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myOtaku.com: beyblader

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

TIME: 12:08pm, Tuesday

Drew Carey is going to replace Bob Barker on "The Price is Right". Best choice possible.

I shall buy this:

Of course, spending my own money on it would be... well, expensive. But, because I have a vast amount of anime, and a gullible boy at my disposal, I shall use the two to gain the gangsta hat.

I’m renting him my Blue Gender DVDs as well as Gundam Seed and Samurai Champloo, one disc at a time, for $3 a piece. He will sign a contract for damages, and he totally agreed to this. I am a businessperson. Haha. I will have my hat in no time, with no expenses to me.

He thinks I’m silly for wanting it.

Speaking of cool hats, I got Splinter Cell: Double Agent for my GameCube yesterday. I’m uber excited. Oh yeah, and my new MCR hat. Its kickass of course.

Gotta fly good lads a laddys.

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