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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
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Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
My bad my bad!
TIME WRITEN: 9:52am, Sunday
MOOD: meh
Ah, again, sorry for not getting to everyones sites. I'll do that now, and the people from yesterday ^_^ Kinda get caught up with what I'm doing ^_^
Man, there was a kickass thunder storm last night! Lightning, thunder, rain! Crazy and cool ^_^ It swept through three different times, and each time it was worse and worse! Looked like a hurricane.
Mario Sunshine is fun. I've played it before, but now I can take my time, because I own it lol. I played that alot of the time yesterday, and made $10 from my mom for cleaning the kitchen. And speacking of money.... dad still owes me $5 for that bet I won! HAHAHA!
Well, I'm off to visit sites, then go get some food at the dinner down the street ^_^ Later all! Have a great day.

What Fruits Basket Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 8:17am, Saturday
MOOD: good
Yesterday was a plesent day ^_^ First off, sorry I didn't get to everyones sites. I had a friend over literally all day ^_^
Well, I guess I should give you my marks, cause I didn't yesterday.
Music/art: 99
Science: 95
Social Studies: 98
English: 89
Math: 92
French: 97.44
Gym/Health: 95
That fucking PDCP drug me down! I had 102 in BBT! What the fuck was that teacher marking on!
Anyway, I watch three epis of Bleach last night, and watched epi 1 of Prince of Tennis. I've wanted to see it, so I got epis 1-5. Should be fun ^_^ I also downloaded two new epis of Bleach to watch, while I slept.
Oh, and I bought Mario Sunshine yesterday to ^_^ Only cost me $33 so thats great. I got $100 from reffing 4 soccer games, and I gotta pay my mom pay alot. So once I do, I can spend like crazy, or save for a jeep.
Well, have a nice sunny day... hopefully, like me everyone! I must go exterminate nests of catapillers, yeah, so, have a great day! Later.
EDIT: AH! I remembered ^_^ You've all gotta join powerblader's Shaman King fanclub! Click her name and drop her a PM, its really cool! Siter and everything ^_^
EDIT 2: Ha, this is news! YTV is getting Shaman King, One Piece and Sonic X to add to thier lineup! I don't care, cause I'd rather watch it on Fox as its further ahead, but hey, now all they need is to dig thier heels into some Cartoon Network anime!

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Friday, June 24, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 7:19am, Friday
MOOD: excited
Well, I finally get my report card today, and I can't wait ^_^ So I go in, get it, walk home, which is just up the street from my high school ^_^
Smiley is coming over with me, after we get our report cards. That'll be fun ^_^ I though my little brother had wrecked my bittorrent tracker (don't ask how, I dunno) cause it wouldn't download. But it is now, cause I left it over night. lol Getting Price of Tennis 1-5 and Bleach, cause Eyeshield 21 isn't avaliable anymore... weird...
Oh, I read the history of Pokemon, from the 10th anniversery I mentioned yesterday. It blows me away! If you get a chance to read it in the cureent Nintendo Power issue, do so! Anyway, Pokemon games, in only 9 years, have sold over 100 million copies! Compare that to Madden NFL, the highest selling sports game compnay ever. In 16 years, they have only sold 43 million copies of thier game! Fucking amazing! That makes Pokemon is the biggest selling game series EVER! Love it ^_^ Oh, and I resent what Xx Beth xX said yesterday! Pokemon did not die when Misty left, it got funnier! lol. Pokemon is going strong, and bodly ahead! Its never ganna die!
Ehe, I also bet my dad $5 that today is a full day of school for my lil bro. He doesn't think it is, even after I told him my lil bros principal sent a message home to all students stating it was a full day ^_^ lol. Well, I'll edit this when I get home to tell you all my grades... which are hopefully good after exams..... Have a great day, later! |
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
What's Kickin!
TIME WRITEN: 7:52am, Thursday
MOOD: very very happy!
