Thanks everyone for your concern bout me. I'm alot better now. Jst, past few days I've been really conjested and still am, not a cold, just conjested. Anyway, started last night when I had those stomach pains, but they are all gone now ^_^
Anyway, I would've been on sooner, but, right after school I had Junier Achievement, I dunno if I mentioned it to anyone, but its a one year progtram, started tonight, and you get to create a bussiness, make products, run your bussiness and company, and close it down after a year. Those are just the basics, I don't wanna get into the details. Its a huge group thing, there are 40 some members to my company. Anyway, its really amazing, and teaches great bussiness skills, and we have advisers and stuff. I'll update you later. Its from 6:00 to 9:00pm Tuesdays.
So, I found out my science test is tomorrow, not today, and I'm screwed. Yup, we had a review today, I hardly knew anything. But, I'll figure it out, yup. Got math test back, and yes, 100%, after the correction was made where the teacher messed up. New pics will be scanned tomorrow, I gots three ^_^ Thats bout all this post is getting to long, laters peeps. |