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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
Member Since
Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
He's still gone! Yeah!
TIME WRITEN: 11:59am, Wednesday
MOOD: very happy
Well, my internet is being a cocksucker, and just deleted everything I wrote 20min ago. Stupid alert light comes on, and then I can't do anything on the net. So here we go again!
My lil bro has been at his friends house, overnight for 3 days now ^_^ This is wonderful! My big bro and I will both agree that without him, the house is cleaner, nicer, happier, and less stressful! He is so annoying, and demanding!
And something good ^_^ The Desert Tiger, or Andrew off Gundam Seed lives! He showed up in epi 42 ^_^ I'm glad he didn't die when his gundam exploded. I really liked him, he's so awesome!
And yeah, we have food again! That is good, cause we needed grocies. And I got to make the list, and my mom got almost everything on it! Yeah! It was fun. Chocolate to muhahahaha!
Well, I should go now while the net is behaving. Oh wait, now its not... arg! And sorry for the late post to ^_^ Have a great day everyone, later! |
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Ah.... that was weird! haha!
TIME WRITEN: 7:42am, Tuesday
MOOD: releaved
Yo! This might be a long thing,as I have 7 things to talk about today! If you don't wanna read, then comment on these ^_^
"I will name him squishy and he will be mine. He will be my squishy!"
I found these on Len23's site:
1. Tony the Tigger dosent even like Frosted Flakes, hes paid to advertise them when he would really like to have some raw meat.
2. Fred and Barny from the Flinstones r getting ripped off... they probably dont know how much money they r worth.
3. The rabbit from Trix was arrested last month for killing 6 children (serves them right for not sharing)
4. Capt. Cruch is the most deadly pirate out in the seven seas, going from inland to inland crunchitizing people and killing them, (he is sometimes seen w/ Tocan Sam *u know pirates have birds on thier shoulders*)
Anyway, first off, the powere was all ff this morning. For an hour or more. I think it was all over NB, I'm not sure. And thing #1, my grandparents got a dog! Yeah, its been an ongoing thing, trying to find one they liked and could afford, and my mom and brother helped them yeserday to buy a miniature American eskimo dog. Its really tiny, grows no more then a foot tall, and is uber cute and all white. Its name is Nikki.
Oh, and I never thought I'd say this, but I'm getting tired of Beyblading! It feels like a chore. Why? The Chris kid I babysit LOVES it! All he wants to do is Beyblade and play the Beyblade game we have for PS1. I can beat him in an instant, I just let him win sometimes, but its getting boring.... arg....
Manga FINALLY came yesterday! Yeah! 3 volumes of KOZ ^_^
Oh, and I got my japanese name to ^_^ I don't know if it is correct or anything, but I like it, and I can even write my name in Japanese!
Its Saruwatari Michiyo.
And lastly, the thing that pisses me off, my friends. They are getting on my nerves! They call each other up, and go to movies, go down to the mall, and don't envite me, when I live just up the hill from the mall! They are being assholes! I seen a bunch of them yesterday when I was at a resturant with my parents, so I was over talking with them and everything. I asked them why they never envite me to come with them when they know I live just up the road, a few said "oh yeah! You do." and nothing else. Fuck them! They are being such asses lately. That really pisses me off. However, I am always envited to their houses when we have big parties, but ya know its not the same, its like they hate me or something....
Anyway, my uber long post is done ^_^ Thanks reading if yuo did! And I hope you enjoyed the funny things at the top to. Well, I'm off to babysite Chris. Later he just pulled in the driveway ^_^ |
Comments (11) |
Monday, July 4, 2005
Mmmmm icecream ^_^
TIME WRITEN: 7:18am, Monday
MOOD: happy
Awww.... I can't go to town with my mom... that sucks.... and, its ganna be just me and Chris today. My dad went to work, my mom and big bro are going to town, and my lil bro is at a friends... great! Now what lol. Next part of the post is about Bleach and anime dubbing. Don't read if you don't care.
Main thing I wanted to talk about today is Bleach the anime. Anyone who reads Shonen Jump and has the August issue has seen the two page spread they did on the anime. To me, thats a notice, a big fat sign that says "Being Lisensed soon!" NOOOOO! See, SJ has a habit of that! Either they lisense the anime, like they did with One Piece and Shaman King, or they get an associet to do it i.e. Shopro, who they combined with to form Viz Media. Yeah, Shopro lisenced Nartuo!
Its not fair.... because next to Naruto, Bleach is probably the most popular Shonen anime in Japan right now. Its next on the chopping block! I know if its lisensed, I'll never see it again because it will go to the states. I shouldn't say never see.... I'll buy the dvd boxset, I love it that much. Its my fave anime in the world, and I don't wanna lose it to a bunch of slack assed dubbing idiots!
