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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
Anime Fan Since
Does it really matter?
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Blue Gender Bleach Gundam SEED One Piece Naruto s-CRY-ed FMA Fruits Basket Samurai Champloo Eyeshield 21 Zatch Bell Zegapain Innocent Venus
I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
haha! error error!
TIME WRITEN: 10:15am, Saturday
MOOD: hungary
Please vote for my site in SessLover18's
site contest ^_^ Thankies if you do!
Alright, so I've been seeing alot of errors in anime latly, and it all has to do with time.
Battle B'Daman the yesterday. Masked dude, thinks hes a super hero. Has on black pants, and blue underwear over them. When the camera zooms out, he has no pants on! Zooms back it, he has pants on.....
YGO, today. Remember that Seto Kaiba designed the duel disks for battle city. Well, if thats so, then how did Darts know about duel disk technology when Rapheal was a little boy? That was in Rapheal's past today, when Darts gave him a duel disk.
There are many in Beyblade, but the one that sticks out the most is Lee. In season 1, he was tough, and didn't take crap off of no one. Now, here in season 3, he is a pussy cat, and takes crap off everyone! Always apologising and everything... why?
Yeah..... thats just some stuff I can't help pick out. And while on the topic of anime, any canadians know of Paula, host of the Vortex. Its a little sub-shows that happens during commercial breaks during anime and cartoons on YTV. Paula pisses me off! Staurday morning anime/cartoon host. First off, she HARDLY even knows what anime is, although she lets on she knows everything. She can't pronounce any Japanese names. Here are some examples:
SD Gundam - BakuNestsuMaru
Thats just a disaster, she should stop trying.
Beyblade - Dranzer
My god, how hard is to say Dranzer with the "on" sound? She uses the "an" sound!
Those are the two that come to mind, but she added more to the list today, I just can't remember what she said... Anyway, she should just watch the damn shows! They pronounce all the names there! God, she's annoying....
Ah, anyway, ice cream party yesterday rocked, and I don't know whats going on with my electives registration, cause our class left it in the hands of our idiot english teacher.... and.... I ran home, in 7MINUTES, in the RAIN to get my elective sheet! This was just before 1st period, lol, I had forgotten it ^_^ Well, have a great weekend everyone, and later ^_^ |
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Friday, May 27, 2005
Die she must die, the teacher must die....
TIME WRITEN: 7:33am, Friday
MUSICAL MOOD: pandas must die
You know that song if you've seen the funny video titled "the pandas must die" Yeah, gym teach needs to. I'll get to that later.
First though. English test. Pretty easy, better then I though! But half the class didn't finish, me included, so we are continueing today ^_^ Thats great, cause now I can look up all the different types of poetry! muhahahahah!
Next, the bad luck I've been having. Did I break a mirror or something? Cause two days ago, I hurt my feet, in some way, 5 different times.... ridiculas! Keep crashing to my knees, and now one kneecap is is completely purple! Other shit to, the wrong-place-at-the-wrong-time thing eh? Yeah... its been hurtin... I'll say that!
Lastly, evil gym teacher bitch. This is good. Justin the asshole, one I kicked in the ass lol, throws my baseball glove, for no reason other then he hates me, so I yell across the gym "don't through my things jackass!" Teach didn't hear, cause she was talking to someone else. But Justin being the ass he is, made the whole half of the gym I was on aware of it. Meh.
Teacher calls me over to talk, Justin yelling like an ass... heres our convo, shortened. If you don't care, just skip ahead, but it is indeed funny ^_^
T- "I don't know what you called Justin or why, but I don't want you saying it again."
M- "yup, and just make sure he doesn't throw my stuff again."
T- "what? don't give me attitude! I'm not telling him that!"
M- "fine, I will then."
T- "hey, don't walk away from me, and stop with thwe attitude! Your not telling him anything!"
*at this point, her accussing me of giving attitude, and looking at me has pissed me off*
M- "oh, so people are just allowed to throw my things now are they?"
T- "what did you say to me?"
M- "I said, so people are just allowed to throw my things are they?"
T- "do you want an afterschool? Cause you and your attitude are ganna get one!"
M- "I'm not giving attitude at all...."
