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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
Member Since
Slave to "The Man"
Real Name
Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
Favorite Anime
Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
Drawing itunes organization Wasting time Film maker Writing Photography
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 7:51am, Thursday
MUSICAL MOOD: Caught Up - Usher
Its a cool song ^_^ Well, today is my health/gym exam. This is ganna suck! The gym part is easy, but the health part will be hard, cause the evil teacher never went over it! Asshole... *glares*
Yesterday was Nordic Angels 18th birthday! YEAH! And congrates to Kai for throwing her a cool party ^_^
Math exam wasa piece of cake yesterday. I finished in an hour, only cause I double checked all my answers as I went so I didn't have to when I finished. And ahh... and ahhh.... I dunno....
Oh, drew another piccy last night ^_^ Its Kon from Bleach, and its cute! I'll upload three new piccys when I get my dads camera! Baka! Why must he always take it with him! Grrrr.....
Oh, and the theme change... right... I know people liked the Renji theme, but it was annoying I found. I didn't like the avi, so it threw the whole thing off. I'll try this for a few days, then back to the Renji one, cause I got new piccys ^_^ And I', off. Catch ya later everyone! have a great day! |
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Foolish boy....
TIME WRITEN: 7:48am, Wednesday
MOOD: meh
Ah, first exam this morning, Math. Piece-o-cake! Yup ^_^
My lil bro is ticking my mom off, its funny. He should grow a brain... before he misses his bus *sighs*
Well, yesterday I spent most of my time making wallpapers! It was fun ^_^ I made a bunch of Rave Master, and Gundam Seed, then Soul Calibur.
Heres the link to my album.
Check em out! ^_^
I plan on maiing more today, as I got some more piccys yesterday. I also drew an Inuyasha pic. It pissed me off doing it, so I destroyed a piece of paper, then sketched it quick, and fixed it up. Turned out nice! Its not uploaded though yet, sorry.
Anyway, gotta run. Thanks for reading, have a great day everyone! Later ^_^ |
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
He's free doggs!
TIME WRITEN: 8:47am, Tuesday
MOOD: moderate
Ah, Michle Jackson walks free of all charges. I don't really care, but I don't think it was a fair trial! The kid kept changing his story... hmm... wonder why....
Ah, I made a new wallpaper last night, I'm uploading it now, so It'll be online in a few mins. I was making another, but I messed it up, and gotta redo it. Ah well. Later ^_^
My first reffing of a soccer game sucked shit yesterday! Why? The field I was supposed to ref a game on, no one was there. Someone told me an under 14-girls game was the only one being played, so I reffed that game. I mean, hello FIRST GAME! Jeese. Another older guy showed up half way though the first half, I think he was a ref, but I'm not sure.... Anyway, I called the assigner as soon as I got home. WTF is wrong with her instructions! God, waiting for her call back....
That pissed me off, real bad. But anyway, my mom got her wicker yesterday. Yeah, shes wanted a wicker set for like, ever, and she finally got it. She was so happy it was scary! lol. Ah, math exam tomorrow, guess I should read up on the material.... nah lol. I'll be off now, everyone have a great day! Later.
EDITY: Hey, FINALLY Gundam Seed pages are on Otaku Beyblader Check it out! Also, if you look, please tell me what anime you want on after I'm done with Gundam alright? I wanna please the fans ^_^
~ Haru & Elie
~ Musica
~ Haru Glory
~ Haru Glory 2
~ Yunsung
Enjoy! ^_^ |
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Monday, June 13, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 9:39am, Monday
MOOD: happy/tired
Ah, my lil bro is such a sucker. 2 more weeks of school for him! AHHAAH!
Anyway, I had a really fun day yesterday. My lil bro and I went to town with our parents to go shopping ^_^ I got some kickass new cloths, and these amazing BlueNotes pants, which are like snowboard pants, but cooler! I also got NYC sandels. Yeah ^_^
Ahhh... oh! You;ve all GOTTA check out the new avatars I made on Otaku Beyblader! Just click the name and you'll go to the site. Click web to be taken to the page. There are Inuyasha, Gundam Seed, Shaman King, Rave Master, Bleach, and Naruto avatars! Check em out, and tell me what you all think.
Well, today is my first ever soccer game that I ref. I hope I do alright. I've been reading the manual again, to make sure I don't forget anything on the fly. Wish me luck at this!
Thats all for me. Have a great day, and catch ya later!
Question: What is your fave video game? |
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 10:17am, Sunday
MOOD: happy
eheh... sorry everyone, I couldn't get to all your sites yesterday. I was really busy doing tons of things!
My dad, lil bro, and I finished building our awesome deck. I'll get a picture soon. My mom is giving me $50 for grading, so I can use it to buy my Rave Master dvd boxset. YEAH! My lil bro is getting a new bike.
Ah, other stuff happened, but who cares eh? Here are the rest of the images for the tour, so, this is the last day!