Yes, its going to happen eventually.... how soon I don't know. Guess I have to watch Anime Insider for that.... but Americans are going to destroy my fave anime, and not let Canada see it. FUCKING ASSHOLES! I'm sorry, but thats one thing about Americans that pisses me off! They won't fucking share! What is wrong with them?
Anyway, if Bleach is lisenced, it'll be taken off the net. It will be destroyed, and I don't even WANT to watch a dubbed version of it! So I guess this entire little.... rant/article is just my disgust and saddness that the end of something great seems to be on the horizen....
Well, I got nothing to really say now. Oh, Happy 4th of July to the Americans. Yeah, I'm a good Canadian ^_^ I hope everyone has a great day, later! |
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
Aha... my bad ^_^
TIME WRITEN: 8:11am, Sunday
MOOD: meh
Well, yesterday was good for the most part. Yeah, I babysat Chris for the first time. And lucky me, he was a good lil kid ^_^ For the next three days I have him. Yup yup. Oh, and I babysit him at 9am now, not 5:30 ^_^
Well, thats nothing big. Whats big is the fact I didn't vivist ANY sites yesterday lol. Simple reason why! Live 8 was on. And I SERIOUSLY watched it since the time Chris left, to the time it was over, 1am. So, yeah.
Anyway, Live 8 was really something else! It amazed me! No, I didn't get to see Linkin Park perform on ym tv, I had to watch the clip of them live on the internet, but better then nothing! The bad thing was that it was only being aired on Canadian channles here, so most of the time we only seen Canadian performances in Toronto. But, meh. Anything I wanna see I can see online today ^_^
Thats enough outta me. I gotta visit your sites now! Yeah! I'm sorry again guys and gals ^_^ I'll make it up somehow! Have a great day, later! |
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 5:26am, Saturday
MOOD: not happy
Yea, so, I'm waiting for the lil kid, Chris to arrive, the one I'm babysitting. 5:30 in the morning. Yup. His mom works with mine, early! Damnit....
Worst day to babysit to! I wanted to watch Live 8 al day! But, I can't now. I gotta tape to first 6 hourse cause he'll be here. Hopefully he isn't an asshole, cause I've never met him.
Well, nothing much happened yesterday. Nothing was open cause of Canada day, so I couldn't really go anywhere. I hada fun time with my lil bro getting cake and wandering around at the festivities ^_^ Yup yup.
Oh, and my dad and I watch the movie "Cursed" It was accually really good for a werewolf movie!
Well, thats all for today. Have a great day peoples! Later. ^_^ |
Comments (10) |
Friday, July 1, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 9:56am, Friday
MOOD: happy!
Well, its a special day to, CANADA DAY! 138 years and still young! Its also the birthday of Canada's national anthum! 25 years for that ^_^ Oh, and its jamm's
birthday! YEAH!
So, its a great day. I can't wait to go to the festivities that take place today! Cake in half and hour ^_^ I lost the guide... well... I didn't it dissapeared! But its supposed to rain today, but it doesn't look like its ganna!
I almost killed my lil bro accidently last night. Let me explain.
We we messing around, and I sat on his head with a pillow. We always do that. He was laughing and stuff (oh, this was all cause he tried to steal my goldfish lol) and then he started struggling, and yelling my name, so I jumped off quick. Little did I know, he was losing air. I felt bad cause I didn't mean to do it. I got in trouble, which wasn't fair, cause it takes 2 to tango!
-got the new SJ! Yeah! Bad enws in it though, I'll tell ya tomorrow
-beat levels I was stuck on in Mario, with walkthrough lol
-packages STILL haven't come!
-lil bro got his room redone
-big bro gave me a bunch of hockey cards
-big bro gave me all his marvel cards (hello ebay!)
-did some new coding on Otaku Beyblader
-joined Soul Society
-inked a piccy of Fayt my big bro drew
Yeah, thats the stuff ^_^ I'll let you know more about OB later, cause I'm noty done the page I'm working on. Oh, and ah, theme change coming soon. I'm working on that. Thats a wrap peoples! Thanks for reading this long one. Have a great day! Don't forget Live 8 is on tomorrow, later! |
Comments (14) |
Thursday, June 30, 2005
You can help!
TIME WRITEN: 7:21am, Thursday
MOOD: happy
I want everyone who hasn't done this to do something for me. Sign the ONE declaration to president Bush, and 7 other world leaders to rid the world of aids, and help make poverty history!
Go to and sign. Please do this! Read the site a little for more information. It only takes a minute to make a huge impact on the world people!

And, incase anyway hasn't heard about Live 8, the biggest musical concert of the millium, taking place at 5 locations in wealthy countries all over the world, simotaniously on July 2nd, featuring hundreds of artists, that concert is in support of ONE. If you haven't heard of it.... your nuts, and you should watch a lil more tv! Visit Live8 for more information.
Well anyway, I had to tell you all about that stuff. Its REALLY important, really really important.
