, I got my cloths for the wedding yesterday. Just my mom and I went to town, and it was fun ^_^ I got a really nice wrap skirt, and a causal top thats almost the same. I really like it, as does my mom ^_^ I also got a new pair of Extreme Zone pants! They are black, and kickass ^_~
Oh, and sorry the link to my piccy didn't work yesterday lol. I messed up the code. Just go down to my portfolio to see it.
Arg, I'm pissed off that not even 1 damn download finished last night! I mean what the fuck! It usually finsihes 2! What is wrong with this piece of crap computer? Slower and slower every god damned day...
Other then that stuff, I'm looking to buy manga on ebay, which is a sweet deal, ah, and a a gundam game... thats about it. I gotta save my money lol. Have a great day everyone, later!
EDIT: BREAKING NEWS! CANADA FUCKING ROCKS! I just found out on the website that later this fall, WE ARE GETTING NARUTO! I am happy that the Americans are sharing! YEAH! I will tell you everything else tomorrow ^_^ |
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Sword... shiney!
TIME WRITTEN: 8:22am, Monday
MOOD: happy/tired
NOW PLAYING: D-Tecnolife - DVERworld
Well, going to town sometime this morning to get my dress, and hopefully a sword ^_^ Muahhaa!
New piccy! Horo Horo this time. Sorry its a lil blue ish. The pic I took wasn't that great.... Heres the link.
Horo Horo
My mom and I planed out my birthday party yesterday, and most of my friends are confirmed coming! Ya-Ha! Lots of fun stuff to do and such, yup, thats in 6 days. And ah.... yeah....
I watched Gundam Seed Astray Red Frame yesterday. It was 6min long, and kinda funny ^_^ Amusing to! But 6 min... waste of a night downloading! I'm getting Gundam X right now, and I'm wondering if that stupid incomplete Gundam 0083 is slowing down the comp.... I might delete it and just buy the dvds.
Ah anyway, hope everyone has a great day, later all!
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
TIME WRITTEN: 10:58am, Sunday
Mood: delightful
NOW PLAYING: Crawling in the Dark - Hoobastank
I am in a very good mood now ^_^ Maybe because its sunny, maybe because I slept for 11 hours, which I haven't done in awhile, maybe because I got some new anime finally (Gundam Seed Astray R! HAHAHHA!) and maybe for other things ^_^
Anyway, ROB AND BRENDON WON! Yeah, they kicked ass to win the Amazing Race ^_^ Suck that all! Thats awesome, they were great.
My big bro cleaned the PS2, because it wouldn't play half the games we rented, which was retarded, but now I guess it does, cause he isn't throwing a tantrum.... oh wait, he just said it didn't.
Oh, started my new piccy last night. I warn you, I can't find ANYTHING I want to draw.... so I am doing a bunch of Shaman King ink drawings, like the last one. Go see if you haven't ^_^
Ah anyway, I'm ganna go watch some anime and such. Hey, please visit Otaku Beyblader and tell me what you think of whats there alright? I need some opinions.... Have a great day everyone! Later ^_^ |
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
New piccy!
TIME WRITTEN: 9:51am, Saturday
MUSICAL MOOD: No Reason - Sum 41
Yes, new piccy ^_^ Check it out! Ink drawing of Yoh & Ren of Shaman King.
Yoh & Ren
Well, in other news, I did alot yesterday on Otaku Beyblader, my personal site. I completely redid the first photo album, started the wallpaper page for Gundam Seed, and then I erased my index.html, and had to redo it which was annoying.
I also outsmarted angelfire yesterday, which leaves me very content with myself! haha!
And Gundam Seed last night, holy crap! Lecruse is Mwu's father's clone! Whoa! Freaky.....
Thats all I really have to say. I'll visit all ur sites, and anyone I missed yesterday. Have a great day everyone ^_^ Later! |
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Friday, July 22, 2005
Yeah! 9 days!
TIME WRITTEN: 8:49am, Friday
MOOD: happy with a headache
Its only another 9 days until my sweet 16 birthday! Yeah! I also asked my dad to teach me how to drive this week. muahahha!
Haha, I was ganna write about how my rank became #22 yesterday, but now its #20! Thats great! I am regaining my once high grade lol.
Oh, I bought the entire Gundam Seed series in Japanese yesterday. I'm waiting for my paypal payment to go through. Then its mine, all mine! MUAHHAHA! I can't wait ^_^ And I beg that it has proper subtitles! Unlike Rave Master, which I haven't watched in awhile lol.
