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NB, Canada, the farthest reaches of the earth, were only fish people live, and I am their ruler.
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Slave to "The Man"
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Cody, but my gangster name is 20 Cent. I'm serious. Word
won an ipod in a drawing contest, lots of sports trophies and school medals for excellance.
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Does it really matter?
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I want to be a drummer recently and learn to scuba dive, even though I can't swim.
Drawing Wanna-Be Drummer Music Design
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 7:23am, Wednesday
MUSICAL MOOD: One Step Closer - Linkin Park
I'm happy now, don't get me wrong, but yesterday, pissed me off! Last period, here we go.
Playing a tennis tournament outside, down at the courts. Needed a team of 6 people, and my group only had 4 so far. So the teacher put in two people tht annoy the HELL out of me. One is a girl I will call.... Hilary, cause I hate Hilary. Anyway, Hilary immediatly jumped on my back, punching and slaping me, so I shook he off, and hit her in the hand with my tennis racket lol. The teacher seen and yelled at me, but I said it was self defense.
Anyway, we get to playing, my team verses her team for the first doubles match. My team scores the first point. They have a fucking hernia, and want to switch sides! HA! No, thheir side was full of sun, so, no way. They wouldn't return to thier own side, and were being bitchy, and all this other shit. So I took the liberty of forfiting Hilary's team from every match ^_^
Anyway, my team beat the other team 4-2 games. It wasn't fun playing though, cause a dumbass named Justin wouldn't stay off our court, kept stealing our tennis balls, and was attacking players! Teacher is a dumbass, and can't controll shit!
Anyway, thats my happy fucking last period of the day. Excuss my language, I was really pissed! Came home, and told my mom, then I felt better that it was off my chest. Ahhh.... anyway, I plan on drawing some new pictures. And I promise, today I will try my dad's digital camera to take some pics of my... pics lol. Later all! Have a great day

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 7:32am, Tuesday
MUSICAL MOOD: I Ran - Bowling for Soup
Yes, and old song, probably lil. So good though! I love it ^_^ You might remember it from the Knights of the Zodiac intro. I know every word ^_^
Anyway, I finished my callage for PDCP! Yeah! It looks really awesome! Lots of piccys, and my mission statement is on it to. Now don't make fun, I'll post my short mission statement for you.
"Stay ontop of the game.
Be a leader not a follower."
I like it! It speacks to me, and describes what I want to do!
Anyway, we are back to normal class times, 65 stupid minutes, and 1 hour noons.... it kinda sucks, but after all, school feels like it ends sooner!
Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday, Canada lost the gold medal hockey game in the world cup on Sunday. They lost to the Chezk... I can't spell the name lol. But, I knew they would lose. They had a bunch of shity players, and haven't been playing hockey all year. Russia beat Sweaden for the bronze medal.
Thats all folks. Looks like its ganna rain, so I might get adrive to school, but, everyone have a great day! Oh, and thanks for your compliments on my new theme ^_^ Later.

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Monday, May 16, 2005
Muahaha! 2 down... 1 to go!
TIME WRITTEN: 7:28am, Monday
MUSICAL MOOD: Linkin Park - In the End
I'm quite happy with myself today! Last night, I completely finished off my health project, and my english! I have procrasinated for 2 straight weeks on my english project! But, done now ^_^ All thats left is my PDCP mission statement callage.
Ah, anyway, Contenter wasn't on last night. That was kinda a let down, because its my fave show on tv, but the 2hour season finale of Survivor Paleu was on! YEAH! Tom won! I'm happy ^_^ Cause I wanted Steff to win, she got voted off, then I went for Tom ^_^ He rocks!
I wanna tell you some of the records that this season of Survivor broke.
-first time a tribe was conqured
-first time without a merge
-first tribe to win 11 straight imunity challenges
-first person to win 5 of 7 imunity challenges: Tom
-first person to give up thier place for a million dollars: Ian
-first ever verble trible council: voted out Ian
Those are the ones I can remember, but man, what a different season this was!