This is the shelf under my SJ shelf, from inside my Naruto cabinet. My dvds and such are in here. Some VHS as well, ah, you can read em ^_^ Lots of LP cds and dvds in there to. My talking Wolverine, yeah, he's cool. And my Avalanche bank.

Next shelf down. These are my BIG bionicles! MUAHAHAH! Ahem, yes, I have almost the entire Toa Metru bionicle collection! All the main things at least, excluding two characters exclusive to the movie. It was my fave series in bionicle *nods* There is Makuta, the bad guy, the 7th golden toa, on his bike, and my two newest bionicles.

And this, its the mother load ^_^ All my bionicles! There is at least one cae there for every series of bionicle, except the most recent. They get stupider as they go on, so I don't bother anymore, I just read the comics.

My main closet. Its the only one I'll show, cause the others are disasters. I just have cloths I usually never wear, a cabinet system in there, and sporting goods.

Last but not least, my regular beanie baby collection ^_^ There are a good 30 or so in there. Its just where I keep em.
I hope everyone enjoyed the tour! It was fun to do, but now its over. I'll show you a pic of our new deck later. But, besides that, heres some news!
- You can use my custom made avatars, now avaliable at Otaku Beyblader
- I have a pic thats been drawn for the past few days. I gotta get it on the comp, but last time it made it to fuzzy.... so... eep....
Well, have a great day everyone! Catch ya later. |
Comments (11) |
Saturday, June 11, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 5:45am, Saturday
MOOD: excited
I'm watching my ebay auction tick closed! 1min 31seconds..... 1min 17seconds! HAHAHHA! Under a minute to go... victory shall be MINE!
I am resizing photos for the tour now to... and I'm very hungary! 25seconds.....
I think there will be two more tour days left, thats all... FUCK YEAH! PWNED!!! I WON! What did I just win you ask? The complete, subbed dvd anime boxset of Rave Master! WOOT! $70 Canadian dollars ^_^
Anyway, onto the tour!

This is the inside of my Naruto cabinet as I call it. On the doors there is a calender, and a Mike Shinoda picture I found on LPU. NOT MINE! The cabinet has 4 shelves, you can only see three. Lets look closer! ^_^

My glories Shonen Jump colection! They are hard to store lol ^_^ I have 24 issues, 22 are in there, the others are on my desk, including the new July issue. There are some bionicle comics I haven't read, and things I got in the mail on the far right to. Dan, thats where I keep the manga you gave me, with its own kind! lol
annnndddd.... adobe is acting up! *sighs* worthless crap... arg... Well, if your reading this now anyway, your an early bird! So the rest of the piccys from the cabinet (3 more) will be up after I watch my anime ^_^
Oh, and I have no more school WOOT! Yesterday was fun, cause in gym we got ice cream bars, and my friends and I built a strong mat fort, and I had a lookout tower in it ^_^ muahahha!
Have a great day everyone, remember to come back and see the other pics! Later. |
Comments (11) |
Friday, June 10, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 7:25am, Friday
MOOD: tired
Aha! You like the new theme? That was a sudden change. I really like it to ^_^ Its Renji, from Bleach, and I'll leave it up for a few weeks, then its back to another blue theme, cause I really like the blue! Grr... freaking avi won't change!
Anyway, last day of school. YEAH! It should be fun, for the most part. We had a farewell to grads thingy yesterday, which was fun. And I've really got nothing else to say. Heres more of the tour!