Why am I so happy? Well, because not 10min ago, I won a radio contest ^_^ It certainly woke me up when a game they do called "lyrical pursuit" came on and Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit was the mystery song! haha! I knew that duh, grabbed my cell phone and called in. I got it, and won! WOOT! Yes! I don't even know what I won, some spa thingy, but I won!
Anyway, my main post is ganna be a rant on Nintendo and their messed up video game world. Later. Anyway, I watched epi 1 of Eyeshield 21 last night. Way different then the manga, I'll say that! I also watched Titan A.E. cause its such a great movie ^_^ Got my new Nintendo Power FINALLY! Have to ref a game today, and thats the beff of it all. Now, onto my rant! Its in blue if you don't wanna read it, cause its looonnnnggg....
Currently, I am stooped about only two games. Prince of Persia 3, and Soul Calibur 3. Everything else is icing on the cake, and I don't want no god damned icing today! Nintendo is pissing everyone off I think, including me! They are just trying to make a buck now, cause they are getting their asses kicked my Play Station. I mean, Game Boy minis? wtf! Just something to watse money on. I have a perfectly good Game boy colour. Bigger screen, better colour, bigger buttons to push then that piss ass system! Why waste a hundred bucks or more on something a WEE bit more "portable"?
These retarded games to! Alright, in this NP, I got a trailers dvd, which had trailers for some of the games being released this fall and summer. Like, Twilight Princess, Fantastic 4, Medal of Honor and shit. Well, then they have all thier other so called "big" titles. Trauma Center, Nintendogs, Megeman X Collection, Zetch Bell, whatever that is, I know its an anime, but its some fucked up if I say so myself!
These are nothing games! Half of Nintendo's main feed is made of them! What are they doing? Releasing crap? Nintendogs you pet dogs with a pencile on the DS.... OOOHHHH!!! Trauma Center (stupidest thing ever!) you heal peoples bobo's and owies! WOW! Do they WANT to get thier asses kicked by PSP? Well, if I were offered to buy either for $1, I'd take the PSP in a heart beat! Oh, but here, we'll give you a bunch of games for the DS free? Keep em! It sucks shit!
DS is like a tiny bit better graphics then the GBA... NOW mind you! The first few games that came out were great! They looked like an N64, but now its scrolling platform crap all over again! As I hold the Nintendo Power now, I see mans scramble for money, Polasium. You know what it is? Neither do I! I know its some stupid game on the DS (does it surprise you?) where you point at blocks and they dissapear..... Don't ya just want that for your birthday! YES! So fun!
Anyway, you see my point by now. Nintendo is leader itself down the drain, like Sega did. Play Station is going to take over soon. Mario is running out of gas, I mean, he's getting a litte to active, and not losing any weight people! He's now in soccer and baseball, to add to his tennis playing, and everything else he does. Now, I'm not saying Nintendo sucks REALLY bad, they do have a bunch of games for GAME CUBE I look forward to, like One Piece, but they are totally losing the handheld battle!
Oh, and by the way, Pokemon's 10th anniversery is coming up! I'll let you know more when I accually read the article lol. But man, what an amazing run that no one would have thought Pokemon would be having! They were slowing down before Collosium, looked like they had hit a road block, but now, they are on top of the world again!
Ah, if you red that, you are great! Heres a cookie. See I only thought that gamers would read it, but, meh ^_^ Thankies ^_^ Have a great day everyone! Later. |
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
I'm fluffy!
TIME WRITEN: 10:08am, Wednesday
MOOD: meh
Ha, my dad called me fluffy yesterday night. I dunno why, but it was funny ^_^
Oh, and about cats, since everyone liked hearing bout that yesterday, lol, I have 4. They all have been declawed in the front, and they are all really nice a sweet... that one... just went crazy there lol.