I don't have much more to say. Just that we are back to 65min periods at school, and 1 hour noons.... it really sucks.... cause the strike isn't over yet! I hate 1 hour noons.... But meh. Later everyone, have a great day! |
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 11:06am, Sunday
MOOD: Tired
Sup all! Yeah, I'm back home ^_^ A certifyed ref, hungary, sleepy, and somewhat cold. Meh.
I spent alot of time on myO yesterday when I was at my dad's work. Checked in on some old friends, and noticed, SesshTaisho was gone! Then, she came back... weird.... must have turned her site off....
Ah, I've been playing Killzone, which is a pretty fun game. The controlls are a bit odd for me, but its neat. OH!!!! And Get this! Soul Calibur 3 is coming out! WOOT! I think my big bro said it was coming out this fall. I seen a lil preview, but I don't know all the characters that are in it. I hope it is as good as the last one. But I seen you can design your own character! I think that'll take away from the characters, cause people will only fifhgt with thier own.
Ah, anyway, not to much to say. I've gotta go eat before I pass out, then visit some sites ^_^ Later everyone! Have a great day.
EDIT: I hope everyone likes the changes I made ^_^ I had help from X Cannon and shippo-souten. You guys rock! Next month, This will be orange! MUHAHAHHA! |
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Oh yeah, certifyed!
TIME WRITEN: 1:01pm, Saturday
MOOD: Happy!
Sorry for the late post guys and gals. Couldn't be helped ^_^
So, I just finished my last course for my soccer ref training! I am now a certifyed soccer ref! WOOT! Happy me ^_^ Thats why I couldn't update by the way, because I had to leave early, and here I am at my dad's work, until he is done, and we go home, cause no one could take me back home after the course, meh. And its funny, cause my dad's site, being he works at a college, doesn't allow access to some sites, and photobucket is one of them, so all my photobucket images won't work lol.
To many comma's in that paragraph... yeah... anyway, less then 20 days of school left, then exams, yup yup, thats good. Arg, I dunno what to realy say! Oh, ha, we were playing Ultimate in gym, using a nerf ball yesterday. My team, we won like, 14-2! It was awesome ^_^ Such a fun game to. And its been freezing cold here to, although its been sunny.... it really sucks...
Oh, yeah, anime was kickass yesterday! Phase 35 in Gundam Seed, when Kira first uses the Freedom, totally awesome battle! Loved it! Inuyasha was really sweet as well, liked that, and DBGT this morning, great epi!
Anyway, since I can't think of anything to write, here is a piccy for you all! Enjoy, and have a great day!

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Friday, May 13, 2005
Mom! The cookie ate my bed again!
TIME WRITEN: 7:20am, Friday
MOOD: Happy!
Thank god its Friday! This has been such a long week.... jeese.... but that means my english teacher comes back today, so its our last day with mr no emotion! He irritates me, thinks I'm a dumbass to. I WANT my other english teacher back now!
Aha, my big bro almost died from falling out of a tree yesterday! Me and my bros were climbing seperate trees. My big bro was trying to help me climb a tree I couldn't reach any branches to, and he wasn't paying attention, so he broke a branch he was holding. He fell from a good 3 meters into a bed of brush and sticks, flat on his back, inchs away from having his head impaled! He was scared stiff! His legs wouldn't stop shaking, but he's a trooped, and we all climbed on ^_^
Last thing. If you know the code for the background on the page that stays still can you email it to me? Please? Anyway, have great day everyone! |
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
TIME WRITEN: 7:21am, Thursday
MOOD: tired
Yeah! I won Dan Felton's Naruto picture for be a big Naruto fan! ^_^ I'm VERY happy about that! Thanks Dan!
Ahhh.... I'm really tired, so I'll make this short. I found a REALLY sick picture in my teachers sports illistrated magizine of a nudist spa and resort! There were 3 old, FAT naked men playing glof! So sick... I'm scared for life lol.
