TIME: 7:02am, Thursday
My desktop is messed up.... my media icons are all changed now. Read the blue text for my rant on why, and my recent software updates from hell. Most people won’t care, that’s why its at the end.
I enjoyed the Fall Out Boy cd. Yes, there are a lot of cool songs. The first half of it kinda sucks though. Most of those songs are shit, but the other half is really awesome, and reminiscent of the previous album.
For those asking, the banner is for a contest, and thanks to every who is clicking.
I almost had a frustration breakdown yesterday. A lot of stuff needed doing, mostly on the computer side of things. The updates of software were driving me nuts, but was supposedly necessary. People were talking on msn, I was trying to watch something on tv, eat supper, keep my cat from eating my work shirt cause it smelled like cantaloupe, and clean up her puke all over my room afterwards. A co-worker kept calling me, trying to switch a work shift too, then send me to have my head chopped off by telling the boss I need to change shifts, right after I requested time off. After all that, I said something about the War Amps, and my parents are like “well what if you were in an accident and lost an arm....” and I just flipped on them. I was in that mind set of “just leave me the fuck alone. I don’t care about the War Amps, I want to think of what I need to do.” That was my frustration.
So now, everything feels alright. Lost was surprising, and cool. The end sucked, so I hope the next episode isn’t lame like it looks to be. Survivor starts today. Super excited. I think I need a day of just reading shit online or something. No ebay, updates, news, email, nothing, just reading stuff I wanted to read. That will be today if I have no homework or anything. Sounds good.....
Let us discuss Internet Explorer (IE) 7. What a fucked up piece of shit it is. Its so glitchy its disgusting. For starters, forget the idea of ever having your address bar below the menu bar. Rearranging them is out of the questions. Next, it doesn’t fit the screen, so its hard to click drop down menus and such in the toolbars. Third, the background of the browser is messed up, and is transparent when it shouldn’t be.
What good could come from this monster of a failure? Well, there is this thing called full screen view. Its awesome, and displays pages properly (for once). Bad thing, you can’t access your task bar.
The only good of all this is that I don’t even use IE. I upgraded because my computer asked me too. I’ll stay with my baby, FireFox. I love you FireFox. ^_^
Oh, and also, I updated Windows Media Player. That’s really trippy looking. The bad thing is that I can’t use my skins, or I haven’t found out how to yet, and it changed all my media icons to ugly things I can’t easily identify. Regardless, its cool. I don’t use it though. I’m an iTunes whore. I love you iTunes. ^_^ |