Anyway, yesterday was just a good day in general. Watch Bleach and all that to. Everything was good! My soccer game went GREAT to! Oh, and on Monday we are getting my dress for the wedding... arg... and I get to check out the swords at San Fransisco Store! muhahaha! Can't wait for Monday.....
I'm off. Ganna visit more sites, then go and draw. Later all, have a great day! |
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
Fun fun!
TIME WRITTEN: 10:37am, Thursday
MOOD: content
I forgot to mention that yesterday I was going to my friends party. We had a good time, and a HUGE water fight... and they all ganged up on me *pouts* But we had alot of fun ^_^
I have to work today to... damnit.... reffing a soccer game. I hope it isn't as uber hot as it was yesterday! My god!
Oh, and I was playing Gundam Battle Assult 3 with Chris today. I wooped a bunch of levels and Athrun. muhahahaha! Also ganna be buying two new model kits from discount anime! Woot! Yes, I looked for a good place to buy Gundam models all day yesterday!
Well, sorry for the late post, and if I couldn't get to everyones sites cause I was out yesterday. Have a great day everyone! Later. |
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Yummy yummy
TIME WRITTEN: 7:14am, Wednesday
MUSICAL MOOD: Pieces - Hoobastank
Well, today is foggy as hell. I can only see the first trees of the tree line in my back yard. Meh.
We did go strawberry picking yesterday, and got alot of berries. I picked 6 of Chris' 8 boxes, cause he was so slow... -_- This damn lady though was so rude! She was bossing people around on where to pick and everything. She worked there, and she kept banging these two wooden sticks together. We all felt like prisoners. My mom, grandmother and I wanted to throw srawberries at her!
Oh, and that Gundam game from yesterday, It was from the Mobile Suit Gundam UC 0079 series. Tis very old, but very fun! We are ganna play Battle Assult 3 today ^_^
Nothing much elsew to say. Just finally got to starting that Shaman King pic, and was on ebay most of the day. Hope everyone has a great day! Later ^_^ |
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Good day ^_^
TIME WRITTEN: 9:00am, Tuesday
MOOD: happy
Ha, sorry for the late post, my bad! I've been playing Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon all morning ^_^ Its really fun for an old game! I just destroyed Arcade Mode ^_^
We are going starwberry picking today at sometime. I dunno when, but soon ^_^ Yummy, I love strawberries!
Ah, my comp downloaded at light speed yesterday! I got some more anime to watch. And then I can resume my Gundam 0083 download! haha! I'll be buying Gundam Seed boxsets to ^_^
Oh, and I downloaded some Hoobastank songs, the best ones I've heard from them! Check em out if you'd like. I got "Let it Out", "Crawling in the Dark" and "Pieces" Really great!
Nothing much else to say for today. But I found out how to speel "
Geez" right! haha, finally ^_^ Have a great day everyone! Later.
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Monday, July 18, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 7:27am, Monday
MOOD: very tired
Arg, I dunno whats been wrong with my bittornet downloader lately, but its been so damn slow! I used to download two epis of Bleach overnight but now.... I can't even get one overnight! wtf!
I watched two movies last night to. "Cruel Intentions" which is a great movie! And I also watched Hero, which is ridiculas. Yes, I understood it, but with all the flying, flexable awords, and walking on water, it was just a stupid movie. Ha, I loved the red story as I would call it. That was funny!
I don't have much else to say. Just been playing SSX3 alot lately. Have a great day everyone! Later.
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Haha, fun!
TIME WRITEN: 8:25am, Sunday
MOOD: happy
Ha, I fogot to tell you all that I wouldn't be abole to visit most peoples sites, cause I came home at almost 12am, and was tired.
Anyway, I did get to the earlier posters. But, main thing, the party was fun ^_^ Lots of chocolate cake for Cody! Yummy lol. The main fun thing we did was hide-&-go seek tag. Yeah, cheesy, but we played when its pitch black, and its like a war game. Really fun! My friend Nick and I were NEVER found! We worked together, and it was amazing. lol. TYhe person who was it, Smiley, he had a flashlight, and shone it on us about 6 times, never accually seeing us lol. It was alot of fun ^_^
Ah, besides that, its a really nice day out today! Just like yesterday really ^_^ Oh, I was playing with my grandmothers puppy yesterday for an hour or so.... and all it did was try and bite my hand off! Evil little thing! lol.
Bah, I'll be off now. Not to much to say. Ganna go visit sites and stuff. Later all! Have a great day ^_^
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