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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Monday, June 6, 2005
You can disreguard this, and read the lower post.
EXCITEMENT LEVEL JUST SKYROCKETED! Mom is letting me bid on the ENTIRE Rave Master DVD box set! For my bday ^_^ So damn happy, after that loss of the other Rave Master stuff!
Comments (7) |
Bad start
TIME WRITEN: 7:40am, Monday
MOOD: Annoyed
Yeah, your all saying "your kidding me!" right now. Piece-o-shit image program won't open to re-size and re-format the camera images!
I got off to a late start this morning, and I'm feeling sick, with a cough. Yeah so things, not to good, as you can kinda see by the time....
Just gotta keep thinking, last week of school, last week of school.... But anyway, tour is tomorrow, OR maybe when I get home! ^_^ I might possibly post a few pics after school, so drop by then alright?
Other news, I completely wasted a weekend. Yup. I mean, theres NOTHING to do, so I used the comp most of the time. The only thing this weekend was good for was looking at ebay, and getting me to the last week of school! So pointless. So technically, that means I have nothing to rample on about, so I'll just leave. ^_^ Have a great day everyone, later. |
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
God damnit!
TIME WRITEN: 9:08am, Sunday
MOOD: pissed off
Sorry guys and gals, no tour today, I didn't get any pics, but thats entirely my fault.
Anyway, I first want to apologise to Techno Cat. Sorry I left you hangin last night dude. My fucking alarm didn't go off! But I almost made it to 1:30....
None of you will understand that intil I tell you what happened. I have been bidding on Rave Master dvd's on ebay, a set of three, Vol. 1-3. It was really cheap, and all in great condition. Last night uit got ungly though, with three hours to go, I was in a bidding battle, fight before I left. I meant to wake up and come back at 1:30am, 15min before the auction ended, to insure my victory, but I couldn't stay awake that long, and my alarm didn't go off!
So I got beat. Yeah, BBY .50 cents! GOD DAMNIT! Pissed me right off, cause I knew I would have won it.... but, Andrew, trenchtroll didn't win! HAHAH! Sucker asshole!
Besides that, I almost passed out yesterday when I was heavily blowing on embers of a fire I built to make a bigger flame. I stood up, stepped back, then fell down. Had to suck in some air... never ganna do that again!
But, I gotta go win some ebay auctions. Have a great day everyone, later!
QUESTION: what are some great action anime? Do not include any on my list on the side. |
Comments (16) |
Saturday, June 4, 2005
So much fun!
TIME WRITEN: 8:14am, Saturday
MOOD: tired/happy
Hey, I'm really glad you guys are liking my tour ^_^ And yes, I do have alot of things in my room, because it is my shrine! Anyway, now the tour continues, and at the bottom is the rest of fun stuff about my day

This is my junk cabinit basacally. The inside is full of mini hockey sticks, like 12 of them, and the foam balls, there is salt water taffee, lol, some japanese manga, that I obviously can't read, my anime mags not including shonen jump, I'll show you all that soon, and Pokemon and Bionical mags. Ontop is my Stereo, and personal cd player, the rest, is in the next pic. But above all that, is an awesome clock that my parents got for thier wedding, but I love and took lol. On the right of that clock, is my Patrick Roy picture. Yes, I drew that, in art last year, so fucking amazing... and big! And lastly, on the left of the clock, my Mike Shinoda drawing. Tender ^_^

The is the rest of the top. In front, my lovely Launcher Strike gundam model! I am extrememly proud of that ^_^ Behind him is what little graphic novels I have, because until now, I haven't had money to buy them muhahhaa! Thats different! Anyway, I have Shaman King #1, two shojo books that were sent to me when I joined a program with, and NOOOOO I don't like shojo!!!!! Ah, then there is two Shonen Jump preview books there, also from, and vols. 2-5 of ZOIDS: Chaotic Century, which kicks ass!
Thats the end of tour today, again, need more photos, plus anime is almost back on.
But anyway, yesterday was amazing! Had the water fight at school, pretty fun, I got a bucket of water dumped on my back lol. Went to a party at my friends house. at 10pm, we went across the street to Spooner Island, which is a cool trail place. We had flashlights and everything, but we were playing a game, and Andrew and I, Andrew is an army cadet, and pro survival/military dude, we hunted the other people down, and it was fun!
Andrew and I also sat and talked on a rock for awhile, cause no one was ever ganna find us. We talked about security, and how people hide it, and our friends, what they do and such. He told me he likes my friend Michelle, and he wants to ask her out.... which is great, but kinda dissapointing, cause I like Andrew, he will just never know.... moving off topic, thats enough of that! lol
But all in all, it was great fun, and its another beautiful day today ^_^ Anime time now, I'll catch you all later!
Comments (15) |
Friday, June 3, 2005
I'm a dumb fuck! hahahaha!
TIME WRITEN: 7:22am, Friday
MUSICAL MOOD: Something Beautiful - Cauterize
First, I wanna say, if you like upbeat songs, dude, download that song! It is so incredable kickass!
Next, sorry for a temper tantrum post yesterday lol. What happened was when I posted, the comp said I couldn't, but it did it anyway, without telling me! So my post was there three times. Anyway, I read all the comments, then deleted them all but the real one, day 1 of the tour.
Now, I'll continue the tour, but hey, read the bottom for some things that happened yesterday, peash?