Yesterday was pretty fun ^_^ I made a heart shaped chocolate cake, and its good! I ate the rest of the chocolate frosting lol. I drew a kickass picture of Ichigo from Bleach! I'm ganna upload it after this post. You'd all better check it out! Took me a lil while to colour it, and it looks cool. haha, just kidding just kidding ^_^
I'm basically on a Bleach high. I downloaded a bunch of Bleach manga, since I'm to lazy to buy it myself... well.... thats not the reason, just shipping Bleach manga to my house is expensive from viz. So, I downloaded some. But, I always watch the anime first! Cause its so kickass.
Well, I should stop talking. I'm in a very drawing mood. I'll get some more piccys done today ^_^ Dip shit lil bro is skipping school asswipe. That limits my comp time, but meh. I'm hyper. Oh, and for DSL or higher users, you can download unlisenced anime from if you want ^_^ Its bittorrent though. Have a great day everyone! Later.
EDIT: theres a new quiz down bottom, a LP one, lookie ^_^ |
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
They are all out to get me!
TIME WRITEN: 10:04am, Tuesday
MUSICAL MOOD: Underdog - Beyblade
Man.. the cats... they are out to get me! I swear.. *shifty eyes* Don't ask how, don't ask where.... but look!

Shut up! Stop laughing! It happened when my cat was being weird and jumping all over my bed! She kicked me in the side of the head!
Then.. there was a cat brawl in my room this morning, and they were all meowing for nothing to me this morning! WHY! They are all nuts I tell ya... NUTS!
Ah, anyway, went around some places with my mom yesterday. Also watched the movie "Hitch". What a funny movie that was! Its great ^_^ I'm ganna buy it to, cause its so damn funny.
Well, besides that, I've got nothing to talk about, cause I didn't do much. OH! Check out my piccys if you haven't seen them. The King Kon one is ganna be on Bleach Portle!
Enjoy ^_^ Oh, and thanks for 20 comments last night peoples! Oh, and I'm ranked #25 now ^_^ Have a great day, and I gotta fly. Later.
 you're one step closer
what linkin park song are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, June 20, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 9:43am, Monday
MOOD: eheh
Hey, sorry for my late post, I was replying to some emails ^_~
Such an absolutly beautiful day today! Lovin it ^_^ It was yesterday to! Oh, sorry I couldn't get to all your sites! My dad needed the comp for school work.
Well, yesterday. I forgot I was going to a friends pool party at 6pm. It was great fun! We rented out the community pool, and had it all for ourselves ^_^ Then we went back to my friends house, ate and drank and stuff, twas fun. There were alot of people there! No drugs, no booze... thats not what I mean my "drank". *shakes head* Get your minds outta the gutter! lol.
Well, we hung out on the island across the street next time. Its fun over there. We play around there in the dark. But, there wee three STONED people we seen. One I knew, and didn't know he did drugs. He is my big bros best friend!!! He was with a freaky guy. Later, we went to go to a qusibo down by the water in the woods, but I was in front walking, stopped right in my tracks, and backed up into the others. Some dude wearing all black was sitting on a log. I said "What the Fuck..." he heard me... never moved... it was creepy! We all left, and then he got up and followed us! We got away though ^_^
But it was fun all in all. I also was standing right beside a beaver as he ate! Never did that before! It was cool to see a beaver so close up. Thats was the funnest part of my day anyway, the party. I also practised my bball moves, but thats all. Well, have a great day everyone! Later ^_^ |
Comments (19) |
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Thats a relief!
TIME WRITEN: 9:06am, Sunday
MUSICAL MOOD: Jerk it Ot - Caesars Palace
Aha, I'm not in a killing mood today ^_^ Either thats because I'm the only one up, that the sky accually turned blue yesterday night, or maybe cause I just became #26! lol
Yeah, its been like, cloudy for the past week. And raining, everyday! The sky got some blue to it last night, which was good ^_^ And its supposed to get nicer over the next two days, finally.
