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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
No, bad computer, down boy!
TIME WRITEN: 7:12am, Saturday
MUSICAL MOOD: Behind These Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson
Yes, I FINALLY got the true version of that song ^_^ It took a LOOOOOOONG time, but I got it yeah!
My comp was very bad yesterday *nods* or at least my internet. No, firefox (my web browser) up and deleted my settings. All my faves, theme, everything. Users of firefox know all the stuff you can do with it to personalize it. So yeah, that pissed me off. But my dad is ganna go back in time to before it happened ^_^ HA!
Hmmm.... I decided to start the bittorrent download for Gundam 0083. Its only a 13 epi OVA, so it only takes max a day on and off. I'm ganna buy the dvd set to though. I've heard GREAT things about it ^_^ Oh, and Mwu didn't die last night! ^_^ Yeah, I'm glad. I'll be on my toes for that subject all because of that stupid AMV I watched! Grrrr....
Oh, and epi 32 of Bleach was VERY good! Very very sad for Renji, my fave character in it, but so heartfelt.... almost made ya wanna cry ^_^
Well, nothing else to say today. I'm ganna watch my anime, Bleach and Eyeshield 21, then I'm going to my friends bday party! Yeah! It'll be fun. Later all, have a great day! |
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Friday, July 15, 2005
Pickles are ugly, ya know that?
TIME WRITEN: 7:30am, Friday
MOOD: very tired/hungary
First off, thanks everyone who voted on my Kakashi picture ^_^ That was nice.
Ah, I seen something.... disturbing, that I would have rather not seen..... It was in a Gundam Seed AMV I was watching..... and Mwu La Flaga, in the Strike Gundam exploded, to save the Archangle..... I was like.... "oh shit" cause Chris was watching it to. Thats bad! If he really does die, it should be in tonight's epi...... THATS BAD! He one of my fave characters.... T_T
Oh, I got other AMV's yesterday to. And I have 2 epis of Bleach and Eyeshield 21 to watch. I'll get on that today, because Bleach epi 32 is about Renji! Yeah!
Nothing much else. I'm drawing a Shaman King piccy today. Its ganna be cool ^_^ All ink, so.... yeah. Have a great day, later all! |
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
Its random, and its funny!
TIME WRITEN: yesterday
MOOD: happy (at the time)
I uploaded the Kakashi piccy yesterday. Heres the link!
I am going though this crazy Gundam mood. I am going to buy the Gundam Seed boxset, most likely also Gundam X and Gundam 0083. If you know Gundam, then you know what I’m talking about. If not, your probably staring at me strangely like my dad did lol.
I got lots of music yesterday. I got two more Kelly Clarkson tunes, but I canno get “Behind These Hazel Eyes” in the non-acoustic version! Arg! I also listened to all the music from Hybrid Theory EP (before LP was LP) and got one song, cause the rest I had or didn’t like. I also listened to all the Grey Daze songs (Chester’s first band) THEY ALL SUCKED! One song out of two albums was worth downloading! Its called "B12" Seriously, they are whining and crappy. Check out for all these songs. I also got “Incomplete” by BSB, CAUSE! And “Switch” by Will Smith.
Ah, The Game is a thug. I had to say that.
Kingdom Hearts is weird. I would never play a game with Disney characters, sorry.
Dir En Grey scares me.
.Hack//Sign is the stupidest anime ever.
It took an entire day for me to download epi 32 of Bleach by bittorrent. That was gay! BUT I found the world’s greatest bittorent download site. It has over 500 different series. I got three, but haven’t started downloading. All the new, and lisensed anime. Its called its awesome!
Oh, and The Amazing Race is on every night now... which is gay... and annoying! I don’t like how they’ve changed it as well.
"D-tecnolife" by UVERworld, the second Bleach intro is the best Japanese song on the planet.