This is the wall that is above my desk. Its full of posters, pictures, and awards. Of course, dead center, greatest hockey player who ever lived *ahem* Patrick Roy! Theres also a Megaman, Gundam seed, and Neopets poster. Oh, and on the far right is an autographed car poster of the AOW racing series down here! I'm related to a car owner, and I have been to the shop *nods* Giant snake on the left, wearing my baseball hat, and all my medals and such. Most for school smarts...

Just more from the last picture. This is to the left of that one. On the far right is a wooden parrot my moms uncle made and gave to me. Its really cool, and flaps its wings and everything ^_^ Hanging from it is my dream catcher. There is a goalie plaque back there as well. And near the left is a wooden shelf thingy my dad made for me when I was little.

My final shot of the room. Just wrapping everything up, my cat is on the bed again. Did I mention her name is Amy? Anyway, this is NOT the end of the tour. I have additional pics to show you of inside my closets, and my painted cabinit lol.
Alright, so tomorrow is closet day! YEAH! I want to thank everyone who checked out my pic yesterday. I'm working on a new one. For all you LAZY people lol, heres the link ^_^
Inuyasha & Kagoma
Anyway, have a great day everyone, and catch ya later! |
Comments (14) |
Thursday, June 9, 2005
Haha... oops.
TIME WRITEN: 7:37am, Thursday
MOOD: I'm hungary!
Ooops, sorry lol. I got caught up in my ebay thingy, paying for an item I just won! ^_^ I got three KOZ manga's.
Anyway, second last day of school, YES! Awards assemble today as well.... I know nothing, cause its my first year at the high school *shrugs* But anyway, my first exam starts on Wednesday, and its math.
Thats lucky, four day weekend before my first exam!
Oh, and yesterday I smashed my mouth off a desk. That hurt ALOT! I cut my lip open, mmmm blood in mouth... tasted funny ....
Finished a pic for InuyashaGurl14, and uploaded, so you can go check it out if ya want. Oh, and me and a friend are planning to sing a rap to my french teacher, cause he always calls my friend G Unit.... cause his name is Geoff lol. It'll be funny! Anyway, heres some more of the tour!

My bed. Tis a lovely bed I think! Double, big enough for two. I like it. Whats on it? Two big fluffy pillows, a douvey... downed douver.... yes! And my new fleece blanet, so nice! Oh, and thats my cat Amy, shes so sweet and cute ^_^

My desk and nightstand! I have close up pics, so whats on the floor. Gaint basketball shoe slippers, those are funny lol. Beyblade arena's, yatta yatta, junk.

This is my desk. Fairly clean for once! Doesn't usualy happen. In the far right, you can see my really old globe, holding my NY touque, and my cool shades ^_~ There is a dancing and singing gofer there to lol. My *ahem* new shonen Jump! I'll show my collection later on. My cell phone is there on the edge, hopefully off, and my cd layer, the lil black thing WAY on the left.

This is my night stand! At the bottom, the collection of SMALL beanie babies. There is ALOT of them stuffed in there! Don't ask.... they are just cute... and its my uncles fault I collect some of em! Books benieth that. Most of my books are put away. On top, satilite remote, fave beanie baby, watch, GOTENKS! HAHAH! Lanp, and clock.
Thats all ya get to see today. Don't wanna miss my bus like I ALMOST did yesterday! Later all, check out the pic! |
Comments (12) |
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Funniest thing EVER!
TIME WRITEN: 7:32am, Wednesday
MOOD: happy!
Its the last Wednesday of the school year ^_^ Feels great! Anyway, there is an absolutly hilarious story I wanna tell you about second period today. But first, I finally went to a school concert, not a rock concert thing, a band one.
Almost everyone of my friends is in band and/or choir. So I went to see the BIG recital, and watch them all perfrom. It was great! Concert band played Star Wars, and Indiana Jones and stuff, very cool ^_^
Anyway, yesterday, second period. Walk in the class, no teacher. There was a girl in there, packing her stuff. She left. Then she came back in with the rest of my class, thinking it was her class lol. Teacher comes in, looks at her and says "Are you in the wrong class?" She moans kinda like a "what" groan. Teacher repeats himself. She shakes her head confussingly, and looks worried. She then grabs the bookbag on the desk, not hers, and quickly walks out. A gril from our cass comes in, and she seen this happen, and shes like "wheres my bookbag.... she took my bookbag!" Everyone laughs their heads off, and the teacher chases afer the girl. Fortunatly, the girl came back the other way of the hall, I seen her, and the gril went to get her bookbag back. Right in front of our door, she snags the bag by the strap, and the messed up girl is like "let go" and the girl from my class just says "Its MY bag!" The messed girl shakes her head in that same confussed way, and lets go. We later took the bag she left in our class to the office, and she freaked out lol.
Sorry thats so long. It was incredably funny though! One of those... moment things... and that girl was SOOOOOOO stoned! Anyway, tour time!