Oh anyway, it was a really nice day yesterday, but it thundered and there was lightning at night, pretty cool ^_^ I started a Kakshi picture. Oh, you guys and gals are going to love it when its done ^_^ I love it already... the image is just so cool! AHHHH! hahaha ^_^
My packages haven't come yet... grrrr.... meh. I really have nothing else to say. Now... go lend your voice to the ONE campaign! Have a great day people, later. |
Comments (13) |
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
I have perfected it!
TIME WRITEN: 9:09am, Wednesday
MOOD: meh
Its supposed to thunder and lightning today. I like that, so hopefully it does... LATER!
Oh, I perfected the little car racing thing even more yesterday. I can drive as fast as possible without wiping put! MUAHAHAH!
Oh, bellemer, if your reading this, I finished one picture. But I can't upload it, because I lost the cable that connects the digital camera to the comp.... so I can't upload the picture. My dad's getting a new one today ^_^
Ah, what else... I'm still waiting for my ebay items. My Rave Master dvd boxset, and my KOZ manga. Hopefully something comes today. The KOZ manga should have been her yesterday, as it was express shipment. *shrugs* oh well.
Well, I've really got nothingto say today. I'm thinking about a new theme for July though... so we'll see ^_^ Have a great day peoples! Later.
EDIT: You all don't have to read this. Its something I wrote to a friend, reguarding the dissapearances of gbook entries, comments and friendslist peeps. Some people think that other people are hacking thier sites or something and deleteing this stuff, well, not true. Heres the explaination.
"Um... ya know.... there is NO ONE that is going around deleting gb entries and comments and such. Let me explain.
People complained about this awhile ago. When a member deletes there account, every gbook entry they made dissapears, every comment, friendslist, everything they did. Their existence is practically erased.
So, don't go calling people fuckers for deleting stuff... and thinki of it this way... why the hell would you hack into someones account.... and delete a few comments, friendslist peeps, and gbook entries? Its stupid... so now you all know ^_^"
Alright, hope that makes you less furious, and you understand now. |
Comments (15) |
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
New stuff!
TIME WRITEN: 9:42am, Tuesday
MUSICAL MOOD: Something Beautiful - Cauterize
Ah, yesterday was quite fun! First, it was nice again. *nods* Well, in the morning, my mom, grandmother, and I went to town. I got this really cool new mesh vest/jacket. Its mesh on the outside, and nylon on the outside. Its really cool ^_^
I also got new shades, kickass ones made by Skull. They have a pirate skull on the corner of one lense ^_^ Then I got candy and alot of other little things. We went to McD's and such to. My mom is amazed my the little rope things you put on the back of your sunglassed so they can hang around your neck to...
Ah, when I got home, played more Mario Sunshine. Then I set up this race track thing that has those little triggers, and you race the electronic cars through loops and such. The neighbor gave it to us... for some reason... *shrugs* its really fun ^_^ I'm the best at it, wooped my dad lol.
Well, I've got sites to visit, and pictures to draw for contests. OH! Thanks everyone for 9000 hits! Thats alot ^_^ I'll be off now! Have a great day, later!
EDIT: oh, and for some weird reason... all my anime was deleted yestersday... off MY account... BAKA! I have to redownload it all...
Chaman Song
Hey little fella
Gotta change your touch
What you thought was engouh
Might be to much!
Its more cushiony then ever before
Charman ultra,
Less is more.
And we say less is more!
Less is more!
Its more obsorbant
then the regular kitten brad
for sure!
What you used to love
Now your ganna adore!
Chaman ultra,
Less is more.
Cha cha cha... Charman!
Doesn't that scare you that I know the entire song by heart? |
Comments (15) |
Monday, June 27, 2005
Look, sun again!
TIME WRITEN: 7:44am, Monday
MOOD: happy
Yeah, again, for the third day in a row its sunny and nice ^_^ Two of those days though, it rained all night after being sunny all day..... meh.
Ha, finally fixed the back tire of my bike yesterday! It was punctured twice, this time, mu dad and I found the cause! A staple lol. Then I went to the dinner down the street, like I said I would! ate some lunch with Smiley, then we got some ice cream and pop and went back to my house.
Watched some more Bleach, hung out, pretty boring. And stupid CBC! It said Mulan was on, but it turned out to be Toy Story 2! BAKAS!
Well, now, I'm going to down with my mom and grandmother. My grandma *AKA Nanny, its what we call her* will probably imbarrass us, like always.... she has a habit of doing that with out knowing it... *sighs*
Closing note here. If I don't know you, don't fucking PM me asking for HTML codes! Get them yourself! People are really pissing me off lately! I have had about 5 requests, this week alone from people I have never met in my life asking for codes! Ya know what, the way my site looks makes it different from most sites. I don't want everyones to look like mine! Anyway, you people can piss off, cause you ain't getting any!
Oh, and stop sending me damn chain letters! lol Have a great day peeps, later ^_^ |
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