I’m writing a story to. I think its really great, and I wrote it in a way where you can get mind pictures as you read, easier then most. Its untitled, and I don’t feel like sharing just yet... I’ll update you on this one. I bet if you all ask REALLY nicely I’ll let you have a peek ^_^
And I’m done ^_^ For this complete randomness post, I give you cupcakes! Yes, man’s greatest creation ^_^ So, have a great day everyone... ^_^ Later all.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 10:39am, Wednesday
MOOD: annoyed
YEAH! I got over 500 gbook signings! Thats a HUGE milestone ^_^ Thanks everyone. Oh, and this is a long post. So, if you don't feel like it, skip the first part.... lol ^_^
Life is annoying me right now. Yeah sure, I may seem happy go-lcuky in my posts lately, but now thinking about things, its been sucking! I haven't been sleeping right, nor feeling good. I'm constantly bored, and seem to be trapped in my house with nothing to do!
But anyway, I'm going to change that all today! *evil grin* I'm going to go somewhere..... have fun! Make my mom come lol ^_^
- Computer is a piece of shit, messed with me 4 times last night.
- Sorry, I didn't get to all sites cause of that.
- Didn't upload the Kakashi pic, will when my dads home
- Stupid brother took a temper tamtrom at the vacuum and broke it. - Watched "Final Fantasy: Spirits Within"
- My lil bro is gone for a few days!
- My mom has to go to Nova Scotia for a trial. Yup. Her friend is in a custidy battle for her kids with her ex, and my mom is a witness.
- New HILARIOUS comercial featuring Speed Racer, its a Geiko one ^_^ Funny!
Well, have a great day everyone, later!
PS. you can't use those piccys I showed yesterday for bgs or ANYTHING else! Why? They are copyrighted images from a studio, and a person who works at EA games. |
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Almost done....
TIME WRITEN: 9:18am, Tuesday
MOOD: happy/tired
Ah, almost done my Kakashi drawing ^_^ Yes, finally! It looks totally amazing.... you all are going to love it! I just need to ink in a lil bit of black.
In other news, unfortunate that my dads car broke down when he was driving to Fredericton, so he used my moms car for the day, and I couldn't go to the bank..... so no paypal. But its fixed now, and I can get it today! yeah! manga, anime, swords!
Going to download some Kelly Clarkson, cause shes really good.... do not question that! lol. And ah, didn't get a chance to beat Rise to Honor. I was so close! ARG! Ah well. Some other time ^_^
ARG!!! Download stupid music! Oh, and I finally got some more Bleach anime THANK GOD! I was going crazy, it was downloading so slow. Left it overnight, and I have some now ^_^ Gotta go watch. And of course, as I promised yesterday, the Dynasty Warriors piccys! Only three, my three fave characters..... for now, more on demand! Enjoy ^_^

Sorry if they are a lil big. I didn't want to ruin them when I resized. Anyway, have a great day everyone! Later ^_^
OH! Sesslover18 is holding her annual myO awards. You can go enter into the contest! She needs more people ^_^ |
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Monday, July 11, 2005
I can shop soon!
TIME WRITEN: 9:57am, Monday
MOOD: meh
I'm ganna get my paypal account going today, so then I can buy my samurai swords online, and anime! Woot!
Chris brouth over Rise to Honor yesterday for PS2. Its the Jet Li game. Very very addicting and fun! I went through 30 chapters yesterday in only a few hours. I've almost beat the game! lol
Ah, I'm having trouble typing, cause I cut the joint of my fingur.... I have NO clue how, it just... appeared!
Oh, and I found a bunch of kickass Dynasty Warriors piccys. lots of Gan ning, my fave! haha. I'll show them tomorrow. Nothing much more to say, so have a great day everyone, later! |
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Fix it soon....
TIME WRITEN: 9:48am, Sunday
MOOD: hungary
Ah, stupid internet! Its being a bastard again! 2 or 3 times yesterday is wouldn't work. Thats getting annoying! Now, only because it happened when my dad was using the computer, he called for service, and a technition is coming Tuesday to look.
My lil bro is being an ass lately. He thinks he should get money for playing with Chris! What a retard. Chris choose to hang out with my bro yesterday.... yeah? Woopdi shit! Little fucktard... arg....