Most have seen this before ^_^ This it the first wall when you walk in the door. You can see everything from the pics yesterday, and ontop is my Jeff Gorden, and Colorado Avalanche stuff. And the left of that cabinit is my last closet, which has poster on it from Beckett anime collector, featuring Ash, and Kenshin.

This is the top of the cabinit. The main thing you see, the gargoyle mask. I know, it sucks. I made it in art class this year. Now, from left to right you have: Avalanche beanie bear (cost $30 fing dollars in Quebec!) Hamilton Tigercats teddy (my fave CFL team) Avalanche Stanly cup puck, picture of Patrick Roy, team Canada teddy, Jeff Gordon figure (this is cool, that one there is #1/1904 ever made! #1! Got it from my mom, its so kickass!), Gordon die-cast car, Wing Zero SD Gundam model, and lysol. lol.
Thats all the pics I'm ganna show today, cause I need to take some more, plus I wanna talk a bit.
Water fight in school today! Woot! Yes, its organised by the student council. It'll be great, cuase its been so damn hot here from the last three days, but I'm not complaining! Better then rain ^_^
Gasara, if your reading this, I got
a new Beyblade song, "Never Ganna Take me Down". If you want it, PM me alright?
And other wise, one more week of school after today! Yes.... can't wait to get out... jeese... and ah, I think I'll stop here. OH! Thanks so much X Cannon for the post style. Its kickin ^_~ Later all, have a great day! |
Comments (14) |
Thursday, June 2, 2005
Tour continues
TIME WRITEN: 7:25am, Thursday
MUSICAL MOOD: Jerk it Out - Ceasers
Yeah, I won SessLover18's contest, and I'll put up the banner she made me in the intro later. Sorry if I already said this... couldn't remember. Anyway, yesterday was alright, fun, but I was bored alot of the time. Ah... baka computer... its being so damn slow! Pissing me off..... ONTO THE TOUR! ^_^

Alright, first stop on our tour of Cody's room, the entryway! This flag is huge, and it means alot to me, because my aunt gave it to me after my cousin died. It was in his room, and he also loved the Colorado Avalanche like I do. YEAH! Go Aves!

This is my acual door. I never use it, because its old, and doesn't work right. But on it are: Bionicle poster - top, Sonic Heroes poster - bottom, a golden "C", a ceramic tile that saus "Cody", and two monkeys hanging from the handle.

If you come into the room, and turn right, this is waht you'll see! The first closet. By the way, there is another closet behind my door, but I don't really use it.... Anyway, this closet is SOOOO full of junk, things just randomly put into it, and no order, thats why I won't show you ^_^ What you can see outside of it though, are two pictures, in black and white along the side of the wall, on the closet door is a poster of Tom Brady, QB for the NE Patriots ^_~ There is also a long chain hanging down at the corner, full of teddies. You can slo see a YuGiOh door hang, my fleece vest, and my windbreaker jacket.
Thats all the time I have for todays tour, more tomorrow! |
Comments (14) |
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Yeah! Its all good!
TIME WRITEN: 7:32am, Wednesday
MOOD: Uber happy!
YES! I won SessLover18's contest! woot! Thanks everyone ^_^ Oh, and thankls for all of the comments on yesterdays post! 23! O.O
I have been waiting for one of these days, an uber happy one! Thats where everything goes right ^_^ After the past two weeks, its about time!
Well, its beautiful outside, as it was yesterday, which is good, because 21 of 31 days of May, it rained. But, other then that, heres the only bad stuff that happened yesterday!
My big bro telling my evil gym teacher that I said she was my fave teacher.... asshole.. lol I burnt my fingur on a metal iron.... ouchyyyyyyy...... its white ^_^
Thats it I think! Now to the good, shortened up!
Dan Felton's package arrived for me today! ^_^ I was SOOOOO uber happy there! Dan, you are great! *big hugs* He gave me the Naruto pic he has on myO, the pencil he drew it with, two character sketches for his new manga, and all 7 original pages of "Suicide Destiny"! *hugs Dan again* You rock dude! Thank you SOOOOO much!
I didn't get excepted to go to Ottawa, but my english teacher, Chappy, said that my speech on a poet was the best in the class! Nearly a perfect mark ^_^ I submitted my Mike Shinoda piccy to the LPU yesterday to. I'm waiting to see if its excepted. I'm also ganna get to buy some Rave Master manga, and DVD's on ebay, for really cheap ^_^ Tender.
Well, I guess thats enough. And I'm not starting a contest, but a room tour, just like SomeGuy
did ^_^ Here we go!