Ah, yesterday, watched a KICKASS movie! Man, if you like action back, shoot-em-up killers, this is for you! Some brutle at times to! It was called "Asult on Precinct 13". I bet you've never heard of it, but a damn good movie!
And here is a poem that was on my english exam. Its very cool! Even if you don't like poetry, give it a read for me ^_^
One Tin Soldier
Listen, children, to a story
That was written long ago,
About a kingdom on a mountain,
And the valley folk below.
The mountain people had a treasure,
Buried underneath a stone.
The valley people sought that treasure,
Sought it for their very own.
Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend,
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing,
Come the judgement day.
On the bloody morning after...
One tin soldier rides away.
The valley people sent a message
To the kingdom on the hill,
Asking for that buried treasure,
Tons of gold for which they'd kill.
The mountain people sent their answer,
"With our brothers we will share
All the riches of our mountain,
All the treasures buried there."
Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend,
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing,
Come the judgment day.
On the bloody morning after...
One tin soldier rides away.
The valley people cried in anger,
"Mount your horses! Draw your swords!"
They killed all the mountain people,
So they earned their just rewards.
As they stood beside the treasure,
On the mountain dark and red,
They turned the stone and looked beneath it.
"Peace on Earth" was all it said."
Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend,
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing,
Come the judgment day.
On the bloody morning after...
One tin soldier rides away.
Thats cool eh? Well, thats about all I'm ganna say today. Of, kicked my big bros friends ass in Soul Calibur 2 yesterday! AHAH! The fury of Kilik and Yunsung. Oh, and I can FINALLY upload those three piccys, so go check them out in about... 10 min.... meh, have a great day peoples! Later. |
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 10:20am, Saturday
MOOD: pissed off
What a bunch of annoying people! My little brother is an asshole! He should learn to use his fucking brain! Enough of that though.
Yesterday was my last exam, it was a little hard, and annoying. But alright in general. And yeah! Theres food in the house now!
My family went to Bosten Piza last ngiht for supper to. Such an awesome place! The food is wicked, and they have some amazing signed things in the sports bar! Patrick Roy autographed jersey, Wayne Gretzey autographs, Team Canada stuff, totally cool!
We also watched "Meet the Fockers" last night, which I though was funny, and creative. Then I watched "When Trumpets Fade" a war movie I have seen... like, 4 or 5 times now. Its so good though, its worth to watch ^_^
Ah anyway, I'm pissed off right now at my dad and lil bro, so I'll go eat and watch anime before I rip someones head off. Later.

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Friday, June 17, 2005
Last one!
TIME WRITEN: 7:57am, Friday
MOOD: meh
Ah, today is the last exam of the year ^_^ Yup, english! And you would think, seeing its my native language, it'd be the easiest subject.... ut its never about english is it?
Anyway, Health/gym exam was alright. Over 100 multiple choice questions, and true/false questions. Stipid.... then the rest I basically just ya know, I winged it ^_^ lol.
I also reffed my last soccer game of the week last night. It was misting the whole time, so therefore, it was soaking wet! Asshole coach on the home team needs to learn and have some patience! He wouldn't stop yelling MY calls! But I must say, under 12 boys soccer is REALLY competivie and fun to watch!
Enough of that. I'm bored. Oh, I was on the LPU yesterday, and Mike Shinoda accually responded to a post, which was like many around there about how people think LP is selling out. He addressed in in such a way, thats it no wonder he is an idol to so many, including myself. It was cool ^_^ And I joined the Fort Minor boards, Mike's solo album. He's on there alot to! That place is like... its funny, cause everyone there are like friends and such, tis cool ^_^
Well, this is getting long, and I really don't have much to say. Just, good luck to people having finals or exams today, and have a great one! Later.
EDIT AT 1:07am - My english exam was hard in some parts. I guess I did alright. Should have studied for it lol. And I drew a cute piccy of Inuyasha on the paper, hopefully I'll get to show you ^_^ |
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