Besides that, I don't really have much to say, because my big bro played Dynasty Warriors 4 Extreme Legends and Dynasty Warriors 4 yesterday, for 10 hours.... so yeah. It was fun accually! We unlocked ALOT of stuff ^_^
Well, I'm off. I'm sorry if I didn't get to your sites, thats because the internet went retarded when I was visiting sites... made me mad! Have a great day everyone ^_^ Later.
EDIT: oh, and it wasn't a sleepover with Chris.... get your minds out of the gutter! he's a 10 year old boy my MOM invited over, and he stayed with my lil bro. |
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 8:21am, Saturday
MOOD: my fingure hurts!
Ah, what a wild day I had yesterday! First, I want to tell everyone, if you didn't see the edit yesterday, CME Inc. has a myOtaku home! Could all the members click the link to visit the site. You can add it to your friends list so you'll know when theres updates.
Oh, and I became Co-Founder of the Naruto Fanclub. So if you wanna join that, you can PM me or SesshTaisho, the founder.
Ah, Chris stayed the night *nods* my mom invited him to. We had fun all day! Except when my lil bro was being an idiot.... but we played B'Daman alot! We also played extreme laser tag outside at 10:30pm. It was wicked ^_^ I had a big wipout running through my driveway. Try, inch long arm cut, sore palm and right leg! lol
Ah, and besides that, my big bro and I were playing Dynasty Wariors 4 Extreme Legends. I of course use Gan Ning, the best ^_^ We made bodyguard units for them, and my was G's Crew, which was made up of Pirates from One Piece ^_^ Because Gan Ning's a pirate! haha! My big bro made his unit called G-Unit, and he had all todays rappers in it. So funny ^_^
Well, everyone have a great day, and I'll visit EVERYONES site, not just a few like last night lol. Later! |
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Friday, July 8, 2005
Its sad....
TIME WRITEN: 10:24am, Friday
MOOD: happy
Sorry for the late post. I first wanna say I feel bad for all the families who lost loved ones, and all the people injured in the recent terrorist attacks in London England. My heart goes out to you all. At least 38 confirmed dead, 700 injured off 4 blasts.
Next, I didn't get up in time, so I couldn't post before Chris came. So him and I are playing B'Daman and watching Titan A.E. The B'Daman toys are really fun! I'm ganna buy me some for sure! ^_^
Ah, thanks for everyone who voted on my new piccy. I got a good respnse from everyone! Oh, and of course, my new theme! I hope everyone enjoys it. The coding was REALLY hard, if you happened to have come when I was doing it yesterday morning you'd know. Oh, and I'm ranked #24 now! Thanks everyone!
Well, gotta go. Have a great day everyone! Later ^_^
EDIT: Hey, CME Inc. has a new home on myO! Any members, or people wanting to join, please visit the site and add it you your friendslist ^_^ CME Inc. |
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 8:25am, Thursday
MOOD: alright
I finally got my Rave Master dvd boxset! Yeah! Its really cool, and the voices re almost the same as the english ones! The subtitleing is brutle. It HAD to have been done by a Japanese person who didn't know enhligh very well. Some spelling errors here and there, but the main thing is words where they aren't supposed to be lol. I can fix it in my mind as I read though ^_^
Ah, got Eyeshield 21 epis 1-8 today. Some bleach as well. That'll be fun to watch after I do this and upload piccys! yes, thats right, my dad finally got a new camera cable! I'm uploading two piccys. Heres my album foer tou to take a look.
Check it out ^_^ Well, the rest of the day was messed and weird. My lil bro came home, and right off the bat started fighting bout using the comp. My big bro and I told him no, so he whined to dad to get it! Little asshole! ARG!
My mom had a shity day at work, so she was in tantrom mode all night. I didn't do anything wrong that day (for once) so I didn't say a word to her or my dad. My dad got mad at us kids cause my mom was mad. It made no sense but I though, better to NOT argue with him, just ignor lol.
Well, I'm off to upload the piccys. Later everyone, and have a great day! *waves* |
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