TIME: 9:03am, Saturday
I had a funny day yesterday.
A local MLA came in to speak at my Political Science class. He was a dick. Total Liberal basher, and I’m Liberal, so it kinda pissed me off. I was going to comment that his views seemed to push aspects of communism, but I figured that would start a riot between us.
Also had a Canadian soldier who has fought in Afghanistan come in for my World Issues class. It was interesting, what’s not seen in the media was told to us, and you learn a lot from those experiences.
Best part was at work.
We were almost closing and my friend spots me outside shaking mats, so he tells me he’ll pick me up at 9, and we’ll go timbitting. Timbitting is hilarious. Buy timbits (tiny donuts, called Robins Eggs if you get them from Duncan Donuts), then chuck them at shit from a car. We went to my old subdivision and did it. Great fun at night, in the rain, with 2 friends. Bought some fireworks, cause I found out I was the legal age to purchase them. Went to a sand pit up the road and set them all off. That was hilarious. Came home, watched Las Vegas.
A strange thing about the purchasing of fireworks is how they write down these codes from every firework bought by everyone. I dunno why. I am assuming that if vandalism is done in the town by fireworks and they find the shell, they can possibly trace it back to the purchaser. In that case, I was the legal owner of them, but my friend paid on his mother’s debit card. Twisted lol. Anyway, we lost 3 of 6 shells at the sand pit, which is private property. Oh well. The rain will destroy the evidence. I just figured it was an odd thing to do, just getting the code numbers, but not the names of the people who buy them. We didn’t destroy anything with them mind you.
So, off today to finish part one of my NGO project. Oh, German Dan hunted me down at noon yesterday and asked to work with me on my project. This fucking rocks. And I told you he’d ask. Haha. A grand partnership.
CoDy |