T- *she cuts me off* ".. yes, you are! And how many times have I seen you throwing my things?"
M- "what, balls? *laughs* thats what thier for!"
T- "no, other equipment! all the time!"
M- "nope, me NEVER, ever, never!"
T- "I doubt that, you do to!"
M- "got any proof?"
*shes pissed off*
T- "you do Cody! But, I'm done with it. I'll 'alert you' when you do *smiles*"
M- "great, do that ^_^"
* walk away, and I smile*
T- "don't turn away and laugh!"
M- "I'm not laughing, I'm smileing, see! *points to mouth* can't a kid me happy?"
T- "no..."
M- *I cut her off* "I'm a happy kid! Bye!"
HAHHAHA!!!! If you read that, I'm proud of you ^_^ That was a great moment, indeed. Anyway, thanks for reading, have a great day, I have an icecream party this morning, and go to guidence bout my course selections. Later all! |
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Ah, blessing ^_^
TIME WRITEN: 7:41am, Thursday
MOOD: rushed
Ah, this was awesome! English test was postponed to today! HAHAH! What a blessing. We instead had to work on cousre selection for grade 10.
What else.... I'm not ganna make this long, cause I know you all hate long posts... less comments the longer they are lol ^_^ But, the season finale of LOST was on last night, 2 hours long. So amazing! I could predict almost everything that was ganna happen, cause they kept giving clues. But, amazing! Can't wait for fall now!
Thats about it. Our class gets our ice cream party for winning that easter contest on Friday... finally! And I gotta go to school now. Later all, have a great day! |
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
What a day!
TIME WRITEN: 7:29am, Wednesday
MOOD: happy!
Oh my, what a day yesterday was! Again, I wasn't online cause of all this so, bare with me alright? Its been a nusy week....
Alright, first off, the stupid english test is ACCUALLY today, and I don't know much of whats on it. And the damn english project, which I also know NOTHING of is due Friday! I mean, WTF? What are we supposed to do on it?
Anyway, the FUB awards were last night! As soon as I got home, I have to get prettied up and ready. Yup yup, fun lol. We were at the Delta Brunsiwick, and I should say, the bathroom were impressive enough! lol. Such a beautiful hotel, right in Brunswick square!
Right, so we had to wait awhile, all us achievers, outside while things were being finished. But there was a beverage bar, ticket draws, super fluffy couches, everything! When we finally got in, and choose our tables, the biggest business owners in all of NB were there! The President and CEO of Aliant was there, and was a guest speaker! Author Irving, the head hancho of Irving, which was, pretty cool to ^_^ But I got my first award for perfect attendance.
We had a soup then, speaches, ate dinner, which was really nice and good ^_^ Some more speaches, then desert! WOOT! Super chocolate thingy muhahaha! It was awesome, but it smelt like bad breath lol. Anyway, then the rest of the awards were presented. I didn't win the IT one, but meh. Our whole company won the Creative Company of the Year award! YEAH! We rock. I'll get a pic of the medal, tis cool.
My mom and I also enjoyed the silent auction. haha. My parents both came to eh, and my mom and I were having so much fun biding and such. I won myself a beautiful stormtech fleece blancket in a fleece bag, and mom won a expensive bath things, and best of all, we won a 3 in 1 casino board! HAHAHAH! We had been bidding on it all night, and got it for $60, when its worth a few hundred! It plasy roulette, crabs, and blackjack. Absolutly beautiful! Solid wood, cuishened... *drools*
Well, I think you've heard enough about my night. Last parting things here. Finale of Contender was on EARLY on CH, instead of Global.... meh, SERGIO MORA! Woot! He won. I wanted him to win from day 1, and he did! YES! I only seen the end, so I taped the rest. And I also watched Rob and Amber get married, that was fun ^_^ Well, gotta jet. Everyone have a great day! Later. |
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
The force is with you.
TIME WRITEN: 7:31am, Tusday
Goo'day all! I watched most of Star Wars episode 2 last night. I'll watch the rest today, I was tired ^_^ It really is a good movie, as was the first one. Star Wars has proven to be more exciting then I had originally thought!
Anyway, all the company left yesterday afternoon. Twas fun having them here and all. Now its back to school, with and english test Thursday, and gd knows what else!
