To answer some questions from SoulStealer, my lil bro was grounded because he got in trouble in school... again. Also, Adam cannot ban me from myO SS, just because I made another web site that has nothing to do with myO. Now, if I started a massive fight and went cut throat on everyone, yeah. But, I'm not.
Anyway, Seesh, don't tellme crap either. The only person who told me there was a member named CME was a recent member.
To the rest of the comments, I will agree with the fact that I should notify any visiters the CME is not accociated. I shall do that. I thank you all for your helpful suggestions, adn asking to make new banners. When CME thoguht up the name, it was original to her. When I thought up the name, it was original to me. So, if its original to both people, what can you do? Now, because CME Inc. is not anything to do with myO, I will not change it. If it WERE a myO fan club, yes, I would have changed, but itsnot, it is a wolrd wide, web fan club, for anyone.
So, on that note, I don't want to hear anymore bickering, here or anywhere else. I am not going to change anything. It is somethign CME and I can only talk about from here on in. I will also note a PM CME sent me last night tha apparently you all never knew about. Afetr we discussed it, she said I was fine, and then expected no objections to her making her own fan club by her name, and I wiched her luck! So, you see, matters without you were resolved.
I gotta bolt off to school, catch up with this when I get home. |