Hey, thanks for the help with the HTML and such. I'm not ganan do anything today bout my site, cause I'm pissed at alot of things! One being my moms puppy jumped on my rabbit, and keeps hurting him! The other day, the stupid dog cut my rabbits foot! He bleed alot to! I am ganna break his neack soon... I hate him!
My lil bro is just... pissing me off! Being himself!
Yeah, so, I'll just hang round myO for a bit and such. Yesterday wasn't much, had baseball practice, boring, got maybe a game today, if it doesn't rain again, yeah, and my dad bought the Band of Brothers DVD box collection, at a great price!
So, yeah, I'll be of now, laterz!
EDIT: I have to go to baseball.. ahh.. RIGHT NOW! So, sorry, I only got down to the N's on my friends list, I see the rest tonight, or tomorrow!
EDIT: I'm back, baseball is cancelled, wet feild. I'm going to ur sites, and am in a WONDERFUL mood right now! I'm ganna draw a pic, then get to a Zeo request! |