Oh yeah, and the Futures Unlimited Banquet, FUB awards are tonight. Thats for Junoir Achievement, JA. Yeah, I have to go, and have a chance to win two awards ^_^ If I win, I might post something late night.
Also, Rob & Amber's wedding is on tv tonight. That'll be pretty cool. Reality tv's most popular couple, its more like, an adventure to the wedding show to me lol. But I'll have to tape it, cause I'll be at FUB. I also missed the second episode of The Contender on Sunday! NOOOOOOOOO! Thats my fave show on tv, and I didn't know there were b2b epis, so I didn't tape it! NEVER! If anyone watches it, PLEASE tell me who won between Jesse and Sergio! And maybe some details on the show ^_~
Lastly, I would like to welcome Layizekid
and jamm to CME Inc. They are our newest members!
Ah, this is long enough. I'll end it here, and everyone have a great day! later. |
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Monday, May 23, 2005
banana people will rule the world!
TIME WRITEN: 11:20am, Monday
MOOD: meh
Sup all. Its Victoria day here, so no school, and end of my long weekend. I'm sorry I couldn't get to any sites yesterday, but ya know, how could I really?
Lets start off this morning. Updated, visited sites I had missed from late updaters yesterday. Just when I finished that, my cousins come to get me, so I clean up in like, 3min, and then I left. Glad to get out of my house, where my mom was blaming me fro everything!
So, with my cousins and others, we visited weird grandma, who I don't know, and isn't really anyones grandma..... and deffinatly not mine! She took us out to eat at Vitos, a nice resturant around NB. I like the food ^_^ Then we went to Debway racing! Awesome. They are friends of the family, and I don't know what thier relation is, but they are part of the AOW, Atlantic Open Wheel racing series in the maritimes! Its cool, we checked out this race car, and man was that thing loud!
Next, we went to someone elses place, I can't remember thier name, but they were nice, and we were playing games on the satilite lol. I then went home, cause I ahd to go to a friends party. It rained all day, spoiling our bon fire plans at the party, but, we did it anyway! Wet wood or not, nothing a lil gasoline and oil couldn't fix ^_^ It was fun, we were out in the rain with a roaring fire, cooking marshmellows and hot dogs.
After his party ended (11pm) I went home, watched a lil bit of Star Wars: Episode 2, and fell asleep. Here I am now, just burned my cousins fiance, Marc Hybride theroy, my parents friend is due to leave sometime today, noon I think, and I can finally check out sites ^_^ Thanks for reading my long post. I had a fun day yesterday! Oh! This is really creepy! When we were coming home from my friends party, it was pitch black outside, no one on the roads. Drove though this sudden fog, in only one little spot, and as we drove though, only I heard this erie "woooooooo" ya know, the sounds ghosts make! It was fucking scary!
Anyway, enjoy the day, and heres some ramen for read all of that ^_^
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 9:19am, Sunday
MOOD: tired
Wow, was yesterday ever fun!
first off.... I DID IT! I beat Prince of Persia! WOOT! I'm so damn happy because it took me onyl 2 days, which is AMAZING for me, and I have only beaten... hmmmm.... maybe..... 5 games total in my life..... I don't beat many games! POP was one of the best games I have ever played! Now I gotta rent Warrior Within again, and beat that, even though I was stuck last time.
Alright, so we had a 9 and 11 year old over, my parents friends kids. It was fun playing with them, outside and stuff, they were cute ^_^
My cousins and fiances showed up to, with the baby, who was also uber cute! Had fun with my cousins ^_^ And they are coming to get me at noon today to go somewhere and have fun.
Also, today at 7pm, I'm going to a friends, and we are ganna have a bon-fire party! WOOT! It'll be awesome ^_^
Lastly, I watched Star Wars Episode 1 last night. Yes, it was on tv, and episode 2 is on tonight, and I'll watch that to. Ya know why? Cause I feel like one of the only people on the planet to never see star wars! Plyus my friends wanna see episode 3, and the only reason I wasn't ganna go was cause I enever seen the others. lol, but now I can! ^_^ And I must say, star wars is better then I thought it was.
Anyway, hope everyone has a great day, and keep outta trouble lol. Later! |
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
Sup... word!
