This is the time where anime I've already watched, are playing. SD Gundam, which I watched last night, and an old YGO. So, thats a hour to update. YAEH!
I have a baseball game in a lil bit. Damnit, and that means, I have to tape, One Peice, Shaman King, F Zero, ... I think thats all.... yupers.
I'll watch WHR, Gundam SEED, and Inuyahsa later, when I return from the game, we'll probably lose -_-'
Um..... if you wanna read something good, read the last post, its good. And, I'll give a "I won!" or and "I lost." post when I get home. Also, DBZ isn't on sat. mornings anymore. So, I have to watch it friday. That bites, and I missed most of CBGT this morning to, but I know what happens. Anyway, laters all. |