Oops, sorry, I forgot to get a ic of my mini tomohawk, I'll trya dn remember today. Lost is getting creepy, and there are only 2 epis left! They'll be awesome ^_^
Oh, and my friends and I on MSN, the ones from my school, now all of them has MSN Messenger, and there were about 10 of us in a convo last night and after school lol. Its hard to talk like that, but it was fun. Really not to much that happened yesterday, so I guess thats it. I'll end my post here, a nice short post for a change ^_^ Have a great day, later all!
This is cool, please don't steal it!

EDIT: My lil bros bike was stolen, with his friends bike. In a ditch, at the end of a road, yesterday morning. |
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Did they did they..... no....
TIME WRITEN: 7:29am, Wednesday
MUSICAL MOOD: In The End - Linkin Park
Aw man.... Rob and Amber lost the Amazing Race..... They should have won! They made one mistake getting the last clue, they couldn't find a cigar shop, resulting in them placing second. NEVER!
Well, that made me sad, because they are my fave reality couple EVER, and I really love reailty shows... lol. But, they are getting maried on live tv May 24th, so I'm ganna watch that ^_^
Anyway, some interesting things happened yesterday. First off, my lil bros bike was stolen lol. I live in a SMALL town, and so thats really something you'd never expect! And I mean, who the hell would want to steal his crappy midget bike anyway? lol
My dad and I put a new belt on our ride-on lawnmower. It was fun, cause I had to sit up in the rafters first, and he passed me all this junk that was stacked around the lawnmower all winter.... lol. But, we fixed the mower, then we gave the battery a boost, thanks to me, yeah, and I mowed the lawn. Yeah, that sounds stupid right? Well, no cause I like mowing the lawn, cause that mower is like a freaking bullet, and I am the driver! MUHAHAH!
Also, I made a mini tomahawk yesterday. Its really wicked and I'm proud of it ^_^ I'll get a pic to show you all.
I don't think anyone cares about much more, cause people prefer to read short posts, so I'll end this. Sorry if its long. Anyway, later all, have a great day ^_^ |
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Stop that cookie!
TIME WRITEN: 7:25am, Tuesday
MOOD: alright
Top of the mornin' to ya'll! I've got like, 5 min to write this, so yeah.
Not really much to say. We started poetry in english yesterday, and we were given a metaphor to start a poem with. Mine sucked, so I stole my friends. This is the short little blurb I wrote ^_^
Love is a ghost
But toast I fear most
Which lives in my house
And I'm scared of the most
HAHAHAH! Thats so stupid, I know lol.
Anyway, besides that, I have decided to try and scan my drawings at my dads work, cause he has a scanner there, but he doesn't know if it works. I'll be there saturday afternoo, after he picks me up from my ref clinic. So, thats when I'll try, and I have alot of pics for when I do get them up! ^_^
Well, thats all folks, I really don't have anything to say, and I don't wanna make this long. Oh, if you've noticed, I'm changing the theme to Naruto for a few weeks. I'll change is maybe back to Bleach later. |
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Monday, May 9, 2005
That was AWESOME!
TIME WRITEN: 7:32am, Monday
MOOD: Happy
Man, the Contender was wicked last night! Anthony was kicking Jesse's ass, but I wanted Jesse to win. Last round, Jesse can ONLY win with a knockout. BAM! Uppercut, then a right hook, Anthony went down! Jesse knocked him down! WHOA! But he got up, then Jesse just wailed on him, they stopped the fight, and Jesse WON! YEAH! Such an awesome turn of events!
Anyway, I finished drawing a picture of Hiei last night. I'm ganna see how my pictures turn out if I put them on my camera, cause if you will recall, but scanner won't work, for some unknown reason.
Anyway, playing Smugglers Run 2 yesterday. Couldn't beat this god forsaken level! A bunch of them, I would spend hours trying the beat, then I would finally do it. But the police were being unreasonably difficult... and it was just getting stupid. So I threw my controller to the ground, sat in the chair a bit pissed off, but determined to win. Pick up my controller, I had broken the plastic around the right joystick lol. Good thing its MY controller lol.
Anyway, I've really got nothing much else to say, other then we have that heavenly checkerboard cake again! *drools* its SOOOO good! mmmmmmm... Later all, have a great day! Parting pic ^_^
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