TIME WRITEN: 9:32am, Saturday
MOOD: normal
Sup! Just finished watched some B2-B2-B2-B2 epis of Battle B'Daman. ^_^ I first wanna say that Gundam Seed, and Inuyasha were amazing last night! Loved them, Inuyasha was so cute ^_^ And we got a new 32" tv yesterday. Went in our living room, and the 29" from there is now in our game room, with super surround sound, and another 29" is there too, with its own surround sound! Wicked!
Alright, .hack is by far THE most boring anime on the face of the planet! I would rather listen to Ben Stein talk for 2 straight hours about nothing then watch that damn show! Seriously, its retarded! Every single epi, the people sit, arrange meentings, and talk about dip shit boy who can't log out of the world. Everyone in that show is moody and depressed, and has no brain! Its boring, lame, and just so fucking over rated!
Thats was my rant.... I hate the show, I will NEVER watch it again! Anyway, I've almost beaten Prince of Persia. Over 70% done. Almost had a freaking anxity attack yesterday! Thought I had to redo the entire game after something happened when I saved it. Got stuck on the same part of a stage for 2 straight hours! But, I'm ALMOST done!
Also, people start coming today, at noon, and I gotta mow the lawn. Later! |
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Friday, May 20, 2005
Sand... ohhhh!
TIME WRITEN: 7:50am, Friday
MOOD: Happy
Aha, I'm mass downloading Naruto epis lol. My big broa nd I are trying to get epi 9, but are unsuccessful, so I am downloading eps 1-25 through bittorrent. So far, its ganna take 140 days! lol. It'll change... it better!... oh, now its at 2 days ^_^
Anyway, I rented Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time yesterday. I played the sequal, Warrior Within before the first, so I rented the first this time ^_^ Such a fun game! Very hard, but fun!
I have the day off to. Its a teacher inservice day. I have Monday off, for Victoria day, so thats a four day weekend ^_^ And If I haven't already mentioned, my two cousins are coming up, thier fiance's, ones new born boy, my dad's best friend, and his two kids..... fun... I hope! And..... I missed the season finale of CSI last night... I'm such a DUMBASS!
Okay, thats all for me. Enjoy your day, and your weekend! Later!
OH OH! I just wanna mention. My PDCP teacher tried to put Justin and I uin a group for an activity yesterday. Justin was just like "No." And I said to the teacher "No, we might kill each other." He laughed and changed the groupd lol.
This is from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.

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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Payback asshole!
TIME WRITEN: 7:32am, Thursday
Jeese... no! I'm happy, so Last Resort starts playing on my media player! Lol, no, not suicidal! lol
Anyway, yesterday, gym class again (evenything interesting happens in gym!) We finished playing softball outside, on the field. Man, so weird! The ball we were using, it was squishy! lol. My team kicked the other teams ass! We had 3 of the 5 baseball players in my class, I was one, and I picked the tam ^_^
Let me see, when we came in, Justin, the idiot from last post, was hitting tennis balls at Smiley. Then he got a shovel, and chased after him, so I went to take the shovel, but he seen me, swung it at me twice, I threw my baseball glove at him, then he threw my glove into a garbage can! It got a syrupy stuff on it. I was pissed off, so when I came out of the changing room, I drove my foot, right up his ass! HAHHAHA! So damn funny! Here's what he then did, after I went to sit on a bench.
"AHHHHHH! Fuck! She fucking kicked me in the ASS!"
*teacher comes out*
"Justin! Watch your language!"
"Cody, Justin, come here!"
*Justin leaves the gym, runs down the hall. I walk over to the teacher and tell her what happened, then said, 'an eye for an eye right?'*
*teacher goes after Justin, Justin gets and after school dentention ^_^*
AHAHAHHA! That was so great! Big payback there! I wasn't the least bit worried I'd get in shit after she heard what Justin had done! lol
Ah, anyway, this is the last day before the long weekend we have, 4 days! woot! My two cousins, thier fiance's, one's new born boy, my dad's long time friend, and his two kids are all coming up from Nova Scotia! Whoa..... anyway, gotta fly, mom's driving me to school. Have a great day guys! Sorry the post is so long. Later. |
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