I am plesed to introduce you all to your host, me! Now, shall we first make our way up the stairs to my rooms entrance?

You'll have to wait until tomorrow for the entering of my room! ^_^ Have a great day guys and gals, later!
Comments (14) |
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 7:28am, Tuesday
MOOD: medium well
Thanks everyone for voting for me on SessLover18's site. Last time I looked, I was winning, and the polls close today! ^_^
I hardly remember what I did yesterday.... ahhhh........
Anyway, I DID submit a new piece of art ^_^ Heres the link.
I hope you like em! And thanks everyone who checked out the pics from last time.
Well, besides that, I've really been noticing how people do things here on myO lately. Like, most people are way more likely to post a comment if the post is short, rather then long. But a main thing, is that people will deny it to the death! Myself, no, I admit it, I perfer short posts, but even if its long, I still read it and post a comment.
Enough of that. Just my thoughts lol. But anyway, we are watching the movie Rudy in class. Its an old football movie, supposed to teach us about the 7 habits of highly effective teens. Unhuh.... *rolls eyes*
Ahhh... I think I'm ganna hold a contest... yeah, that'd be fun! I dunno what yet... *ponders* Well, later all, have a great day!

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Monday, May 30, 2005
New art!
TIME WRITEN: 7:36am, Monday
MOOD: kill Maroon 5!
Please vote for me at SesshLover18's
site contest. I am tied for first, thanks ^_^
Ahah, anyway, yes, new art ^_^ The latest pic is pretty cute. You'll have to see later though! I'll upload it after school.
Yesterday was so uber boring.... and I can hardly remember what I did.... But, I was looking at Bleach merch, some kickass tapistries! YEAH! Buy them when I get money, direct from Japan ^_^ Also, Rave Master manga, Beyblade manga, awesome.
Oh, and Gasara and/or Tomyo, I hope you got that PM for the Beyblade Doushinji... or whatever its called.... its on ebay, and might be gone soon....
Ahh.... finished my letter for the political trip. Hopefully they are impressed, and I'll get to go. And lastly, my brother and I are on our trip trip to beating Conflict Desert Storm. Best amry game ever! Why? Cause its none of this old shit everyone else is doing! Its cooler, and its NOT first person!
Anyway, have a great day, at school or not, cause I know some peeps have this day off. Later. |
Comments (10) |
Sunday, May 29, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 9:54am, Sunday
MOOD: happy, and tired
Please vote for me on SessLover18's
site conest! Thanks if you have.
Top of the mornin to ya! I finally submitted a bunch of new art! Check it out! Here are the links, for ll those lay people lol.
Kung - Fu Kid
Mike Shinoda
As you can see, these were all taken from my camera, so they are a bit dark, but I did the best I could, correcting the image. And the Mike Shinoda, that is THE best picture I have ever drawn. I've been working on it for months! Anyway, I hope you all like the new art ^_^
Oh! I also submitted a wallpaper! Yes I did, now I have 2 lol! Its a Shinobi one, and I like here. Heres a link.
So thats the art I've been doing! You finally get to see lol. Oh, and I had promised to show my tomahawk, so here that is to!

Besides all that, I got some new headphones for my cd player *finally* and I framed the Mike pic. I'm also ganna submit it to the LPU. Oh, and TechnoCat isn't dead. lol, I was talking to him last night ^_^
Well... last thing I have to do today is write a one page letter to a commitee at school, in hopes of being choosen to go to Ottawa, our nations capital, to learn about the Canadian government and such for a week next year. It'll be wicked if I am selected to go! Anyway, hope you all have a good day, and I'll ttyl! |
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