From where we left off, this is the corner from my main entertainment area. There is a shelf above the fish tank with 4 big beanie babies on it. (I have alot of beanie babies!) You can also see that big, huge zebra pupet. Its cool, and a ghost of a child, as we think, that lives in our house played with it at night when we first moved in. Not lying people! Also is my black cowboy hat from Texas, CuJo poster, and my "clothing shelf" lol Also, behind the pupet is my Partick Roy poster... #1! Muhaha! Theres more ^_~

Turning the corner, we come to the wall above my bed! Bed will be in the next tour, tomorrow ^_~ Anyway, that big shelf on the right is my hockey figurine shelf. Get to that later. Next to it is my Canada Posters, with Patrick Roy. Team Canada's women's hockey gold medelists of 2002, Salt Lack City! WOOT! Above that is another Roy poster, andteam Canada mens gold medal team victory.

The last photo of today, an indepth image of the hockey shelf. From top to bottom, left to right, I'll name the things ^_^
TOP: Peter Forsberg bear, Paul Kariya bear, Steve Yzermen, The great, Patrick Roy, limited edion, 2003 remake figure *drools* (thats right OWNED!), Peter Forsberg, Patrick Roy bear, and Jarimier Jagar bear.
BOTTOM: Martin Bouchard, Jarimier Jagar, Mats Sundin, Mario Lemieux, Brett Hull, and another Patrick Roy.
Thats the end of the tour for today. Holy god forsaken teddy bears this is a LONG post! Well, I hope you enjoyed the sotry and tour today ^_^
Lastly, I am preparing for my new theme change. Yup. It will most likely be a Bleach theme, but with a specific character theme this time. Have a great day everyone, and catch ya later! |
Comments (14) |
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
That was an akward start!
TIME WRITEN: 7:35am, Tuesday
MOOD: meh
alright, yes, tour continues today! Yeah! lol. First I wanna tell you all how horrible my day started yesterday.... yes....
Anyway, woke up a bit late, was sick in the morning, image program wasn't wasn't working properly, pissed me off! Then I didn't eat my breakfast, cause I ddin't feel good. Posted, then missed my bus. Mom drove me to school, but I forgot my ticket money for a play we have to watch today.
That was it! It sucked, and I thought it'd be like that all day, but the rest of the day went well! ^_^ And in health, with evil gym teacher bitch, she couldn't control the class, kept screaming at then, and freaking out, but I blocked it out, cause ya know, nothing a lil LP can't solve! lol ^_^ Enoung of my blabering, heres the tour!

So here is the top of the room where you seen all the stuff from the last set of pics. On the far right you can see my family cot of arms, and write up, as well as the top of the cabinit I showed. The center has a big teddy bear net, filled with... teddies.... yes, I have MANY teddies from when I was small. And on the far left, is the top of the dresser, where the gundam is, and a Goalie shadow box.

This is my rooms lovely entertainment center. No huge tv, nope. My N64 is in that white cabinit there, and I can hook up the PS1 here to, but its not at the moment... don't ask why....

On the far right is my black dvd player, and ontop of that is my PERSONAL satitile reciever ^_~ Thats kickin. Next to it is my 13" tv, and uner it is my VCR, for taping anime, and things I can't watch.

Next to all the tv and such is this! Far right is on of my stero speackers, for surround sound, and it has an elephant beanie baby on top. Then there are more teddies. Three beanie babies, or two, whatever, and Sonic the Hedgehog. I have had Sonic since I was about 4 or 5. He means alot to me. Nect to that is a calender with qoutes for everyday, a hockey bear thingy, and my fish tank, holding George the goldfish!
Thats it for today! Hope you enjoyed this portion. I have to go to school now, so have a great day everyone! Later. |
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