Ohh, damn, why do I always hit enter after typing my subject? AHHHH!
Well, yesterday was really fun! After I updated here, and finished playing around with my sk and chips, my friend called, and I was expecting him to cause of last night... meh, just some calling error thing. So, anyways he wanted to know if I wanted to go down to the mall with him, or wherever to check out the Joey yugioh deck his friend gave him, which he was ganna give me! I said I had no bike! Cause I don't!
Smart me, went upstairs asked to use my big bro's and he said yes, I was in bussiness! So now I was able to go down! Anyways, we messed around with yugioh cards, bought lots of candy, and such, then went to my house to play with the sk's.
Seeing he is me "lucky person" meaning whenever he's around, I have great luck, like winning contests, getting things I've wanted, yeah, I was getting and looking for a chip in the sk dump called Kabuto, never told him that, but when ever I would find one, it would be taken already but not this time! I finally got it! I was also looking for buny ears, and found two but couldn't get them, right after he had finished saying, "wouldn't it be funny if you found bunny ears!"
So, it was fun, and be made a deal with my mom that if we went back to the mall on our bikes to get her salad and hog dog buns, that my friend could stay for supper! Ohh, and am I good!
So, right when we went outside, it started to rain lightly, but we went anyways, racing the rain to the mall, and we won! But, once we got all the stuff, it was POURING over the mall!!! So, at one time, like for a few minutes, it stopped, so we took off, and my house is just up over a hill from the mal, so no biggy! We again raced the rain, coming back our way! We never once got wet, and made it back to my house, where it then started to pour, and the salad peeps gave my mom the wrong salad!^_^
And the story continues! After supper, we both built my new yugioh deck, and such, did odd little things. Then my lil bro was in my room, and we were all taslking about funny things, mainly about THAT, we are not a cult! Then we decided to beat him up, so my dad came upstairs and told us to take it outside, in the nice wet grass! HAHAHAHAHEHEHEHE! So, we did that, then invited my big bro out to do that also! It was hilarious, cause he's so weak when we all team up!
After that, my big bro didn't know the shed key was in the shed, and he locked the door. My friends bike was in there to! So, we had to break into our own shed, and we ripped through the lock! Funny eh?! After that he had to go home. But today, we are going down to the drug store to buy the new anime insider!
Sorry its sooo long, it was a fun and HUGE day! At least I broke it up! |